The 2012 SCLA Long Island Library Conference held at the Melville Marriott on Thursday, May 3rd was informative and enlightening.  The Support Staff Division table had a steady stream of visitors during the day who left with information on our division and a beautiful Support Staff Division coffee mug.  SSD also hosted a session at the LILC from 3-4 p.m. entitled, “Wellness in the Workplace is Contagious,” presented by Margaret Marshall of Margaret Marshall Assoc., Inc. (www.margaretmarshallassoc.com).  Margaret was entertaining as she explained how to make wellness a part of our everyday lives at work  – one change at a time.  The audience was very engaged in the presentation, asking questions and sharing their personal experiences.  Margaret’s handouts are available for downloading on the SCLA  Long Island Library Conference website: http://lilc.suffolk.lib.ny.us/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Wellness-in-the-Workplace.pdf

All in all the conference was a wonderful experience!



When: Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Where: Suffolk Cooperative Library System Training Room

Class Time: 2pm – 4pm

Class conducted by Sharper Training Solutions Professional

 Click here to register

No charge for SCLA Support Staff Division members

$10 charge for all non-members of SCLA Support Staff Division

After you reserve your seat all non-member check payments of $10 made out to the Support Staff Division of SCLA must be mailed by May 15, 2012 to:

Cecile Prevete

Mastics-Moriches-Shirley Community Library


The SSD Annual Roundtable was held on March 28, 2012 at the Brentwood Public Library from 1-4 pm.  SSD would like to thank Tom Tarantowicz, Director of the Brentwood Public Library, and staff for the use of the auditorium.  After refreshments, the participants broke up into smaller groups to discuss various issues and topics, such as RFID, scheduling staff, and better communication between departments and colleagues.  Ciel Prevete of the Mastics-Moriches-Shirley Community Library won the beautiful planter full of spring flowers as the raffle winner.  Each attendee went home with a lovely SSD coffee mug and new insight on issues and topics of discussion.  Hope to see you next year!Annual Roundtable Raffle Basket2012 Annual Roundtable



Tuesday, April 10, 2012 is National Library Workers Day (NLWD).  “Libraries Work Because We Do!”

“NLWD is a day for library staff, users, administrators, and Friends groups to recognize the valuable contributions made by all library workers.” 

At http://ala-apa.org/nlwd/ is more information, ways to celebrate the day, PR materials and related links.  Check out the website and celebrate the wonderful Suffolk County library workers!

Also of interest is the ALA Allied Professional Association (ALA-APA).  It is a “companion organization to ALA promoting the mutual professional interests of librarians and other library staff.”  The link is http://ala-apa.org.


When: Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Where: Suffolk Cooperative Library System Training Room

Class Time: 2pm – 4pm

Class conducted by Sharper Training Solutions Professional

 Click here to register

No charge for SCLA Support Staff Division members

$10 charge for all non-members of SCLA Support Staff Division

After you reserve your seat all non-member check payments of $10 made out to the Support Staff Division of SCLA must be mailed by April 17, 2012 to:

Cecile Prevete

Mastics-Moriches-Shirley Community Library


March 28, 2012

1-4 p.m.

Brentwood Public Library


Spring forward with new ideas!

~Share your best practices

~Brainstorm with your colleagues

~Lunch will be provided


Please register in advance for the Roundtable at the registration link below.

You do not need to be a member of SSD to attend.  There is a $5.00 fee for non-members which is refundable if you join SSD prior to the Roundtable.

Non-member registration checks made out to “SSD” should be sent to: 

Ciel Prevete at the Mastics-Moriches-Shirley Community Library.



The Support Staff Division of SCLA is looking for your input!

What topics in the library world would you like to discuss and delve deeper into with your colleagues?

Do you have tips or best practices that you would like to share?

What’s new in technology, programs, benefits, training?

Send us your thoughts and then bring your desire to learn to our next

Annual Roundtable being held on March 28, 2012

from 1-4 pm at the Brentwood Public Library

Send your suggestions by posting a comment below

Check the website regularly for information updates and for the Annual Roundtable registration link


SCLA is working with Habitat for Humanity of Suffolk

The Support Staff Division is collecting items for 2 brothers:

8-years-old and 1-year-old and is asking for your help

in providing items/gift cards for our baskets

Please send your donation to Teri Hatred at SCLS

by Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The SSD donation will be presented

at the SCLA Annual Dinner on Friday, November 18, 2011


On November 2, 2011, the SSD once again hosted hands-on computer trainings: Introduction to EXCEL in the morning and Introduction to PUBLISHER in the afternoon. The training sessions were two hours each and held in the new Training Room at the Suffolk Cooperative Library System.  Both classes were well attended with each participant having access to their own computer for an informative and interactive experience.  Angela, from Sharper Training Solutions, took the groups step-by-step into the workings of Microsoft EXCEL 2007 and Microsoft PUBLISHER 2007 providing the logic and steps behind each function.

The Support Staff Division is planning on continuing the training in the spring, so keep checking back to the website for information.  Feel free to leave a comment suggesting programs you’d like to have scheduled for trainings.  SSD is your Division – here to help you improve your skills and abilities!


On October 12, 2011, the Support Staff Division of SCLA held its Annual Membership Meeting at the West Islip Public Library.  We were very fortunate to have Detective Tom Gabriele and Detective James Crayne from the Suffolk County Police Department Outreach Bureau present their Identity Theft seminar.  The morning was full of timely information on prevention and what to do if you become a victim of this pervasive crime.  The Detectives provided each attendee with a booklet containing all the information from their PowerPoint presentation. They also answered questions from the audience.  I, for one,  left with some great tips to make it more difficult for Identity Thieves to victimize my information.

The winner of the shredder was Linda Guteres from the Longwood Public Library.

SSD would like to thank Director Andrew Hamm and the West Islip Public Library staff for hosting this successful meeting!