RASD New Adult Committee Workshop April

The next New Adult Committee meeting will be held on Monday, April 15th at SCLS. Coffee/ tea will be at 9:30 a.m. and the meeting will begin at 10:00 a.m.
Graduate social work interns from the Stony Brook University School of Social Welfare will speak about having social workers in your library.
Please RSVP at: rachelrcecchini@gmail.com
Hope to see you there!
Rachel Cecchini

RASD PR & Marketing Committee Publicity & Measurement Webinar June 6, 10:00 am

Advertising, Publicity, Outreach & Measurement Webinar and Discussion

June 6, SCLA Blue Room, 10-12:00 p.m. Coffee at 9:30

We will watch snippets of a Marketing for Libraries Graduate Seminar and then discuss the ideas and share examples of what we have done in our libraries.

Many thanks,

Jo-Ann Carhart, MLS
Head of Adult Services
Librarian III
East Islip Public Library
381 East Main Street
East Islip, NY 11730
Phone (631) 581-9200 x 5
FAX (631) 581-2245
Co-Chair of the RASD PR & Marketing Committee