Joint CATS TIF & RASD Electronic Resources Committee Meeting: September 8, 9:30am

Librarians and IT staff understand the importance of working together.  With our shared knowledge and experience, we can make our libraries an extraordinary place for our patrons.  The CATS TIF committee and the RASD Electronic Resources committee have come together to present a fun program on Thursday September 8 at the Islip Library (9:30am coffee, 10am meeting.)  No registration necessary.

Librarian Chris DeCristofaro from the Sachem Library will be demonstrating their new 3D scanner – a top recommended brand different from the ones we’ve seen from Makerbot.  You will see incredible results!  Chris has also arranged for a Skype session with Form Labs, a 3D printer company doing very interesting work.

We will finish with a round-table discussion focusing on our commonalities and shared expectations. Bring your ideas for future programs, ideas for children, teens, and inter-generational activities, and how we can encourage and inspire each other.