
CATSComputer And Technical Services Division

The Computer and Technical Services (CATS) Division of the Suffolk County Library Association is made up of Clerical, Librarian, Administrative and Computer staff working in the various public, school and special libraries of Suffolk County. We offer many exceptional programs, workshops, and tours, which would be of interest to those involved with all aspects of Technical Services and Computer Services in libraries.

DASLDivision of Academic and Special Libraries

DASL is the Division of Academic and Special Libraries of the Suffolk County Library Association (Long Island, NY). It’s mission is to share information and provide professional development opportunities to librarians in Suffolk County who are active in academic and special libraries.Meetings are held at academic and special libraries throughout Suffolk County. Each December, the committee hosts an annual luncheon that features an invited speaker.

RASDReference and Adult Services Division

The Reference and Adult Services Division (RASD) of the Suffolk County Library Association is responsible for supporting the professional development of adult service librarians. RASD promotes this endeavor through a wide range of committees that concentrate on improving patron services. Through their efforts we provide professional growth, continuing education programs and networking opportunities to develop and improve our profession.

SSDSupport Staff Division

The Support Staff Division (SSD) of SCLA, a Regional Chapter of the New York Library Association, was formed in 2001 with you in mind. It is the goal of the division to unite into one division all of the support staff of Suffolk County libraries. It’s easy to join! Simply indicate the ‘Support Staff Division’ as the main division of interest on your SCLA application.

YASDYoung Adult Services Division

The mission of the Young Adult Services Division (YASD) of the Suffolk County Library Assoication is:

  • To foster the development of the highest standards of library service to and for young adults, grades 6-12.
  • To advocate continuous specialized young adult service to attract and retain patrons through the transition from childhood to adulthood.
  • To provide young adults access to the entire range of library materials and services.
  • To promote active cooperation among schools, community organizations, and public libraries.
  • To provide the means for all young adults to expand the boundaries of their thinking, and to empower them to fulfill their academic, vocational, recreational and emotional needs.
  • To urge all libraries to meet the standards recommended in The Key to the Future: Revised Standards for Youth Services in Public Libraries of New York State, 1994.