If you have questions for any of the listed RASD members or committees, please direct them to RASDofSCLA1939@gmail.com and we will forward your message to the appropriate person. Thank you!
Patricia Cruz, President
Patchogue-Medford Library
Jessica Brown, Vice President/President Elect
Patchogue-Medford Library
Emma Yohannan, Secretary
Emma S. Clark Memorial Library
Valerie Harrison, Treasurer
Bayport-Blue Point Public Library
Kelly Filippone, Past President
Committee Chairs:
Nicole Berroyer, Career & Business Chair
Nicole Rambo, Emerging Technologies Chair
Karen Sonessa, Health Concerns Chair
Michelle Rung, Health Concerns Co-Chair
James Garvey, Library Marketing Chair
Caren Zatyk, Local History Chair
Mary O’Grady, Local History Co-Chair
Mara Zonderman, Long Island Reads Chair
Amber Gagliardi, M.O.S.A.I.C. Chair/Programs
Lindsay Davis, M.O.S.A.I.C. Co-Chair
Kate Regina, New Adult Chair
Azuree Agnello, Readers’ Advisory Chair
Appointed Positions:
Georgiana O’Neill, Historian
Anastasia Bazilevskaya, Member-at-Large
Jessicca Weber, Membership
Sean Walls, Newsletter (Ramblings)
Meghan Roe-Mesenbourg, Website Administrator