Officers & Chairpersons

If you have questions for any of the listed RASD members or committees, please direct them to and we will forward your message to the appropriate person. Thank you!


Patricia Cruz, President
Patchogue-Medford Library

Jessica Brown, Vice President/President Elect
Patchogue-Medford Library

Emma Yohannan, Secretary
Emma S. Clark Memorial Library

Valerie Harrison, Treasurer
Bayport-Blue Point Public Library

Kelly Filippone, Past President

Committee Chairs:

Nicole Berroyer, Career & Business Chair

Nicole Rambo, Emerging Technologies Chair

Karen Sonessa, Health Concerns Chair

Michelle Rung, Health Concerns Co-Chair

James Garvey, Library Marketing Chair

Caren Zatyk, Local History Chair

Mary O’Grady, Local History Co-Chair

Mara Zonderman, Long Island Reads Chair

Amber Gagliardi, M.O.S.A.I.C. Chair/Programs

Lindsay Davis, M.O.S.A.I.C. Co-Chair

Kate Regina, New Adult Chair

Azuree Agnello, Readers’ Advisory Chair

Appointed Positions:

Georgiana O’Neill, Historian

Anastasia Bazilevskaya, Member-at-Large

Jessicca Weber, Membership

Sean Walls, Newsletter (Ramblings)

Meghan Roe-Mesenbourg, Website Administrator