RASD PR & Marketing Committee Meeting: February, 25, 10:00 am

Tired of reinventing the wheel in the age of COVID-19, then join the RASD PR & Marketing Committee for a Zoom meeting on February 25th at 10:00 a.m. as we review the six 2020 library marketing campaigns submitted for the SLMA Award (Suffolk Library Marketing Award). Some are practical with a twist, and others are partnerships that far exceed the expected.

It will be a great way to communicate with fellow library marketers and programmers, while stoking your creativity.

Be sure to bring additional ideas to share. We are also interested to learn what other things you would like the committee to do in 2021. All suggestions appreciated!

Please RSVP to jcarhart@eipl.org so that we can send you a link to the meeting.

Jo-Ann Carhart and Joan Cook – Co-Chairs of the RASD PR & Marketing Committee