Minutes 2015

January 16 / March 20 / April 17 / June 19 / July 17 / September 18 / October 16 / December 18


January 16

Corrected and Approved
SCLA Minutes
Friday, January 16, 2015

IN ATTENDANCE: Laura Panter, Teresa Hunter, Teri Hatred, Michelle Rung, Michele Cayea, Paula Bornstein, Jose-Rodrigo Hernandez, Jennifer Fowler, Jeri Cohen, Kate Regina, Herb Biblo, Megan Sala-James, Cathi Nashak, Jackie Narkiewicz, Michael Buono, Julie DeLaney, Xibe Solis, Bob Johnson, Lauren Bernat

ANNOUNCEMENTS Laura Panter noted that we will have to re-join NCLA.

CALL TO ORDER: Jeri Cohen called the meeting to order at 10:00am. The December 2014 minutes were reviewed and corrected. Cathi Nashak moved to accept the minutes as corrected. Michael Buono seconded the motion. None were opposed. Motion passed.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Laura Panter reported. The Bylaws of all committees will need to be changed and approved by membership to align with NYLA. SCLA & all divisions will need to have this completed by March. There is a need for uniformity across the divisions and the timeline of election will have to change, as NYLA wants our timeline to coincide with theirs. Elections will be announced on June 15, will close on July 15 and winners will be chosen by July 22. Winners will be told on right after July 22, but the formal announcement will still be held at our annual November meeting/dinner. This will keep our original schedule for officer terms intact.

NYLA REPORT: No report.


DASL: Bruce Seger reported. All who attended had a wonderful end of the year luncheon and tour. The tour was at the Three Village Historical Society in Setauket and was followed by a luncheon at the Country House in Stony Brook. Thank you to all who participated. On a separate note, I would like to thank our outgoing President Claudia McGivney for her tireless service. I will present comments at the next meeting, but would like this included for this meeting.

RASD: Megan Sala-James reported. At the January 6 meeting, the RASD Board welcomed Stephen Ingram as the incoming VP/President Elect. Stephen is updating our logo and webpage, and will be helping to address our problem with decreased membership. We had a lengthy discussion about this and our concerns with our steadily diminishing income from dues over the past couple of years. We also welcomed our new Member at Large Tabitha Johnson who is already working on our annual dinner. Our committees are gearing up for the New Year. The CARE and Health Concerns committees are actively seeking new members. Electronic Resources met in December discussing Flipster, Lynda.com, 3D printing and Hoopla. Long Island History Committee announced their next meeting on February 26 at SCCC, which will include a tour of the Holocaust museum; their LI History and Genealogy Programs showcase will be held on April 28 at the Babylon Library. LI Reads announced that Alice Hoffman will be participating in this year’s event. Media met on December 30. 2014 and discussed Media statistics in libraries: Freegal, Hoopla and Roku devices. New Adult invited actual new adults to a meeting and asked them about their views on libraries, as well as the services and programs that they would use/find useful. Programs is working on a joint program for LILC with Nassau’s RASD about resources for job seekers in libraries. Readers Advisory will be meeting on January 22 to discuss sports fiction.

CATS: Xibe Solis reported. The January meeting was held on Wednesday, January 14; it was a technology and information forum at the Quogue Library. The CATS newsletter was just distributed to members. CATS is also working on a presentation for the Long Island Library Conference as well as technology-centered meetings for the year. Bob Johnson reported that membership forms will be available to all at each CATS meeting.

SSD: Teresa Hunter reported. Membership is also a concern for SSD; Teresa Hunter asked for an update on membership statistics.

YASD: Michael Buono reported. YASD held a joint meeting with NAC of RASD on Thursday January 15 at the Nesconset Branch of The Smithtown Library, where 26 librarians viewed and then discussed the documentary Teenage. The documentary established how the teenager of today came about. The discussion noted how the documentary’s themes translate to today’s young and new adults (for example, teens/20-somethings had difficulty finding work during the Great Depression). There will be a second joint meeting with NAC in March at SCLS on transitioning from YA to NA.



ARCHIVES: No report.



CONTINUING EDUCATION: No report. ELSA: Kate Regina reported. There are currently logistics to be worked out within the committee’s membership, as three members have stepped down.


LDA AWARD: Reported by Paula Bornstein. Upcoming Activity Date: February 2 Topic: Distribution of the LDA Award brochures and other publicity (webpage, listserv) Comments: 1. Is there a specific printer to be used for the brochures? 2. LDA needs a set of mailing labels as soon as possible. 3. Unless decided differently, brochures are not being mailed to people with home addresses; therefore, no postage money will be requested. March 23 is the deadline for nominees’ information packets to be received. Board action needed: Vote to approve: Request amount not to exceed $400 to print 2000 copies of the LDA Award brochures. A vote will need to be conducted once Paula has collected a local printer’s pricing of the brochures.

LEGISLATIVE: Samantha Alberts distributed flyers for Advocacy Day; there will be only one bus for the single-day trip on February 25. Space is filling up quickly! The PLDA bus will leave on February 24 and return on February 25. A motion was made to approve the cost of the buses, which will be $1150 (a $150 increase from last year). Jeri Cohen moved to accept the motion. Michael Buono seconded the motion.

LONG ISLAND LIBRARY CONFERENCE: Deidre Goode reported. The committee met at the Melville Marriott on Tuesday, January 13. There was an opportunity to view the renovation plans with the Director of Catering, and walk around to see the changes that are set to begin next week. The plans will allow for a more open area to hold both the associations and the exhibitors on the main floor with the bar section disappearing. It is believed that all attendees will enjoy the changes. The program rooms will remain the same. The process of allocating programs for the conference has begun and the committee hopes to finalize everything at their February meeting.

Registration for attendees is now open. Also the Exhibitors registration and the ability to purchase an ad in the conference brochure can be found on the LILC website at: www.longislandlibraryconference.wordpress.com. Save the Date flyers will be going out shortly on the listservs. All Directors were asked to print and post the Save the Date flyers for staff and the committee looks forward to seeing many familiar faces on May 7.

MEMBERSHIP: Increased over last year’s numbers.

NEWSLETTER: Cathi Nashak reported. Deadline is Friday, January 23, 2015. Cathi Nashak asked that the Division Presidents please introduce themselves. Constant Contact was addressed; the fee-based service has been found not to be useful or necessary any longer. The newsletter can be created in MS Word or Publisher and then directed to the SCLA List-Serv. RASD, YASD agreed not to use it; CATS has not previously used Constant Contact. All Divisions are asked to weigh in.

NOMINATING: Jeri Cohen reported. SCLA is required to adhere to NYLA, thus a call for nominations will go out before the end of February.

POP CON: Registration is open for the Conference; early-bird registration ends March 13. The Long Island Libraries and Pop Culture Conference will be held on April 16, at St. John’s University, Oakdale Campus.





WEB PAGE: There is now a calendar of events available on scla.net. The calendar is listed under the Event page of the NYLA-SCLA page. It is a Google calendar. Any division may add to the calendar with advanced notice by contacting Michelle Rung.


CLASC: No report.

LILRC: A continuing education flyer will go out the week of January 20, 2015 to members, and will encompass programs from January-June. Continuing Education is a strong point for LILRC; all are encouraged to attend programs. In 2014, LILRC began a new series of programs in Human Resources. There will be an additional program in February on resolving conflicts, and a third program later on in 2015. LILRC will be offering training sessions with Sharper Training Solutions on Windows 8.1; a Windows 8 program will be coming soon. Webinars will also be offered; contact Christina at LILRC for more information.

There is talk about sponsoring a bus for the NYLA Conference, which will be held in November in Lake Placid.

The LILRC Annual Meeting will be held in June this year, not the traditional November date.

NCLA: Cathi Nashak reported. The Mentoring Committee has been moved to inactive status. NCLA is currently entering new members. PLDA: Jen Fowler reported. Directors are very enthusiastic to work with SCLA! PLDA Bus is not just for directors, the cost is $50 per person. The Golf Outing will be held at Great River in June; a meeting will be held on January 25 for planning of the Golf Outing.

SCLS: No report.


Bob Johnson reported. He will work on a Networking Night, with the assistance of Jackie Narkiewicz. Laura Panter suggested the Networking Night be moved to April to ensure more people are able to attend. Jennifer Fowler suggested the Networking Night be held at SCLS to keep costs down for attendees.

Michele Cayea reported that the YSS conference will be held in March at the Melville Marriott.

Julie DeLaney reported. Programming for NYLA’s conference in Lake Placid, which will be October 21-24, 2015, is underway. She will be at the February 10 meeting in Albany where programming will be discussed. Julie submitted two proposed programs the week of January 5, 2015; there is an additional program in the works. Lisa Kropp will present a program on early literacy for Public Libraries. Samantha Alberts and other team members will present on Pop Culture and Libraries. Stephen Ingram will present for RASD. There is a possibility that SCLA may co-sponsor with another division; this will be worked out at the February 10 meeting. Final proposals are due by February 28. It should be noted that presenters are never paid, but SCLA will offer travel and accommodations for speakers. Travel expenses will also increase as Lake Placid is farther than last year’s event in Saratgoa. If SCLA provides a bus, a return date will have to be worked out. Julie DeLaney also reported that there are no leftover prizes/giveaways; she asked the Board if they would like to order enough to cover LILC and NYLA.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Jose-Rodrigo Hernandez reported. Buses for the upcoming Advocacy Day will be under budget once PLDA reimburses SCLA (without counting the cost of food). The total cost of the buses will be $3650, with $2100 reimbursement from PLDA.

December Bills reimbursed: Hospitality: $20.79 NYLA: $45 for annual membership renewal Labels for Membership: $29.99

Jose suggested that $175 for the cost of the SCLA website renewal (will cover the next 10 years). Bob Johnson moved to allow for the website renewal at the amount listed. This was seconded by Jackie Narkiewicz.

The total spent by the treasury is $2920.78

OLD BUSINESS: Board members reviewed the By-Laws. Laura Panter requested that all voting members read through the handout and report back; all changes should be approved at the February meeting (with the aim to have them only edited one time). She will email these to all members.

A NYLA logo as well as the SCLA logo will need to be added to all association letterhead.

The Election timeline was passed out.

The Handbook of Committee Charges was also distributed; all chairs are asked to view and then note any changes to descriptions. Jose-Rodrigo Hernandez asked that under the Annual Dinner in the Handbook of Committee Charges, it state “corsages and boutonnieres” instead of just corsages (line 4). LDA needs to include that it is on a rotation with NCLA. Listserv is now under NYLA and does not need to be included.

Jackie Narkiewicz reported that planning for the Bowling Night is now underway; it will be held on a Sunday in March in the early evening. Julie DeLaney suggested that it be a fund-raiser; Jose-Rodrigo Hernandez suggested that the funds support the SCLA Scholarship.

The LI Ducks contacted SCLA about hosting an event; Jackie will contact NCLA, who has an annual event at the stadium, to see if they would like to co-host with SCLA.

NEW BUSINESS: Laura Panter reported that there is supposed to be a Long Range/Marketing Committee but there is no such committee at this time. She asked the membership to suggest this to anyone who has experience in marketing as well as recruiting members. Laura Panter has offered to assist the Chair when s/he is elected.

Jeri Cohen adjourned the meeting at 11:20 a.m.

The date for the February 2015 meeting at SCLS will be Friday, February 20.

Respectfully submitted,
Lauren Bernat,
SCLA Secretary


March 20

Corrected and Approved
SCLA Minutes
Friday, March 20, 2015

SCLS IN ATTENDANCE: Paula Bornstein, Dana Antonucci-Durgan, Julie DeLaney, Bruce Seger, Virginia Antonucci-Gibbons, Michele Cayea, Jose R. Hernandez, Kerrilynn Hurley, Katherine Regina, Lauren Bernat, Jackie Narkiewicz, Megan Sala James, Colleen Hutchens, Salvatore J. Filosa, Cathi Nashak, Christina Rivera, Teri Hatred, Terri Hunter, Michelle Rung, Bob Johnson, Min Liu, Xibe Solis

ANNOUNCEMENTS: CALL TO ORDER: Jackie Narkiewicz called the meeting to order at 10:00am. Board members introduced themselves and their guests. The February 2015 minutes were reviewed and then Bob Johnson voted to approve the minutes and Laura Panter seconded.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Laura Panter reported. Jeremy Johannesen will be coming to Long Island on March 26 for the YSS Conference on March 27. He will be meeting with Directors on Thursday during the day to discuss a way for libraries and their employees to join SCLA. The immediate board is invited to a dinner with Jeremy on Thursday evening; Laura Panter asked the Board for input on the agenda for the meeting. Suggestions included direct access to membership; ways to motivate and increase membership; reimbursement for programs and events; issues with clunky url’s for subpages; an SCLA-specific calendar would be better for extended membership, currently the calendar is for all of New York State. The Bylaws are complete and on the website. The vote will open April 4th; postcards will go out on Monday.

NYLA REPORT: No report.


DASL: Bruce Seger reported. The bylaws have been revamped, many thanks to Laura Panter for her assistance. DASL will sponsor a session at the LILC, featuring James McGrath, a dynamic speaker and author.

RASD: Megan Sala-James reported. RASD is currently working on its slate of officers. Stephen Ingram created a new RASD brochure. Jo-Ann Carhart attended the Heads of Reference meeting on March 13 and spoke about RASD; she also handed out the new RASD brochure and Ingram’s form on how to join SCLA hoping that department heads would encourage staff to join. The Health Concerns Meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 25th at 10am at the Patchogue-Medford Library. The New Adult Committee will hold a joint meeting with YASD on transitioning from YA to NA on Monday, March 23at SCLS. On Wednesday, March 25 there will be a Media Librarians meeting at SCLS at 9:30am. MOSIAC is planning their annual breakfast for May.

CATS: Xibe Solis reported. The Computer Services Divisions Technology Information Forum committee held their Board Meeting on March 11th. At this meeting they finally approved the changes to include NYLA in the constitution. Our Technology and Information Forum was cancelled due to snow. Eileen DeSimone resigned as Treasurer. We are currently working on the Long Island Library Conference where Nick Tanzi, Bob Johnson and Stephen Ingram will be presenting “The Digital Service Conundrum.” CATS voted to set aside $500 for travel expenses for this program to be presented at NYLA. The next Board meeting will be at SCLS on April 8, 2015. The CATS Treasurer had to resign; James Matias will fill in for this position.

SSD: Teresa Hunter reported. The SSD Annual Roundtable was held on March 11, 2015 at the Brentwood Public Library from 12-3 pm. Neva Hacker of Suffolk BOCES EAP presented “Awkward Moments” which dealt with how to handle awkward moments with patrons and co-workers. The discussion was very lively and enlightening. The program would work well for individual libraries as well for all staff members. SSD sent out its call for nominations via email. We’ve have some interest already. Is it possible to receive a monthly updated membership list from NYLA that will include the hidden members as well? There also needs to be a better way to pay for programming and expenses. Members should not be expected to lay out their own funds – some don’t have it to spare.

YASD: No report.


ANNUAL DINNER: Michele Cayea reported. Michele is looking at venues for the Annual Dinner in November 2015. Possible venue locations, including a return to Villa Lombardi’s, as well as available budget for favors were discussed.

ARCHIVES: Beth Gates reported. The archives are up to date. Please send any materials you would like added to the Archives to Beth Gates at Rogers Memorial Library for consideration.


COMMUNITY SERVICE: Jackie Narkiewicz reported. St. Anne’s Roman Catholic Church will allow Jackie and 9-12 people to be on standby for their soup kitchen and clothing and toys on May 9th; please contact Jackie if you are available and would like to volunteer.

CONTINUING EDUCATION: Teresa Hatred reported. All attendance sheets submitted to date have been entered into the database. Several requests for reports have been fulfilled.

ELSA: Kate Regina reported. The first meeting of the 2015 ELSA committee will be on Thursday, April 30 at SCLS. Committee members will be folding, stuffing and labeling pamphlets, fliers and envelopes to send to library directors and other SCLA members.


LDA AWARD: Paula Bornstein reported. The deadline for submission for LDA Award Packets has been extended to March 31. More applicants are wanted! If any SCLA Board members know of a worthy individual, please contact Paula Bornstein.

LEGISLATIVE: Samantha Alberts reported. Speak Up for NYS Library Aid – Negotiations Happening Now. Please visit the NYLA website and send an email in support for library aid if you have not already done so. https://www.nyla.org Select the Advocacy Tab and then “Contact your local officials.” Save the Date: The Legislative Breakfast for Suffolk will be held September 18th at the Comsewogue Public Library, More details will be forthcoming.

LONG ISLAND LIBRARY CONFERENCE: Deidre Goode reported. The LILC committee is continuing to work with the Melville Marriott to finalize the layout for the Association and Exhibit tables. The Marriott began their renovation last month instead of December 2014. It now seems that the internal renovation will not be completed by May 7, 2015 as was previously expected. Please don’t worry, the conference is still expected to be a wonderful day for the 700+ expected attendees. You can REGISTER and view all the PROGRAMS that will be held during the conference on our web page: www.longislandlibraryconference.wordpress.com. Flyers will be going out to each library in both Nassau and Suffolk counties next week. Be on the look out for the flyers and encourage all staff members to attend this year’s conference for an opportunity to network with fellow colleagues and participate in programs that will provide information on topics that matter to you.

LONG RANGE PLANNING/MARKETING: Peter Ward reported. A 5-year plan has been drafted, which includes gathering information on membership and membership statistics; draft of potential objectives; achieving positive membership growths and be able to see and make projections on membership figures; actively promote the value of SCLA membership.

MEMBERSHIP: Lauren Bernat reported. Membership has increased over last month, but is still lower than Fall 2014. An email was set out to SCLA & LI-Lib listservs regarding membership (benefits & importance of membership, step-by-step instructions for joining/renewing). Also, Stephen Ingram shared with me his visual step-by-step instructions for joining/renewing; Stephen is happy to share these with all.

NEWSLETTER: Cathi Nashak reported. The next newsletter report deadline is April 24; all divisions are asked to send in something. This newsletter will be printed prior to the Long Island Library Conference, and will feature events and programs through August.

NOMINATING: Jeri Cohen reported. The slate is finished, though if any additional candidates would like to run there is still a small window of time available. RASD & SSD are currently working on their slate; all must be reported and complete by the SCLA April Board Meeting, as there will not be a May board meeting.

POP CON: Dawn Wing reported. LI PopCon is happening Thurs., April 16, 2015. Thus far, there are approximately 120 people registered for the event. That leaves about 50 spots left for registration. In addition to keynote speaker, Raina Telgemeier, author of “Drama” and “Smile,” we have about 30 guest presenters. To cover speaker fees, catering and other expenses which will come out to be approx.. $8,000, NYLA’s treasurer Galina T., can cut checks directly to speakers/businesses and transfer funds directly to NCLA or SCLA. Total Costs covered by NCLA: Printing, Website, Books to sell = $670 Expected Approx. Income from Conference: From Registration: $9320 – $663 (fee to NYLA)= $8657 From Books= $812 These figures were provided by NCLA PopCon chair and main event organizer, Laura Giunta. SCLA, thus far, has covered the $250 deposit for Lessing’s Catering at St. John’s in Oakdale. Dawn has been in contact with Treasurer Jose to see how SCLA will be reimbursed for that amount from registration funds through NYLA.

SCHOLARSHIP: Teresa Hatred reported. Teresa Hatred is finalizing the details of the Grand Prize for the raffle: A limo wine tour of the East End Wineries. The prize will be the cost of the limo ($500), plus a basket of cheer and a Restaurant.com card. The winner will make all other arrangements with the vendor. The prize never expires so this can be utilized in the summer. SCLA will pay $500 and the vendor is adding the balance of $100 plus the basket of cheer and Restaurant.com card. Teresa Hatred will get the most up to date membership count in the beginning of September and then will order raffle tickets based on that list. There are envelopes left over from last year since I bought in bulk. She would like to rent the raffle drum again which cost $25.00 plus tax last year. Board action needed and suggested wording of motion: Motion to approve the $540 to secure the limo grand prize and raffle drum rental.

STATISTICAL SURVEY: No report as Rona Dressler has resigned. PLDA will work on this.

STUDENT OUTREACH: Lisa Kropp will be working on a handout.


WEB PAGE: Michelle Rung reported. All is up to date. Committee chairs are asked to please give Michelle information for the calendars.


CLASC: Peggy Lopez reported. The CLASC Annual Membership Dinner meeting will take place on Thursday, April 23, 2015, at the Three Village Inn in Stony Brook. All are welcome to attend. Check out our website – http://clascincorg.blogspot.com/ – for information on how to register. The next NEW BOOK FORUM will meet on Wednesday, March. This will include a group discussion of Coretta Scott King Award-winning author Sharon Draper’s Stella by Starlight. Members are encouraged to bring a new children’s title that has impressed you to flashtalk to the group.

LILRC: Min Liu reported. LILRC will be having more continuing education programs, all are welcome to attend. “Creative Marketing” will be held at the Merrick Library on March 27. “APPsense Makes the Patrons Grow Fonder: Mobile Resources in the Health Sciences,” a webinar, will be on Tuesday, April 14 from 11am-12:30pm at the Farmingdale Public Library. Those unable to attend may utilize the on-demand viewing feature for a limited time after 4/14/15. “Speaking to Impress: Public Speaking Skills for Librarians and Archivists” will be held at the Farmingdale Public Library on Friday, April 24 from 10am to Noon. The “Workplace Conflict Resolution Workshop” will be held on Friday, May 1, 2015 at the Brentwood Public Library from 10am-12:15pm. “Embedded and Empowered: Making an Impact with Embedded Librarianship” will be held on Friday, May 29 from 10am-5pm at the Farmingdale Public Library. The LILRC Annual Meeting will be held on June 16; LILRC is seeking 2 public libraries who are offering exciting services/programs to present. The Middle Country Public Library won the Movers & Shakers Award. The Computers in Libraries Conference will be held April 27-29 in Washington D.C. Those interested in attending may receive a discount through LILRC. Virginia Antonucci-Gibbons reported. The Archives Conference will be held on October 29th at the Woodlands in Woodbury, NY. LILRC will celebrate its 50th anniversary in April 2016. A gala is being planned, and volunteers are welcome to assist. NCLA: Min Liu reported. A charter bus with enthusiastic NCLA supporters joined SCLA members and others from New York State in Albany for Library Advocacy Day on February 25. Many NCLA Divisions and Committees will be sponsoring programs at the 2015 Long Island Library Conference. Applications for the Intellectual Freedom Committee Eleventh Annual “Freedom to Read Essay and Art Contest” are being accepted until April 1. The theme is “Pick an Important Action Taken by a Character in a Story or Movie. What would YOU have done? Why? The Reference and Adult Services Division is hosting a Tech Update Panel Presentation on March 31. Nassau Directors PAC Committee are hosting “Nassau PAC” on May 21, 2015 at the Carlyle at the Palace, Plainview, NY at 6:00pm. The theme is “Night at the Races,” and will be filled with special prizes, gifts and a chance to win a cash prize. There will be passed d’oeuvres, a full sit-down dinner and a cash bar. The Nassau Legislative Breakfast will be held at the Elmont Public Library on September 25, 2015. PLDA: Neely McCahey reported for Jennifer Fowler. The Networking Night flyer is finished and will soon be sent out to all members. The PLDA Board has approved the payment of $100.00 towards refreshments for the Networking Night booked at Babylon Library for Thursday, April 23, 2015, 6-8pm. The general consensus of the Directors present at the PLDA meeting on March 10, 2015 is that the Statistical Survey is a valuable tool for administrators. The PLDA Board will encourage all Directors to participate in the Survey if SCLA decides to continue on with it. The PLDA Board is sympathetic to the fact that SCLA/NYLA membership is low. While the PLDA Board will need more information about it, they are interested in participating in the Ambassador Program with SCLA. PLDA also recognizes the need for more widespread information/marketing of how to join SCLA. Additionally, it was mentioned at PLDA meeting, that there has been some confusion about how to obtain Organizational Membership to NYLA and how that relates to SCLA membership. While appreciative of the information, the PLDA Board is not interested in having a speaker from Dignity Memorial (as suggested by past SCLA President, Jackie Narkiewicz) speak at a meeting this time about discounted services through NYLA. On April 22 at 10:30am, Patchogue-Medford Library and PLDA are sponsoring a program on Library Sustainability at SCLS. Rebekkah Smith Aldrich (MLS, LEED AP, CSBA), and guest speaker Matthew Bollerman will discuss how by infusing the core value of sustainability – in every area of operations and planning, not just through building facilities – library leaders can develop partnerships and messages that will positively impact the future of our libraries and the communities that they serve. By the end of this event participants will: 1) Understand the obstacles facing libraries to get the word out about our importance and value 2) Learn how to take a “whole systems approach” to leading their libraries into the future. 3) Receive practical examples of how other libraries are thinking sustainably This program is geared towards anyone who has an interest in the future of libraries. Please register at http://calendar.suffolknet.org/

SCLS: Samantha Alberts reported. SCLS will be doing some work on the bathrooms in the next week. We hope to have them ready for SCLS Outreach Services. SEE FOR YOURSELF 2015: An Assistive Technology and Resource Fair for People who are Blind or Visually Impaired on Friday, May 15th from 10:00am to 4:00pm. This event is open to staff and the public. The 3rd Annual Information Mingle will be held on Wednesday, March 25, 2015. This will be a single session, beginning at 9:30am. Subjects will include Music, Law, RA for Teen and Discovery Series. Brush-up on some important research subjects with county subject specialists. Each subject specialist will provide attendees with 25 minutes of useful information and tips in their subject specialty. This program is the perfect refresher for seasoned reference librarians or a great introduction to specific subjects for those new to the profession.

MEMBERS AT LARGE: Julie DeLaney reported. All program proposals for the NYLA conference have been submitted. SCLA is sponsoring 3 programs and co-sponsoring 4 others. At the beginning of April, Julie will have and be able to double check the program lists from the Director of NYLA; the final drafts will be due April 15. The conference brochure should be out in June. One of the speakers for the Coaching & Mentoring program has changed; she is from the same library as the other speaker. There will be a conference call on Wednesday, March 25 about the Cont. Ed. Programs that will happen at the NYLA conference. NYLA’s Director knows that Julie DeLaney will be unable to attend due to a prior commitment. Robert Johnson reported. PLDA’s partnering with SCLA is sure to make Networking Night a great event! PLDA will cover any food not donated by Blue Moon. Jen Fowler is setting up a list of speakers which will include local library directors. Many thanks to Neely McCahey of the Babylon Public Library for hosting! Cathi Nashak reported. Cathi Nashak proposed several items for giveaways and a raffle at the SCLA Booth at the 2015 LILC. Jackie Narkiewicz and Michele Cayea volunteered to assist. There may be a permanent budget line for giveaways beginning in 2016.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Jose Hernandez reported. Over the past three months, revenues have continued to outpace expenses due to increased membership dues and Revenues from the Long Island Library Conference. For the month of Feb 28, 2015, revenues came to $9007.25. $8,280.25 of that money is coming from the Long Island Library Conference. There are just two things to keep in mind when looking at these numbers. 1) SCLA and NCLA share profits of the Library Conference 50/50 2) NYLA charges a processing fee for each credit card transaction, which is standard to all credit processing companies. Last year that fee came to $2692.40. 3) Expenses will be coming soon. Last year expenses came to $70,967.79. So far, expenses are at 5,458.67. At the end of March last year, expenses were at 7,676.58. Expenses for the month came to 1205.25, primarily from the legislative budget and the professional fees budget. Revenues outpaced Expenses by $7806.00. The closing balance of the SCLA account is $20,198.17. For the Fiscal Year to date that began on July 1st, 2014, expenses have currently outpaced revenues by $5433.26. Join NYLA. Motions for funding were requested to be tabled until the end of Jose’s report. Also, specific budget lines for all annual expenses were proposed as a way to ensure that the budget can support the traditional fees each year. Teri Hatred made a motion for the cost of the limo and the raffle basket for the Scholarship fund not to exceed $540; Jackie Narkiewicz seconded the motion. Cathi Nashak requested that the budget for the LILC/NYLA conferences giveaways not exceed $1000; Bob Johnson made a motion to approve this, and Megan Sala-James seconded this motion. All present, voting Board members were in favor of both motions.

OLD BUSINESS: Jackie Narkiewicz reported. Bowling Night will be held on June 5th from 7:30-10:30pm; pizza and soda will be included in the entry fee. The cost will be $20/person.

NEW BUSINESS: A possible fee for non-members attending SCLA events was discussed. This will only be for meetings where there is a paid speaker. The meeting was adjourned at 12:09pm by Jackie Narkiewicz.

Respectfully submitted,
Lauren Bernat,
SCLA Secretary


April 17, 2015

Corrected and Approved
SCLA Minutes
Friday, April 17, 2015

IN ATTENDANCE: Laura Panter, Jeri Cohen, Lauren Bernat, Jose-Rodrigo Hernandez, Katherine Regina, Bob Johnson, Michele Cayea, Teri Hatred, Michelle Rung, Bruce Seger, Michael Buono, Todd Schlitt, Kevin McCoy, Peter P. Ward, Teresa Hunter, Jenn Fowler, Julie DeLaney

ANNOUNCEMENTS: There were no announcements made.

CALL TO ORDER: Jeri Cohen, Vice President/President Elect called the meeting to order at 10:06am. The March 2015 minutes were reviewed and then Jeri Cohen made a motion to accept the minutes and Bob Johnson seconded the motion.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Laura Panter reported. The meeting with NYLA went well.
1-NYLA will make a tutorial video for how to join & why it is beneficial
2-NYLA has looked into holding the NYLA Conference on Long Island, but no venue is large enough to host. We have decided to look into Westchester County and other closer options.
3- Division Presidents will be given access to membership lists.
4-NYLA will look to get a new member list each quarter.
5-Membership Chair Lauren Bernat and I will be working on an email that can be sent to all new & returning members, listing all of the benefits which are accessible with their membership.
6-We would like Division President input & consider a division email as well for specific items of interest to that member. Joint institutional membership will let libraries pay for a specific number of memberships & dole them out to staff. The amount of money/income is not less and will increase our membership. There were approximately 600 SCLA members before the merge with NYLA, so if all divisions encouraged a few to join, we could see our past membership statistics. Bob Johnson volunteered to create a page that would house NYLA’s ‘join’ video and Stephen Ingram’s visual document on how to join SCLA/NYLA. Kevin McCoy will forward a list of former members so that the Membership Chair may contact them.
1-No straight answer on long reimbursements.
2-Think one month in advance for having checks cut. You will need invoices, receipts and a NYLA RR form. W-9 forms will be needed for speakers.
3-Scholarship: NYLA can order gift cards for us in advance, pay for it and then send the giftcard to the requestor. (As per Jeremy Johannesen, 3/26/15)
1-NYLA will not invest money to update their website at this time.
2-Currently, we can customize the subpage inside space, but the sidebars stay set. We can look into WordPress or other free sites, and have our site “dropped into” the NYLA pages (look at SSL, which does this).
3-Jeremy is interested in having Divisions change their pages over to the NYLA site. Feedback is encouraged.
4-Jeremy can work with Michelle to create a bypass that will only list SCLA events registration and not registration for all NYLA events. Laura Panter asked Michelle Rung to work on this. Todd Schlitt will ask at the next NYLA meeting on May 7, if there is a limit to the amount of storage/space available to SCLA on the NYLA page.
Treasurer Jose Hernandez and I would like to set up a meeting after the June meeting for Division Presidents & Division Treasurers for Budget Creation. This meeting will be mandatory!

NYLA REPORT: Todd Schlitt reported. The 2015-16 Budget draft was sent out, and will be voted on at the May 7, 2015 meeting. Todd will report this information at the June SCLA meeting so that the SCLA President and Division Presidents can plan accordingly.


DASL: Bruce Seger reported. DASL will meet at noon on Friday, April 17 at SCLS. He also noted that DASL is sponsoring a session at the Long Island Library Conference featuring author James McGrath Morris.

RASD: No report.

CATS: Bob Johnson reported for Xibe Solis. The Computer Services Divisions Technology Information Forum committee held their Board Meeting on April 8th. At this meeting we finished our ballot for the next year. Our Technology and Information Forum was held at the South Country Library on April 2, and was well attended. The topic was communication between tech and staff. We are currently working on the CATS presentation for the Long Island Library Conference, where Nick Tanzi, Bob Johnson and Stephen Ingram will be presenting “The Digital Service Conundrum.” We will be raffling off an iPad at the conference and giving out pens/styluses at our table. Our next Board meeting will be at SCLS on May 13, 2015.

SSD: Teresa Hunter reported. SSD is happy to share a table with NCLA’s SSD at the Long Island Library Conference; Teresa believes that this will help to foster a positive working relationship between the two. SSD will be raffling off tickets to the SCLA Annual Dinner at the Long Island Library Conference. Regarding fees, SSD requests to have their own fee structure to accommodate their members. SSD also suggests allowing attendees to forgo a fee for a paid program if they register for SCLA on the spot. SSD is creating a membership welcoming kit; this may be copied for all divisions/committees.

YASD: Michael Buono reported. YASD held a joint meeting with the New Adult Committee of RASD on Monday, March 23 at SCLS. The meeting was on the transition from YA to NA; members left with copies of the Graduation Packets intended for both teen and adult librarians. The packets are intended to be living documents, and will be available to all in an online format soon, and then sent out to the list-serv. The intended audience is the 18-30 age range, but could be beneficial to patrons of all ages. YASD is sponsoring a session at the Long Island Library Conference; a speaker from the Hope House will address handling difficult topics with teen patrons.


ANNUAL DINNER: Michele Cayea reported. Michele has narrowed the event down to the intended date of Thursday, November 19 at either the Irish Coffee Pub in East Islip or Villa Lombardis in Holbrook. More information will be reported at the June meeting.

ARCHIVES: Beth Gates reported. The archives are up to date. Please send any materials you would like to archive to her at Rogers Memorial Library.



CONTINUING EDUCATION: Teri Hatred reported. All attendance sheets submitted to date have been entered into the database. All requested reports have been satisfied.

ELSA: Katherine Regina reported. The April 30 meeting will be held at SCLS; the flyers are already printed.

INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM: Kevin McCoy reported. There will be a joint SCLA/NCLA Intellectual Freedom session focusing on censorship at the Long Island Library Conference.

LDA AWARD: Paula Bornstein reported. Committee members for NCLA are: Catherine Baratta, Lynn Vitek, and Stacy Farley. Committee members for SCLA are: Bruce Silverstein, Gus Isaksson, and Eileen Feynman. They were asked to return their ballots to me by Monday, April 20th. Paula will then contact the winner’s representative to announce the results and find out if the winner wants to bring a guest to the luncheon. Paula also will notify Andrew Ippolito, the sponsor of the award and Arthur Friedman, the presenter, about the winner. Paula will order and pick up the plaque for the winner. LDA will have speaker Art Friedman represent them at the Long Island Library Conference on May 7, 2015.


LONG ISLAND LIBRARY CONFERENCE: Deidre Goode reported. The LILC members met at the Melville Marriott on Tuesday, April 7 to finalize plans for the upcoming conference on May 7th. We were able to sample the three entries which will include; Salmon, Chicken Marsala, and Vegetarian Pasta Primavera along with string bean, roasted potatoes, Fresh field green and fresh fruit salads with platters of cookies, brownies, and pastries for dessert. Are you hungry yet? We have some raffles that you are going to want to participate in: $250 gift certificate to the Montauk Yacht Club Resort & Marina in East Hampton. Two unlimited access passes to the Metropolitan Museum of Art that will be featuring a Van Gogh exhibit beginning in May. Along with $100 to go towards a New York City lunch. Two free Registration passes for the 2016 Long Island Library Conference The raffles will be a part of your welcome bag, but you must make sure to fill out and submit your free raffle ticket in our bowl before the luncheon. Drawings will take place at 2:00pm. Although the Marriott will have some areas blocked off, there will be no construction going on during our conference. We will have 12 volunteers with reflective blue vests to help direct the attendees and clear signs to guide everyone to their destinations. Physical flyers were distributed to all Directors in both Nassau and Suffolk county libraries two weeks ago. I ask that Directors share the flyer with your staff and support those who want to attend. If your Director has not posted the flyer, please inquire. A lot of hard work went into planning this upcoming wonderful conference for our colleagues and the committee and I look forward to seeing you all at the conference.

LONG RANGE PLANNING/MARKETING: Peter P. Ward reported. Peter brought a draft of the Long Range Planning document. The following additions/changes will be made to the document: budgeting control, making connections with library schools (Goal #5), communicating a clear benefits package for members (Goal #2), Advocacy to “library staff” not just librarians and government officials (Goal #6). The draft will be updated and completed for the June 2015 meeting.

MEMBERSHIP: Lauren Bernat reported. Several Division presidents are still unable to login to NYLA to check their members; she will check on this with NYLA. We are still awaiting NYLA’s response about their database and our unlisted SCLA members. As of March 2015, there are 470 active SCLA members. While membership continues to increase at a slow rate, Lauren Bernat and the SCLA Voting Board will continue to address the decline in membership, encourage membership by reaching out to former and potential new members, and note the benefit of membership to all.

NEWSLETTER: Cathi Nashak reported. Newsletter submissions are due in by April 24, 2015. NOMINATING: Jeri Cohen reported. All divisions are finished with their slates, but none have been submitted. For each candidate, please have a 3-5 sentence biography, and a headshot is encouraged. The deadline is May 1, 2015.

POP CON: Dawn Wing reported. LI Pop Con was held on Thursday, April 16, 2015 and was a successful, well-attended event. Four hours of continuing education were awarded to each attendee, and many raffle prizes were given away to attendees.

SCHOLARSHIP: Teri Hatred reported. Please be aware that you must be an SCLA member for three (3) months to be eligible to apply for the Scholarship Award and the Continuing Education Award for Support Staff. Request forms for the award packets are available on the SCLA website. Deadlines for applying are September 1, 2015 for the Scholarship Award and October 1, 2015 for the Continuing Education Award for Support Staff. Jenn Fowler suggested adding the monetary amounts to the scholarship flyers to increase awareness of the benefits of the scholarship. Teri will address this in the 2015 flyer.

STATISTICAL SURVEY: PLDA wants this to be continued, and will complete reports in a timely manner. Laura Panter appointed Peter Paul Ward to be chair of this; he will work closely with Rona Dressler to have the report completed and sent out to the directors of Suffolk County libraries.

STUDENT OUTREACH: Lisa Kropp reported. She shared membership forms with St. John’s University and Pratt Institute, and will be sending the form next week to Queens College and LIU. Lisa is currently working on updating the four brochures that used to be sent out in membership packets to the schools, and will have this ready for a September “back to school” SCLA campaign and will include Suffolk Community College as well as Dowling and Stony Brook. The brochures need the NYLA tagline and logo along with some minor updating of info (like the children’s civil service exam). Lisa will be meeting with the new Youth Services faculty member at Queens College next week, and will talk to her about SCLA membership and give her forms to bring back to the campus.


WEB PAGE: Michelle Rung reported. All bylaws have been posted, and there is a note about the open vote. Michelle may post all events for committees and divisions; events may also be posted on the NYLA page.


CLASC: Peggy Lopez reported. The CLASC Annual Membership Dinner meeting with guest speaker Leonard Marcus will take place on Thursday, April 23, 2015, at the Three Village Inn in Stony Brook. All are welcome to attend. Check out our website – http://clascincorg.blogspot.com/ – for information on how to register and/or renew your CLASC membership.

LILRC: Min Liu reported. NYLA will reimburse 50% of the cost of the bus that will take SCLA and NCLA members to the NYLA Conference. The bus will leave Wednesday morning and return on Saturday afternoon after 1pm. There will be two pick-up locations: SCLS and exit 49 on the LIE. The bus will have to be filled in order to run. LILRC will hold its Annual Membership meeting on June 16 at the Farmingdale Public Library; this will be a free event. The keynote speaker will be Mary Lee Kennedy, who is the Chief Library Officer of the NYPL. .2 CEU credits will be awarded to attendees. There will also be 3 lightning rounds. The 20th Annual Archives Month Conference will be held on Friday, October 9. The 24th Annual LILRC Conference on Libraries & the Future: “Changing Faces, Changing Spaces: Design Thinking, Demographics and Diversity,” will be held on Thursday & Friday, October 22 & 23. Other upcoming trainings include: “Speak to Impress” on 4/24; “The Principles and Practices of Archival Processing for the Non-Archivist: Session III” on 4/29; “Workplace Conflict Resolution Workshop” on 5/1; “Hands-On Processing of an Archival Collection” on 5/13; “Embedded and Empowered: Making an Impact with Embedded Librarianship” on 5/29; Intermediate and Advanced WordPress on 6/12. Min asked that a motion be made for the following expenses: $250 for the 2015 Annual Conference, $250 for the Archives Conference, $250 for the Long Island reception at the NYLA conference. Laura Panter made a motion to approve the expenses, and Teri Hunter seconded this motion. NCLA: Min Liu reported. This year’s NCLA Annual Dinner will be held on Thursday, November 12, 2015, from 6:00pm-10:00pm at The Sterling, 3454 Hicksville Road, Bethpage, NY. The price is $45 for NCLA member and $55 for non-member. A new Emerging Librarians’ Committee has formed under NCLA. A group of librarians approached NCLA after they had been having meetings and sharing job information in informal settings. This is NCLA’s 26th committee. The Academic and Special Libraries Division hosted an evening lecture at LIU Post on Thursday, April 2. Terry Ballard presented the lecture, “A City of Treasures: The Making of 50 Special Libraries in New York City”. The Retirees Committee has a full slate of programs, trips, and workshops scheduled for 2015. The committee is continuing the series from last year: “Long Island: Precious Gems and Not-So-Hidden Treasures”. Bobbi Benigno, committee chair, encourages members to stay connected with NCLA through the Retirees Committee. The First Annual Long Island Libraries and Pop Culture Conference was on Thursday, April 16. Congratulations and thank you to the conference committee members and sponsors NCLA, SCLA and St. John’s University Division of Library and Information Science. NCLA Division and Committees are getting ready for the 2015 Long Island Library Conference with sponsored programs and tables in the associations room. The Nassau Legislative Breakfast will be held on Friday, September 25 at the Elmont Public Library. PLDA: Jenn Fowler reported. The PLDA-Patchogue Medford Library sponsored Library Sustainability program will be held on Wednesday, April 22 at SCLS. All are welcome. PLDA is also glad to be co-sponsoring with SCLA on Networking Night. Jenn will create a handout of a biography of some directors and some SCLA Board Members who will be in attendance. PLDA will look into a membership benefits packet. On April 22 at 10:30, Patchogue-Medford Library and PLDA are sponsoring a program on Library Sustainability at SCLS. Rebekkah Smith Aldrich (MLS, LEED AP, CSBA), and guest speaker Matthew Bollerman discuss how by infusing the core value of sustainability – in every area of operations and planning, not just through building facilities – library leaders can develop partnerships and messages that will positively impact the future of our libraries and the communities that they serve. By the end of this event participants will: 1) Understand the obstacles facing libraries to get the word out about our importance and value 2) Learn how to take a “whole systems approach” to leading their libraries into the future. 3) Receive practical examples of how other libraries are thinking sustainably This program is geared towards anyone who has an interest in the future of libraries. Please register at http://calendar.suffolknet.org/ Speaker: Rebekkah Smith Aldrich (MLS, LEED AP, CSBA) is a passionate advocate for public libraries because she knows that library stakeholders build community, improve lives and can affect positive change in our world. Rebekkah currently serves as the Coordinator for Library Sustainability at the Mid-Hudson Library System (NY) where she daily assists 66 public libraries in the areas of leadership, funding and facilities. Named a Library Journal Mover & Shaker, Rebekkah is a frequent national presenter on the topic of leading libraries forward. Rebekkah is the author of the Handbook for New Public Library Directors in New York State, a founding member of the American Library Association’s Sustainability Roundtable, a past-president of the Leadership & Management Section of the New York Library Association (NYLA), a former NYLA Councilor-at-Large and a current member of the NYLA Legislative Committee. SCLS: MEMBERS AT LARGE: Julie DeLaney reported. The SCLA programs have been verified for the NYLA conference from the Annual Conference Committee. Julie has until April 22 to review the details and send back any corrections or changes. The conference brochure will be printed in May and mailed in June. Julie hopes to have a confirmation of all of the programs so that they can be presented and promoted at the Long Island Library Conference on May 7, 2015. Bob Johnson reported. All is set for the April 23 Networking Night at the Babylon Public Library.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Jose-Rogrigo Hernandez reported. Revenues outpaced expenses by $13,635. That’s $15021.00 in revenues mostly coming from the trade show income at the LILC and 1386 in expenses, coming from the ELSA printing, SCLA Legislative Committee and the SCLA LI Library Conference. I want to reiterate that we share these revenues with NCLA, so you can take this money and halve it to get a slightly better picture of what revenues we can work with moving forward. From dues, we received $1723 which is exclusively SCLA funds, those funds went to fund divisions for the 2nd quarter. If you have not received your second quarter division funds from NYLA, please let me know. On March 24th, I spoke to Galina about making lines for each individual committee to get a better picture of what our expenses run on a fiscal year. Short term it’s a way to get a better handle of expenses through the year, long term it’ll be a better way to forecast expenses over 5 and 10 year periods. Jose spoke to the LILC Treasurer Chair about forecasting her incomes and expenses, she cannot give me a definitive number on what our profits will be, but they are not paying for a Speaker, which is a large expense that will not have to be incurred by NCLA/SCLA. Sarah Vowell’s Honorarium last year was 4,000$.
Expenses to be paid:
SCLA Hospitality – 11.36
SCLA.NET Renewal – 220.93
LILRC Conference Libraries and Future – 250
Archives Conference – 250
Opening Reception – 250
Favors for SCLA – $913.03
Total Expenses – 1895.32
If you have not received your treasurer report, or if there has been a change in your treasurer within a fiscal year, please let Jose know. Please note that any expense over $500 can be charged on NYLA’s credit card. The monthly treasurer’s report will be added to the SCLA Board’s monthly reminder email.

OLD BUSINESS: Laura Panter reported. The following changes were made to the Handbook of Committees: -PLDA-Statistical Survey (We will need a new Chair) -Student Outreach -Community Service Regarding Division Workshop Fee Charging, SCLA President Laura Panter asked the board to discuss the following options with their Board: A-Decision from your Boards B-Creating a guidelines page for all divisions on a sliding scale speaker fee C-Consider a 25% differential between members & non-members All divisions/committees must have SCLA Membership forms available at all meetings, as well as Scholarship flyers; please speak to Teri Hatred for copies. Bob Johnson noted that an increase in membership among CATS members happened when more beneficial programs were being offered for free. He suggested this as an alternative to charging attendance fees to non-members. Jackie Narkiewicz reported. Massage Envy donated a one hour massage for the SCLA Raffle Basket! Jackie will put in bath bubbles, a bath poof, a bunch of lotions and shower gels from Sonia Kashuk (a Target-brand makeup line) and candles. If anyone would like to give stuff for this basket, please send it in the bag. A staff member at the Copiague Public Library will put everything together in a nice basket and make it look pretty. The Bowling Night venue is booked and Jackie will have flyers sent out to all next week. Please start practicing so we can beat NCLA! Cathi Nashak reported. She received a confirmation from Favor Warehouse regarding the wineglasses. The order is for 500 total, with 250 each for the Long Island Library Conference and the New York Library Conference. The cost of the glasses, with tax and shipping, totals $913.03.

NEW BUSINESS: Laura Panter reported. Laura Panter and Lauren Bernat will attend the July PLDA meeting, to encourage a membership push.

The meeting was adjourned by Jeri Cohen at 12:06pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lauren Bernat,

SCLA Secretary


June 19

Corrected and Approved
SCLA Minutes
Friday, June 19, 2015

IN ATTENDANCE: Laura Panter, Jeri Cohen, Lauren Bernat, Jackie Narkiewicz, Justine Berretta, Stefanie Gangone, Peter Ward, Jose Hernandez, Todd Schlitt, Jennifer Rocco, Teri Hatred, Paula Bornstein, Megan Sala-James, Min Liu, Julie DeLaney, Michelle Rung, Michele Cayea, Bruce Seger, Kate Regina, Michael Buono, Herb Biblo, Terri Hunter, Bob Johnson

CALL TO ORDER:   Jeri Cohen called the meeting to order at 10:01am. The May 2015 minutes were reviewed and corrected. Bob Johnson moved to accept the minutes as corrected. Megan Sala-James seconded the motion. None were opposed. Motion passed.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Director Matt Bollerman of PLDA, SCLA & NYLA, addressed the SCLA Board regarding the Sustainability Initiative Retreat, which grew from the 2014 NYLA Resolution on the Importance of Sustainable Libraries. This recognized the need to promote the role libraries can play in larger community conversations about resiliency, climate change, and a sustainable future for the communities that New York libraries serve. The September retreat is invite-only, and once completed, will offer goals and a set structure for willing libraries and their communities with which to participate. Mr. Bollerman hopes that SCLA will offer support in financial and action after the September 2015 retreat.
It was also announced that the PLDA Golf Outing will be held on Thursday, September 24 and all are welcome to attend.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Laura Panter reported. NYLA Executive Director Jeremey Johannesen is currently working on a membership video explaining the benefits and how to join, which should be ready as of the July Board Meeting.
Ms. Panter reported that reimbursements are not reaching NYLA in a timely manner and this is causing the backup of reimbursement to board members. From now on, NYLA will include time stamped photocopies to help keep track of the length of time for reimbursement. Terri Hunter suggested that SCLA be allowed to keep $200 in petty cash, which Ms. Panter and Treasurer Jose Hernandez will look into.
The NYLA budget passed, as well as SCLA’s bylaws vote. All divisions may now post their changes to their bylaws.
The President asked Michelle Rung to inquire into the storage space available to see if Divisions should migrate from websites to NYLA-SCLA (nyla.org/scla).
A special meeting will be held in October to determine if, starting in 2016, there will be a charge to non-members for meetings.

NYLA REPORT: Todd Schlitt reported. The NYLA FY2015-2016 Operating Budget was approved unanimously at the May 7 NYLA Council Meeting. Also approved at the meeting: PLS 2P2A Initiative (Path for Professional Association Advancement Project)
This initiative is designed to connect emerging NYLA members with new and incoming members to put them on a path toward greater participation, and thereby strengthening the association.
A copy of the report is attached.


DASL: Bruce Seger reported. DASL had a wonderful speaker and turnout for the Long Island Library Conference, as well as a good return on their raffle. Their next meeting will be at 1pm after the SCLA Board Meeting.

RASD:  Megan Sala-James reported. RASD held its June meeting at SCCC’s Huntington Library with a tour of the Holocaust museum. Libraries can borrow items to set up a temporary display of their own.  SCCC has an annual art exhibit “Embracing our Differences” open to students, professionals and amateurs of all ages. The art work is made into large banners that are displayed in the fall. Previous years banners can be borrowed for display by libraries. The large banners are hung from free standing 3 sided frames the smaller ones are 4ftx 5ft and can be hung on walls.  At this meeting we all heard about the passing of Deborah Cunningham. Joann Carhart is writing an article commemorating her for the RASD newsletter – if you want to share a story or memory please send it to her.
The RASD Board is very pleased with the feedback we received for our shared program with Nassau RASD at the LILC Assisting Job Seekers on the Front Line.
The LI history Committee was not able to do a trip this year but will be planning one hopefully for next year their next meeting will be on Sept 17 @SCLS.
Electronic Resources Committee had an interactive webinar with Library Aware to discuss how to best use the product to promote databases. Ellen Druda posted a link to the recorded webinar on the listserv on June 16.
MOSAIC had a very successful annual breakfast on May 19 with speaker Silvana Diaz, publisher of Noticia, about her mission to educate and inform the Hispanic community.
Going forward we are preparing for our Annual dinner – please hold the date –  September 30. Tabitha Johnson will be sending out fliers with all the details.

CATS:  Xibe Solis reported. The Computer and Technical Services Division’s Technology Information Forum committee held their Board Meeting on June 10th. At this meeting we discussed future programs and ways to promote the benefits of being a CATS member. Our Technology and Information Forum was attended by 28 members and held at the Northport Public Library.
We are currently working on a tour of the Brookhaven National Lab for October, and a Technical Services Realia program at the Middle Country public Library  on September 17th. Our next Board meeting will be at SCLS on September 9, 2015.

SSD:  Terri Hunter reported. SSD was very pleased with their program at the Long Island Library Conference, the reception was great from library staff, and has already lead to several programs featuring the Red Cross in public libraries across Long Island. SSD offered a training session on Microsoft Excel on June 8th, and the SSD Board meeting was held on June 10th. There will be two more Microsoft programs in the Fall. A membership meeting will be held on October 28th, where new members will receive welcome kits and a ticket to the SCLA Annual Dinner will be raffled off.

YASD:  Micheal Buono reported. YASD held and participated in several events this Spring: the Fran Romer workshop in April featured graphic novelist Laura Lee Gulledge; YASD again participated in Authors Unlimited at St. Joseph’s College; Michael Chiappone, Adjunct Lecturer at Stony Brook University School of Social Welfare, gave a presentation at the Long Island Library Conference regarding tough topics and teens.
There will be no June meeting.
YASD is looking into offering a ‘summer escape’ event for its members.


ANNUAL DINNER:  Michele Cayea reported. The Annual Dinner will be held on Thursday, November 19th at Villa Lombardi’s in Holbrook. Michele is currently working on a contract with a DJ.

ARCHIVES: Beth Gates reported. The archives are up to date. Please send any new materials you would like added to the archives to Beth Gates at Rogers Memorial Library for consideration.



CONTINUING EDUCATION: Teresa Hatred reported. All attendance sheets submitted to date have been entered into the database.

ELSA:  Kate Regina reported. Committee members folded all ELSA Award fliers. Those to be delivered through system were labeled and handed off. Director Packets and mailed pamphlets were later put together and sent out to Suffolk County Library directors, none-library connected members, and academic/special libraries. Additional posters will be dispensed next year.


LDA AWARD:  Paula Bornstein reported. The LDA award was presented to Judy Willner, Director of Sachem Library, by Art Friedman at the Long Island Library Conference. A letter requesting payment for the purchase of the LDA Award plaque was recently sent to Andrew Ippolito, sponsor of the award. The plaque cost $125.00. Ms. Bornstein previously wrote a check to Supreme Trophies for this amount when she picked up the plaque in May. Once Mr. Ippolito’s check arrives and is deposited, she will submit paperwork for reimbursement.
Part of the LDA Award is a free year’s membership to SCLA.

LEGISLATIVE:    No report.


LONG RANGE PLANNING:   Peter Ward asked the Board to review the Long Range Plan. Jeri Cohen made a motion to approve the plan, and Bob Johnson seconded this motion. Approved unanimously. The Long Range Plan will now be posted to the SCLA page.

MEMBERSHIP: Lauren Bernat reported. The May SCLA Membership report shows a small increase over April’s membership; this may be related to the Long Island Library Conference. Kevin McCoy also sent Lauren Bernat membership directories from 2009-2013, which can be used to reach out to former SCLA members.
The NYLA Membership Council is working on elevator speeches for each division, which offers quick information and reasons why to join NYLA [and SCLA]. This will be shared with the Board when approved by Shawn McConnell, the head of NYLA’s Membership Committee.
Michael Buono suggested looking into a 5-year membership option.

NEWSLETTER:  Cathi Nashak has stepped down from this position as she took a new job in a Nassau County Library. Jennifer Rocco of Brookhaven Free Library will now be in charge of the newsletter for 2015.
Jennifer Rocco reported. She will be accepting submissions for the newsletter through July 20th. Please report anything about the Legislative Breakfast and any Fall events.

NOMINATING:  Jeri Cohen reported. The ballot is up, please vote! The candidates’ biography is also on the SCLA page on NYLA. An automated email from NYLA went out to all members, and the SCLA Board will shortly send an email out via the listserv to members regarding the vote. Voting ends on Wednesday, July 15th.  Secretary Lauren Bernat will send out an email to members explaining the vote, in addition to the automated message emailed to members via the NYLA-SCLA webpage.

POP CON:   Stefanie Gangone and Justine Berretta reported. The committee will continue to assist with LI Pop Con, but would like to change its name to the “Fandom Outreach Committee,” as there are other events outside of Pop Con that the committee can work with. The committee would like to promote fandom(s), libraries and what libraries can do for these fandom groups.
The committee will participate in a Star Wars event at the Lake Grove Barnes and Noble on July 18th. The committee will host a workshop and participate on panels at the LI Con, held at the Clarion Hotel in Ronkonkoma  from August 14-16th.
Jackie Narkiewicz made a motion to approve up to $200 in expenses for LI Con; Julie DeLaney seconded. Approved unanimously.
Laura Panter made a motion to change Pop Con to Fandom Outreach Committee, with Bob Johnson seconding the motion.  Approved unanimously.

SCHOLARSHIP:  Teri Hatred reported. Applications are now being accepted for both scholarship awards. The deadline for the SCLA Scholarship award is September 1, 2015. The Continuing Education Award for Library Support Staff deadline is October 1, 2015.

STATISTICAL SURVEY: Peter Ward reported. The Statistical Survey will be printed and available digitally. Jeri Cohen and Michael Buono will look into having an intern digitize past surveys beginning in Fall 2015.


SUFFOLK COUNTY JAILS LIBRARY SERVICE:  Valerie Lewis reported. SCLS Outreach Services continues to provide both donated and purchased books to the two county jail facilities. Books are purchased each year for two facilities, and for the Youth Tier Library Program.
Public Libraries throughout Suffolk County donate paperback books that are also delivered to each of the jails. Amounts vary, but some months there are as many as 4 boxes of books delivered to each location.
Donated books are also being collected and delivered for the Veterans of Beacon House. Beacon House is houses homeless veterans and their families. The books for this location can include hardcover books (along with the paperbacks). These books are delivered to the Bay Shore Library and then picked up by a Beacon House representative.
If you have questions or would like to donate books for the county jails or the Veterans of Beacon House, please contact Valerie Lewis, Administrator of Outreach Services for the Suffolk Cooperative Library System. 631-286-1600, x1354 or valerie@suffolknet.org

WEB PAGE: Michelle Rung reported. The bio link for all 2016 SCLA Board and Division Candidates is now posted. An archival page is in progress, which will house old budgets and copies of the Statistical Survey.  This information can be password protected; Michelle Rung will also look into storage capability and a registration page for only SCLA events.


CLASC:  No report.

LILRC:  Min Liu reported. The annual meeting was held on Tuesday, June 16 at the Farmingdale Public Library with 100 in attendance. The keynote speaker was Mary Lee Kennedy, Chief Library Officer at New York Public Library, and the program included 4 lightning round sessions. The 2016 Annual Meeting will also be held in June.
There will only be 49 seats on the Bus Trip to Lake Placid for the NYLA Conference. Register today! The cost is $60 per person, which was subsidized by NYLA; the seat is non-refundable but can be transferred.
The LILRC Fall Continuing Education brochure will out in July, and will feature trainings from July to December. These programs will include topics like Dreamweaver, Word Press, data tools and the U.S. Census.

NCLA:  Min Liu reported. The Children’s Services Division held a continuing education program on April 27th. The Embedded and Empowered: Making an Impact with Embedded Librarianship program was held on May 29th. There will not be a Board meeting in July or August.
A new liaison is needed for SCLA, from September through December 2015.

PLDA:  No report.

SCLS: No report.


Julie DeLaney reported. All conference programs for the 2015 NYLA Conference have been submitted for the brochure. Conference brochures will be out soon. Julie has received all but one of the Speaker Arrangements. The next steps in planning are any special arrangements, room monitors and our booth assignment. Room monitors will be needed!
There was a flyer at the LILC meeting promoting the programs. If there is any event coming up that anyone would like the flyer for, Julie can send it via email.
Budget Question: What was the price for the giveaways that this budget line is responsible for? Jose Hernandez noted that it was $455.
At the next meeting, Julie should have a better idea what the cost of the NYLA conference will be.

Bob Johnson reported. Networking Night was a successful event, many thanks to Jenn Fowler and Neely McCahey for their assistance; PLDA will be donating $100 to cover the cost of the food. Networking Night will be moved to March in 2016.
Bob Johnson and Jenn Fowler are working on welcome packets for new SCLA members. Lauren Bernat and Jeri Cohen will also assist in these. A demo packet includes the following listed below, and is intended only for new members, not renewing members.

The most recent SCLA newsletter
Welcome statement from the board detailing what SCLA is all about
Division and committee list (leaders and contacts to get involved)
List of upcoming committee meetings (Electronic Resources, TIF, etc…)
Bio sheet on board members
Upcoming major programs
Volunteer sheet for programs and LILC (what can you do and where)
Special announcements (scholarship program / habitat for humanity involvement reminder)
Membership renewal instructions (to make sure current members do not expire)
Refer a colleague for membership form

If a new member refers a colleague, he or she will be entitled to attend one free program.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Jose Hernandez reported. June 30, 2015 is the end of NYLA’s fiscal year. All reimbursement forms are due as soon as possible. The April 2015 Income Statement may be missing several items, as expenses and incomes may be recorded later. As of the most current records, the closing balance for April 30, 2015 was $48,579.31. Please see attached sheet for itemized transactions.

Jackie Narkiewicz made a motion to allot $300 for the Sustainability Initiative; Megan Sala-James seconded this motion. Approved unanimously.

OLD BUSINESS:  Jeri Cohen submitted the “Why Join SCLA” brochure for review by the Board.

Jackie Narkiewicz reported that Bowling Night was a successful event, drawing in 40 SCLA and NCLA members. These attendees led to $140 donated for the SCLA Scholarship.

NEW BUSINESS:  Laura Panter reported. Treasurer reports will be posted to our website, and password protected.

The meeting was adjourned by Jeri Cohen at 12:10pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Lauren Bernat,
SCLA Secretary


July 17

Uncorrected and Unapproved
SCLA Minutes
Friday, July 17, 2015

IN ATTENDANCE: Jeri Cohen, Lauren Bernat, Laura Panter, Michelle Rung, Peter P. Ward, Jose Hernandez, Jennifer Rocco, Virginia Antonucci-Gibbons, Julie DeLaney, Teri Hatred, Xibe Solis, Herb Biblo

CALL TO ORDER: Jeri Cohen called the meeting to order at 10:01am. The June 2015 minutes were reviewed and corrected. Jose Hernandez moved to accept the minutes as corrected. Jeri Cohen seconded the motion. None were opposed. Motion passed.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Laura Panter reported. The results of the 2016 Vote are in, and are listed below. Voting participation is up from year’s past.

2016 SCLA Executive Board: Vice President/President Elect Jose-Rodrigo Hernandez; Treasurer Jackie Dunn; Secretary Theresa Owens; Member-at-Large Lissetty Thomas and Bob Johnson.

2016 CATS Board: Vice President/President Chris DeCristofaro; Treasurer Stephen Burg; Secretary Lisa Bitran; Members at Large Debbie Antolini, Min Liu, Bob Johnson, James Hansen, Paul Zukowski, Mary O’Grady, James Matias and Dominic Iadicco

2016 RASD Board: Vice President/President Lauren Bernat; Secretary Michelle Rung

2016 SSD Board: Vice President/President Teresa Hatred; Treasurer Alana Jagnanan; Secretary Aileen Clark; Members at Large Roni Rauch and Marsha Greenspan

2016 YASD Board: Vice President/President Casey Fehn; Treasurer Deborah Hempe; Secretary Dana Amarosa; Member at Large: Teen Talk Katie Fais; Member at Large Victoria Urbelis

PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Laura Panter reported. Laura Panter is still awaiting response from NYLA Executive Director Jeremy Johannesen regarding the tutorial video, and the possibility for a paternship SCLA-PLDA Membership.

There will be a mandatory meeting for all Division Presidents & Vice Presidents at 12pm following the October 2015 SCLA Executive Board Meeting on what divisions will charge for non-members for meetings. All Division Heads will be notified.

NYLA REPORT: Todd Schlitt reported by email. Please direct all NYLA questions to Todd for answers and follow-up at the September SCLA meeting. Regarding the upcoming PLDA Golf Outing, please note that it is the responsibility of ALL Board members to spread the word and make sure everyone knows it’s not just an event for Directors.


DASL: No report.

RASD: No report.

CATS: Xibe Solis reported. There are no CATS meetings from June through August. The next Board meeting will be held on September 9. A Tech Support meeting on Realia will be held on September 17; a meeting will be held at Brookhaven National Lab in October 2015.

SSD:& Teri Hatred reported. The SSD Board met on July 16. A logo contest is underway, and a new logo will be chosen on September 9. This new logo will be used for t-shirts for a new member welcome packet.

The SSD Annual Meeting will be held on October 28 at 12pm at the Brentwood Public Library. The topic will be on Identity Theft. The meeting will begin with an ice-breaker craft, followed by lunch and the presentation.

YASD:  No report.


ANNUAL DINNER:  Michele Cayea reported. Michele contacted our DJ-East End Entertainment about the increase in price. Last year we paid $475 and this year we were quoted at $575.  The DJ said we were given a special price for the first time we booked, but agreed to meet in the middle at a price of $525 for the event. The owner promised to come himself and provide the same level of service he did last year.   A new contract is being sent out.

ARCHIVES: Beth Gates reported by email. The archives are up to date. Please send any new materials you would like added to the archives to Beth Gates at Rogers Memorial Library for consideration.


COMMUNITY SERVICE: Kim Zettwoch reported by email. Kim Zettwoch has decided to step down as chair of the SCLA Community Service Committee. The next big, upcoming events that need to be planned are the Toys for Tots drive and Habitat for Humanity drive for the Fall SCLA dinner. There had been discussion of changing from Habitat for Humanity to Adopt-a-Family instead. All contact information for Toys for Tots can be found on the organization’s website. If the new chair continues on with Habitat, the contact is Les Scheinfeld, les@habitatsuffolk.org.

CONTINUING EDUCATION: Teresa Hatred reported. All attendance sheets submitted to date have been entered into the database.

Updated Attendance Sheets were sent to Michelle Rung to upload to the SCLA website.

BOCES Employees Assistance Program will be contacting the Department of Library Development to request accreditation of several workshops in its catalog that pertain to library functions.

ELSA:  No report.

FANDOM OUTREACH COMMITTEE:  Laura Panter reported on behalf of Stefanie Gangone. The adjusted handbook will be up by the end of August.


LDA AWARD:  No report.

LEGISLATIVE:  Samantha Alberts reported. Preparations for the Legislative Breakfast are currently underway. The breakfast will be held at the Comsewogue Public Library on September 18, 2015. Invitations will go out shortly.

For the breakfast, $1,000 is requested. Laura Panter made a motion to approve the funds requested. Jeri Cohen seconded this motion. None were opposed. Motion passed.

Please also save the dates for the PLDA fundraiser on 9/24/15, and Advocacy Day on 3/2/16.


LONG RANGE PLANNING: Peter P. Ward reported. The Long Range Plan has been posted to the webpage!

MEMBERSHIP: Lauren Bernat reported. Membership seems to be holding steady for June. Currently, NYLA Membership Chairs across the state are working on copies of an Elevator Speech relevant to their division or section. Once approved by NYLA Public Libraries Section Membership Committee Chairperson Shawn McConnell, and SCLA Board President Laura Panter, the SCLA Elevator Speech will be available to all Board members. The hope is that the elevator speech will succinctly demonstrate the benefits of NYLA and SCLA membership to potential SCLA members.

NEWSLETTER:  Jennifer Rocco reported. The newsletter will be published the first week of August. Several submissions have yet to be provided.

NOMINATING: No report.

SCHOLARSHIPTeresa Hatred reported. Teresa Hatred received the invoice for the Grand Prize Limo Wine Tour and forwarded it on to NYLA.  Once the vendor receives the payment she will pick up the gift basket, restaurant.com card and gift certificate for the limo tour.

Teresa has received several pairs of theater tickets for raffles, and will also have MAC cosmetics, a lottery ticket wheel, and movie tickets as prizes.

Teresa will get the most up to date membership count in the beginning of September and then will order raffle tickets based on that list.  She will have envelopes left over from last year since I bought in bulk.

If the Annual Dinner venue doesn’t have a raffle drum, she would like to rent the raffle drum again which cost $25.00 plus tax last year.

STATISTICAL SURVEY: Peter P. Ward reported. This will go out to Directors the week of July 20. A digitizing committee will be formed, with a plan of action to be set by September.

STUDENT OUTREACH: Lisa Kropp reported by email. The updated student brochures will be ready to be sent out to local colleges with DLIS departments by September. The brochures will also be available for the NYLA Conference, if the SCLA Executive Board would like to send them to NYLA.


WEB PAGE:    Michelle Rung reported. The web page is up to date. A by-pass page, for paid SCLA events, is still in the works with NYLA. A password protected page for treasurer reports will be updated annually. This will be viewable by Division Presidents, Vice Presidents, Treasurers and the SCLA Executive Board; only the webmaster will be able to upload documents. Laura Panter will create the list of 2015  may have view-only access. Regarding storage, space is not an issue.


CLASC:  Peggy Lopez reported by email. Historian and critic Leonard Marcus will offer a Literary Walking Tour through Greenwich Village on Saturday, September 19 at 11am; rain date will be Sunday, September 20. This event is free for CLASC members, and $20 for non-members. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Caitlin Sempowich, csempowich@cshlibrary.org/631-692-5719 x305 by 8/30/15.

LILRC:  Herb Biblo reported. The Legislative Breakfast on September 18 is crucial to the health of libraries, please encourage all to attend.

There is a bus scheduled to bring NYLA conference attendees to Lake Placid, please register soon!

The 20th Annual Archives Conference will be held on October 9th at the Woodlands. The topic will focus on Archives then and now. Beverley Tyler of the Three Village Historical Society will be among the speakers.

The Annual Conference on Libraries of the Future will take place on November 15 & 16.

Continuing Education programs from July through December are now posted.

Virginia Anotnucci-Gibbons reported that the digital program is being transferred to NY Heritage. Please contact Virginia to be part of the New York State Digital Archives.

LILRC is planning a gala event for Spring 2016 to celebrate its anniversary; details to follow!

NCLA: No report.

PLDA:  Jen Fowler reported by email. PLDA met on Wednesday, July 15, 2015. It was discussed that SCLA President Laura Panter may request to be added to the agenda for the upcoming September 2, 2015 meeting, to address membership.

PLDA/SCLA Liaison Jen Fowler is working with Bob Johnson on creating the Welcome Packet for new SCLA Members, with along with Jeri Cohen and Lauren Bernat.

SCLS: No report.


Bob Johnson reported by email. Work on the Welcome Packet is progressing, with the intention of having it ready to be distributed to new members by September.

Julie DeLaney reported. Registration for the NYLA Annual Conference is underway, and the Conference Booklet is available. Julie is waiting on just one speaker agreement. All speakers are responsible for booking their own hotel rooms. Expenses have not yet been confirmed.

Three room monitors will be needed, 1 for each program.

Ribbons are still missing; Julie will look into affordable replacements.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Jose Hernandez reported.

Division Funds have been disbursed to individual Divisions’ accounts:

500.20 – SSD
400.80 – RASD
400.60 – CATS
400.30 – DASL
401.28 – YASD
Expenses came in May 31st at a loss, as the Expenses from the Long Island Library Conference came in and was posted to our SCLA Account. I’ve communicated to Galina to let me know when the account will close so that the funds can be transferred to NCLA as soon as possible.

Profits from LI Pop Con has been transferred to NCLA.

OLD BUSINESS:  Laura Panter reported. Laura Panter asked for the status of the Welcome Packets.

The Handbook changes for the Pop Con Chair will be ready by August.

Statistical Survey: status of project work for digitizing records.

NEW BUSINESS:  Laura Panter reported.

A new chair will be needed for the Community Service position.

Transition statements for all changing positons will be required for the December 2015 meeting; Vice President/President Elect Jeri Cohen will send this out after Laura Panter shares a template with her. These statements will include duties, expectations, past accomplishments and projected achievements.

As former Member-at-Large Cathi Nashak had to resign, and Lissetty Thomas has been voted in for 2016, Laura Panter recommended that Ms. Thomas be invited to attend Board Meetings beginning in September 2015.

The meeting was adjourned by Jeri Cohen at 11:03am.

Respectfully submitted,
Lauren Bernat,
SCLA Secretary


September 18

Corrected and Approved SCLA Minutes
Friday, September 18, 2015
Comsewogue Public Library
IN ATTENDANCE: Michael Buono, Michele Cayea, Virginia Antonucci-Gibbons, Megan Sala-James, Julie DeLaney, Bob Johnson, Min Liu, Teri Hatred, Terri Hunter, Jose Hernandez, Laura Panter, Jeri Cohen, Michelle Rung, Todd Schlitt, Lauren Bernat

CALL TO ORDER: Jeri Cohen called the meeting to order at 10:26am. The July 2015 minutes were reviewed and corrected. Jeri Cohen moved to accept the minutes as corrected. Virginia Antonucci-Gibbons seconded the motion. None were opposed. Motion passed.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Todd Schlitt reported. The previously approved NYLA bylaws have been updated. Copies of the document are available. Additionally, Todd Schlitt asks the voting board members to consider a donation to the capital campaign for NYLA’s 125th anniversary. Campaign details are available at the following web address: https://www.nyla.org/max/4DCGI/donate/capital.html?menukey=membership NYLA is hoping to raise $125,000; $1,000 for each of NYLA’s years. Sections are asked to contribute 10% of available funds. While this is a large amount, the head of the NYLA Council sees this as contributions to the future financial stability of the organization. This endeavor will be incredibly beneficial to all the sections, our membership, and libraries in New York. Todd Schlitt further stated that NYLA is asking individuals and sections to donate what they can; the money will go to programming and trainings for members. NYLA hopes to receive all pledges for donations by October 21, 2015 in time to announce at the annual conference. Jeri Cohen will replace Todd Schlitt on November 1, 2015.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Laura Panter reported. October’s Meeting will have a second meeting afterwards for Division Presidents and Vice Presidents to decide on guidelines for meeting attendance charging and workshop fees. Please come to the meeting prepared with preliminary ideas and guidelines. Ms. Panter is waiting to hear back from NYLA regarding their guidelines and procedures for Board members to consider. Transition Statements will be requested from all changing SCLA Officers, all changing SCLA Division Officers and Committee Chairs, as well as changing SCLA Division Offices. Vice President/President Elect Jeri Cohen will deliver the Transition Templates by email to all. Division Presidents are to adapt this to their needs and give to their boards. Statements are to be completed and brought to the December meeting. These statements should include what was accomplished during the previous year, what is yet to be completed, supporting documents and where applicable, a monthly checklist where applicable, etc.

NYLA REPORT: Todd Schlitt reported. The NYLA New Councilor Orientation was held on Wednesday August 19 at the NYLA offices in Guilderland, NY. The new councilor term begins on October 23. Jeri Cohen reported. Debby Emerson, NYLA President Elect set forth NYLA’s goals for this year: – Review and update of bylaws – Strategic plan update – Definition of roundtable and committees roles; promote understanding and communication. Dormant roundtables and redundancies will be examined. – Increase membership -Increase of technology topics in annual conference – Increase advocacy efforts including at National Library Legislation Day in Washington D.C. NYLA’s structure was reviewed, as were the leadership manual (revision required), bylaws and budget. The NYLA 125 capital campaign will raise money toward the retiring NYLA mortgage, which currently runs $18K yearly. A platform is available to create webinars, for which divisions can charge for attendance and earn revenue. Members can track continuing education credits earned through the NYLA webpage. Please note: Membership dues are not intended to be a hindrance to joining. People can pay a lower amount if the dues are a hardship. Webpage update requests are to be sent to Dana Willbanks: marketing@nyla.org


DASL: No report.

RASD: Megan Sala-James reported by email. RASD will hold its next Board Meeting on October 2, at the Connetquot Library (9:30am coffee/10am meeting). The Electronic Resources Committee met on Sept 10th and discussed the digitization project at PML, Live-brary updates, and the use of part-time computer techs at the public service desks at HHHL (to help with software issues not answering ref questions). The PR & Marketing Committee’s deadline for applications for the SLMA Award (Suffolk Libraries Marketing Award) for public relations campaigns was 9/15/15. The award will be presented at SCLA’s Annual Dinner on November 19, 2015. The New Adult Committee will be meeting on September 21st at the Comsewogue Public Library. The meeting topic is emerging retail technology (9:30am Networking, Meeting will begin at 10am). Save the date for the October meeting, which will be co-hosted by the Fandom Outreach Committee, at the Deer Park Public Library on Monday, October 19. Topic: Be the Con RASD’s Annual dinner is being held on September 30 at the Gallo Restaurant in Patchogue. Early bird registration ended on 9/12 but you can still register up until 9/22 by contacting Tabitha Johnson at NBAB. Speaker is author Kimberly Rae Miller. There are currently 50 registered. The RASD’s annual Breakfast & Health Concerns Presentation will be at SCLS on Wed October 28 at 9am. Breakfast & short meeting from 9 to 10am, followed by a program on PTSD presented by Dr. Keith Shebairo Psychiatrist and Program Director of the PTSD residential unit at Northport VA Medical Center, and Dr. Jenna Jenna L. Taglienti, Assoc. Director of Psychiatry Residency Program at Stony Brook. An online version of the annotated bibliography will be published shortly thereafter. RSVP for either or both the Breakfast and the workshop by Oct 21 to Tabitha Johnson. Rona Dressler is retiring in November; she has been chair of the health concerns committee for many years. The replacement for this position for 2016 will be Sal Filosa from the Port Jefferson Free Library.

CATS: Xibe Solis reported via email. The Computer Services Divisions Technology Information Forum committee held their Board Meeting on September 9th. The September Technology Information Forum (TIF) was at The Smithtown Library with the topic of attracting the 20-and 30-year-old age group to your library. There was also a tour of Smithtown’s Learn Lab. There were 30 attendees. The next meeting will be October 1st at Quogue with the topic of LAN party success. Realia was held at the Middle Country Public on September 16. Several libraries presented their Realia making this very helpful. The CATS Board is working on a Brookhaven National Lab tour for October and Annual meeting in December; CATS will post more information when dates have been finalized. The next Board meeting will be at SCLS on October 14th, 2015.

SSD: Terri Hunter reported. A planning board meeting was held on September 9th; the winner of the logo contest was also selected – the design came from Kelvin at the Brentwood Public Library. Terri Hunter showcased the logo to present board members. Ten people attended the Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint on 9/17. Intermediate Microsoft PowerPoint will be held at SCLS on October 15, 2015 from 2-4pm. The Annual Membership Meeting will be held on October 28, 2015 at the Brentwood Public Library. The topic will be identity theft. The Executive Board Meeting will be held on November 4, 2015 at SCLS starting at 2pm. The Annual Board Meeting and Luncheon will be held on December 9, 2015 at 2pm; location will be announced shortly.

YASD: Michael Buono reported. Two positions are still open after the July 2015 elections; YASD needs to appoint the Member at Large and possibly the Vice President/President Elect. The Annual Luncheon will be held at Taiko 360 in Patchogue on December 17, featuring the author Joe Kelly.


ANNUAL DINNER: Michele Cayea reported. Flyers for the Annual Dinner will go out shortly to the membership. Michele is working on the final payments for the hall, DJ and will design a centerpiece for the tables.

ARCHIVES: Beth Gates reported by email. The archives are up to date. Please send any materials to Beth Gates at Rogers Memorial Library for consideration. Beth Gates will be stepping down as Archives Chair as soon as a replacement can be found for her position. Beth Gates has held this position since 2009.



CONTINUING EDUCATION: Teri Hatred reported. All attendance sheets submitted to date have been entered into the database. Ms. Hatred has not received any attendance sheets for several weeks; she’d like to remind the Divisions to copy and forward any outstanding attendance sheets to her in order to keep the database up-to-date for those members who are submitting certification hours.

ELSA: Kate Regina reported via email. The last of the nominations have been received by August 31; there were five in total. All were processed and copied and sent out to the committee members on September 2nd. The ELSA Committee will be meeting Wednesday, September 23rd to choose the winner. This person’s name will then be given to Jose Hernandez, and Chair Kate Regina will submit a check request for the gift to be included with the award.



LDA AWARD: Paula Bornstein reported by email to say there is no report for this month.

LEGISLATIVE: Samantha Alberts reported via email. There were over 120 library staff plus legislators in attendance at the Legislative Breakfast on September 18, 2015. Many thanks to SCLA for co-sponsoring this event. Samantha Alberts will send pictures from the event to Jen Rocco for the next Newsletter.



MEMBERSHIP: Lauren Bernat reported. Membership numbers held steady for July 2015 with just under 500 members. As of August 2015, SCLA has 530 members. A new membership list per each division will be added to the monthly reports from NYLA beginning in September, and quarterly reports with former/expired members will be released beginning in the near future. NYLA noted that with on-going registration for the annual conference membership statistics are up, but lower due to the conference being in Lake Placid this year. Statistically, memberships will increase when the conference is held at Saratoga, which is accessible to a larger percentage of librarians in the state. NYLA is trying out two initiatives for increasing membership and participation in NYLA and its divisions/sections. The first is that NYLA will highlight roundtables which will coincide with a member’s type on the login screen/in mailings. This will be monitored over a 6 month period, and then reviewed by the Membership Committee to decide if it is an effective tool. Also, a Membership Outreach Reporting Form is available to all to record the number of NYLA/SCLA membership forms filled out at each meeting (membership forms may be filled out and sent to NYLA for bill payment). The form is accessible without passwords or usernames, and may be checked for statistics by the Membership Chair of each section (this will be done by SCLA’s Secretary/Membership Chair from now on). The link will be sent out to all Division Presidents shortly. All Division Presidents, etc. are encouraged to address membership at general-member meetings. To assist with this, please utilize the recently approved Elevator Speech and Rack Card (both are available for Board Members to view and share), as well as the “How to Join” form created by Stephen Ingram. SCLA-NYLA Elevator Speech In 2012, the Suffolk County Library Association or SCLA became a regional chapter of NYLA (New York Library Association), the largest organization advocating on behalf of all libraries and librarians to Albany in New York State. Our alignment with NYLA has helped to increase governmental support. SCLA and NYLA both offer continuing education opportunities for professional development, with discounts available to you as a member. SCLA and NYLA offer networking opportunities with colleagues to create collaborative connections and foster innovative ideas between you and those in the memberships. SCLA also provides job postings and leadership opportunities for members, the latter allows for advancement on upper-level civil service examinations. SCLA and NYLA will continue to work together on increasing the benefits offered to its joint memberships. By joining NYLA and SCLA, you increase libraries’ statewide strength and allow us to increase the benefits we offer members. SCLA-NYLA Rack Card As the premier organization for library professionals in Suffolk County, SCLA provides opportunities to: Earn continuing education credit for professional development and advancement. Participate in leadership positions and network with colleagues to create collaborative connections and foster innovative ideas. Advocate to legislators at the local level to communicate the importance of libraries in our communities. Recognition for dedicated service and excellence in the field of libraries. Please note, contact the Membership Chair should you have any issues publishing to the listserv. Also, all members of the Board should check their membership status; please see Lauren Bernat with any questions. The SCLA Board discussed the possibility of Auto-Renew for members (minus student memberships). Lauren Bernat will speak to NYLA about this and report back.

NEWSLETTER: Jen Rocco reported via email. The SCLA Summer 2015 newsletter was sent out on August 10 to the SCLA member listserv.

NOMINATING: No report. SCHOLARSHIP: Teri Hatred reported. The committee is in the process of determining the winner of the SCLA Scholarship Award. We have two candidates for the award. Committee member votes are due by September 25, 2015. Teri received the gift certificate, Restaurant.com gift card and wine basket from First Glass Wine Tours for the Grand Prize. Teri will be receiving a LI Game Farm Family pack for 12 visits worth $150.00. Teri received the most up to date membership count from NYLA and placed my order for 1000 raffle books. This is 500 less than last year so the total cost came to $236.36. I have submitted for reimbursement of this amount. I will need 5 books of stamps for 97 members that need to be sent raffle books via USPS for a total cost of $49.00. Teri Hatred will not rent a raffle drum as the venue has one. Teri Hatred asked that a motion be made to approve $49 for postage. Megan Sala-James moved to accept the motion. Michael Buono seconded the motion. None were opposed. Motion passed.


STUDENT OUTREACH: Lisa Kropp reported. She is working on brochures for the colleges; she asked that the board choose brochures or bookmarks. The board selected bookmarks.


WEB PAGE: Michelle Rung reported. The website is up to date. Jeremy Johannesen has the list of board members who will have access to the SCLA treasurer reports page. Michelle and Bob Johnson have a few leads on replacements for the position.


CLASC: Lisa Herskowitz reported by email. CLASC hosted a New Book Seminar on September 16 at 10am at Northport-East Northport Public Library. On September 19 CLAS is hosting The Picture Book District: A Children’s Book Walking Tour of Greenwich Village.


NCLA: Min Liu reported. NCLA will host its Breakfast with State Legislators on Friday, September 25th at the Elmont Public Library. The Retirees Committee hosted a luncheon and Fall Herbal workshop at Hicks Nursery on Wednesday, September 9, 2015. The Support Staff Division held a Microsoft Publisher Workshop Part 1 on September 17, 2015 at the East Meadow Public Library. The Microsoft Publisher Workshop Part 2 will be offered on Friday, November 6 at the Syosset Public Library. The Computers & Technology Committee and the Pop Culture Committee will be co-hosting “Minecraft 101: A RoundTable Discussion of Minecraft Programming at the Library” on Wednesday, September 30, 2015 at Westbury Public Library The Annual Dinner Committee has been planning the Annual Dinner and Installation of Officers to be held on Thursday, November 12, 2015 at the Sterling in Bethpage. PLDA: Jen Fowler reported by email. Several months ago, PLDA expressed interest in exploring the following idea: As PLDA membership is 100%, maybe this accomplishment can be used as a tool to increase SCLA membership. At the time a Director pays her dues to PLDA, she may also pay her SCLA dues to PLDA. In turn, PLDA would send a check to SCLA for the Director’s memberships. This suggestion was offered by PLDA to SCLA in response to declining SCLA membership. We had hoped this concept would strengthen the relationship of SCLA and PLDA and in turn, encourage more of our colleagues to join SCLA. The response from NYLA/SCLA was disappointing to PLDA (paraphrased below): 1. PLDA must become a division of SCLA 2. PLDA would become a Section/Roundtable of NYLA In no way was the original idea meant to imply that PLDA wished to merge with NYLA or SCLA. It is understood that SCLA must adhere to the membership requirements set forth by NYLA and were unable to entertain the idea proposed. For the record, PLDA has decided not to move forward with the concept of creating a PLDA/SCLA joint membership or becoming a division or roundtable. This was never the intention of the association. Please consider attending the PLDA Golf Outing and Wine Tour on 9/24; SCLA members who attend the dinner only will receive a discount. Laura Panter proposed to ask PLDA to map out a membership agreement that SCLA will work with.

SCLS: No report.

MEMBERS AT LARGE: Bob Johnson reported. Regarding the membership packet: Release for packet – January 1, 2016 Inclusion in packet: . Welcome Letter . Executive Board Bio Flyer . Flyer from each Division (to highlight leadership and committees) . “Spotlight” flyer on certain committees (upcoming sponsored programs) . Postcard handouts . 2nd Annual Networking Night Flyer . Clear instructions on how to join and renew . Calendar of Events for 2016 (Lobby Day, Networking Night, Annual Dinner, Bowling Night, Leg Breakfast, etc) . Raffle chance to win a ticket to the Annual Dinner? Bob Johnson proposed that the packets go to all current members, and then only to all new, first time members. The Board decided to change the calendar of events to include annual events, with links to committees for monthly trainings and meetings. Julie DeLaney reported. NYLA conference registration is still going on, with advance registration ending on 9/25/15. Rooms are booking up and a fourth hotel has been added. Currently, costs associated with the conference are estimated at $2200; the final numbers will be available once reimbursements are submitted after the conference is complete. As the original set of ribbons has not been located, new ones have been purchased at a price of $130.55 for 500. If anyone is interested in being a room monitor at the conference, please contact Julie DeLaney.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Jose Hernandez reported. Please see attached pages for report.

OLD BUSINESS: Laura Panter reported. Jeremy Johanasen of NYLA apologized for the delay on the tutorial video and will try to have it completed by December for the New Year. The SCLA/PLDA membership proposal conference call with NYLA occurred in August. 1. NYLA can create a joint membership option similar to the way SCLA offers a membership for Divisions. Directors will have the option to do NYLA/SCLA Joint Membership and add PLDA as a Division under SCLA. For those Directors not wanting to join NYLA they can do an SCLA membership with a PLDA membership under SCLA as a Division. 2. A third option would be to put PLDA under NYLA as a Section/Roundtable, but that removes the SCLA/PLDA partnership membership. If this joint membership happens, there will not be any increase to the PLDA membership fees as the structure is already in place between NYLA and SCLA. NYLA will need to know the following information if SCLA is to move forward: A. What is the membership rate for PLDA? Is it a flat rate or based on salary, etc.? B. Will the membership be based on calendar year? Once combining with SCLA it would be a rolling membership as we are now with NYLA. For example, someone joining June 1, 2015 would have a June 1, 2015 until May 31, 2016 membership etc. 3. If PLDA has a 501C-3 status the division will be able to hold onto this. 4. Moneys for PLDA will need to be held through NYLA and managed by NYLA as is done now with SCLA.

NEW BUSINESS: No report.

The meeting was adjourned by Jeri Cohen at 12:30pm.

Respectfully submitted, Lauren Bernat, SCLA Secretary


October 16

Friday, October 16, 2015


IN ATTENDANCE: Stephen Ingram, Megan Sala-James, Jeri Cohen, Teri Hatred, Xibe Solis, Min Liu, Miranda Hatziangebu, Michael Buono, Jose Hernandez, Lissetty Thomas, Peter P. Ward, Laura Panter, Martha Mikkleson, Casey Fehn, Jenn Fowler, Lauren Bernat, Jennifer Rocco, Bob Johnson, Stefanie Gangone, Julie DeLaney, Samantha Alberts, Herb Biblo

CALL TO ORDER:               Jeri Cohen called the meeting together at 10:00am. The September 2015 minutes were reviewed and corrected. Jeri Cohen moved to accept the minutes as corrected. Bob Johnson seconded the motion. None were opposed. Motion passed.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Laura Panter reported. Laura has requested to schedule a face-to-face meeting with NYLA President Jeremy Johannesen after the NYLA Annual Conference, and before the SCLA Annual Dinner. There have been several noted items by the SCLA Board on the list of topics to be discussed. This list includes, but is not limited to: Bob Johnson’s suggestion of monthly membership checks for libraries with a number of staff wanting to join SCLA; membership suggestions posed by Membership Chair Lauren Bernat; SCLA organizational membership.

SCLA may choose to opt out of NYLA.

The President’s Award was discussed, with the Board selecting a winner, to be announced at the Annual Dinner in November.

NYLA REPORT: No report.


DASL: Bruce Seger reported. The next DASL meeting will take place on November 18. The Annual Luncheon will be held December 11 at the Aviation museum. DASL is sponsoring a scholarship 24 Annual LILRC Conference on Libraries and the Future, November 5 and 6 at Carlyle on the Green. At the next DASL meeting, round tables will be discussed as a possible future meeting format starting in 2016.

RASD:  Megan Sala-James reported. The RASD Annual dinner on September 30 was a huge success.  Kimberly Rae Miller, author of Coming Clean, gave a very moving talk about growing up on Long Island in a family of hoarders.

Last month it was reported that Rona Dressler, Chair of the Health Concerns Committee was retiring – this month Megan reports that Linda Knell, chair of the C.A.R.E. Committee has also retired!  Nicole Berroyer has been appointed as the new chair of C.A.R.E.

The Health Concerns Committee will hold their Annual Meeting and Breakfast at SCLS on Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 9 AM.  This year’s topic is PTSD, which affects children through adults, not just the military. If you had any traumatic event, an accident, a robbery, family illness, you might be a candidate for PTSD. Please RSVP by Wednesday October 21, 2015 to Patchogue-Medford Library/attn: Tabitha Johnson if you plan on attending.

The CARE (Career and Resource Exchange) Committee, will be hosting a joint meeting with the Electronic Resources Committee on Thursday, November 19, 2015 at SCLS at 2:00pm. The program Help! I’m not a Business Librarian! will be presented by Sal DiVincenzo of Middle Country Public Library.  Professional development hours will be awarded to attendees.  Please email Nicole Berroyer at nicole@connetquotlibrary.org to let us know if you plan on attending,

The New Adult Committee of RASD & the Fandom Outreach Committee will hold a joint meeting on October 19 at the Deer Park Public Library. Topic is Be the Con. 9:30am Networking & Coffee, Meeting will begin at 10am.

The PR & Marketing Committee has selected a winner for the SLMA Award and will present it at the SCLA Annual Dinner.

Readers Advisory has finished Short Stories and will be posting the annotated bibliography of the books discussed on their blog shortly. The topic of the January meeting will be biographies.

MOSAIC will be hosting Navigating Your Community, an information fair at the Middle Country Public Library on Saturday, November 21 from 12-4pm. There will be a musical performance by Mambo Loco; all are welcome and encouraged to attend and meet professionals who serve members of the local community.

CATS:  Xibe Solis reported. The TIF Committee held a meeting on October 14th at the Quogue Library, on the topic of Gaming. Dave Jones and Walter Pesce of the Westhampton Free Library led a discussion on hosting a Lan Party at your library. There were 36 attendees.

The next CATS Executive Board Meeting will be held on November 5 at the Brentwood Public Library. The next Board meeting will be held on November 18 at SCLS. The CATS Annual Meeting will be on December 9.

SSD:  Teri Hatred reported. SSD and the Business Finance Group will be co-sponsoring the NYSHIP New York State Health Insurance Plan Regional Meeting Webinar being held at SCLS on October 22, 2015 from 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. Breakfast will be provided and there will be a discussion/wrap up after the webinar.

The SSD Annual Membership Meeting will be held at the Brentwood Public Library on October 28, 2015 from 12:30 to 3:00 p.m. The topic will be Identity Theft, presented by detectives from the Suffolk County Police Department.  All SSD members will receive the new Welcome Kit, which consists of a tote with the new SSD logo, umbrella with logo, and journal with logo. SSD will be raffling off a pair of tickets to the SCLA Fall Dinner.  The meeting is free to SSD members. A fee of $10.00 will be charged to non-members. You can register to attend on the new SCLS Gateway Calendar or by contacting Teri Hatred at SCLS.

T-shirts with the new SSD logo will, hopefully, be ready for the Annual Membership meeting. The logo contest winner was Kelvin Carrion from the Brentwood Public Library.

YASD:  Michael Buono reported. YASD’s next meeting will take place on November 19, with the topic of handling teen homelessness. Plans for the Annual Luncheon have been finalized.



ANNUAL DINNER:  Michele Cayea reported via email. The Annual Dinner Registration link is up and working.  Register online: www.nyla.org/scla no later than Monday, November 9th.  Flyers have been sent out through the system bag to all SCLA members, and mailed to those outside of the library system. Michele spent $14.21 on postage for these mailings. A NYLA reimbursement form has been filled out.

Michele is working on the centerpieces for the dinner; the goal is to complete the centerpieces for less than $75. After Halloween (when it’s on sale), candy will be purchased for favors. Michele’s plan is to make small bags from recycled book pages to put the candy in. This will be a low cost way to make favors using recycled library materials.  If needed, Michele will book a room at SCLS before the dinner to make the favors.

Michele touched base with Marsha Greenspan from the Brentwood public library; Marsha will once again be ordering the flowers for the event.

Michele has received the names of the ELSA winner and nominees and notified Lois about their comped registration.  She still needs the names of the SCLA Scholarship winner and Continuing Education winner.

ARCHIVES:  Beth Gates reported. Please send any materials you would like added to the archives to Beth Gates at Roger Memorial Library for consideration. Ms. Gates is also looking to step down as SCLA Archivist when someone is available to takeover.

CIVIL SERVICE: The SCLA Board reported. There will be a “Tips for Taking the Civil Service Exam” open to all on Thursday, October 29, 2015 held at SCLS at 2:00pm.

Also, several exams were recently announced, with the final filing date of 12/16/15: Assistant Library Director (Promotional/Open-competitive); Librarian III (Promotional/Open-competitive); Librarian IV (Promotional); Library Director (Promotional/Open-competitive).

COMMUNITY SERVICE: Martha Mikkleson reported. Martha is working with Past President Jackie Narkiewicz to finalize details for having Toys for Tots at the Annual Dinner next month. Martha is also working on a new project, a 50/50 raffle that supports Doctors without Borders. Please visit doctorswithoutborders.org to make a donation.

CONTINUING EDUCATION: Teri Hatred reported. All attendance sheets submitted to date have been entered into the database.

ELSA:  Kate Regina reported. The ELSA Committee discussed the nominees for the 2015 award, with the final winner chosen from the 5 nominees. The other nominees were notified and the winner’s selection was announced at the library of their employment. The ELSA Award will be officially presented to the selected winner at the SCLA Annual Dinner.

FANDOM OUTREACH COMMITTEE:  Stefanie Gangone reported. Stefanie would like to have a library presence at the LI Who, held at the Hyatt in Ronkonkoma November 13-15th. Stefanie proposed to use $391.10 from the Fandom Outreach Committee for supplies for the event.



LDA AWARD:  Paula Bornstein reported via email. Planning for the committee will start in December.

LEGISLATIVE:    Samantha Alberts reported. Samantha would like to thank all who made the Legislative Breakfast a success. The event was hosted by the Comsewogue Public Library on September 18, 2015. There were about 120 people in attendance, including many distinguished guests. A few of the legislators in attendance included Ken LaValle, Al Graf, Dean Murray, and Steve Englebright.

SCLA’s share cost of the event is $985.31

Pictures from the event have been forwarded to Jennifer Rocco for the newsletter.

Samantha will shortly begin preparations for the bus for Advocacy Day 2016.

LONG ISLAND LIBRARY CONFERENCE:   Lauren Bernat reported on behalf of Chair Kelly Sheridan. The website has been changed to LIbconference.org. Look for information via the listserv regarding the proposal of programs and attendee registration.


MEMBERSHIP: Lauren Bernat reported. The SCLA Board requested to see if NYLA could offer automatic membership renewal for all members (minus student memberships). Jeremy Johannesen responded that NYLA is unable to do so in the suggested way as NYLA does not see or store anyone’s credit card information. NYLA utilizes a payment gateway that maintains all the required security measures to protect each individual’s credit card information – the payment is transferred without any further information. NYLA has looked into other ways but so far none have been deemed available or useful.

NEWSLETTER:  Jennifer Rocco reported via email. The newsletter will be sent the first week in November. Please have submissions emailed to Jennifer Rocco by Monday, October 19.  Jen’s new email address is jrocco@brookhavenfreelibrary.org

NOMINATING:  No report.

SCHOLARSHIP:  Teri Hatred reported. The winner of the SCLA Scholarship Award is Emily Warren of the Patchogue-Medford Library.  Emily has been informed that she will receive her check at the SCLA Fall Dinner. Britney LaValle of the Brookhaven Free Library was selected as winner of the Continuing Education Award. Michele Cayea has been notified of the winner and their guest’s names for their comp seats.  I will be contacting the winner of the Support Staff Continuing Education Award on October 15, 2015.

Raffle books have been distributed and I have been receiving stubs and donations already.  A limited number of raffles will also be available at the dinner.

Raffle prizes and baskets are being collected and created.

STATISTICAL SURVEY:  Peter P. Ward reported. Peter is still waiting for several reports to be returned; Jenn Fowler offered to assist with this.




WEB PAGE:  Michelle Rung reported. The web site is up to date, with information about the Annual Dinner recently posted. The internal documents page is in the works for 2016.


CLASC:  No report.

LILRC:  Herb Biblo reported. There are several empty seats on the bus for the NYLA Conference. LILRC will again host its reception on Thursday evening, October 22 at Nicola’s restaurant in Lake Placid, NY.

LILRC will provide an Advanced Dreamweaver class for 12 attendees on October 30; Advanced Web Analytics featuring Johannes Neuer, Director of the Customer Experience at NYPL will be held on November 19 at Farmingdale State College.

NCLA:  Min Liu reported. The NCLA Legislative Breakfast was held on September 25 at the Elmont Public Library. The Emerging librarians committee, which was established this year, held a meet & mingle event on September 25. The Annual Dinner Committee has been planning the Annual Dinner and Installation of Officers to be held on Thursday, November 12, 2015 at the Sterling in Bethpage.

The NCLA Annual Dinner and Installation of Officers will be held on Thursday, November 12th at The Sterling in Bethpage. Additional upcoming NCLA sponsored events include the following. Media Streamers in the Library: Setting Up the Roku on Tuesday, November 3 from 9:30am-12:30pm at NLS; the Annual RASD Author Breakfast will be held on October 2nd; Children’s Services will host a program swap on November 16th; LI Pop Con is working on the 2016 event, to be held again at St. John’s University campus in Oakdale, with a current call for submissions for panels.

SCLA members who attend NCLA meetings are invited to pay as a member, as this membership cost is extended to SCLA members.

A replacement liaison is needed for this position.

PLDA:  Jenn Fowler reported. PLDA would like to thank SCLA for their support of the fundraising Golf Outing, Wine Tour and Dinner. Twelve thousand dollars was raised at this year’s event. PLDA is looking forward to working on the Spring 2016 Networking Night. Jenn also noted that PLDA will support the Doctors without Borders initiative undertaken by Community Service Chair Martha Mikkleson.

SCLS: Samantha Alberts reported on behalf of SCLS Director Kevin Verbesey.  SCLS has redesigned the library intranet, the website is now http://www.suffolklibrarysystem.org/

Meeting rooms may be requested online, and even from a smartphone!

Book Buzz will be held at SCLS on October 27, with Children and YA books to be presented in the morning and Adult books in the afternoon; lunch will be provided. Please contact patty@suffolknet.org to register.

Bard training will also be provided on October 27.



Julie DeLaney reported. The NYLA Annual Conference is next week (Oct 21-24). All details of SCLA’s programs have been set. Several SCLA members have volunteered to cover the SCLA Tradeshow Booth and/or be room monitors for our programs.

If there is anything that anyone would like to have displayed at the SCLA table, please bring it to the Nesconset Branch of the Smithtown Library by October 20, or give to Julie DeLaney at the conference. Julie will be bringing the SCLA tablecloth from SCLS up to NYLA, and returning it to SCLS upon her return from the conference.

Bob Johnson reported. Bob thanked Jenn Fowler for her assistance on the Welcome Packet. Forms were brought in for Division Presidents to fill out and return for the January release date. It is vital that headshots and contact information of all committee and division members be submitted. The Welcome Packet committee will have weekly follow-ups until the packet has been completed.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Jose Hernandez reported. There will be a new NYLA Treasurer, Claudia J. Depkin. The list of bills and expenses presented in October are listed below; there will be a large amount of data to report at the December meeting due to the Annual Dinner being the meeting in November.

$130.55 for Conference Ribbons for NYLA

325.00 given to ELSA Winner

49.00 Postage for SCLA Raffle Book Mailing

10.99 Bouquet for Scholarship Award Winner

7.99 Bouquet for Continuing Education Award Winner

985.31 for Cost Share of Legislative Breakfast

391.00 – Fandom Outreach Committee

300.00 – Sustainability Initiative Retreat for NYLA

1508.84 – Incurred for the Month to be sent to NYLA

OLD BUSINESS:  Jeri Cohen reported. Transition statements were distributed and reviewed by Board members. Jeri noted that copies will be kept on file and in the Archives once they have been returned at the December meeting.

NEW BUSINESS:  No report.

The meeting was adjourned by Jeri Cohen at 11:15am.

Respectfully submitted,

Lauren Bernat,

SCLA Secretary



December 18

Friday, December 18, 2015


IN ATTENDANCE: Michelle Rung, Stefanie Gangone, Jackie Narkiewicz, Lauren Bernat, Jeri Cohen, Jose Hernandez, Lissetty Thomas, Paula Bornstein, Miranda Hatziangelou, Casey Fehn, Teri Hatred, Michele Cayea, Laura Panter, Julie DeLaney, Martha Mikkleson, Stephen Ingram, Nick Tanzi, Jennifer Rocco, Kelly Sheridan

CALL TO ORDER:               Jeri Cohen called the meeting to order at 10:03am. The October 2015 minutes were reviewed and corrected. Jackie Narkiewicz moved to accept the minutes as corrected. Laura Panter seconded the motion. None were opposed. Motion passed.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Laura Panter reported.

Regarding the conference call with Jeremy Johannesen, Director of NYLA:

-Checks will be accepted for all events with a check template or deposit letter. This will be available for all divisions to use as of January 2016.

-Checks will be accepted for membership. Template can also be used to mail in group membership applications for a list of individuals. PLDA will fall under this if the possibility for this initiative is still there. Template will again be ready by January 2016.

-SCLA Organizational Membership

-NYLA is open to doing joint organizational membership

-If we want an SCLA standalone option, it can be done via a check template. Jeri and Laura will be looking into this in 2016. How does the board feel about this option? NYLA stated that this option is not cost effective for them.

NYLA REPORT: Jeri Cohen reported. Jeri attended the NYLA Council Meeting on Thursday, November 19, 2015. The recent revision in the NYLA Bylaws has left the position of Treasurer-Elect vacant.  A special election is being held this month to fill the position.

In conjunction with NYLA’s new strategic plan, Advancing Excellence, the Council reviewed the goals for the first element, “NYLA advances excellence in New York Libraries” and made assignments for further research and action.  They are requesting input for two of the goals:

1. “Identify opportunities for partnerships to encourage diversity”. The Council is seeking suggestions for organizations that NYLA might partner with to increase diversity in our field.

2. “Create a portal which serves as a clearinghouse for best practices, to serve as a resource for all members”. The Council is asking sections to develop a list of existing standards or proficiencies that should be included on the portal to bring them all together in one place to provide an easily accessible aid for library staff.

The December 17 meeting was a short conference call to follow up on open issues including the strategic plan.

NYLA Director Jeremy Johannesen reminds everyone to please consider the NYLA 125 Capital Campaign in their year-end giving to help them reach their goal.


DASL: No report.

RASD:  Megan Sala-James reported via email. The 2015 RASD Board is happy to announce that at the December meeting Katie McIntyre from Bay Shore-Brightwaters Public Library was appointed as Secretary, and Maureen Nicolazzi of the North Babylon Public Library was appointed as Treasurer for 2016.  Megan has notified Galina at NYLA about the change which is to start in January.

The New Suffolk Chair for LI Reads is Beth Gates from Rogers Memorial Library. The Long Island Reads Committee has selected Jodi Picoult’s book Leaving Time. Jodi Picoult will be appearing at the Long Island Reads event on Sunday, April 10 to discuss her book. Lauren Gilbert posted program ideas to the listserv (12/11/15).

The New Co-chair for the New Adults Committee is Lissetty Thomas from Brentwood Public Library. Their next meeting will be meeting on December 21 with 9:30am networking, and the meeting will begin at 10am at the Hauppauge Public Library. Chris DeCristofaro from Sachem Public Library will be presenting on how technology can be used to engage new adults; CEU credits will be awarded.

MOSAIC’s Information Fair at Middle Country Public Library on 11/21/15 was well attended – 410 people stopped by the registration desk.   While there Megan connected with an outreach person from Habitat for Humanity:

Catherine Murphy

Community Outreach Associate

Habitat for Humanity of Suffolk

643 Middle Country Road

Middle Island, NY  11953-2509

631-HABITAT (422-4828) ext-108

www.habitatsuffolk.org / www.suffolkrestore.com

Megan wished to pass on thus contact info to SCLA on the chance that they might consider bringing back the baskets for a home built in Suffolk County.

RASD is working on a shared program with Nassau RASD for the Long Island Library Conference on Gorilla Outreach; the O.A.R.S. committee is also sponsoring 2 programs for the 2016 LILC.

The Electronic Resources Committee met on Dec. 15 with a presentation on virtual and augmented reality and it’s applications in libraries by Dave Jones from West Hampton Library.

LI History Committee’s next meeting will be planning a program showcase for April and a June trip to the Tessla Museum.

CATS:  Nick Tanzi reported on behalf of Xibe Solis. Min is resigning from the CATS Executive Board effective January 2016.  The Board thanks Min for her years of service to the CATS Division. Dominic Iadicicco will take over maintaining the CATS Archives in 2016. The December Annual TIF meeting was at Connetquot Library. There were 27 attendees and a presentation by Ellen Druda of Half Hollow Hills Library about 3D prosthetics. Bob Johnson gave a wonderful introduction to SCLA, noting the uses and importance of membership and explaining who and what CATS is and does. This has been asked to be shared with SCLA’s other Divisions for adoption, with the purpose of advocating for SCLA and membership.

Brian Pichman presented at the CATS Annual Meeting on December 9; his presentation included maker space programs, robots and circuitry.

A new hospitality person will be chosen in January. The newsletter was printed and sent out to all CATS members and was then posted to the CATS website. The CATS Board aims to offer 5-6 programs per year starting in 2016 for library employees who work in tech. services and catalogging.

SSD:  Miranda Hatzinagelou reported on behalf of Theresa Hunter. Kelvin Carrion and Celia Volmer have each been voted in as member at large of SSD.

YASD:  Casey Fehn reported on behalf of Michael Buono. The Annual Luncheon held on December 17 featuring Joe Kelly was a success. The 2016 webmaster replacement will soon be announced. The annual joint meeting with NCLA’s YASD is being planned for February; the event will feature a panel about tween programming. Casey asked the Board to make a motion to approve Michael Buono to be Vice President for 2016, and to allow Casey Fehn to be President for both the 2016 and 2017 terms. Laura Panter called for voting Board Members to raise hands in favor. A majority were. Motion passed.


ANNUAL DINNER:  Michele Cayea reported. There were 140 registered for the November 19 event. Michele has set the goal for 165 registrants in 2016, and plans to change venues. She asks that all Board Members advocate for SCLA, applying for the scholarships and attending the dinner throughout the year. She will request approximately $75 for funds relating to the dinner.

ARCHIVES: Beth Gates reported via email. The archives are up to date. Please send any materials you would like added to the archives to Beth Gates at Rogers Memorial Library for consideration. Beth is still searching for a replacement so that she may step down.

CIVIL SERVICE:  There will be a workshop for Librarian III, IV, Assistant Director and Director on February 2, 2016 at the Brentwood Public Library.

COMMUNITY SERVICE:  Martha Mikkleson reported. Two Marines were present at the dinner, and although there is not an official count, there were a large number of donations made to Toys for Tots.

The 50/50 raffle dedicated to Doctors without Borders, after a generous donation from PLDA, raised $558 for the charity. The online fund raiser is still available for anyone who wishes to donate. SCLA received a handwritten thank you from Libraries without Borders.

Martha will present in January or February regarding community service for 2016.

CONTINUING EDUCATION: Teri Hatred reported. All attendance sheets submitted to date have been added to the database.

ELSA:    No report.

FANDOM OUTREACH COMMITTEE: Stefanie Gangone reported. Stefanie presented pictures from the well-attended LI Who library station; Stefanie and her crew were noted in Newsday for their efforts at the Con.

Stefanie put out a call for volunteers for LI Geek in April; topics will include Harry Potter, Gotham, a panel on comic books being turned into novels; the event will be held at the Ramada Inn in Holtsville.

The committee is also looking for more members to join them. The next meeting will be held on February 18 at SCLS, on how to host a mini Con at your library. This will include appealing to a wide range of fandoms and Con trends.

NCLA has an interest in collaborating on projects, which Stefanie hopes to cultivate in the New Year.


LDA AWARD:  Paula Bornstein reported. Marcia Olsen, LDA Award Committee chair for NCLA, has scheduled tentative dates/deadlines for this year’s LDA Award candidate nominations and selection. Applications and information packets must be mailed in to her by Monday, March 21, 2016. NCLA and SCLA LDA Award Committee members will then review the application and vote for the candidate of their choice; ballots to be returned by Monday, April 11, 2016.

Marcia will update the application/brochure in January and have 2,000 copies printed. NCLA is responsible for this year’s printing expenses. Paula will request mailing labels in January for all SCLA members to complete the mailing

LEGISLATIVE:    No report.

LONG ISLAND LIBRARY CONFERENCE:   Kelly Sheridan reported. The planning of the conference is moving along. The committee has booked the keynote speaker, children’s book author Tad Hills. Program submissions have been coming in (deadline is 12/31/15). There are currently 13 programs submitted. Exhibitor registration is up and running, with 25+ companies already registered; the conference space will be able to host a total of 61 vendor tables.

Registration for the conference opens in January. Association tables are filling up as well. The next meeting of the committee will take place on Wednesday, January 6, 2016 at the Melville Marriott. The committee will be finalizing the programs for the conference at this meeting.

MEMBERSHIP: Lauren Bernat reported. If any divisions need membership lists before January 1, contact her and she will distribute the list(s). Theresa Owens, incoming SCLA Secretary/Membership Chair has been trained and will take over as of January 1, 2016. Stephen Ingram was kind enough to update the SCLA renewal cheat sheet with Theresa’s contact information, which was sent to Michelle Rung posted to the SCLA website.

Jeremy Johannesen, NYLA’s Director, recently sent out renewal notices to expired SCLA members. Over 200 of these notices went to those whose memberships had expired in 2012. Also, NYLA will update the membership data being received by the SCLA Membership Chair in January 2016.

NEWSLETTER:  Jennifer Rocco reported. The next newsletter will be distributed via the listserv the first week of February; this will cover from February to May. Jennifer will make a call for submissions soon; these will be due by January 15, 2016. Please contact Jennifer (jrocco@brookhavenfreelibrary.org) with any questions you may have.

NOMINATING:  Jeri Cohen reported. All those running for positions in 2017 will need to submit by the first week of April.

SCHOLARSHIP:  Teri Hatred reported. Teri notified the board that $1,026 was raised from the raffles. Celia Volmer won the grand prize.

STATISTICAL SURVEY: Laura Panter reported on behalf of Peter Ward. Peter is finishing up details; several surveys were submitted and those are being accounted for. Peter is looking for an intern to assist with the digitizing project.

STUDENT OUTREACH: Laura Panter reported on behalf of Lisa Kropp. Bookmarks were too small so pamphlet templates were made by Lisa Kropp, and will be presented by Laura Panter at the January 2016 meeting. Lisa Kropp is stepping down from this position, and a replacement will be needed.


WEB PAGE:    Michelle Rung reported. The website is up to date, and the new “How to Join” document has been added, and transition statements will be added. Stephen Ingram will be the new webmaster; please send him forms and meeting dates. The promotions page will be the webmaster’s project for 2016.


CLASC:  No report.

LILRC:  Min Liu reported via email. Over 150 people attended the Long Island Reception at the NYLA Annual Conference in Lake Placid on October 22, 2015. Everyone enjoyed the open bar, appetizers and good conversations with colleagues from Nassau and Suffolk throughout the evening. Thanks SCLA for supporting this popular annual event.  LILRC has once again arranged with Information Today, to offer a reduced rate for the Computers in Libraries conference, to be held on March 8-10, 2015 at the Hilton Washington in Washington, DC. By registering through LILRC, you are eligible for the special rate of $319 for the 3-day event (regular rate is $549; a $230 savings).  Please visit LILRC.ORG for further information.   There will be two hands-on workshops on January 22, 2016 at the Farmingdale State College, Greenley Library: “Introduction to WordPress” in the morning and “Intermediate WordPress” in the afternoon.

The workshop on “Easy Gaming with Kahoot!’ is scheduled for February 12, 2016 from 10:00 am – 12:30 pm, at the Farmingdale State College, Greenley Library.  The description is: Want a fun and easy way to inject more interactivity into your library programs or information literacy classes? Try Kahoot!, a game-based audience response system. In this session, participants will have the opportunity to play, create, and test their own Kahoot! games.

NCLA:  Min Liu reported via email. The NCLA Annual Dinner and Installation of Officers was held on Thursday, November 12, 2015 at the Sterling in Bethpage.  Dalal Fatoush of the East Meadow Pubic Library was presented with an NCLA Honorary Lifetime Membership Award. Josh Firer of the Bellmore Memorial Library received the Andrew Ippolito Scholarship Award and Min Liu of LILRC received the Education Grant.

NCLA Divisions hosted year end events featuring the installation of Division

Officers and professional development programs.

During 2015 many NCLA Divisions and Committees jointly planned programs

together; an example of this would be the NCLA Computers and Technology Committee and the NCLA Webpage Committee hosted a Webmaster Roundtable Discussion on Managing Nassau Library Websites on Tuesday, December 15th at the Westbury Memorial Public Library.

A replacement is needed for this position.

PLDA:  No report.

SCLS:   No report.


Julie DeLaney reported. The 2016 SCLA sponsored programs at the NYLA conference were a success.  We got great feedback for all the programs we presented.  The total expenses were: $2262.24

Julie will be the NYLA Programmer for SCLA for the 2016 Annual Conference. The call for program proposals has been sent out, with the deadline to submit January 11, 2016. All proposals can be sent in via the NYLA website. Technology seems to be what many are looking for at the 2016 conference. If there are any questions, please contact Julie for more details.  The 2016 conference will take place in Saratoga Springs – November 2-5, 2016.

Bob Johnson reported via email. Welcome packets are nearly ready for printing, and all Division presidents were asked to submit the needed information. Bob and Jenn Fowler will soon be contacting printers regarding the packets.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Jose Hernandez reported. Please note that all checks must be made out to “NYLA-SCLA” and will not otherwise be accepted.

Jose’s report is attached. Jose noted that the scholarship money has been taken out of the account, and Jose knows that the down payment for the 2016 Long Island Library Conference and speaker’s fees will be needed early in 2016. Jose recommends that when looking at the current statement, plan to have $1-2,000 deducted as a result.

Jose’s recommendation is to tell NYLA that SCLA is to have petty cash to help settle small claims on the account (and not to exceed $1-200). This petty cash will be held only by the treasurer of SCLA, not by all treasurers of each division.

OLD BUSINESS:  Laura Panter reported. Workshop fees will go into effect beginning January 2016. Open SCLA positions are the Archives Chair, NCLA Liaison and Student Outreach. Lissetty Thomas will run the SCLA table at the 2016 Long Island Library Conference.

NEW BUSINESS:  Jackie Narkiewicz has volunteered to assist Teri Hatred and Jeri Cohen with the second annual Bowling Night between Suffolk and Nassau, a fund-raiser which raises money to go towards the SCLA Scholarship.

The meeting was adjourned by Jeri Cohen at 11:20am.

Respectfully submitted,

Lauren Bernat,

SCLA Secretary