RASD at LILC: Enhancing Health Literacy

RASD at the Long Island Library Conference 

Enhancing Health Literacy: The Essential Role of Libraries and Librarians
Speakers: Terri Ann Parnell DNP, MA, RN, FAAN
Sponsored by: SCLA RASD Health Concerns, NCLA Health Concerns & LILRC Health Sciences Information Committees
Arranged by: 
Sally Stieglitz & Salvatore J. Filosa
Location: Roosevelt Salon Lower Level   Session I (9am-10am)

Access to clear and actionable information is vital for effective individual health management. Libraries and librarians are essential, trusted community partners that can provide resources to help minimize the gap that exists between individual skills and abilities and the increasing demands and complexities of health care organizations. Health literacy is a precursor to health and is increasingly being viewed through a public health lens with a focus on health promotion and empowerment. Health literacy has been defined as the “degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions”. Health literacy skills are dependent on individual and systemic factors. Partnerships to promote health literacy across professions, organizations and sectors are essential to help address the 88% of American adults with health literacy limitations.