Minutes 2018

January  / February / March  / April / June  / July  / August / September  / October  / November/ December

Corrected and Approved
SCLA Minutes
Friday, January 19, 2018 SCLS

IN ATTENDANCE: Brian Adams, Samantha Alberts, Stephen Burg, Mike Firestone, Stefanie Gangone, Rebecca Goldstein, Emily Guerrero, Candace Hope, Stephen Ingram, Alexandra Mercado,  Mark Navins, Elaine Perez, Brian Schwartz, Lissetty Thomas, Joyce Thompson-Haas, Kristen Todd-Wurm, Celia Vollmer

CALL TO ORDER:   Brian Schwartz called the meeting to order at 10:02 am.  The December 2017 minutes were reviewed and corrected.  Brian Schwartz moved to accept the minutes as corrected.  Alexandra Mercado seconded this motion.  None were opposed.  Motion passed.


PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.

Kristen said that we are getting more renewals for membership.  We will revisit the statistics in July 2018.  We are hoping to come up with an idea to help with the dues.

Kristen discussed a motion to NYLA about division checks.  There are still issues involved with checks and how we are getting reimbursed.  We will proceed with the new motion in favor for a few months and try to see if it works.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Elaine Perez reported.

The SCLA revenue as of December 31, 2017 was $16,621.20.  The total expenses as of December 31, 2017 were $11,321.59.  The closing balance for SCLA as of December 31, 2017 is $17,685.28.

Please give your reimbursement requests in for the NYLA trip on February 28.


DASL: No report.

RASD: Candace Hope reported.

The CARE Committee’s next meeting will include a working lunch where core committee members will go over the handbook and update their blog.

The Health Concerns Committee is partnering with Health Science Librarians at Stony Brook University. What the Health?, consisting of three training workshops in January, February and March, are being scheduled at SCLS to provide instruction on consumer health resources for the public librarians and library school students of Suffolk County. Funding was awarded through the Health Information Awareness Award by the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health.

The Long Island History Committee will host their annual showcase on April 19 at SCLS and they plan on having at least 7-8 programmers. They are also planning a trip to the Three Village Historical Society in June.

MOSAIC’s annual breakfast will be held on June 12 at MCPL. They are also planning a trip to the Tenement Museum in March as a professional networking opportunity.

OARS is in the process of updating previously published works and have plans to work on an informational booklet for seniors.

RASD, and our committees, are looking forward to presenting at the Long Island Library Conference.

We have 3 members at large this year, and have divided up their duties as needed with one member concentrating on our annual lunch, one focusing on the annual breakfast with the Health Concerns Committee, and the other in charge of raffles and giveaways at the Long Island Library Conference.

We are also looking into having a Reader’s Advisory Unconference in Suffolk this year with PR and Marketing co-sponsoring if possible. Lauren attended the Unconference by NCLA’s RASD division and says they seem willing to help us bring it to Suffolk librarians.

CATS:  Stephen Burg reported.

The board meeting was held on January 10, 2018.  CATS is hoping to setup a tour of the Stonybrook Makerspace.

SSD:  Celia Vollmer reported.

Celia noted that they will be having a meeting about social media platforms. There will be a roundtable meeting in March right after the SCLA meeting.  Keep an eye out for save the dates postcards.  

YASD: Rebecca Goldstein reported.

In December, YASD hosted their Annual Luncheon with guest speaker Gae Polisner. They also presented our annual Teen Librarian Awards. Erick Gordy of the Hampton Bays Public Library received the award for Most Successful Program, and Khan DeRenzo of the Port Jefferson Library received the award for Most Creative Program.

Looking forward, Nassau YASD will be hosting their Annual Joint Meeting on Thursday, February 8 at the Freeport Memorial Library featuring guest speaker Heather Demetrios. Heather is a YA author and writing coach, and will highlight Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month with a discussion of her newest novel, Bad Romance. This will be YASD’s first meeting of the year.


ANNUAL DINNER: Emily Guerrero reported.

Emily reported that they are working on the next dinner and she spoke about possible dates.

ARCHIVES: No report.

CIVIL SERVICE:   Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.

Kristen noted that on February 1 there will be a workshop at Sachem Library about the upper level civil service exam. SCLA is partnering with CLASC for this.

Kristen also discussed about changing the Librarian 2 exam back to library experience, instead of a multiple choice exam.



ELSA:  No report.

FANDOM OUTREACH COMMITTEE: Stefanie Gangone reported.

On August 11-12, the Long Island Retro Gaming Convention will be held at the Cradle of Aviation Museum that will consist of coding and robotics, just to name a few.

There will be a meeting on February 18 at 6 pm. It will be located at Panera in Bohemia.


LDA AWARD:  Paula Bornstein reported.

Paula spoke with Marcia Olsen, the NCLA LDA Committee chairperson.  She is making arrangements to revise the brochure with application and have 2000 copies printed by February 1st.  NCLA pays the printing fee for this year.

Brochures are to be sent out shortly thereafter.  Paula will need a complete set of mailing labels by February 1st.  Nominations for the award are due back to Marcia by March 26th.  Nomination packets will be sent to SCLA and NCLA committee members; ballots are due back to Marcia by April 13th.

LEGISLATIVE: Samantha Alberts reported.

In the Executive Budget released yesterday, the Governor has proposed eliminating the legislation “adds” of the last two State budgets for libraries and reducing State construction aid for libraries by $10 million.

General Aid is $91.6 million Statewide (it was $91.6 million in 2016 and $95.6 million is 2017).

This would mean a reduction of about $302,000 per year to Suffolk’s libraries for cooperative projects and for local library aid.

Construction Aid is $14 million Statewide (it was $19 million in 2016 and $24 million in 2017).

This would mean a reeducation of about $600,000 per year to Suffolk’s libraries for construction aid.

We strongly urge everyone to sign up for the New York Library Association’s Online Advocacy Center.  Please consider participating on Advocacy Day.  There is still space on the buses.

There was a motion for $150 for hospitality for the NYLA trip.  Stephen Burg accepted the motion.


The committee met on January 9 at the Marriott.  They did a walkthrough of the place.  This year, the Committee Chair Person is from Nassau County.  Her name is Stacy Metcher, from the Syosset Library.

Early registration has started for the conference and will end on March 2.  Flyers have been sent, it’s been promoted on social media and also on listservs.  39 booths out of 65 have been sold so far.  Trying to get corporate sponsorships has been very important.  The committee is sending out emails to get money from them. Some companies include Janway, Webair, H2M and Sandpebble.

There will now be a membership warning when people register for the conference to make sure they are paying for the correct one.

Association tables may have to be shared this year. Space is very limited. The association tables may be relocated by the pool area or throughout the hall.

The program deadline has been extended to January 31. Programs that have speakers have to be sponsored by a division and/or committee.  21 out of 24 program spots have been filled.

Please encourage attendance and spread the word about the conference. The committee will also be fundraising for the scholarship fund.


MEMBERSHIP Steve Alcalde reported via Emily Guerrero.

Steve is keeping up with membership and will be going to NYLA in March for the curators meeting.

NEWSLETTER:  Jennifer Rocco reported by email.

A huge thank you to everyone for such great cooperation on newsletter submissions this month! The newsletter will go out the first week in February.

NOMINATING: Brian Schwartz reported.

The committee will be starting in the middle of February.

SCHOLARSHIP:  Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.

Martha Mikkleson has volunteered to head the committee.  She will be reaching out to past winners.


STUDENT OUTREACH: Mark Navins reported.

Mark has been working with library colleges to get a relationship going and to start attending student events.


WEB PAGE:   Stephen Ingram reported.

All wordpress sites have been updated with the latest security updates.

Stephen posted early bird registration for the SCLA/NCLA Conference to listservs, the website and Facebook page.

He will be posting new materials to the SCLA website and Facebook page.

The SCLA event calendar will be updated and he will be asking division presidents to update any program information for the new year.

The SCLA Facebook page has 610 likes.  The SCLA website in December 2017 had 442 page views (the website was down for a bit).


CLASC: Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.

CLASC is co-sponsoring the Civil Service Workshop with SCLA as mentioned earlier.

LILRC: Mike Navins reported.

If you have any ideas for libraries to host an event, please let him know.

NCLA:  No report.

PLDA:  Mike Firestone reported.

Mike spoke about Lobby Day.  Please push and encourage staff to attend.  If you can’t attend, you can send out forms and letters to your local legislator.

SCLS:  Samantha Alberts reported.

SCLS has been promoting Advocacy Day.

A table has been put up in the demo lab at SCLS.

NYLA:  No report.


Steve Alcalde: No report.

Alexandra Mercado:  No report.

Emily Guerrero: No report.

Lissetty Thomas: She mentioned they are working on a networking night in either May or June.


Brian Adams reported that there will be a SCLA tablecloth or banner for the table at the conference.  You can reserve this through the Lending Library. He is also looking into hanging banners at the conference.

Kristen Todd-Wurm is trying to have someone from the SCLA board at the LILC committee meetings to represent.  She will be sending out dates for those meetings. Kristen is also looking for help the day of the LILC to help at the table.


Lissetty Thomas:  She is trying to decide on giveaways from SCLA for LILC.

Brian Schwartz adjourned the meeting at 11:23 am.

Corrected and Approved
SCLA Minutes
Friday, February 16, 2018 SCLS

IN ATTENDANCE:  Brian Adams, Samantha Alberts, Paula Bornstein, Mike Firestone, Rebecca Goldstein, Teri Hatred, Stephen Ingram, Amy Johnston, Marybeth Kozikowski, Nicole Menchise, Nicole Parisi, Alexandra Mercado, Elaine Perez, Bruce Seger, Brian Schwartz, Lissetty Thomas, Joyce Thompson-Haas, Kristen Todd-Wurm, Myrna Velez, Celia Vollmer

CALL TO ORDER:  Brian Schwartz called the meeting to order at 10:03 am.  The January 2018 minutes were reviewed and corrected.  Joyce Thompson-Haas moved to accept the minutes as corrected.  Brian Schwartz seconded this motion.  None were opposed.  Motion passed.


PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.

Kristen reported that the bus is filled for Lobby Day. She also mentioned that ALA has discussed the federal funding budget for 2019.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Elaine Perez reported.

The bus trip to Lobby Day has been paid for.

The net income for the Long Island Library Conference, as per the financial statement ending January 31, 2018 is $9,027.00


DASL: Bruce Seger reported.

The first meeting for DASL will be on March 9 at the Suffolk County Community College in Brentwood.  It will take place at the new library at 1:30 pm.

Bruce reported that they are working with Min Liu and Kim Mullins for the 4th Academic Invitational. This will take place on April 27 from 9-3 pm at the Suffolk County Community College in Brentwood.  The presentation and food will be separated this year.   There will be no charge for it.

After their first meeting, there will also be a Spring luncheon.

RASD: Candace Hope reported via email.

The Electronic Resources Committee’s next meeting will be on June 7 at SCLS. The webinar

“Library 2.018 – Blockchain: Impact on the Information Profession. A full description and

registration information can be found here: www.eventbrite.com/e/library-2018- blockchain-

applied-impact- on-the- information-profession- registration-40098784544.

The Long Island Reads Committee reports that the coordinated orders of this year’s book,

Spaceman, have been delivered to libraries. Free tickets to the author event, to be held on

Sunday, April 15 at the Patchogue Theatre, will be available starting March 1 on


The Media Committee’s next meeting will be on April 10 at SCLS and the topic of discussion will be cataloging media issues.

The New Adult Committee has decided to reduce the number of their meetings to 4 times a

year, so members can take advantage of the other meetings and workshops offered by SCLA

and SCLS. Their next meeting will be on March 19 at SCLS and the topic of discussion will be

Meet Generation Z.

The Reader’s Advisory Committee is growing in number, and more new members are expected

at their April 26 meeting at SCLS.

We have begun working on our annual lunch, tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, October 2,

I hope that some of you will be able to join us!

CATS:  Nicole Parisi reported for Stephen Burg

On February 1, TIF had their meeting at the Carnegie Library in Patchogue. Anthony Bliss, a librarian from Sachem Library did a demo on drones. This meeting was streamed on Facebook live.

The next TIF meeting will be held on March 1 at the Longwood Library.  There will be a presentation on Google Expeditions.

On February 14, their board meeting was held.  There will be a tour of Stony Brook’s Lab that will be on March 21. The next board meeting will be held on March 14.

SSD:  Celia Vollmer reported.

On March 16, 2018 from 2:00-4:00 pm, at the Brentwood Public Library, there will be a discussion on Social Media Management Platforms.  The guest speaker will be Michael Buono; Reference and Community Services Facilitator, and an Adjunct Lecturer at CUNY Queens.

Social Media Managers make maintaining an active social media presence much easier. They

often provide users with additional tools and insights to help grow their social media presence.

Discover how to select and get the most out of a social media manager such as Hootsuite, Buffer or Sprout.

On March 21, 2018 from 2:00-4:00 pm, at the West Islip Public Library there will be the Annual Roundtable Meeting. Come meet and talk to people in other libraries who do a similar job as you do. Learn, compare and improve. It is free to members of SSD and those who join SSD at the meeting. $5.00 if you are not a member of SSD.

YASD: Rebecca Goldstein reported.

The Nassau Suffolk YASD Joint Meeting was held on Thursday, February 8 at the Freeport

Memorial Library.  YA author and writer Heather Demetrios discussed her book Bad Romance to highlight Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. Heather also discussed resources for teens dealing with abusive relationships.

On Thursday, March 8, 2018 at the Patchogue Medford’s Teen Center at the Carnegie Library, YASD will hold their Annual Fran Romer Memorial Booktalk Workshop.  The theme of our workshop is “Realistic Fiction for Real Issues” with special guest speaker Rachel Vail. Rachel is the author of Unfriended, Well That Was Awkward, and other novels for teens and tweens. We have chosen five books for discussion groups, and each discussion leader will give a booktalk on their chosen book. The workshop includes lunch, books sales, a book signing, and raffle prizes.



ARCHIVES:  Bruce Seger reported.

He is continuing to do the scans.

CIVIL SERVICE:   Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.

On February 1, the upper level civil service review program was cancelled due to New York State forbidding a review of exam.


CONTINUING EDUCATION: Teri Hatred reported.

All attendance sheets received to date have been entered into database. There has

been an increase in requests for reports and all requests to date have been filled totaling 21


ELSA:  No report.



LDA AWARD:  Paula Bornstein reported.

Brochures came in from Nassau.  They will be going out by next week.  Please submit a nominating person with a simple statement by March 26.

strong>LEGISLATIVE: Samantha Alberts reported.

In the Executive Budget released yesterday the Governor has proposed eliminating the legislative “adds” of the last two State budgets for libraries and reducing State construction aid for libraries by $10 million.

  • General Aid $91.6 million Statewide (was $91.6 million in 2016 and $95.6 million is 2017)

This would mean a reduction of about $302,000 per year to Suffolk’s libraries for cooperative projects and for local library aid.

  • Construction Aid $14 million Statewide (was $19 million in 2016 and $24 million is 2017)

This would mean a reduction of about $600,000 per year to Suffolk’s libraries for construction aid.

We STRONGLY urge everyone to sign up for the New York Library Association’s Online Advocacy Center if they have not already and to consider participating on Advocacy Day.  The one day bus if full but there is still space on the 2 day bus.

Please save the following dates:

9/21/2018 – Suffolk County Legislative breakfast (at Brentwood)

9/27/2018 – PLDA Golf and Dinner Fundraiser

9/28/2018 – Nassau County Legislative breakfast


The committee met this past Tuesday, February 13th at the Bellmore Public Library.

Most of the meeting was spent deciding on, and programming, the 28 programs for the Conference. The program deadline submission was extended this year because of the slow rate of submissions.

The rules of submission limit submissions to the various Divisions and Committees of NCLA and SCLA. Programs are also considered from LILRC and New York, Queens and Brooklyn Public library systems. We always have a problem with programmers submitting with having any sponsoring Division or Committee, so we have to go back and “pair them up”. Programs should be up on the website imminently.

We plan a big marketing push the day the programs go up.

No vendors are permitted to submit, and no outside private companies. The work around for this is if a Division wants to sponsor them, which we frown upon.

We have 44 vendor tables sold so far (out of 67), a decent rate.

We have 4 corporate sponsors so far. (Sandpebble, JanWay, H2M, and Webair) and a few more “on the line”.

We have 100 registrants so far. Early bird registrations ends Friday March 2nd at midnight.

We are going to contact Island Harvest to see if they can accommodate the Conference as a collection site.

Book Fairies was mentioned.  This organization collects gently used books, send them to schools, hospitals or wherever they are in need.  Maybe it will be possible to have a donation site near entrance.

Our next meeting is on Tuesday, March 13th at 9:30 at the Half Hollow Hills Community Library in Dix Hills, NY. All are welcome to attend.


MEMBERSHIP:  No report.

NEWSLETTER:  Jennifer Rocco reported by email.

The SCLA newsletter was sent out on February 1, 2018. Thank you to all for getting submissions in on time! It really helps! I just wanted to note that I had 5 participants for this newsletter’s trivia question- and they all were correct! I got in touch with Brian Schwartz regarding prizes for them and he was kind enough to send an SCLA picture frame and note to each winner. Four winners were from various libraries and one winner was a high school librarian which thrills me to know that we are reaching not only libraries but schools as well! Kudos to all on promotion efforts for this great organization!

NOMINATING: Brian Schwartz reported.

Brian reported that the call was sent out for nominations.

SCHOLARSHIP:  Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.

Martha Mikkleson has volunteered to head the Scholarship Committee.


STUDENT OUTREACH: Mark Navins reported.

On March 15, there will be an online webinar on the Importance of Professional Organizations. Guest speakers will be Mark Navins and Brian Schwartz.  They are developing a Power Point presentation that can be given to library school students on the importance of joining professional organizations and SCLA specifically. The first time this presentation will be given will be to St John’s students.

Through a contact Brian Schwartz has with C.W. Post, Student Outreach Committee is also

trying to set up a time to meet with their students.


WEB PAGE:   Stephen Ingram reported.

Stephen reported that all of the WordPress sites have been updated to the latest security updates.

There has been a posting for early bird registration for the SCLA/NCLA Conference to listservs, the website and Facebook.

Stephen has been posting new materials to the SCLA website and Facebook page. He is also posting upcoming SCLA events.

Facebook currently has 619 likes. Google Analytics Behavior overview as of January has 700 page views.


CLASC: Amy Johnston and Marybeth Kozikowski reported.

They discussed the civil service proposal. It would not change the format of the exam. It would only be a compliment to the exam and may encourage professional development.  The proposal would be to add points to the exam for professional development. Some ideas would to have a point system.  If you served on a committee/board, became a discussion leaders for a conference, attend a meeting, attend a conference or do a publication writings. It would be only open to SCLA and CLASC members.  You would not get points for just being a member.  They would like to meet with civil service to figure out obstacles.

There was a motion to vote to continue this proposal. The motion was moved by all voting board members.
LILRC: Nicole Menchise reported.

Nicole reported that there was an Engaging Minds program at Sachem Studios.  There were 60 people in attendance.  Topics discussed were the collaboration between departments and hands-on technology.

The Trio of WordPress classes were all fully attended, and the classes will be repeated in the upcoming months.

There will be a Building and Inclusive Workshop that will discuss recent trends in diversity management.  There will also be Archives on a Shoestrong III that will discuss making custom fourfold phase boxes for special collections.

There will be a meeting held on June 19, 2018. The annual conference will be held on October 25 and/or 26.

NCLA:  No report.
PLDA:  Mike Firestone reported.

Please push and encourage staff to attend Lobby Day. If you can’t attend, you can send out forms and letters to your local legislator.

SCLS:  Samantha Alberts reported.

Please support Advocacy Day. Thank you for your patience with the server migration.

NYLA:  Todd Schlitt reported via email.
As many of you know Library Advocacy Day 2018 will take place on Wednesday, February 28 – in addition to legislative meetings, there will be a Library Advocates Rally in the Well of the Legislative Office Building, and READ posters photographs will be taken of elected officials. Busses sponsored by library systems will be transporting advocates from around the state.

Pre‐Advocacy Day on Tuesday, February 27 will be held at the Albany Hilton, and will include assorted meetings, professional development offerings, and the NYers for Better Libraries Gala. NYLA Council encourages you and anyone you can bring in from your professional or personal networks, to be an active advocate for NY’s Libraries. All of tools and information anyone needs to participate at any level of engagement is available in one convenient location on the NYLA website.

Membership continues to climb, now over 6,200 (5,300 at the same time in 2017). Partnerships with library systems has been key to our ongoing growth. The Northern NY Library Network (one of the nine ESLN councils) is exploring gathering a bulk membership for its members. Only a handful of public library systems remain as targets for bulk memberships. The Membership Committee is developing a full‐scale membership survey, with input from each section, as well as NYLA’s standing committees. This will be the largest membership survey undertake in the past five years.


Steve Alcalde: No report.

Alexandra Mercado:  She spoke on the phone with Jamie Papandrea (PLDA President) about Networking Night.

  1. We believe that the event should feel more social and not take place in a library
  2. Jamie is in contact with Painter’s Restaurant in Bellport to get pricing information
  3. We are looking at either Thursday May 31st or Thursday June 7th
  4. We want to catch people right before the summer starts and we can talk up Networking Night at Long Island Library Conference

Emily Guerrero: No report.

Lissetty Thomas:  She is looking into giveaways for LILC, possibly thinking about a foldable bag.

There are extra flyers set up in the open area of SCLS.

Celia Vollmer:  She discussed a training on emergency services.  There could be training for staff on how to use a tourniquet.
Brian Schwartz adjourned the meeting at 11:44 am.

Corrected and Approved
SCLA Minutes
Friday, March 16, 2018 SCLS

IN ATTENDANCE: Brian Adams, Samantha Alberts, Stephen Burg, Mike Firestone, Rebecca Goldstein, Teri Hatred, Candace Hope, Stephen Ingram, Min Liu, Alexandra Mercado, Mark Navins, Elaine Perez, Katherine Regina, Bruce Seger, Todd Schlitt, Brian Schwartz, Lissetty Thomas, Joyce Thompson-Haas, Kristen Todd-Wurm

CALL TO ORDER:   Brian Schwartz called the meeting to order at 10:04 am.  The February 2018 minutes were reviewed and corrected.  Joyce Thompson-Haas motioned to approve minutes.  Brian Schwartz seconded this motion.  None were opposed.  Motion passed.

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  The SSD roundtable has been cancelled due to low registration.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.

Jen Rocco will be stepping down from doing the newsletter.  We will be looking for someone to fill that position.

Kristen would like to make SCLA as relevant as possible.  We all need to try to get more people involved and ask them what they would like to see.  It would be nice to find out why some haven’t joined yet.  Perhaps we can have a marketing professional come in to do a program.

The NCLA flyer was shared to show how they promote themselves to get new memberships.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Elaine Perez reported.

The February 2018 report ended.  The closing balance is $61,632.89.

If you have any mail to send to Elaine, please send it directly to the Children’s Department so she can get it faster.

There is a reimbursement form on NYLA’s website.  Elaine is getting a lot of emails that members are not getting reimbursed.  Please make sure you include a receipt and the form to get reimbursed.


DASL: Min Liu & Bruce Seger reported.

The Academic Libraries Invitational will be held on Friday, April 27 at the Suffolk County Community College in Brentwood.  There will be 3 speakers including David Jank, Irina Kandarasheva and Megan Margino. This event will be sponsored by ASLD & LILRC.  Tom Walker, Director of the LIU Palmer School will be giving the opening remarks.  This is the 4th year this event is taking place.  There is always a great turnout.  They will be offering a tour of the learning resource commons.

They discussed the speakers for the Long Island Library Conference. There will be a talk on a project using Twitter at college.  It will be utilized at Stonybrook University.

RASD: Candace Hope reported.

Tickets for the Long Island Reads event at the Patchogue Theatre went live on March 1, and as of Wednesday, March 14, 730 tickets have been spoken for! Mike Massimino will be talking about his book Spaceman on Sunday, April 15.

The next meeting of the Media committee is scheduled for Tuesday, April 10 and common issues cataloging media items will be discussed.

Our joint Long Island Library Conference program with Nassau’s RASD was accepted. The Future of Reference Services will discuss recommendations based on surveys, roundtables and methodology for staff on what is currently being done at reference desks. Presenters include two Nassau library directors and the assistant director of the Nassau County Library System.

CATS:  Stephen Burg reported.

TIF held their meeting on March 1  at the Longwood Library. Aurora from SCLS gave a live demo of Google Expedition which is a way to teach classes with virtual reality.  This new tool is available through the SCLS Lending Library. 26 people attended and a copy of the live stream is available on the CATS Facebook Page.

TIF’s next meeting will be April 5 at The Merrick Library. It will be a joint Nassau Suffolk round table meeting.

On Wednesday, March 21 at noon, CATS will be hosting a tour of the Stony Brook iCreate lab.

The CATS sponsored program at LILC this year will be Fostering Entrepreneurship at the Library through Technology. Presenters will be Chris DeCristofaro, Technology Librarian/Sachem Public Library, James Hutter, Technology Librarian/Head of Computer Services/Port Washington Public Library and Nick Tanzi, Assistant Director of Technology Services/Mastics Moriches Shirley Community Library.

The next CATS board meeting will be April 11.

SSD:  Teri Hatred reported.

SSD is hosting a Social Media Managers Workshop on March 16 from 2-4pm at the Brentwood Public Library.  They have 39 registrations for the program.

The SSD 2018 Annual Roundtable that was to be held at the West Islip Public Library on March 21, 2018 has been cancelled due to poor registration.

The next SSD Board meeting will be held on April 20, 2018.

YASD: Rebecca Goldstein reported.

YASD’s Annual Fran Romer Memorial Workshop was originally scheduled for Thursday, March 8, 2018, but had to be rescheduled – our speaker Rachel Vail was visiting Switzerland, and her flight was delayed because of the weather. Luckily, our speaker, book discussion leaders, and majority of the attendees were available the following week, and the workshop was held on Thursday, March 15 at Patchogue Medford’s Carnegie Library. The theme of the workshop was “Realistic Fiction for Real Issues” and included four book discussion groups, book talks, book signings, raffle baskets, and lunch.

YASD is currently accepting applications for the BEST Award, honoring a teen (ages 13-19) who has made significant contributions to library services. BEST Award applications can be found on YASD’s website http://yasd-scla.blogspot.com/ and are due by Monday, April 2.

On Thursday, April 12, Carisse Bormann and Nicole Peters of the West Babylon Public Library will be giving a presentation on how to make life-long library users out of the tween population. They will give advice on how to attract tweens through appealing programs, strategic marketing, and collection development.



ARCHIVES:  Bruce Seger reported.

He is continuing the scanning.  Bruce is working with Nicole to get everything digitized.

CIVIL SERVICE:   Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.

Kristen would like to set up a meeting with civil service by April to introduce the new CLASC proposal.


CONTINUING EDUCATION: Teri Hatred reported.

Teri has to add 1 new program.

ELSA:  No report.



LDA AWARD:  No report.

LEGISLATIVE: Samantha Alberts reported.

The Senate and Assembly have each released their one-house budget bills, and are currently debating and passing budget resolutions.  These bills provide the basis for 3-way negotiations leading up to passage of the state budget.

Assembly: State Library Aid: +$4M over Governor’s Executive Budget- total of $95.62M, which would restore the Governor’s cut.

State Library Construction Aid: +$50M over Governor’s Executive Budget- total of $64M, which includes language to ensure the needs of NYC libraries are addressed.

Senate: State Library Aid: +$6M over Governor’s Executive Budget- total of $97.627M, which would restore the Governor’s cut and add $2M in funding.

State Library Constriction Aid: +$50 over Governor’s Executive Budget- total of $64M.

Please contact your elected officials and send them a message in support of library funding.

Save the dates: Suffolk County Legislative Breakfast on September 21 at Brentwood Library

PLDA Golf and Dinner Fundraiser on September 27

Nassau County Legislative breakfast on September 28


On March 20 there will be a meeting at the Syosset Library.

There are 57 vendor tables sold, out of 68.  As of February 27, there are 150 registrations. 34 are NCLA members and 85 are SCLA members. 31 of those SCLA registrations are not members.  There are 23 non members and 8 students.

There have been complaints about the small rooms from the programmers. Perhaps we should change those rooms to association rooms for next year.  There will be a collection bin of non-perishable food items for Long Island Harvest.


MEMBERSHIP: Steve Alcalde reported via email.

Steve has been able to get a more updated monthly list directly from NYLA instead of just referring to the active roster list on their website. It will help make things more efficient.

NEWSLETTER:  Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.

We are looking for someone to fill this position

NOMINATING: Brian Schwartz reported.

 Brian sent out a second call for nominations.  The deadline is March 23. He will send it out one more time.

SCHOLARSHIP:  No report.


STUDENT OUTREACH: Mark Navins reported.

Brian and I ran a webinar for St. John’s Library Students.  We created a Google Slides presentation and were able to deliver it via Webex screen share.  The webinar was titled “SCLA and Professional Organizations.”  The webinar went well, the students engaged a little but a spirited conversation about the importance of networking took place with the professor Michael Crossfox.

He is looking for contacts from Post or Queens College.


WEB PAGE:   Stephen Ingram reported.

Steve updated all WordPress sites to the  latest security updates.

He has been posting new materials to the SCLA website and Facebook page.  He will also be posting upcoming SCLA events.

We currently have 1500 subscribers on the li-lib listserv.  Facebook has 628 likes.  As of January, the website had 733 page views.

Please send Steve any dates for programs you would like advertised. He also discussed listerves-.  You can only be on the SCLA one if you are a member.


CLASC: No report.

LILRC: Min Liu reported.

Min thanked the associations for their support of Advocacy Day.

There will be a LILRC annual membership meeting on June 19 at the Farmingdale Library.  She is working on a speaker. It is a free event. They had 110 people attended last year.

The Annual Conference will be held on October 25/26 at the Heritage Club in Bethpage.

Workshops: March 26- Protecting Financial Identity Theft and Scam Prevention

April 10- Transgender Communities

April 14- Introduction to WordPress, April 20- Intermediate WordPress, May 4- Advanced WordPress

April 26- Affordable Practices for Managing Audio Content

There will be a speaker from Stonybrook at the conference.  It will be on what libraries can do about opioids on Long Island.

The NYLA Annual Conference will be in Rochester.

NCLA:  No report.

PLDA:  Mike Firestone reported.

Thank you for the efforts on Lobby Day.  He also discussed upcoming fundraisers.

SCLS:  Samantha Alberts reported.

Thanked everyone for participating in Lobby Day.  Please sign up for advocacy alerts. You can also sign up for the professional development newsletter.

Workshops:  April 12 – Amazon Echo for seniors with dementia.

April 30- NY Civil Liberties and Toro College: Immigration Issues

May (date tbd) – Libraries and Mental Awareness

October 2- Veterans Service Program

NYLA:  Todd Schlitt reported.

Thank you for attending advocacy day.


Steve Alcalde: Reported via email.

SCLA will be sponsoring 5 programs at this year’s NYLA:

  1. Power of Positive Collaborations
  2. Genealogy on the Fly
  3. Fostering Entrepreneurship at the Library through Technology (w/ Chris DeCristofaro and Nick Tanzi)
  4. Supporting Local Businesses and Entrepreneurship at the Library (w/ Elizabeth Malafi and Sal DiVincenzo)
  5. Crowdsource your Library (w/ Terry Lucas)

Alexandra Mercado:  She is working on networking night.  She will have a date and location at the next meeting. It will most likely be in May or June during the week.  Any suggestions of a place, please let her know.

Emily Guerrero: No report.

Lissetty Thomas:  Picture frame pricing was discussed from last year.  She is proposing to have a bigger budget this year for possible mugs with the SCLA logo or foldaway bags. Starting in the first week of April you can sign up for table shifts at the conference.


Brian Adams: Bring banner to Lobby Day.


Kristen Todd-Wurm: Please bring ideas at the next board meeting for SCLA programs.  We can put a questionnaire on our Listserv to see what programs our members would like to see.  We can check libraries that don’t have any SCLA members and send them a packet.

Brian Schwartz adjourned the meeting at 11:42 am.

Corrected and Approved
SCLA Minutes
Friday, April 20, 2018 SCLS

IN ATTENDANCE: Mike Firestone, Rebecca Goldstein, Stephen Ingram, Min Liu, Emma Lodato, Alexandra Mercado, Nicole Parisi, Elaine Perez, Brian Schwartz, Lauren Scottaline, Lissetty Thomas, Joyce Thompson-Haas, Kristen Todd-Wurm, Celia Volmer

CALL TO ORDER:   Brian Schwartz called the meeting to order at 10:02 am.  The March 2018 minutes were reviewed.  Joyce Thompson-Haas motioned to approve minutes.  Lissetty Thomas seconded this motion.  None were opposed.  Motion passed.

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  There is a new scholarship committee member.  Emma Lodato is a children’s librarian from the Bayport-Blue Point Public Library.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.

Jen Rocco will continue doing the newsletter.  She is going to try and get more people involved by creating a 2 question survey.  She will put it in the newsletter.  Jen would also like feedback from current SLCA members.  The survey can also be found on the SCLA list-serve and Facebook.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Elaine Perez reported.

Please send all reimbursements together for proper signatures unless it is time sensitive.

The closing balance as of March 31, 2018 is $56,626.42.


DASL: No report.

RASD: Lauren Scottaline reported.

The CARE Committee will meet at SCLS on Thursday, May 17 at 2:30pm (coffee and networking at 2:00pm). The speaker will be John Keating of Strategic Staffing; he will speak about employment coaching for people with disabilities.

The Long Island History Committee plans to host their annual trip in June; more details to come soon.

Please save the date for the Annual Luncheon, which will be held on Tuesday, October 2 at That Meetball Place in Patchogue.

Please also attend one or more of the RASD-sponsored programs at the 2018 Long Island Library Conference:

The Future of Reference Services

Enhancing Health Literacy: The Essential Role of Libraries and Librarians

Bookface & Beyond: Creating Engaging Content for Social Media

Success with Social Work Interns in Your Library

 New Business:

Kristen Todd-Wurm is to put forth a motion, asking the Board to approve Candace Hope’s resignation and to appoint Lauren Scottaline as President for the remainder of 2018; She will then act as Past President in 2019.

 All motioned to vote Lauren Scottaline in.

CATS:  Stephen Burg reported.

On April 4th (Rescheduled from 3/21 because of snow), CATS sponsored a tour of  the Stony Brook iCreate lab. During the tour, they were shown the 3 spaces iCreate uses. In the first space, there were multiple collaborative spaces. All the tables in the room had whiteboard markers that could be used to write on almost any surface.

In the second room, there was multiple 3D printers, an engraver, CNC router, sewing machines and multiple computers. The tour guide explained the workflow and training process for students wanting to use the 3D printers. Participants of the tour were then invited  to try out 3D printing pens and spheros.

For the final part of the tour, they were invited to try out virtual reality with the HTC Vive. 11 People attended the tour.

On April 5th, TIF held a joint Nassau/Suffolk roundtable meeting at the Merrick Library.

72 people attended and various topics were covered. The meeting was also live-streamed on Facebook.

SSD:  Celia Vollmer reported.

YASD: Rebecca Goldstein reported.

On April 12th, Carisse Bormann, Head of Teens at the West Babylon Library, presented The Inbe-TWEENs: Children Today, Teens Tomorrow. The workshop focused on programming ideas for tweens, marketing strategies, successes and failures, and working with a budget with the goal of making life-long library users out of the tween population.

YASD is so pleased to host YA author Jeff Zentner at the Long Island Library Conference! Jeff won the 2017 William C. Morris Debut Author Award for his novel The Serpent King. Jeff will discuss the power of stories. Copies of The Serpent King and Goodbye Days will be available for purchase, and Jeff will be signing at the YASD table following the program. The YASD table will also have giveaways and a raffle.

YASD has also chosen the winner of the 2018 BEST Award honoring a teen (ages 13-19) who has made significant contributions to library services. The BEST Award will be presented at the Long Island Library Conference.

On Saturday, April 28, YASD will be running the activities tables at Author’s Unlimited at St. Joseph’s College. Author’s Unlimited is a free event connecting tweens and teens with local authors.


ANNUAL DINNER:  Emily reported via Kristen Todd-Wurm.

She is looking to change the venue this year to the Long Island Aquarium.  It was best pricing at $50 per person, which includes everything. They will waive the site fee and it will be a buffet dinner. The date will be Thursday, November 15, 2018.  It will be tax exempt but we have to pay the D.J. and gratuity.  The Save the Date will go out by June. It will cost $55-members/$65-non-members.

ARCHIVES:  No report.

CIVIL SERVICE:   Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.

There will be a meeting on Monday with Civil Service to discuss and present ideas with PLDA and CLASC.

COMMUNITY SERVICE:  Martha reported via Lissetty.

Martha will contribute committee help towards raffles and baskets for the scholarship.

CONTINUING EDUCATION: Teri Hatred reported via email.

Continuing Education database is up to date.

ELSA:  Kate Regina reported via email.

 ELSA award posters and pamphlets have been updated and approved by the returning committee.  Pamphlets should be uploaded and available on the SCLA website and posters are printed and will be sent out to member libraries next week to be posted. The nominations begin to be accepted May 1st.



LDA AWARD:    Paula Bornstein reported via email.

Three nomination packets were received by Marcia Olsen, NCLA LDA Library Award Chair. Copies of the packets were delivered to the three SCLA committee members and three NCLA committee members. Two of the nominees were from Nassau County and one from Suffolk County. The winner of the award is Ellen Firer, Director of the Merrick Library.


  1. I am asking the SCLA committee members not to advertise the name of the award winner prior to the presentation.
  2. This year’s LDA Library Award Committee members are Bruce Silverstein, Gus Isaaksen, and Monica Brusalis.

Upcoming Program or Activity:

Date:  May 3, 2018

The award will be presented to Ellen Firer at the Long Island Library Conference on this day.


LONG ISLAND LIBRARY CONFERENCE: Brian Adams reported via email.

The conference is a scant 12 Days away. We have more vendor tables than ever before.  Associations will be located back by the pool area, and for the first time also upstairs.

Emily Eshfahani Smith is coming in the night before.  She and Jeff Mack will be signing books at a table near the lobby after their respective programs. Book Revue is the official, sanctioned bookseller at the conference.

Bins from Island Harvest will be at the entrance, please remember to bring non-perishable food items with you, and please remind your colleagues as well.

The conference is being dedicated to the memory of Herb Biblo.

Registration stands around the 500 mark, we expect quite a number of last minute registrations by midnight April 25th when online registration ends.  After that, registration must be done onsite and will be $ 90.00.

Divisions sponsoring panels and speakers need to be responsible hosts for their speakers – find/meet them and direct them to their assigned rooms.

We are always looking for people to join the Committee, if you are interested please let me know. We meet about 10 times per year.

We tentatively plan on hanging the SCLA banner from the rafters. We might consider designing/ procuring a new SCLA banner for the future.

Next year’s conference is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, May 2nd or 9th.


MEMBERSHIP: Steve Alcalde reported via email.


Seeing as our roster was missing from NYLA’s page for more than a week, I wasn’t able to get the renewal letters out in the same timely manner I usually can. Now that our roster has miraculously reappeared on the site, the letters will be going out next week.


The following are the programs/dates/etc. we’ll be sponsoring at this year’s NYLA Conference. Some of the blurbs/titles may still be subject to change, but the dates and times are locked in.

SCLA-Program Slot #2: Thursday 11/8/2018 from 4:00 PM – 5:15 PM

Genealogy Research on the Fly

Sponsor: SCLA; Co-Sponsor: / LHRT, RASS, CORT, RLRT

This program aims to demystify the genealogy research process by breaking it down into a series of user-friendly reference and research techniques. Core interview strategies and family history concepts will be presented, followed by a rapid review of free online genealogy resources.

Speaker(s): Rhonda Konig, Buffalo and Erie County Public Library

Room Monitor: Due 8/15

SCLA-Program Slot #3: Friday 11/9/2018 from 8:30 AM – 9:45 AM

Creating Dynamic Programming through Community Partnerships

Sponsor: SCLA; Co-Sponsor: / MSRT

Learn how to foster successful partnerships within your community to create powerful and engaging programs. Those in attendance will learn about the presenters’ own collaboration success story, the basics of identifying the right community partners, and lessons learned from times when partnerships didn’t work out.

Speaker(s): Tonia Burton, Rochester Public Library/ Cara Rager, WXXI Education

Room Monitor: Due 8/15

SCLA-Program Slot #6: Friday 11/9/2018 from 3:45 PM – 5:00 PM

Crowdsource Your Library

Sponsor: SCLA

Crowdsourcing and crowdfunding are comprehensive ways of enlisting community assistance in the digital era. For modern libraries, matching the right crowdsourcing/funding tools with the needs of its community can can not only help achieve immediate goals,

Speaker(s): Sara Fiore, Rogers Memorial Library, Samantha Alberts, Suffolk Cooperative Library System, Terry Lucas, Shelter Island Public Library, Nola Thacker, Westhampton Free Library

Room Monitor: Due 8/15

SCLA-Program Slot #7: Saturday 11/10/2018 from 9:30 AM – 10:45 AM

Libraries Fostering Entrepreneurship through Technology

Sponsor: SCLA/ Co-Sponsor: MSRT, SMART

As more patrons turn to free Makerspace services to manufacture a product, libraries are faced with the difficult task of meeting their needs without becoming a source of free labor. This program focuses on how libraries can make these essential adjustments and meet the needs of the modern-day library user.

Speaker(s): Chris DeCristofaro, Sachem Public Library, Nick Tanzi, Mastics-Moriches-Shirley Community Library, James Hutter, Port Washington Public Library

Room Monitor: Due 8/15

SCLA-Program Slot #8: Saturday 11/10/2018 from 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM

Libraries Supporting Local Businesses and Entrepreneurs

Sponsor: SCLA/Co-Sponsor: MSRT, RLRT

Learn the best means of reaching and serving your library’s business community. Presenters will offer specific guidance on everything from information resources to programming, special events, marketing, and outreach. Examples of personal experiences, and those of librarians nationwide, will also be shared.

Speaker(s): Elizabeth Malafi, Middle Country Public Library, Sal DiVincenzo, Middle Country Public Library

Room Monitor: Due 8/15

NEWSLETTER:  Jennifer Rocco reported via email.

I’ve sent reminder emails about newsletter blurbs from Divisions/Committees the last few weeks. The newsletter will be emailed to all the first week of May.

NOMINATING: Brian Schwartz reported.

 Brian sent out reminders for slate for nominees and people who are running by April 30.

SCHOLARSHIP:  Emma Lodato will be taking this position.  She will connect with Ally Mercado to do scholarship raffles. They can do raffle tickets online and generate winners.




WEB PAGE:   Stephen Ingram reported.

Stephen updated all WordPress sites to latest security updates.  He will be posting new materials and upcoming SCLA events to the SCLA website and Facebook page.

Facebook insights: 633 likes

Google Analytics Behavior overview: February 589 page views


CLASC: Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.

CLASC be coming to the civil service meeting.  They also had their annual dinner on April 19, 2018.

LILRC: Min Liu reported.

On Friday, April 27 There will be the 4th Academic Libraries Invitational at SCCC Brentwood. Breakfast and lunch will be included at no charge. There will be 3 speakers.

Organization collaborating is helping to get more members and is working well.

Please save the dates for the following:

April 26- Sound Advice: Audio Content Management

May 23- Creating Finding Aids for Archival Collections

June 4- Guidelines for Lending & Borrowing Items for Exhibition


NCLA: Kristen Todd-Turm reported.


We need a renewal for organizational membership.


PLDA:  Mike Firestone reported.


There will be remote access to the board meetings.

They will be meeting with Civil Service on Monday

SCLS:  No report.

NYLA:  No report.


Steve Alcalde: No report.

Alexandra Mercado:  SCLA’s Annual Networking Night will take place on Thursday, May 31st from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at Old City Public House in Ronkonkoma. They were the most affordable option for the night offering $350 for assorted appetizers for 2 hours with a cash bar available. I will be leaving a $100 deposit as soon as I get the check from NYLA. There will be a registration fee of $6 per person. Please encourage your colleagues to attend!

How can we encourage members to attend fundraising PLDA events?

Emily Guerrero: No report.

Lissetty Thomas:  There will be a sheet going around to volunteer to be at SCLA table at LILC.  Please sign up for shifts.  We will be getting lint-rolling pens for LILC.

OLD BUSINESS:  We will be sending information packets to libraries.  Steve printed out forms/labels and packet information to stuff and drop in the system bag.

NEW BUSINESS:  Kristen received an email from a teacher in the Elwood district. They would like someone from SCLA to come to the high school to take about library careers.

Ally has been posting things on behalf of person who isn’t member on our list-serve.

Celia said SSD will be getting new officers but they are having trouble gettings members to run.

Brian Schwartz adjourned the meeting at 11:26 am.

Corrected and Approved
SCLA Minutes
Friday, June 15, 2018 SCLS

IN ATTENDANCE: Brian Adams, Steve Alcalde, Mike Firestone, Stefanie Gangone, Rebecca Goldstein, Stephen Ingram, Min Liu, Alexandra Mercado, Elaine Perez, Jennifer Rocco, Brian Schwartz, Lauren Scottaline, Lissetty Thomas, Joyce Thompson-Haas, Kristen Todd-Wurm

CALL TO ORDER:   Brian Schwartz called the meeting to order at 10:02 am.  The April 2018 minutes were reviewed.  Joyce Thompson-Haas motioned to approve minutes.Lauren Scottaline seconded this motion.  None were opposed.  Motion passed.


PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.

Kristen met with Suffolk County Civil Service.  They submitted a proposal with CLASC and PLDA about awarding points on the exams.  Suffolk County Civil Service said they can’t add points to exams because of the NYS constitution. Points are only for veterans & 9/11 responders.  When you get your score, you can go to the computational review. This will show you where you were deficient.  There will be a Librarian 1 review session in September with civil service.



DASL: No report.

RASD: Lauren Scottaline reported.

Many thanks to all who attended the LI Reads event at the Patchogue Theater in April; there were approximately 820 people there to hear Mike Massimino, author of Spaceman: An Astronaut’s Unlikely Journey to Unlock the Secrets of the Universe

The Health Concerns Committee have shared Video Tutorials for Consumer Health Reference Workshops on the RASD webpage. Please share this opportunity to gain free continuing education credits and improve reference services. For more information, please contact Committee Chair Sal Filosa: sfilosa@portjefflibrary.org.

On Tuesday, June 12, the MOSAIC Committee hosted their Annual Breakfast, on Patron Privacy and Risk – Worst Cases and Preparations. Speakers were Jason Griffey, founder of Evenly Distributed, as well as reps from Empire Justice League and SEPA Mujer. To all of those who did not attend, please look for the notes from this meeting, which will be distributed via the listserv and RASD’s website. The presentation was very informative, especially considering that ALA currently has not taken a stance on libraries not officially being represented in the sensitive locations law protecting immigrants at places like schools.

Please look for the Summer edition of Ramblings via the listserv on or about July 2. In it you will find information about the many upcoming Fall programs the RASD

Committess will be hosting, as well as the link to register for the 2018 RASD Luncheon, which will be held on Tuesday, October 3, 2018 at That Meatball Place. The speaker will be a staffer of the Elizabeth A. Morton National Wildlife Refuge.

MOSAIC is looking for volunteers for Noticias; please contact Amber Gagliardi for more information: gagliardiamber@mcplibrary.org

The PR & Marketing Committee would like to remind all Public and Academic librarians to consider applying for the SLMA Award. The award is a countywide recognition of the best PR and Marketing campaigns done from 9/16/17 through 9/15/18, and is presented at the SCLA Dinner in November.

The Suffolk Library Marketing Award recognizes the Best Public Relations Marketing Campaign by a Public or Academic Library in Suffolk County, a commission of the Public Relations and Marketing Committee of the Reference and Adult Services Division of the Suffolk County Library Association, a Regional Chapter of the New York Library Association.

The application process is easy and the pride in your accomplishments will be great. Become the library that houses the SLMA Plaque for the next year! The application is at rasdpr.wordpress.com for download.

It has been announced that the topic of the annual SCLA RASD Health Concerns Committee Breakfast & RASD Board Meeting will be kidney diseases, and will be held on Tuesday, November 6 at SCLS from 9am to noon. All are welcome. A bibliography of resources will be available to all coinciding with this meeting.

The Readers Advisory Committee will soon publish their list of 2018 Beach Reads; look for this bibliography on their website: http://rasdreadersadvisory.blogspot.com/

Upcoming meetings:

The New Adult Committee will host a meeting on Monday, June 18 on the topic of Dark Social.Come learn about “Dark Social,” including Snapchat, Facebook Messenger and other social platforms that lack clear metrics.

The New Adult Committee will host a meeting on September 17 on the topic of Embedded Librarianship. Embedded Librarianship is one of the most valuable tools to working with any community, and this is especially true when working with a younger demographic. We will review how to work with stakeholders in your building to build relationships with New Adults. We will also discuss where and how to embed yourselves with this demographic outside the library walls.

The MOSAIC Committee will host a general meeting with a roundtable session highlighting best practices on September 18.

The LI History Committee will host a meeting on September 20 at SCLS.

The Readers Advisory Committee’s next meeting will be on September 27 on the subject of books with male protagonists.

CATS: Stephen Burg reported.

TIF held a round table meeting on May 10 at the Quogue Library.  There were 22 people in attendance. They also held a meeting on June 7 at the Comsewogue Library. The topic of the meeting was locking down Ipads. 24 people attended. TIF’s next meeting will be September 6th at the Sachem Library.

The next CATS Board meeting will be September 12th at 9 am.

You can also live stream meetings on their Facebook page.

SSD:  No report.

YASD: Rebecca Goldstein reported.

Date: Thursday, May 3, 2018

Location: Long Island Library Conference

Topic: The Power of Stories: Jeff Zentner On The Vital Role of Stories in Our World

Speaker: Jeff Zentner, YA Author


YASD hosted YA author Jeff Zentner at the Long Island Library Conference. Jeff won the 2017William C. Morris Debut Author Award for his novel The Serpent King. Jeff deviated slightly from his original topic of The Power Of Stories and discussed how he became an author, his writing process, and his role in creating stories for teens. At the YASD table, we had a very successful Summer Fun Beach Basket raffle and had chapstick as a free giveaway.

Additionally, at the conference, Vice President Michele Cayea presented the BEST Award to Kevin Ryan of the Mastics Moriches Shirley Community Library, nominated by Kerrilynn Jorgensen. Kerrilynn, Kevin, and Kevin’s family were all in attendance at the conference lunch for the presentation.

Date: Thursday, June 7, 2018

Location: SCLS

Topic: Learn How To Escape The Room!

Speakers: Brian Schwartz, Penny Kelley, Rebecca Goldstein

On Thursday, June 7 th , YASD hosted a program focusing on how to create your own Escape The Room program. Speakers Brian Schwartz of the Patchogue Medford Library, Penny Kelley of the Southold Library, and Rebecca Goldstein of the Longwood Public Library discussed using Breakout EDU boxes, writing your own Escape The Room game, creating your own clues, program successes and fails, program attendance, and clue resources.

Upcoming Program or Activity:

YASD will not be hosting any meetings in July or August, as it is the busiest time of year for teen librarians within their own libraries. We will resume meetings in September. In the meantime, we are working on planning our December luncheon.


ANNUAL DINNER:  Emily Guerrero reported via email.

Annual Dinner: We have paid the $500 deposit in May and are officially set for

November 15th 6:30-10:30 pm.

Sponsor Letters– I have the letters written and ready to mail but I was told that SCLA pays for the postage. If I am supposed to send them out myself, I would kindly like some information on how to go about that. If anyone has any suggestions for sponsors, please email me at emily@myrml.org!

Save the Dates– I have printed Save the Date cards, which can be disseminated to libraries however the board sees fit. Please let me know if more are needed. I will also be posting a digital copy through the list serve.

Invitation Flyer– I have created and provided a copy for you of the invitation flyer to be sent out. I would like the board to look it over and offer changes, if they believe it needs it. I also would like confirmation on whether or not the last day to register should be earlier than I have on the flyer.

Final Payment– We have a choice whether we would like to pay on the day of the event or prepay once we have a final attendee count. I would like the board to notify me with this decision today so that I can inform our event representative.

ARCHIVES:  No report.

CIVIL SERVICE:   See president’s report.


CONTINUING EDUCATION: Teri Hatred reported via email.

The database is current with all submitted attendance sheets. Going forward, if youare hosting a training session, workshop, speaker, etc. for SCLA or any of the divisions at SCLS you can use the sign in kiosks at the front desk for your attendance list. BUT you must still report that meeting name and how many professional development hours attendees have earned to Teri Hatred (sclshr@suffolknet.org ). If you do not do the latter the training may not be added to the professional development database.

ELSA:  No report.

FANDOM OUTREACH COMMITTEE:  Stefanie reported via email.

Sachem SteamCon at the Sachem Library – Fandom Outreach will have a table where we will talk to patrons about how libraries are reaching out to the fandom community. We brought flyers promoting free and open to all programming in Suffolk County Libraries.

EternalCon at Nassau Coliseum – June 16 and 17 – Members of the committee will be running fan based library programs and panels.

The panels are “The Future of Libraries” with Stefanie Gangone, Nicole Basil, Michael Buono, Anne Witte-Russo  and “Never too Young to Cosplay: with Stefanie Gangone, Nicole Basil, Angela Horstman and special guest Mermaid Rose .

Some of our workshops include Wizarding wands, Cartoon Trivia, Pokemon Meet Up, and Mermaid Storytime.

We will have a table at the event with the Overdrive System to promote Suffolk county libraries.

Cradle-Con at the Cradle of Aviation Museum –  June 23 and 24 –  Members of the committee will be running fan based library programs and panels.The panels are “The Future of Libraries” with Stefanie Gangone, Nicole Basil, Michael Buono, Anne Witte-Russo, Victoria Lipman  and “Never too Young to Cosplay” with Stefanie Gangone, Nicole Basil, Angela Horstman and “Time Traveling Books” Stefanie Gangone, Anne Witte Russo, Nicole Russo.

We will be doing more Steam Programming at the Cradle including a O2 Racecar science workshop and Tech Camp.  Other workshops include, Pika Pom Poms, Tardis Storytime , Bingo and Dalek Planters.

We will have a table at the event with the Overdrive System to promote Suffolk county libraries.

LIGeek – Hyatt Regency Hotel Hauppauge November 17 and 18 –  Planning is underway. We will have a table and be running programs.  Volunteers are welcome to join us!

We have official positions for Fandom Outreach Committee :

President – Stefanie Gangone – Copiague Memorial Public Library

Vice- President – Anne Witte-Russo – Sayville Library

Treasurer – Michelle Nevola – Brentwood Library

Secretary – Erin Kanelos – Smithtown Library-Kings Park Branch

Community Relations – Nicole Basil – Copiague Memorial Public Library


LDA AWARD:   No report.

LEGISLATIVE: Samantha reported via email.

The Suffolk County Legislative Breakfast will be held at the Brentwood Public Library 9/21/2018.  We would like to ask for a budget of $500 to cover our half.Please consider going to these other advocacy activities in September:9/27/2018 – PLDA Golf and Dinner Fundraiser

9/28/2018 – Nassau County Legislative breakfast

Motion is pass to give budget of $500. Stephen Burg motioned.


By all accounts, the conference was a success. Collections of outstanding bills are still underway.

Analytics are still being done, we will have a more detailed report in the future. We will send a finalized list of attendees to Teri Hatred at SCLS and to Arthur Friedman at NCLA for their record keeping.

After NYLA closes the books on June 30th we will have a better indication of our Profitability.

LILC 2019 planning is now officially underway; Stacey Mencher of the Syosset Public Library will be the new Chair.

The 2019 Conference already has a commitment from Beta Phi Mu to join us as a corporate sponsor.

Here is the list of future meetings (many are still tentative):

No July Meeting
Tuesday, Aug. 14th 9:30 coffee 10am meeting @ Babylon
Tuesday, Sept. 11th 9:30 coffee 10am meeting @ Great Neck
Tuesday, Oct. 9th 9:30 coffee 10am meeting
Tuesday, Nov. 13th 9:30 coffee 10am meeting @ Bryant
Tuesday, Dec. 11th 9:30 coffee 10am meeting
Tuesday, January  8th 1pm @Marriott Walk-thru
Tuesday, Feb. 12th 9:30 coffee 10am meeting
Tuesday, Mar. 12th 9:30 coffee 10am meeting
Tuesday, Apr. 9th 1pm @Marriott tasting
Wednesday, May 8th All day @Marriott Set up
Thursday, May 9th Conference Day @Marriott
Tuesday, June 11th 9:30 coffee 10 am meeting Follow-up

Thank you everyone for your support and help during my tenure as Committee Chairperson.

LONG RANGE PLANNING/MARKETING:  Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.

This is usually done by the past-presidents.  She is hoping to get it restarted and will talk to the past 2 current past-presidents (Jeri & Jose).

MEMBERSHIP: Steve Alcalde reported.

NYLA- SCLA roster was down from website and is now back up.  He is hoping directors will sign-up the entire staff for NYLA but it hasn’t caught up yet so it looks like membership is down.

July 27- Next membership meeting, no board meeting at 10am.

NEWSLETTER:  Jennifer Rocco reported.

If everyone can update her email address it would be appreciated.  Next newsletter will be out in September.

NOMINATING:  Brian reported.

Election opens today.  Everything has been sent to NYLA.  Bios have been put on the SCLA webpage and emailed.

SCHOLARSHIP:  Emma is working on a flyer.  Raffle tickets can be purchased online this year.  She would like to start them earlier than usual.  Save the date will be sent out over the summer.

STATISTICAL SURVEY: Kristen Todd reported.

The last time it was updated was 2015 and the information was based on 2014.  She will follow up with Peter about updating report.



 WEB PAGE:  Please check the awards page and help me fill in missing recipients. Events will be slim picking for July and August. If you are running a program please let me know so I can put it on the event page and the website/facebook. Updated all wordpress sites to latest security updates. Posting new materials to the SCLA website and Facebook pagePosting upcoming SCLA events first of the month. Facbook insights646 likes. Google Analytics Behavior overview April 648 page views, May 575 page views


CLASC:  No report.

LILRC: Min Liu reported.

New LILRC director, Tim will be attending meetings.

The annual meeting will be at the Farmingdale Library on June 19.

NCLA: No report.

PLDA:  Mike Firestone reported.

There will be a golf outing fundraiser on September 27.

They will be having a meeting in July.  They would like to give 10 seats to the dinner to the 5 SCLA officers and each division will get 1 seat.  They hope more people from SCLA will attend the dinner.

SCLS:  Samantha reported via email.

Reporting Professional Development Hours

Going forward if you are hosting a training for SCLA or any of the divisions at SCLS you can use the sign in kiosks at the front desk for  your attendance list.  BUT you must still report that meeting name and how many professional development hours attendees have earned to Teri Hatred.  If you do not do the latter the training may not be added to the professional development database.

NYLA:  Todd Schlitt reported via email.

 Jeremy Johannesen was elected to Chair the ALA Committee for Library Advocacy (COLA) and was also chosen to be on the search committee for the Director of

Marketing & Communications – which is a top tier position at ALA.

Council evaluations of NYLA Executive Director are currently underway and will be submitted early next week.

ALA Library Boot Camp is coming to NY and will be in the Capital Region on

September 20th. (more details to come)

Keynote speakers have been chosen for NYLA 2018 in Rochester:

Leah Esguerra is a California Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT). She is the nation’s first full-time library social worker.

Jennifer Keys has been a Health and Safety Associate since May 2017 at the San Francisco Public Library.  She has been instrumental in linking over a hundred library

patrons with community resources.


Steve Alcalde: He would like to vote on hotel reimbursement for NYLA presenters.

Alexandra Mercado:

-SCLA’s Annual Networking Night took place on Thursday, May 31st at Old City Public House in Ronkonkoma.

-I would like to thank Lissetty Thomas, Steve Alcalde, Todd Schlitt, Lauren Scottaline and Samantha Alberts for attending to represent SCLA.

-We had a total of 25 attendees including academic librarians, public librarians, support staff and library school students.

-Everyone had a great time and people were asking when we would do something like this again.

Emily Guerrero: No report.

Lissetty Thomas:  LILC- 50/50 raffle made $210.  Sharon Drake from PML won the raffle. Giveaways came in day of conference so we gave out giveaways from last year.  She is going to be sending out lint rollers to Suffolk members who attended.


NEW BUSINESS:  Kristen Todd-Wurm reported: She received an email about planning a bus service to Rochester for NYLA.

LILRC may cover bus for Suffolk/Nassau.

We would like to see more programming on behalf of SCLA.

Brian Schwartz adjourned the meeting at 11:45 am

Corrected and Approved
SCLA Minutes
Friday, August 17 at the Bean Coffeehouse

IN ATTENDANCE: Alex Blend, Rebecca Goldstein,  Emily Guerrero, Teri Hatred Stephen Ingram, Emma Lodato, Elaine Perez, Katherine Regina,  Jennifer Rocco, Lissetty Thomas, Kristen Todd-Wurm, Celia Vollmer

CALL TO ORDER:   Brian Schwartz called the meeting to order at 10:02 am.  The  August 2018 minutes were reviewed.  Celia Volmer motioned to approve minutes.  None were opposed.  Motion passed.


PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.  It is important to have one  member of the SCLA board to attend the Long Island Library Conference Committee meetings.

Kristen reported that we need to look into formalizing some kind of a budget for NYLA speakers each year. There has been some confusion regarding what we cover for speakers and it has just been handed down from one  person to the next.  We need to come up with a formal agreement which Steve Alcalde is working on and how much we can spend per speaker. We have 12 speakers this year because of the number of programs. We need to give our NYLA conference liaison a budget so that he/she will feel comfortable selecting programs during the next go around.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Elaine Perez reported.  Board members  have been diligent  in sending in their reimbursement requests but they should make sure they are signed.  It  has been reported that divisions are not receiving their financial reports from NYLA on a monthly basis as they are supposed to.


DASL:  Bruce Seeger reported via email.

We are exploring having a fall luncheon for DASL and will have an update at the next  meeting.

RASD: Alex Blend reported on behalf of Lauren Scottaline.

MOSAIC Committee will have a meeting on Tuesday, September 18, with speakers from   Cornell Cooperative Extension. The presentation will be on programs through Cornell offered in other languages. The meeting will be held at SCLA and will begin at 10am ith  coffee and networking at 9:30am.

The Media Committee will host a meeting on Wednesday, September 19, covering topics  of circulating board games and toys, and zine collections. Additional topics to be presented as well. The meeting will be held at SCLA and will begin at 10am with coffee and networking at 9:30am.

The Readers Advisory Committee will host their next meeting on Thursday, September 27 at 10am at SCLS; the topic is books featuring male protagonists.

The CARE Committee will host a meeting on November 15 in the afternoon, with speakers from both the Helen Keller Center and Helen Keller Services for the Blind.

The Health Concerns Committee is seeking a Co-Chair. Please contact Sal Filosa at the

Port Jefferson Free Library for more information. Please remind your coworkers to apply for the PR/Marketing Award, which is given out at the SCLA Annual Dinner.

The RASD Board would like to invite all of the SCLA Board and its Divisions to attend the Annual Luncheon on Tuesday, October 2 at That Meatball Place in Patchogue at 1pm. All Division Presidents, PLDA President, SCLA President and Vice President are invited to attend at no cost. Please RSVP to Lauren Scottaline by Wednesday, September 5.

CATS: Stephen Burg reported via email.

CATS took the summer off our next Board meeting will be September 12 at 9 am

preceding the tactics for Increasing Privacy and Security program that we are Co-Sponsoring. The program will  be taking place on September 12th at SCLS and is currently full. We are also currently working on locking down a guest speaker for this year’s annual meeting.

SSD:  Celia Vollmer reported.

The Support Staff Division will be hosting a CANVA class on September 25th from 2-4pm at SCLS in the training room. The course is free for Support Staff Division members and $10.00 for non-members.

The SSD Annual Safety Conference will be held on October 17th at the Brentwood Public Library from 10:00am-4:00pm. Some of the current scheduled programs; PESH, Public Employees Safety & Health Bureau will show how to keep your staff safe and how to set up a safety policy/committee as per NYS guidelines, SCPD, Homeland Security will present COOP, Continuity of Operations Planning, and Jessica Price; Empathy in the Library. The Support Staff Division will sponsor 4 proposals to NYLA for the new Brief-inar program.

Active Shooter (2 part series) – Run, Hide and Fight. Since 2000, the United States has seen 250 active shooter incidents. There were 2,217 casualties in those incidents (shooters not included). Of those, 799 people were killed and 1,418 were wounded.

While the focus of those shootings has been in our schools, libraries have recently begun to become part of the targeted locations. On August 28, 2017, a 16-year-old boy walked into a New Mexico public library and killed two employees while wounding 4 others. No motive was determined. Is your library doing all that it can to train its staff how to survive and respond during one of these incidents?

Commissioner Roger Parinno from NYS DHSES will walk the viewer through Active Shooter incident over a 2 part brief-inar and provide insight on how to be a survivor.

Brief-inar 3: Developing your Emergency Operations Plan (EOP): most libraries will have a Safety and Security Plan or Standard Operating Guidelines; however, an EOP is very different. In this brief-inar we will provide the viewer with the differences between these documents and why each is important. We will provide you with some key elements of inclusion in your plan and finally we will walk you through what needs to be done to test the plan and how to maintain this living document.

Brief-inar 4: Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP): Once you have your Safety Plan, Standard Operating Procedures and Emergency Operations Plan you are done, right? Not quite. What is your plan for restoring those wet books after a disaster? What are you doing with the books that are not ruined? Can you still operate? Are you able to open a satellite location? Who is the backup to the backup librarian? Continuity means just that. What is your plan to keep your services running for the public? During this brief-inar we will discuss the elements you need within your COOP to help set you up for success during a disaster.

YASD: Rebecca Goldstein reported.

YASD did not host any meetings in July, and we do not have any planned for August, as it is the busiest time of year for teen librarians within their own libraries. We will resume meetings in September. In the meantime, we are working on planning our December luncheon.

NYLA is currently hosting the run-off election for the YASD Secretary position for next year, in which there was a tie. Additionally, NYLA is hosting the vote to amend YASD’s  bylaws, which were outdated. Both ballots will be open until August 31st.

Upcoming Program or Activity:

Date: Thursday, September 20 at 10 AM

Location: SCLS Auditorium

Topic: Summer Recap Meeting

On Thursday, September 20, YASD will host a Summer Recap meeting for Teen librarians to gather and discuss their Summer Reading Clubs, formats and prizes, \summer programs, summer community service, and overall successes and fails.


ANNUAL DINNER:  Emily Guerrero reported

Registration for the dinner will begin after Labor Day.  Several sponsors have been contacted and two are interested in sponsorship. Non members will have to pay fo the dinner at the door.

ARCHIVES:  Bruce Seeger reported via email.

Bruce’s scanner has been out of service but has recently been fixed.  Archives will be asked to archive transition statements at the end of the year for new officers.

CIVIL SERVICE:  There will be a review at Sachem Public Library on Wednesday,  October 10th from 6-8pm.  There will be a 5 dollar charge for non members.


CONTINUING EDUCATION: Teri Hatred reported.  The database is current with all submitted attendance sheets. Going forward, if you are hosting a training session, workshop, speaker, etc. for SCLA or any of the divisions at SCLS you can use the sign in kiosks at the front desk for your attendance list. BUT you must still report that meeting name and how many professional development hours attendees have earned to Teri Hatred (sclshr@suffolknet.org ). If you do not do the latter the training may not be added to the professional development database. All trainings, workshops, etc.,

ELSA:  Katherine Regina reported.  There are currently no nominations but there is still time.



LDA AWARD:  No report.

LEGISLATIVE: Samantha Alberts reported via email.


The Suffolk County Legislative Breakfast will be held at the Brentwood Public Library 9/21/2018.  There are 4 rsvps so far for legislators.  If you are planning on attending the breakfast please RSVP by September 12, 2018 to miranda@brentwoodnylibrary.org

Please consider going to these other advocacy activities in September: 9/27/2018 – PLDA Golf and Dinner Fundraiser 9/28/2018 – Nassau County Legislative breakfast

Respectfully, Samantha Alberts



MEMBERSHIP:  It was proposed at the membership meeting in July that there will a part timer rate of 20 dollars for members.  The proposal was voted on and approved by the board.

NEWSLETTER:  Jennifer Rocco reported.

The newsletter was sent out on August 1st.

NOMINATING:  No report.

SCHOLARSHIP:  Emma Lodato reported.

There have been two applications received for the librarian scholarship and one for the continuing education.  There have been two donations for the scholarship and more places are being looked into.

STATISTICAL SURVEY: Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.

The statistical survey is ready to go and will be going out in September.



WEB PAGE:  Stephen Ingram reported.

The webpage is up to date.


CLASC:  No report.

LILRC: It was voted on and approved by the board that SCLA will be donating the following donations to future LILRC events:

(1) $500, Annual Conference on Libraries and the Future

(2) $500, Archives Conference

(3) $500, NYLA Long Island Reception

NCLA: No report.

PLDA:  Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.

PLDA reported that they will send 10 members of the SCLA board to go to the dinner  for free.  If interested, email Kristen.

SCLS:  No report.

NYLA:  Todd Schlitt reported via email.

The 2018-2019 Executive Directors Evaluation was completed, and goals were set by Council and Jeremy Johannensen (Executive Director). A complete copy of the evaluation, accomplishments, and future goals can be supplied upon request. A raise of 3% for all NYLA staff was passed by Council as well. Updates on the NYALS Excelsior Fund, Library Trustees Association, Woodstock Public Library District, as well as Tim Burke (NYLA President) reports are attached. All are worthwhile reads, especially the Woodstock Library update which could have statewide ramifications if the referendum is passed.

Conference Update

As of the second Friday in August 2017 vs 2018 conference registration was 235 vs 254 respectively. 61 booths have been sold compared to 64 the same time last year.

Election Results

The New York Library Association is pleased to announce the results of this year’s Council Election, and to report 748 votes cast, up 140 votes from 2017 (16.4% of eligible voters).

Dr. Jen Cannell, as President-Elect, who will serve from Nov. 2018 – Nov. 2019 and then as NYLA President from Nov. 2019 – Nov. 2020.

Tom Vitale and Jane Verostek as Councilors-at-Large who will each serve from Nov.

2018 – Nov. 2021

The 2018 NYLA Award recommendations were announced they are as follows:

Outstanding Service to Libraries Award: Rebekkah Smith Aldrich

Intellectual Freedom Award: Ned Davis

Bobinski Award: Galina Chernykh

Outstanding Advocate of Libraries Award: Bernie Margolis


Steve Alcalde: Steve Alcalde reported via email.

The SCLA board discussed the benefits of reimbursing speakers at the NYLA

conference for hotels or travel.  It was voted on and passed that we should imburse

for hotels in the future.

Alexandra Mercado:  No report.

Emily Guerrero: No report.

Lissetty Thomas:  Lisetty Thomas reported.  She is sending out thank yous for attending the conference.



Brian Schwartz adjourned the meeting at 11:47 a.m.

Corrected and Approved
SCLA Minutes
Friday, September 21st at the Brentwood Library

IN ATTENDANCE: Brian Adams, Steven Alcalde, Stephen Burg, Rebecca Goldstein, Jose Hernandez, Stephen Ingram, Jennifer Rocco, Todd Schlitt, Brian Schwartz,  Lauren

Scottaline, Tim Spindler, Celia Vollmer,  Lissetty Thomas,  Kristen Todd-Wurm, Peter Ward


CALL TO ORDER:   Brian Schwartz called the meeting to order at 10:02 am.  The  August 2018 minutes were reviewed.  Celia Volmer motioned to approve

minutes.  None were opposed.  Motion passed.

:   None.

: Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.  We are trying to increase ourmembership.  If any division wants to try recording our meetings, NYLA has a space on

their website to allow us to do so.  Kristen spoke to NYLA about divisions getting their monthly financials.  This issue should be resolved and if there are any future problems,

divisions should contact Kristen.



NYLA – SCLA Income Statement for the One Month Ending July 2018

SCLA dues                                           $1279.00 Year to Date

Expenses                                                 779.00  Year to Date

Beginning Balances as 06/30/2018   $ 21,415.75

Closing Balances a 07/07/2018         $ 22,194.75

SCLA – Reimbursement Request

Form for July 21, 2018

SCLA Fall Dinner Expense for SCLA       $500.00 04/30/2018

Annual Event

Year To Date                                          $22.194.75.


July and August Reports 2018 were emailed.  Anyone who did not  received copies, please email me and I will forward a copy to you. Flushing Bank sent SCLA a check for $280.00 .  They have donated $150.00 for SCLA and $130 for our dinner event in November, 2018.   Check and letter were forward to Ms. Galina upon receipt.


DASL:  No report.

RASD: Lauren Scottaline reported.

Online registration for the RASD Annual Luncheon on October 2 at That Meetball Place has closed; those who would like to register at the event may do so by contacting myself or Laurel Scalera  ,lscalera84@gmail.com.

Readers Advisory will meet on Thursday, September 27 at SCLS, covering the theme of male protagonists of all genres. Coffee and networking at 9:30 and meeting will begin at 10am. Long Island Reads will meet at West Babylon Public Library on October 18 to vote on the 2019 Long Island Reads pick; information will go out to libraries soon thereafter regarding the selection and related programming materials.

The Health Concerns Committee Breakfast will begin at 9am on Tuesday, November 6 at SCLS; this year’s topic will be on kidney disease.The New Adult Committee will meet on Monday, November 19 at SCLS; this will be a programming roundtable discussion.

Coffee and networking at 9:30 and meeting will begin at 10am.

The Media Committee will meet on November 28 at SCLS, 9:30am coffee and networking, meeting to begin at 10am. Nicole Rambo will talk about Piper Computer \ Kits, and Sean Walls will be presenting on Raspberry Pi.

The Electronic Resources Committee will next meet on December 19 at SCLS, coffee and networking at 9:30am and meeting at 10am; the meeting will be a roundtable discussion building on the September training on patron privacy.

RASD’s Fall edition of Ramblings will be out in late October.


CATS: Stephen Burg reported.

TIF held a joint Nassau/ Suffolk round table meeting on 9/6/18 54 people attended the meeting at Sachem. Multiple topics were discussed such as 3d printing. On September 12th CATS held our board meeting and are happy to announce that we will have Matt Finch as our guest speaker for our annual meeting on December 12th, more information will follow in the coming months. On September 12th we also co-sponsored Tactics for Increasing Privacy and Security with RASD and SCLS.  28 people attended.

SSD:  Celia Vollmer reported.SSD will be hosting their Annual Meeting and

Safety Conference on Wednesday, October 17th at the Brentwood Public Library. The \

Keynote  Speaker is Geraldine Hart, Suffolk County Police Commissioner.

During the conference NYS Office of Emergency Management will  teach us how to develop and emergency operations plan & continuity of operations plan and in the last session we will break up into groups and they will walk us through creating these plans for any size library. In addition, registrants will receive Narcan Certification, Empathy raining from Jessica Price, and Matthew Settaducati from the Public Employee Safety & Health Bureau will give us an overview of what an employer is required to do to comply with Workplace Violence Prevention statutes.

: Rebecca Goldstein reported.

On Thursday, September 20, YASD hosted a Summer Recap meeting for Teen librarians  to gather and discuss their Summer Reading Clubs, formats and prizes, summer programs, summer community service, and overall successes and fails. Everyone had a successful summer!

Upcoming Program or Activity:

Date: Thursday, October 11 at 10 AM  Location: SCLS Auditorium Topic: Tween Created Content

On Thursday, October 11, YASD will host a meeting about creating content with teens. Lisa Zuena of the Massapequa Public Library will discuss her successful podcasting program, and Nicole Rambo and Liz Allen of the Middle Country Public Library will discuss making zines with teens.


ANNUAL DINNER: Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.   Registration is now open the NYLA website.  We have received 250 dollars in donations from sponsors so far.

Emily Guerrero will be preparing the centerpieces for the dinner.  The raffles will be done online this year.  Kristen wants the board to keep track of who has been asked for donations so there isn’t any duplication.

:  No report.

CIVIL SERVICE:  There will be a review at Sachem Public Library on Wednesday,  October 10th from 6-8pm. This event is co-sponsored with CLASC and there are 67 people registered.  There will be a 5 dollar charge for non members.


CONTINUING EDUCATION: Teri Hatred reported via email.   The database is current with all submitted attendance sheets. Going forward, if you are hosting a training session, workshop, speaker, etc. for SCLA (or any of the divisions) at SCLS you can use the sign in kiosks at the front desk for your attendance list. BUT you must still report that meeting name and how many professional development hours attendees have earned to Teri Hatred (sclshr@suffolknet.org ). If you do not do the latter the training may not be added to the professional development database. All trainings, workshops, etc., held offsite (of SCLS) please send in a copy of the attendance sheet for entry into the database.

ELSA:  Katherine Regina reported via email.

The nomination period has ended as of September 1st and in the end, we received  three packets for contention as eligible candidates. The committee is currently looking them over to decide who shall be our overall winner. Hopefully we’ll have a name in the next week, so we can visit the nominating library to announce and invite them to our annual dinner.


Past events:

Fandom Outreach sponsored library themed programming at EternalCon (June 16-17) at Nassau Coliseum including book themed crafts, meetups, a cosplay panel and panel titled “How Can Your Friendly Neighborhood Librarian Help You?”.  We set up a table that displayed programs, conventions and other resources and events the public library provides. EternalCon stated what we sponsored on their event page.

We also sponsored the children’s programming at CradleCon (June 23-24) at the  Cradle of Aviation. We ran STEAM workshops and library related panels where we spoke about the future of libraries and books that stand the test of time.  We had a table at the event with library events and literature and a 3d printer. CradleCon posted the SCLA logo on the website with a special thanks.

On July 29 Anne Witte-Russo and Erin Kanelos were at East Islip ComicCon where they set up table to promote fandom based programming in the library.

Future events:

On November 17-18 we will be sponsoring a room at LIGeek Convention at the Hyatt Regency Hotel.  There we will be doing programming ranging from STEAM, researching personas in medieval history, a volunteer animal shelter event and other events to promote what libraries are currently doing. We are also looking into running an anime night. We will be added to the website showing what we sponsored.

We are hoping to do more library cons in the future. If libraries have fandom  themed programs they would like to promote we would be happy to bring flyers to events we attend.


LDA AWARD:  Paula Bornstein reported via email.

I heard from Marcia Olsen, NCLA LDA Library Award chair person; she told me that the Supreme Trophy Company hadn’t been paid yet for the plaque they made for the award winner last  May. The founder of the award, Andrew Ippolito, was supposed to pay the company. I contacted Art Friedman of NCLA, who keeps in touch with Mr. Ippolito. He told me that Mr. Ippolito sent the one hundred thirty dollar check to SCLA. I contacted Kristin Todd-Wurm and Elaine Perez. Elaine found the uncashed check and I mailed it back to Mr. Ippolito. He now will reimburse the appropriate party.

LEGISLATIVE: Samantha Alberts reported via email.

SCLA Leg Committee Report Sept 2018

Thank you to everyone who made this years breakfast a success and to the Brentwood Library staff and administration for their hard work. For the next board meeting, I will be looking into bus information for Advocacy Day 2019 (Feb 27, 2019)  If you don’t already plan to, please consider attending PLDA’s golf and dinner fundraiser next week ( 9/27/18)


Samantha Alberts

LONG ISLAND LIBRARY CONFERENCE:  Brian Adams reported.  The conference committee met on August 14th.  The theme for the 2019 conference is “Lighting the Way.”  The next meeting is on October 1st at the Marriott to negotiate the price for next year. Rates will be staying the same but ad rates will be increasing.   Divisions should start thinking of programs for the conference and look to hire speakers. The deadline to submit programs is December 31st.

LONG RANGE PLANNING/MARKETING:  Next year is the 80th anniversary of

SCLA.  We are looking into possibly getting a new logo.

MEMBERSHIP:  Alexandra Mercado will be the new membership chair next year.


All Divisions and Committees are welcome and encouraged to submit a short blurb  or the Newsletter by October 15. It will roll out the first week in November. Submissions can include any program/workshop/conference/etc. from August-October that you’d like to recap and/or anything November-February that you’d like to advertise or talk about; be it an event, a subject or an article pertaining to your division/committee. Pictures or graphics are always welcomed. If you have a great trivia question for next month’s newsletter, I’d love to hear it!

NOMINATING:  No report.

SCHOLARSHIP:  Emma reported via Kristen Todd-Wurm.  We shall have a winner shortly.

STATISTICAL SURVEY: Peter Ward reported.  The reports are being sent out.



WEB PAGE:  Stephen Ingram reported.

Updated all wordpress sites to latest security updates. Posting new materials to the SCLA website and Facebook page Posting upcoming SCLA events first of the month. Facebook insights

668 likes Google Analytics Behavior overview August  727 views


CLASC:  No report.
LILRC: Tim Spindler reported.

We have three important events coming.

  •     23rd Annual Archives Conference: Medical Archives: Processing, Privacy and

Preservation (October 12)

  •     27 Annual Conference on Libraries of the Future

○     Kickoff Speaker: Wesley Rebisza, Asset Manager at Lesso Home

Wesley will discuss the disruptive impact technology has had on consumer behavior and information consumption.

○     David Beard, Former Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Digital Editor, National Journal

What role, if any, should libraries play in preserving local news?

○     Betsy Rivera, Regional Partnership Coordinator, Girls Who Code  Presenting:

Join the Girls Who

Code Movement

○     Syntychia Kendrick-Samuel, Head of Young Adult Services, Uniondale Public


Presenting: Library Programs and Services that Empower and Engage Teens

More information about upcoming events can be found at https://lilrc.org/events.

I would also like to let members know that we have implemented a new member management system.  This system allows member to register and pay online for events, renew membership and update contact information, access a members only portion of the site, and view course registrations.

The board also approved starting in 2019 to not charge for workshops to member libraries.

: No report.

PLDA:  No report.

SCLS:  No report.

NYLA:  No report.


Steve Alcalde:  We are all set for NYLA.  There is a speaker agreement that has been

written up that can be used in the future.

Alexandra Mercado:  No report.

Emily Guerrero: No report.

Lissetty Thomas: No report.


NEW BUSINESS: It is planned in the future to have a meeting to discuss future

budgeting to better appropriate funds.

Brian Schwartz adjourned the meeting at 11:27 a.m.

Corrected and Approved
SCLA Minutes
Friday, October 19th at SCLS

IN ATTENDANCE: Brian Adams, Samantha Alberts, Steven Alcalde, Paula Bornstein, Stephen Burg, Rebecca Goldstein, Emily Guerrero, Teri Hatred, Stephen Ingram, Alexandra Mercado, Martha Mikkleson, Mark Navins,  Elaine Perez,  Kate Regina, Jennifer Rocco, Brian Schwartz,  Lauren Scottaline, Timothy Spindler, Kristen Todd-Wurm, Celia Vollmer, Anne Witte-Russo

CALL TO ORDER:   Brian Schwartz called the meeting to order at 9:59 am.  The

August 2018 minutes were reviewed.  Stephen Burg approved.   None were opposed.  Motion passed.


PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.  We are planning on making a line by line budget in order to keep track of our spendings for the future.  We will be using data from past years in order to formulate our spending for the future.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Elaine Perez reported.  Communication has been excellent with NYLA in terms of reimbursements.  We are trying to keep uniformity in how we keep the financial books so they are on par with the way NYLA does them.


DASL:  No report.

RASD: Thank you to all who attended the 2018 Annual Luncheon of the Reference
and Adult Services Division of SCLA. Held on Tuesday, October 2 at That Meetball Place in Patchogue, attendees learned a great deal about the National Park Service and parks across Suffolk County from guest speaker Ann Marie Chapman.

Please join us for the equally informative Annual Meeting: the
Health Concerns Breakfast on Tuesday, November 6 at 9:00am. Following a catered breakfast and brief RASD Board Meeting, Sandeep K. Mallipattu, M.D. will offer a presentation on Kidney disease. Dr. Mallupattu is the Chief physician in the Nephrology and Hypertension
Unit at Stony Brook University School of Medicine.

The MOSAIC Committee is co-sponsoring the “Navigating Your Community”
Information Fair on Saturday, November 3rd
from 11am-2pm at the Mastics Moriches Shirley Community Library. The Committee’s next meeting will be held on Tuesday November 13 at 9:30am for coffee and networking, 10am meeting.

The CARE (Career and Resource Exchange) Committee will be hosting speakers from Helen Keller National
Center for Deaf-Blind Youths and Adults and Helen Keller Services for the Blind on Thursday, November 15, 2018 at the Suffolk Cooperative Library System. The meeting will begin at 2:00pm and the presentations will start at 2:30pm. The Helen Keller National
Center for Deaf-Blind Youths and Adults is a national foundation provides services for individuals who are both blind and deaf. Helen Keller Services for the Blind serves the New York City/Long Island area, and services include training with experts in orientation
and mobility, daily living skills, low vision, assistive technology, employment/placement and more.

The New Adult Committee will host a programming and services roundtable on Monday, November 19
at SCLS in the morning. Program and services suggestions will include those exclusively for new adults and those open to all with new adult appeal.

The Media Committee will next meet on Wednesday,
November 28, in the morning at SCLS. Nicole Rambo will be
talking about the Piper Computers at Middle Country Public Library. Tim Sicurella of the Sayville Library present on memory kits that some libraries are offering for patrons with memory impairment.

The next meeting of the Electronic Resources Committee is scheduled
for Wednesday, December 19th at SCLS. 9:30 a.m. coffee, 10:00 a.m. meeting. The committee is building on the lessons learned at the September “Tactics for Increasing Privacy and Security” meeting and there will be a round table discussion on how Suffolk County
libraries provide digital literacy training either online or in person.  Furthermore, the committee will consider whether one-on-one or classroom style settings are most effective. A representative from SCLS will speak about their new upcoming digital training
platform using Moodle along with other librarians discussing how they effectively teach digital literacy.

The Long Island Reads Committee is pleased to announce the 2019
selection: The Female Persuasion
by Meg Wolitzer. This work of literary fiction is both timely and important and will engage readers as well as spark discussion, and will appeal to both adult and young adult readers. Meg Wolitzer grew up in Syosset and is a member of the MFA Faculty at Stony
Brook University. She has written 12 works of literary fiction. Information regarding program resources and tickets to the event on April 7, 2019 will be available via the listserv shortly.
Please visit https://longislandreads.wordpress.com/ for more information and to contact
the committee.

CATS: Stephen Burg reported.   On October 4th TIF held a meeting at East Islip Public Library 20 people attended and it was also streamed on our facebook page. Multiple technology topics were discussed. The next TIF meeting will be on November 2nd at Smithtown Library  Commack Branch. CATS had a Board meeting on October 10th WE have finalized our annual meeting on December 12th at SCLS from 9:30-12:00. Our Guest speaker will be Matt Finch

SSD:  Celia Vollmer reported.

The SSD Annual Membership Meeting and 3rd Annual Safety Conference was a huge success!  Over 50 participants attended the event which was held at the Brentwood Public Library on Wednesday, October 17th from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Richie Perna, Vice President of Intralogic Solutions, gave a presentation of his product that links all building alarm systems together making them more efficient and quicker – a lock down in 15 seconds as opposed to 15 minutes! Intralogic Solutions also sponsored the refreshments served at the Conference.

Stuart Cameron, Chief of Department of the Suffolk County Police Dept., was our Keynote Speaker. He spoke about the Smart 9-1-1 for Facilities: the RAVE panic button application that library staff are using to report active shooter, medical emergency, 911 calls; the shield program; results of the Department of Justice lawsuit compliance; and the public feeling comfortable calling 911 to report crimes/gang activity.

Nicole Marks, MEP, CEM, NYS OEM Homeland Security and Emergency Services for Long Island, gave an overview on Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) which is the next phase of planning for a disaster.

Matthew Setteducati, Supervising Safety & Health Inspector, PESH, covered how to be compliant with the NYS Workplace Violence Law. PESH has consultants ready to help you develop your policy and become compliant with this very important safeguard for your staff.

Jessica Price, School Counselor, Brentwood School District, provided strategies to incorporate EMPATHY into our everyday interactions and shared how these strategies are working in the Brentwood School District.

Stephanie Sloan, MS, CASCA, Senior Drug Abuse Educator, Suffolk County Division of Community Mental Hygiene Services, provided a NARCAN training session and kits for all participants to help combat the rising incidents of opioid overdose.

Nicole Marks of NYS OEM Homeland Security returned in the afternoon with Patrick Beckley and Jillian Ringhauser to conduct a workshop on developing an Emergency Operations Plan for your library.  The participants broke up into three groups and step by step developed an Emergency Operations Plan for their “library” based on a scenario given to the group. Links to the materials used in this workshop are available on the SSD Website.

SSD submitted a workshop for the LILC titled “Visionary Leadership; the dynamic changes in the progressive advancement and the environment today dictate that leaders engage their team members to accomplish the organization’s vision. To accomplish this, the leaders need to have the ability to inspire and motivate those around them to become enthusiastic followers who are committed to achieving the Libraries Vision.”

This workshop will help participants identify the characteristics of visionary leaders. They will examine how leaders can lose their vision and develop strategies for maintaining visionary leadership with their staff. Participants will also learn how to tap into each staff member’s greatest potential to enable them to become strong partners in the development of their library.

YASD: Rebecca Goldstein reported.

In October, YASD hosted a meeting with the topic of creating content with teens. Lisa Zuena, Young Adult Librarian at the Massapequa Public Library, gave an informative presentation on her successful podcast program. Lisa’s presentation detailed the ins and outs of podcasting, how to structure a club with teens, and the equipment needed to start your own club. Nicole

Rambo and Liz Allen of the Middle Country Public Library then gave a presentation on creating zines with teens, detailing the history of zines, the Zine Project they completed over the Summer with their teens, and the zine club they hope to start in the future.

Looking forward, YASD will host school psychologist Lance Bram on Thursday, November 8 th to discuss mental health. Lance will explain the importance of offering programs that enrich the community, provide helpful resources to identify and manage emotions with positive outlets, and talk about peaceful mindfulness in our chaotic lives.

YASD has also settled the details of our Annual Luncheon and Author Visit. This year’s event will take place on Thursday, December 6th , from 12-3 PM at the Irish Coffee Pub. Our guest speaker will be Jen Calonita, author of Turn It Up! and the Fairy Tale Reform School series. Online registration is live, and we will take registrations up until the day of the luncheon.


ANNUAL DINNER:  Emily Guerrero reported.  We reviewed the agenda from 2017 and made the necessary corrections. There will be a large photo frame that will be available for photo opportunities. Flushing Bank is sponsoring the dinner and will be attending as well.  We will be giving 20 percent gratuity on the overall bill which equals 140.00.  There are currently 47 people who are registered right now.  We are looking for donations for raffle prizes for the dinner.  The raffles will now be available to purchase online.

ARCHIVES:  No report.

CIVIL SERVICE:  Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.  There was a review at the Sachem Public Library.  68 people attended the review.  The review was well received by all.

COMMUNITY SERVICE:  Martha Mikkleson reported.  Martha will be recruiting the marines to represent for the Toys for Tots and will be running the 50/50 raffle.

CONTINUING EDUCATION: Teri Hatred reported.  The Long Island Library Conference attendees are now in the database.

ELSA:  Katherine Regina reported.  The winners have been picked and notified.

FANDOM OUTREACH COMMITTEE:  Anne Witte-Russo reported. The Fandom Outreach Committee will be sending out 5 free tickets to L.I.Geek for a child and an accompanying guardian to all Suffolk Libraries. We ask that librarians hold a fandom themed raffle or contest to give away the tickets. Our committee will be doing 2 days of library programming including a Porg Party, “Adopt Me” bandanas (to be donated), Snap Circuits and a research workshop were attendees learn how to use the library to research personas and recreate medieval culture. We will also run trivia, crafts, anime and panels.  On top of this, the Fandom Outreach Committee has reached out to organizations such as “Get in Toon” Comics to do a comic creation class, Mr. Poppintwist, Rose the Mermaid, the Saber Guild, the Society for Creative Anachronism, and CrunchyRoll. Mike Buono of the Brentwood Library will be heading a panel with voice actor Gregg Berger.  Gregg’s extensive background includes Transformers, Odie, Final Fantasy and over 100 more! This will be a fun filled weekend of library programming and full reign of a Sci-Fi convention for the winners of the raffle. On Saturday of the convention we will be interviewing actress Sarah Louise Madison.  She was a weeping angel in Doctor Who.  On Sunday she will be judging our Don’t Blink Contest.


LDA AWARD:  Paula Bornstein reported.  In 2019, SCLA will be in charge of nominations.

LEGISLATIVE: Samantha Alberts reported.  Thank you to everyone who attended the breakfast last month.  In the past, the breakfast has cost over 1000 dollars but many libraries have helped pay towards the breakfast. Advocacy Day will be on February 27, 2019.  We should be putting aside about 2500 dollars, which will cover the cost for one bus plus hospitality, but if we have an addition bus, we should put aside another 2000,   There was motion to approve 2500 dollars for the bus for next year.  Kristen Todd-Wurm approved and Stephen Burg seconded it.  None were opposed.

LONG ISLAND LIBRARY CONFERENCE:  Brian Adams reported.  The conference committee met and have undergone negotiation with the Melville Marriott.  The theme for the 2019 conference is “Lighting the Way.”  Stacey Mencher from Syosset Library is the chairperson for the committee.  The keynote is being negotiated for currently and the budget will be higher, from 3000 up to 8000 plus transportation expenses.  We hope there will be a better and more definitive way of checking to see if registrations are SCLA members or not.  NCLA has become more strict about non-members signing up as members.


MEMBERSHIP:  Steven Alcalde reported.  Alexandra is being prepped for next year’s responsibilities.

NEWSLETTER:  Jennifer Rocco reported.  Thank you to all who submitted articles for the newsletter.  The newsletter will be sent out the first week in November.

NOMINATING:  No report.

SCHOLARSHIP: Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.  We had no applicants for the continuing education scholarship so it will not be presented.  The winner of the SCLA scholarship was chosen and was notified.


STUDENT OUTREACH:  Mark Navins reported.  He wants to be recruit more members and plan another webinar in the fall for St. Johns.


WEB PAGE:  Stephen Ingram reported.   The website is up to date.


CLASC:  No report.

LILRC: Tim Spindler reported.   Long Island reception is Thursday, Nov. 8 at 6 PM at the City Center Room in the conference hotel.

We have the following upcoming events.

  • 27 Annual Conference on Libraries of the Future

Kickoff Speaker: Wesley Rebisz, Asset Manager at Lesso Home
Wesley will discuss the disruptive impact technology has had on consumer behavior and information consumption.

David Beard, Former Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Digital Editor, National Journal
What role, if any, should libraries play in preserving local news?

Betsy Rivera, Regional Partnership Coordinator, Girls Who Code  Presenting: Join the Girls Who Code Movement

Syntychia Kendrick-Samuel, Head of Young Adult Services, Uniondale Public LIbrary Presenting: Library Programs and Services that Empower and Engage Teens Social Media Engagement for Cultural Institutions, Nov. 2, 10AM , Sachem Public Library A Guide to Crafting and Promulgating an Employee Handbook, Nov. 16, 10 AM, Farmingdale Public Library Design Thinking for Libraries, Nov. 26, 10AM, Farmingdale Public Library

More information about upcoming events can be found at https://lilrc.org/events.

NCLA: No report.

PLDA:  Kristen Todd-Wurm reported. Mike Firestone wanted to thank everyone for attending the PLDA Golf Outing and Dinner fundraiser.

SCLS:  Samantha Alberts reported.  The solar carports are now available for people to use.

NYLA:  Steven Alcalde reported.   We are still looking for volunteers for the SCLA table at NYLA.


Steven Alcalde:  We are all set for NYLA.  There is a speaker agreement that has been

written up that can be used in the future.  Steven is preparing a breakdown of his responsibilities to give to the next member-at-large, Angela Breslin.

Alexandra Mercado:  No report.

Emily Guerrero: No report.

Lissetty Thomas: No report.



Brian Schwartz adjourned the meeting at 11:47 a.m.

SCLA Minutes
Tuesday, November 27, 2018 at SCLS


IN ATTENDANCE: Samantha Alberts, Steve Alcalde, Nicole Basil, Stephen Burg, Rebecca Goldstein, Teri Hatred, Elaine Perez, Jen Rocco, Brian Schwartz, Lauren Scottaline, Bruce Seger, Lissetty Thomas, Joyce Thompson-Haas, Kristen Todd-Wurm, Celia Vollmer

CALL TO ORDER:   Brian Schwartz called the meeting to order at 10:01 am.  The SCLA 2017 annual dinner minutes were reviewed as well as the October 2018 minutes.  Kristen Todd-Wurm motioned to approve minutes.  Stephen Burg seconded this motion.  None were opposed.  Motion passed.


PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.

The dinner had 120 registrants but only 30 showed due to the weather.  There will be a financial report once everything is cleared.  The dinner couldn’t be cancelled and/or rescheduled due to the venue still being opened.  At NYLA, Kristen attended the Treasurers meeting.  Kristen spoke to Jeremy about budgeting and reimbursements.  We need to plan a month ahead of what you normally would to get orders in.  If an item is under $1,000, it can be approved without all of the necessary signatures, it would need just one.

Due to an out-of-state meeting, Kristen would like to move the December 2018 SCLA meeting.

She reached out to NCLA due to the price of the keynote speaker for LILC. There is a discrepancy of how much to spend and it wasn’t approved from SCLA. We need more volunteers on the LILC Committee from SCLA.  We may be able to create a budget and give a specific amount that we can spend on the keynote speaker.  A budget hasn’t been made in a few years.  We need to find out who needs to sign the contract for the keynote speaker.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Elaine Perez reported.

Kristen gave her a handbook from NYLA for treasurer.  It is important that you fill out the forms correctly.  Elaine must get a receipt or it will not be processed.  Please put down as much detail as you can on the form.  It has to be done in a timely matter.

We will be getting money back from the dinner, total amount $1,416 (we overpaid).

Signatures and dates are also important on forms.  If you are sending money, it has to go straight to NYLA, not SCLA.  The October 2018 budget is for management purposes only so it can’t be printed out.  The closing balance as of October 2018 is $18,610.35.


DASL:  Bruce Seeger reported.

The annual luncheon will be on December 12 at the Country House. It will be at 2:30pm in StonyBrook.  The speaker will be Dave Fabaloro from the Tenement Museum.

RASD: Lauren Scottaline reported.

Thank you to all who attended the 2018 Health Concerns Annual Breakfast and informational meeting.

The Local History Committee will meet at SCLS on November 29 to plan for the April showcase and to share happenings of the local history collections across the county.

The Electronic Resources Committee will next meet on Wednesday, December 19 at SCLS, coffee and networking at 9:30am followed by the meeting at 10am. There will be a roundtable discussion on how Suffolk County Libraries provide digital literacy training. CATS member Stephen Burg will speak about how the Mastics-Moriches Shirley Community Library offers digital literacy to its patrons. A representative of SCLS will demonstrate the new digital training platform available via Moodie. Brian Adams will offer information on digital literacy at the Harborfields Public Library.

The PR Marketing Committee will meet on January 17 at SCLS in the Blue Room, coffee and networking at 9:30am followed by the meeting at 10am. The 2018 SLMA Award will be presented to the winner, and all entries will be reviewed. The next meeting is planned for Thursday, March 14 at the East Islip Public Library at 9:30/10am. The meeting’s topic will be “Navigating Today’s Local News Landscape and Library Publicity;” the speaker is to be Jaci Clement.

CATS: Stephen Burg reported.

On November 2nd, TIF held a meeting at The Smithtown Library-Kings Park branch. 30 people attended the meeting the main topic discussed was 3D printing. On December 12. at 9:30am, CATS/TIF will host their annual meeting. The guest speaker will be Matt Finch.  The next TIF meeting will be on January 3 at Longwood Library.

SSD:  Celia Vollmer reported.

On November 16 they had their meeting.  The next meeting will be on December 5 and it will be their transition meeting.

YASD: Rebecca Goldstein reported.

YASD hosted school psychologist Lance Bram on Thursday, November 8th to discuss mental health. Lance explained the importance of offering programs that enrich the community, provided resources to identify and manage emotions with positive outlets, and talked about peaceful mindfulness. Lance also offered several different program ideas.

Our Annual Luncheon and Author Visit will be held on Thursday, December 6th from 12-3 PM at the Irish Coffee Pub. Our guest speaker will be Jen Calonita, author of Turn It Up! and the Fairy Tale Reform School series. At our luncheon, we will have book sales, raffle baskets, and book signings by the author. Online registration is live, and we will take registrations up until the day of the luncheon. Registration information can be found on YASD’s blog, and checks can be mailed into Colleen Hutchens at the Patchogue Medford Library.

Our December Luncheon is also the installation of the new YASD Board. The 2019 YASD Board will be:

Michele Cayea, President

Carisse Bormann, Vice President

Erin Schaarschmidt, Secretary

Khan DeRenzo, Treasurer

Angela Breslin, Member At Large: Fran Romer

Charlotte Latusso: Member At Large: Webmaster

Rebecca Goldstein: Past President


ANNUAL DINNER:  No report.

ARCHIVES:  No report.

CIVIL SERVICE:  No report.

COMMUNITY SERVICE:  Kristen-Todd Wurm reported.

The Marines didn’t attend the SCLA dinner due to the weather.  However, SCLA did collect about 30 toys for them.  SCLA didn’t get to do the 50/50 raffle for Habitat due to attendance.


ELSA:  Kristen- Todd Wurm reported.

They gave out the award to Mona Pierre-Louis at the SCLA dinner.

FANDOM OUTREACH COMMITTEE:  Nicole Basil reported.

November 17-18: Long Island Geek Convention

At this convention the committee organized and ran programing that is found at libraries that people may not know about. We had a room at the convention that was rented out by the committee and multiple tables that contained promotional materials including the Overdrive and charging stations. This area at the convention was called “Library Alley” to ensure that everyone knew who was running these events. Some of the programs that the Library hosted included:

Crafts: such as emoji pillows, lightsabers, and glass etching

-To promote crafting programs done at the libraries.

Snap circuits

-To promote STEAM and technology based items found at the libraries.

Anime viewings sponsored by Crunchy Roll and hosted by Michael Buono of the Brentwood Library

-To promote movie and anime showings at the libraries.

A dance class hosted by Winds of the Moon Tribal Belly Dance Troupe

-To promote all of the exercise classes offered at the libraries.

A paint night hosted by Key to My Art in Amityville

-To promote paint night programs hosted at the libraries for free or cheap.

A volunteer craft donated to the Babylon Animal Shelter

-To promote volunteer programs done at the libraries.

SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) STEAM classes

-To promote databases and research found at the libraries.

Two interactive celebrity interviews: Voice actor Gregg Berger (known for his voices in Final Fantasy,

Clone Wars, Transformers, and Winnie the Pooh) – hosted by Michael Buono and Sarah Louise Madison

(English actress who played multiple villains on Doctor Who including the main Weeping Angel) – hosted

by Nicole Basil and Stefanie Gangone from the Copiague Library.

-To promote special guests that come to the libraries for events.

Visits from Mr. PoppinTwist, The Saber Guild, and Mermaid Rose

-To promote programmers that work at many of the libraries.

Additionally, the samples of glass etching, which were made by committee member Anne Whitte-Russo, were raffled off to raise money for SCLA to help to offset the price of the room we purchased at the event. This raised $180! Both the Hotel, the Hyatt Regency in Hauppauge, and the convention themselves were extremely accommodating. They truly did anything they could to help us to be successful at the convention. The convention made sure to advertise the Suffolk County Library Association any way they could. Our involvement was advertised on the website, social media, in the program, as well as in Newsday!

Additionally we are in process of nominating our new officer positions for the year of 2019. Voting will begin on December 3 rd via Google Forms. Our next meeting will be at the Smithtown Library Kings Park Branch on December 14th .


LDA AWARD:  No report.

LEGISLATIVE: Samantha Alberts reported.

Please save the date for Advocacy day on February 27, 2019.  The bus has been booked and the deposit has been requested for that day.



MEMBERSHIP: Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.

A member had a question about renewing. We reviewed the website on how to renew membership. Steve sent out the last batch and sent our transition info to Ally and Ellen.

NEWSLETTER:  Jennifer Rocco reported.

It was sent out on November 1.  The next newsletter is due on February 1st.  She will need submissions by January 15.

NOMINATING:  Brian Schwartz reported.

He will be inviting the new board members to the next meeting.

SCHOLARSHIP:  Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.

Emma had no baskets at the SCLA dinner.  She pulled a list online and sent the winners their baskets. The scholarship winner was Elizabeth Allen. The final profit was $598.

STATISTICAL SURVEY: Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.

Peter sent everything out to directors as of October 2018.  He is waiting to hear back.



WEB PAGE:  No report.


CLASC:  No report.

LILRC: No report

NCLA: No report.

PLDA:  No report

SCLS:  No report.

NYLA:  No report


Steve Alcalde: Steve Alcalde reported.

At NYLA, we made $50 for the raffle. There was no new membership from NYLA. We should buy a banner for NYLA next year. We also need a raffle basket.  The giveaway was gone in 3 hours.  We need the amount of how much reimbursement we had for the speakers.

Alexandra Mercado:  No report.

Emily Guerrero: No report.

Lissetty Thomas:  No report.

OLD BUSINESS:  Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.

For the budget, Kristen has signed the reimbursement but will not sign the contract. Kristen will email Brian and explain what we spoke about and how we feel.  As a fiscal agent for LILC, our budget isn’t taken into consideration.  She will be asking Brian to share this information with the LILC Committee.  Kristen will email Jeremy to give the update and wants to know if there’s a way to put something in the SCLA bi-laws about LILC, that they are a committee but we are the fiscal agent and it has to be approved by SCLA.

We need numbers for each area in the budget.   Kristen will email everyone the budget.  If there’s a line you are responsible for, please fill it in for 2018 expenses.

Jeremy will be in touch with all divisions for 2019 in regards to NYLA-.  There is a discrepancy what some divisions are reimbursed for, for the speakers (travel, etc.).  He wants a standard practice.  There is a specific number of programs we must to do. Four is the usual for divisions.

NEW BUSINESS:  No report.

Brian Schwartz adjourned the meeting at 11:27 a.m.

Corrected and Approved
SCLA Minutes
Friday, December 21, 2018 at SCLS

IN ATTENDANCE:  Brian Adams, Steve Alcalde, Alex Blend, Paula Bornstein,

Stephen Burg, Michele Cayea, Emily Guerrero, Teri Hatred, Ellen Hobson, Stephen Ingram, Alexandra Mercado, Mark Navins, Nicole Parisi, Elaine Perez, Roni Rauch, Katherine Regina, Jennifer Rocco, Brian Schwartz, Lauren Scottaline, Tim Spindler, Joyce Thompson-Haas, Celia Vollmer

CALL TO ORDER:   Brian Schwartz called the meeting to order at 10:01 am.  The November 2018 minutes were reviewed.   Lauren Scottaline approved these minutes.  Elaine Perez seconded this motion.

ANNOUNCEMENTS:   Everyone introduced themselves who is either giving up their position or taking on a new position for the 2019 board.  Kristen would like everyone to write their new positions or what you will represent so we can update the website.  Kristen thanks everyone for all of their work for this past year.  She would like to continue to work on the budget and be involved in SCLA.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT:  Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.

Kristen received an email from the chair of LILC regarding the keynote speaker and payments.  She would like to create a Memorandum of Understanding. NYLA suggested we do that.  We would like to get more members of SCLA on the LILC committee.  She would like to get a committee together to help work on the budget as well. Kristen will also be the long-range planning person.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Elaine Perez reported.

Please take a look at your committee and make sure everything is accurate and if you have been reimbursed.  If you are putting a deposit down, please put down when the next payment is due so it gets sent out in time.  Anything over $2,000 needs 2 signatures to approve.  You have to send a check to NYLA, not SCLA. Please put in the note section on the check what meeting it was for.


DASL:  No report.

 RASD: Lauren Scottaline reported.

The PR Marketing Committee will host the SLMA Award Review and Roundtable discussion on January 17 at 10am (coffee and networking at 10) in the Blue Room at SCLS. Committee Chairs will showcase the fine marketing and publicity done by those libraries who submitted to the SLMA Award this past year.

The Committee will also host “Navigating Today’s Local News Landscape” on March 14 at 10:00 a.m. (coffee at 9:30) at the East Islip Public Library. Jaci Clement, Executive
Director of the Fair Media Council, a nonprofit organization with a two-sided mission that works directly with the news media and the public to improve the public conversation and ensure an informed electorate, will teach us how to become more media savvy
for our libraries.

The PR Marketing Committee asks that all begin to think about any publicity or marketing you have done since 9/16/18, and consider submitting it for the 2019 SLMA Award (deadline – 9/15/19). The new application will be on the website shortly. For former applicants
and winners go to https://rasdpr.wordpress.com/smla/

The Readers Advisory Committee will next meet on January 24 at SCLS. The topic will be fictional family sagas. The website has been updated, and hosts bibliographies from the past 5 years so that the suggestions are fresh.

The Long Island History Committee is currently working to update the website. The Annual Showcase is planned for Thursday, April 11 and the annual trip is planned for June 13. More details to follow.

CATS: Stephen Burg reported.

On December 12th, CATS/TIF held their annual meeting at SCLS. Our guest speaker was Matt Finch. Matt had all the people in attendance participate in a Library Island workshop. In the workshop, he assisted people with one of three roles ministry of Shelves, Librarians,
and patron. Each role had a different task the purpose of the activity was to help understand problems a library may face from different perspectives and also the process of solving these problems. He then asked the group to take what they have learned and to predict current and future problems and ways they could be solved.  Overall the program was a very valuable experience that the 64 people who attended really enjoyed.

SSD:  Celia Vollmer reported.

On December 5, they had their transition meeting.  Excel training will be held in 2019 on June 12, August 12 & September 12.  Mike Buono will be doing a workshop on Facebook for business and library accounts.  The calendar is all set. A safety conference is in the works.

YASD: Rebecca Goldstein reported.

Our Annual Luncheon and Author Visit was held on Thursday, December 6th from 12-3 PM at the Irish Coffee Pub. Our guest speaker was Jen Calonita, author of Turn It Up! and the Fairy Tale Reform School series. Jen spoke about her books, Disney characters, her past history in the entertainment industry, and how she became a writer. We had book sales, raffle baskets, and book signings by the author. We had about 40 people in attendance, and it was a great way to end the year.

On Thursday, January 24th, our new Vice President, Carisse Bormann, will host YASD at her library, the West Babylon Public Library, for a “get to know” the new Executive Board meet and greet. Attendees will be introduced to the new executive board members and be able to suggest programs they’d like to see YASD host in the upcoming year.


ANNUAL DINNER: Kristen Todd-Wurm reported.

The annual dinner can get moved to a different month, but it has to get voted on.  There has been talks to possibly have it in October.  Since it is usually the week after NYLA, it is a very busy time and tough to get the funds.  The decision has to be made by January 2019. We would have to take other committee functions into consideration and work together so we do not overlap.

Emily suggested that two Members-at-Large could be in charge of the dinner or possibly have a dinner committee. She also suggested that we have a specific budget for the dinner so we don’t overspend.

ARCHIVES:  No report.

CIVIL SERVICE:  Kristen Todd Wurm reported.

She is looking for someone to take on this position.



ELSA:  Katherine Regina reported.  

The winner of this year’s Excellence in Library Service Award Winner, Mona Pierre-Louis of Brentwood Library was chosen and notified through her director. She and a guest, as well as the two runners up, Jeanette Fischer and Jan Camarda, were invited to our Annual Dinner so they could be honored amongst colleagues. I attended the dinner and presented the award to Mrs. Pierre Louis with flowers to both her and Ms. Camarda who made it despite the inclimate weather. The certificate for Ms. Fischer was sent on to her.



LDA AWARD: Paula Bornstein reported.

The NCLA board has changed.  This year, SCLA is in charge of the award campaign.  They will be canvasing for 2019 LDA library award soon. In February, the brochure will be sent through SCLS and emailed to SCLA members.  The printing for these will cost around $300.  They usually order around 2000 brochures.  On March 25 2019, they will ask for the nominee information packets.  On April 19, the decisions are due and the award will be presented on May 9 at LILC.

LEGISLATIVE: Samantha Alberts reported via email.

Please note these important Legislative Advocacy Dates.

Advocacy Day February 27, 2019

Advocacy Day 101 workshops will be held February 12 at 10am and February 14 at 2pm at SCLS. Please consider attending one of these sessions even if you have attended previous Advocacy Days.  The 2019 Advocacy Day talking points have been updated and reflect a new focus.

SCLA will be sponsoring a bus up to Albany and PLDA will be sponsoring a 2 day bus.  The SCLA Legislative Committee would like to request the check for the balance for the bus $1750 to be sent before Jan.28, 2019 (per the contract).


The 2019 Long Island Library Conference will be held on Thursday, May 9. 2019 at the Melville Marriott. This year’s there is “Lighting the Way”.

The Long Island Library Conference last met on Tuesday, December 11at the Comsewogue Public Library.  The committee debated long and hard, and decided to hire Dave Isay as

the keynote speaker for the 2019 Conference. We feel he will be a great speaker.

Vendor registration is now open and as of yesterday we have had 25 vendors signed up, a great beginning. We are still expecting a last-minute arrival of more program submissions. The deadline for submissions is December 31, 2018.  Early-bird attendee registration begins January 1, 2019 and is open until March 1. A major publicity push is now beginning.

We are looking for more members from Suffolk Libraries to joining our committee. We are working on a request to be sent out on the Listserv detailing the committee, and each of its subcommittees does.

We are hoping that the Presidents of both NCLA (Valerie Acklin) and SCLA (Brian Schwartz) will be able to attend the Tuesday, March 12 meeting which will be at the Sachem Public Library (9:30 coffee, 10am meeting). Hopefully they will present us with some feedback, and suggestions about the future of the Long Island Library Conference.

We are also excited that Brainfuse has joined us as a corporate sponsor with their donation of 750 bags. Our next meeting will take place at the Melville Marriot on Tuesday, January 15th at 1pm. This meeting is a walk-through of the Marriott, whose 5 million dollar renovation is now complete. More information can be found at www.libconference.org

We need to add info to committee handbook for   LILC. – suggestions that keynote speaker is capped at total cost 5K, unless approved by a vote of SCLA & NCLA.  If possible, have a goal to earn a profit.


MEMBERSHIP:  Steve Alcalde reported.

He is hoping to have a big turn around with membership.  He would like to find out who has an individual membership or if it an organizational membership.

NEWSLETTER:  Jennifer Rocco reported.

Please submit your SCLA Newsletter blurbs to me by Tuesday, January 15.

All Divisions and Committees are welcome and encouraged to submit a short blurb to be included in each SCLA Newsletter which is emailed quarterly. The next newsletter will go out the first week in February.

Submissions can include any program/workshop/conference/etc. from November-January that you’d like to recap and/or anything February-April that you’d like to advertise or talk about; be it an event, a subject or an article pertaining to your division/committee. Pictures or graphics are always welcomed.

If you have a great trivia question for next month’s newsletter, I’d love to hear it! Thank you to Peter Ward for your continuous trivia stumpers.

NOMINATING:  No report.

SCHOLARSHIP:   Kristen Todd- Wurm reported.

Emma would like to continue with this position for 2019.

STATISTICAL SURVEY: Peter Ward reported via email.

Librarian Patricia Cruz of Brentwood is interested in joining the committee and helping to prepare the final report. We hope to have a draft report and new form available for the next meeting. Would it possible to formalize this appointment at this meeting or next? Thank you.

STUDENT OUTREACH:  Mark Navins reported.

Mark would like Colleen Navins from Smithtown Library to take over his position.


WEB PAGE:  Stephen Ingram reported.

Webmaster report December 2018

Updated all wordpress sites to latest security updates and latest build wordpress 5.0.

Posting new materials to the SCLA website and Facebook page

Posting upcoming SCLA events first of the month.

Facbook insights


Google Analytics Behavior overview

September  581 views

October 741

November 719

7841 page views for 2018 year


CLASC:  No report.

LILRC: Tim Spindler reported.

Applications are due March 1, 2019.  For future events, they would like to hold more events in Suffolk County.  Microsoft Publisher and Google Apps will be at SCLS.

Google analytics will be held at Farmingdale State College.  Erin Hunter is maintaining the Long Island Education calendar for SCLS, LILRC, NCLA and other organizations.  They are using Google Calendar.

They just added 8 new members to LILRC. Three public libraries are from Suffolk County.  They are Copaigue Library, North Babylon Library and Sayville Library.  A few eastern libraries are interested in joining as well.  October 2019 will be the annual conference. Trying to find a date can be difficult as there are a lot of events going on.

NCLA:  No report.

PLDA:  No report.

SCLS:  No report.

NYLA:  No report.


Steve Alcalde:  No report.

Alexandra Mercado:  No report.

Emily Guerrero:  No report.

 Lissetty Thomas:  No report.


NEW BUSINESS:  Lauren Scottaline reported that a new logo had been prepared by RASD Board Member Rachel Cecchini.  SCLA voted and approved the logo.  Kristen Todd-Wurm asked that Rachel be sure that all details would be easily usable/transferable through all formats, and to have that assurance made at the January meeting.

Kristen discussed about keeping SCLA board positions for a longer term.  Member at large positions need specific job titles and they need to know what exactly the position is.

Brian Schwartz adjourned the meeting at 11:29 a.m.