Annual Luncheon: The Annual Luncheon Committee shall be responsible for organizing the Annual Luncheon. Duties will include selecting a venue and confirming a speaker. The President will serve as the Chairperson for this committee.
B.E.S.T. Award: The B.E.S.T. Award Committee shall be responsible for selecting the winner of the B.E.S.T. Award. The Vice President will serve as the Chairperson for this committee.
Nominating: The Nominating Committee shall assemble a slate of Executive Board candidates for presentation to the membership. The Vice President will serve as the Chairperson for this committee.
Professional Development and Programming: The Professional Development and Program Committee will be responsible for planning no less than four meetings each calendar year that support YA librarians in promoting high quality library services. The President will serve as the Chairperson for this committee.
Technology: The Committee shall become involved with innovative projects that encourage and facilitate use of current technology by young adults and young adult librarians. The President will serve as the Chairperson for this committee.