RASD PR & Marketing Committee Meeting: February, 25, 10:00 am

Tired of reinventing the wheel in the age of COVID-19, then join the RASD PR & Marketing Committee for a Zoom meeting on February 25th at 10:00 a.m. as we review the six 2020 library marketing campaigns submitted for the SLMA Award (Suffolk Library Marketing Award). Some are practical with a twist, and others are partnerships that far exceed the expected.

It will be a great way to communicate with fellow library marketers and programmers, while stoking your creativity.

Be sure to bring additional ideas to share. We are also interested to learn what other things you would like the committee to do in 2021. All suggestions appreciated!

Please RSVP to jcarhart@eipl.org so that we can send you a link to the meeting.

Jo-Ann Carhart and Joan Cook – Co-Chairs of the RASD PR & Marketing Committee

RASD New Adult Committee Podcast


The first New Adult Committee podcast is available on several platforms! Follow your favorite to stay updated.

Apple Podcasts
Google Podcasts
Podcast Addict

Remote Programs and Services During the Pandemic

Welcome to the New Adult Committee podcast! In our first episode, we discuss what libraries in Suffolk County, New York are doing to reach “new adults” during the pandemic. Alex, Morgan and Andrew discuss virtual programming and services, social media tips, and much more!



RASD New Adult Committee Survey

Please answer the New Adult Services survey on behalf of your library and let us know what you are doing to reach the population of people in their 20’s and 30’s in your community.

The New Adult Committee (NAC) is a special interest committee under the Reference & Adult Services Division of Suffolk County Library Association. The NAC of Suffolk County is interested in what your library is offering New Adults in your community. New Adults are library patrons in their 20’s + 30’s who have aged out of Teen Services, are in college and grad school, in trade school, new to the work force, business owners, unemployed, starting families, immigrants, BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, or have special needs. New Adults are a wide range of any library’s community population and we are looking for both traditional and non-traditional library programs and services. How are you reaching this population and what are some ideas on how to reach them during a pandemic?