Call for Program Proposals – 2018 Long Island Library Conference

Call for Program Proposals – 2018 Long Island Library Conference

The 2018 Long Island Library Conference will be on May 3, 2018 at the Melville Marriot. The Conference Committee invites program proposals on all areas of librarianship. We are especially interested in proposals that align with the 2018 theme, “Together Towards Tomorrow.”

Conference programs should be 60 minutes long, with the anticipation of 45 minutes of content, and 10 minutes of Q&A.

Proposal Evaluation

The Long Island Library Conference Committee will evaluate all proposals submitted by the deadline using the following criteria:

  • Merit and clarity of the 150-word abstract;
  • Completeness of the proposal, particularly having well-developed content and sufficient speakers to address all relevant aspects of the topic;
  • Originality of proposed topic;
  • Diversity of the content and speaker representation;
  • Appropriateness of proposed format with session content; and
  • Completeness of proposal and presenters.

All proposals will be considered in the context of the overall structure of the meeting and availability of time slots for proposed sessions.

Proposal Submission

The deadline for submitting proposals for the 2018 Long Island Library Conference is December 31, 2017.

Use the following LILC Google Form to submit your proposal.

If you have any questions about the proposal process, please contact the 2018 Program Chair, Alexandra Janvey at

Other Important Guidelines

  • INTERNET: Wireless internet will be provided in all program rooms.
  • TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS: The Long Island Library Conference Committee does not make travel arrangements for speakers and presenters. Presenters and/or the sponsors are responsible for making these arrangements.
  • SPEAKER REGISTRATION FEES: Only 2 presenters from each program will receive complimentary registration. These complimentary presenters DO NOT have to register for the conference through the website. Their names will be given directly to registration by the Programs Chair. All other presenters beside the complimentary 2 are required to register for the conference and pay the appropriate registration fee.
  • EQUIPMENT: The Long Island Library Conference Committee will provide internet and things such as projectors, screens, microphones, tables, etc. The committee does not provide laptops. Speakers or sponsors will be required to bring their own laptops.

CATS/TIF Annual Meeting, December 7, 2017, 9:30 a.m.

On December 7th , CATS and TIF will have their Annual Meeting at 9:30 a.m. in the SCLS auditorium. There will be a light breakfast served. Guest speaker Rebecca Stavick from Do Space Omaha will be appearing via video teleconference. She will talk about Do Space, a privately funded public makerspace, successful things they’re doing and will even give a walking tour with their “Dual Robot”. There is no fee to attend.

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