Minutes 2022

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SCLA Minutes
Friday, January 21, 2022 -Virtual Meeting

IN ATTENDANCE: Samantha Alberts, Alex Blend, Angela Breslin, Michele Cayea, Patricia Cruz, Sal Filosa, Anthony Giansante, Rebecca Goldstein, Teri Hatred, Stephen Ingram, Ericka Irish, Erin Kanelos, Stacy Mencher, Ally Mercado, Carisse Mitchell, Roni Rauch, Kate Regina, Brian Schwartz, Tim Spindler, Lauren Strong, Thomas Vitale.

CALL TO ORDER:   The meeting was called to order at 10:02 by Alex Blend. Seconded by Angela Breslin and Anthony Giansante.

Motion to approve December 2021 meeting minutes by Kate Regina. Seconded by Ally Mercado.



Expectations for SCLA Board– Attend board meetings and notify Carisse, Alex and Patricia if you cannot attend within 24 hrs. Also, attend SCLA events.

NYLA Recap– NYLA has a new Executive Director, will get in contact with her to introduce as SCLA president. There are still questions and grievances with NYLA, specifically regarding finances.

Goals– Continue to increase membership and SCLA awareness.

TREASURER’S REPORT: I haven’t received updated information from NYLA since our last meeting – the most up to date information that I have is that the closing balance as of September 2021 was $78,305.50. I am working with NYLA to get updates on reimbursements and disbursements that have been submitted.


DASL:  No report.

RASD:  Sal Filosa reported:

Our latest issue of Ramblings was released on December 30th and outlined RASD’s involvement for the fall season. We had our first meeting of 2022 on Jan 4, 2022 and look forward to a productive year ahead.

CATS: Anthony Giansante reported:

In December, CATS had their annual speaker, Maxine Bleisweis and her presentation titled: “Risky Behavior in a Public Library, or, How Saying “Yes” Mostly Turned Out Okay”. Meeting was available in-person at SCLS and via zoom. In January, CATS welcomed its new vice president, Christopher Sarubbi and treasurer, Julia Sukhu. We also discussed future meeting dates which will be the second Thursday of every month.

SSD:  Kate Regina reported:

SSD will be having their first meeting of 2022 today 1/21 at 2pm. Will be discussing programming on a low budget.

YASD:  Ericka Irish reported:

YASD will be having their meeting on 1/27. Currently working on Fran Romer.


ANNUAL DINNER: Michele Cayea reported:

This year’s goal is to hold the Annual Dinner in person again and increase attendance to 125 from the 2021 dinner (85 attendance).

ARCHIVES: No report.

CIVIL SERVICE: Carisse Mitchell & Brian Schwartz reported:

Carisse announced that Brian will be taking over Civil Service. Brian is looking to have an introduction to Civil Service workshop.


CONTINUING EDUCATION: Teri Hatred reported:

Status quo. Continue emailing Teri attendance sheets to sclshr@suffolknet.org

ELSA:  Kate Regina reported:

Nothing new yet to report.


INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM:   Brian Schwartz reported:

Here are two links to peruse at your leisure:



LDA AWARD: Paula Bornstein reported via email:

The NCLA LDA Award Committee co-chairs will order printing of the brochures, as soon as the NCLA Board confirms that a virtual presentation of the award can be held on the original date of the Long Island Library Conference, May 12. Since NCLA is in charge of presentation this year, I will ask them what should be done on SCLA’s end to facilitate it.

LEGISLATIVE:  Samantha Alberts reported:

NYLA sponsored Advocacy Day sessions

Feb 16 3PM – Register – Legislative Agenda

Feb 23 3PM – Register – Advocacy – social media best practices

SCLS sponsored Advocacy Day 101 sessions

  • Legislative Priorities
  • Examples
  • Elevator Pitch – Talking Points and telling stories
  • Using social media to engage with your local legislator

Feb 15 at 2PM

Feb 24 at 10AM


Virtual Advocacy Day

March 2nd and March 3rd

Please look out for emails from LILRC for registration.

LI LIBRARY CONFERENCE:  Brian Adams reported via email:

With much regret, the Long Island Library Conference recommends the cancellation of the 2022 Long Island Library Conference.  We would like SCLA to sign off on this decision, as NCLA did at their meeting of January 14th.

Reaching this decision was a long and painful process. When last year’s conference was canceled, it was with the understanding that the world would be in a position to have the 2022 Conference.  Our monthly planning meetings went full speed ahead, assuming that with vaccinations it would be safe to meet in person again.

A number of factors went into this decision: the slowness of vaccinations, the arrival of the Delta variant, and the almost universal trepidation to gather in person.

We sent a poll to all Nassau and Suffolk public library directors, seeking their concerns, opinions and advice.  This poll was completed at the end of 2021, a week before the Omicron variant spread. The results were leaning towards not having it.

Therefore, it is with an abundance of caution and safety that we advise the 2022 Long Island Library Conference be canceled.

We would be happy to provide the Long Library Conference’s submitted programs to the point person or persons in charge of the May 2022 Professional Development Series, which was done so well last year.

We look forward to May 2023 when we expect the Conference to resume its in-person event.

Any questions or concerns, please contact Brian Adams @adamsbster@gmail.com


Brian Adams and the Long Island Library Conference Committee

The Board unanimously agreed to the cancellation of the 2022 Long Island Library Conference.

 LILPA:  The Long Island Library Pride Alliance Board met on Monday, January 10th to discuss upcoming programming. On Thursday, February 17th they will be holding their first book club meeting of 2022. The group will be discussing the memoir The Bold World: A Memoir of Family and Transformation by activist Jodie Patterson. A flier was sent out in mid-January. They will also be offering a co-sponsored workshop with the Suffolk Cooperative Library on Thursday, April 14th where Jodie Patterson will be talking about her experience parenting a transgender child and how adults can support LGBTQIA+ children. Registration information will be released in the coming months.


MEMBERSHIP:  Angela Breslin reported:

Membership statistics as of 1/21/22:

CATS: 49 active members

DASL: 29 active members

RASD: 84 active members

SSD: 26 active members

YASD: 51 active members

SCLA: 153 active members

For Discussion:

  1. Renewal letters
  2. Institutions/Vendors – NCLA Membership
  3. Sponsorship from vendors

NEWSLETTER: Lauren Strong reported:

No new news. Sent out the newsletter in January, listserv was acting up but hopefully everyone received it.

NOMINATING: Alex Blend reported:

Keep a lookout for open positions.


STUDENT OUTREACH: Colleen Navins reported via email:

Continuing to forward job opportunities to my contacts at Queens, LIU and St. John’s.  Hoping to meet virtually with some students this spring, I will be reaching out later this month to see what the schools are comfortable with.  If you know anyone who would like to participate in student outreach, always feel free to have them contact me! cnavins@smithlib.org

WEB PAGE: Stephen Ingram reported:

Completed transition emails and logins for incoming board.

Updated board information for 2022.

Board members please visit the website and check: https://scla.net/board/

Continue to update SCLA.net, calendar and Facebook page with SCLA program information.

Continue to update SCLA WordPress and Division pages to latest versions of software.

Facebook insights: 926 followers

Google Analytics Behavior overview (page views):

December 367 views


CLASC:  Erin Kanelos reported:

  • Recently held a workshop on Bobwhite Quails with Eric Powers from CEED LI; very happy with the workshop; had over 50 attendees. Contact Erin if you would like presenter information
  • Still accepting nominations for CLASC Board.
  • Spring annual meeting will be held on April 6, 2022 at Stonebridge Country Club. Looking at Beth Ferry for our speaker.

 LILRC: Tim Spindler reported:

Advocacy plans are as follows: March 2nd- Assembly & March 3rd Senators. https://lilrc.org/All-Events

NCLA: Stacy Mencher reported:

Looking forward to working together.

PLDA:   No report.

SCLS:  Samantha Alberts reported:

Check out the SCLS page for upcoming programs: https://portal.suffolklibrarysystem.org/events/month

Will be having an NDIA Digital Navigator Training in February & March. Looking into having a digital inclusions minivan for libraries.

NYLA:  Ally Mercado reported:

NYLA Executive Council has announced that they have hired a new Executive Director AnnaLee Dragon. Their official statement:

“AnnaLee comes to NYLA after serving as the Director of the Kinderhook Memorial Library in Kinderhook, NY, since 2012. She has demonstrated a passion for libraries, advocacy, and for NYLA that is contagious and inspiring. AnnaLee is ready to face our current challenges head-on – from taking a fresh look at finances to fostering a positive culture among staff, Council, and membership.”

She starts Monday, February 14.

Ad Hoc Committee for NYLA Exit: Two people have submitted their name so far.


Angela Breslin: See above in Membership.

Michele Cayea: See above in Annual Dinner.

Thomas Vitale: Met on 1/20 to discuss NYLA conference, will be in Saratoga.

Program proposals will open February 1st through March 7th.

Liz Hughes: No report.



The meeting was adjourned at 10:51am by Alex Blend. Seconded by Sal Filosa and Michele Cayea.

SCLA Minutes
Friday, February 18, 2022 -Virtual Meeting

IN ATTENDANCE: Samantha Alberts, Michael Bartolomeo, Alex Blend, Angela Breslin, Michele Cayea,  Patricia Cruz, Sal Filosa, Anthony Giansante, Rebecca Goldstein, Liz Hughes, Stephen Ingram, Ally Mercado, Carisse Mitchell, Kate Regina, Bruce Seger, Lauren Strong, Emily Trezza.

CALL TO ORDER:   The meeting was called to order at 10:01am by Alex Blend. Seconded by Angela Breslin.


Motion to approve January 2022 meeting minutes by Angela Breslin. Seconded by Anthony Giansante.


  • Met with Kevin Verbesey regarding splitting from NYLA. SCLS agrees to back up SCLA during the process. Specifically with the finance aspect such as holding money (we can’t open a bank account until we are officially split), setting up a bank account.
  • Negotiating Committee – Carisse, Alex, Ally, Rebecca, Angela & Patricia.
  • Membership – suspend membership in the meantime. Possibly offer a “free” trial while we’re going through the split with NYLA.
  • Finances with NYLA – Unsure what amount we will get back
  • Archives – at SCLS stop in 2012, it would help to start a project of organizing past documents; have digital and hard copies and a binder to pass down.

TREASURER’S REPORT: The closing balance as of December 2021 was $77,837.40. I will be in touch with the division treasurers shortly to get specific financial information.


DASL:  Bruce Seger reported:

Had some conversations with Rebecca regarding the speakers lined up for DASL and regarding payment. Will Salas made an excellent presentation on Patents, this presentation was in conjunction with LILRC. DASL will have a meeting to report back on what’s going on with NYLA.

RASD: Sal Filosa reported:

The Career & Business Reference Services Committee (C&B) hosted a representative from La Fuerza CDC on February 10th. The mission at La Fuerza CDC is to promote sustainable economic growth in Long Island by providing minority and women owned enterprises access to capital, business development services and other tools which will create jobs, community wealth and long-term prosperity. The PR & Marketing Committee had their annual Suffolk Library Marketing Award (SLMA) Roundtable Discussion on January 20th. The Readers’ Advisory Committee met on January 28th. Their blog, which can be accessed from RASD’s website or here: http://rasdreadersadvisory.blogspot.com/ is up to date with annotations through 2021. If you’re looking for recommendations and honest reviews from other Suffolk County librarians, be sure to subscribe to their posts. Our next meeting is March 1st.

CATS: Anthony Giansante reported:

In February, CATS voted to change their meeting dates to the first Wednesday of each month. We also started to plan original professional development programming, including things like a Technology Petting Zoo.

SSD:  Kate Regina reported:

SSD is looking to have more active participation from SSD members during meetings, not just the Board.

YASD:  No report.


ANNUAL DINNER: Michele Cayea reported:

Not a lot to update. Continuing to monitor COVID protocols & open to ideas and suggestions for Annual Dinner.

ARCHIVES: Bruce Seger reported:

Continuing to digitize & will get out to SCLS soon.


COMMUNITY SERVICE:  Angela Brelin reported:

I am working on some ideas to get SCLA involved in community service throughout the county, and will have more information at the next meeting.

CONTINUING EDUCATION: Teri Hatred reported:

Requests for reports have picked up so please get all attendance sheets to me as soon as possible via email sclshr@suffolknet.org.

ELSA:  Kate Regina reported:

No report since it’s still early.



LDA AWARD: Paula Bornstein reported via email:

Paper copies of the LDA Award brochure are being sent to SCLA members at SCLS libraries,  via the SCLS distribution system. All SCLA members will be emailed copies of the brochure. Entries for nominees must be submitted by Thursday, March 31st.

LEGISLATIVE: Samantha Alberts reported:

“Advocacy Day”  will be held over 2 days online this year. March 2 & March 3 2022.

For the current budget proposal Governor Hochul is proposing the following:

  • Library Aid $96.1 (+2M increase from 2021)
  • Library Construction $14M (-20M reduction from 2021)
  • Release of $150k Love Your Library Fund

The Library community is advocating for:

  • Library Aid $123.1M
  • Library Construction $45M
  • Release of $150k Love Your Library Fund. These are funds that have been collected for the state library. Currently there is no mechanism allowing the state library to spend the funds on programs like Summer Reading.

Prep Sessions:

  • NYLA Social Media Advocacy Training Feb 23 3PM – Register
  • SCLS Advocacy Day 101 Feb 24 10AM – Register



LILPA:  Derek Ivie reported via email:

The Long Island Library Pride Alliance Board met on Monday, February 14th to discuss upcoming workshops for the group. They have decided to create a bi-monthly newsletter that will contain LGBTQIA+ books to look out for, notices of upcoming workshops, and other pieces of pop culture and news that are related to LGBTQIA+ issues. They will release their first newsletter sometime in March. On Thursday, February 17th they had another meeting of the LILPA Book Club. They discussed The Bold World: A Memoir of Family and Transformation. Library staff members from both Nassau and Suffolk came together to discuss the book written by activist and author Jodie Patterson.


MEMBERSHIP:  Angela Breslin reported:

Current statistics as of 2/18/22 (without any organizational memberships)

CATS: 47 active members

DASL: 25 active members

RASD: 81 active members

SSD: 22 active members

YASD: 45 active members

SCLA: 144 active members

NEWSLETTER: Lauren Strong reported:

The April newsletter is fast approaching. An email will be sent out on March 1 asking for Division and Committee blurbs.

NOMINATING: Alex Blend reported:

Be on the lookout for information on upcoming elections. Will need to work on how to run the polls for the election.

SCHOLARSHIP: Emma Lodato reported via email:

Nothing new to report.


WEB PAGE: Stephen Ingram reported:

Continue to update SCLA.net, calendar and Facebook page with SCLA program information.

Continue to update SCLA WordPress and Division pages to latest versions of software.

Facebook insights: 928 followers

Google Analytics Behavior overview (page views): January 456 views


CLASC:  Erin Kanelos reported via email:

  • Elections are underway. Thank you to everyone who put their name in for nominations, and good luck to all of our candidates. My term is set to end in April, and I will update the board who your new liaison will be.
  • Spring Meeting is April 6, 2022 at Stonebridge Country Club. Our speaker will be author Beth Ferry. Registration for the event will start soon.
  • We are seeking volunteers for book discussion leaders for the Fall Youth Literature Conference on October 13th. Please contact Maria Graybosch at mgraybosch@isliplibrary.org if you are interested.

LILRC: No report.

NCLA: Reported by Emily Trezza:
If you join or renew NCLA membership by March 1st, you will be entered to win a $100 Whole Foods Gift Card. Many of our divisions are also having membership incentives.  Please take a look at the website, www.ncla.info.

PLDA:   No report.

SCLS: Samantha Alberts reported:

With a grant, SCLS is running Digital Inclusion programming and obtaining a van for outreach events.

NYLA:  Ally Mercado reported:

I attended the NYLA Council meeting on Thursday, February 2. NYLA is currently operating at a $160,000 deficit. They are moving money from other funds into their running balance to stay afloat.

AnnaLee Dragon stated her position as Executive Director of NYLA on Monday, February 14.


Angela Breslin: See above in Membership.

Michele Cayea: See above in Annual Dinner.

Thomas Vitale: No report.

Liz Hughes: Working on a possible meeting at a winery, to increase engagement with libraries out East.


NEW BUSINESS:  Refer to the President’s report above. Think about the vision for SCLA & what we want it to be.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:47 am by Alex Blend. Seconded by Anthony Giansante.

SCLA Minutes
Friday, March 18, 2022 -Virtual Meeting

IN ATTENDANCE: Samantha Alberts, Alex Blend, Angela Breslin, Michele Cayea, Patricia Cruz, Salvatore Filosa, Anthony Giansante, Rebecca Goldstein, Liz Hughes, Stephen Ingram, Erika Irish, Derek Ivie, Erin Kanelos, Ally Mercado, Carisse Mitchell, Roni Rauch, Brian Schwartz, Bruce Seger, Julia Sukhu, Kaysha Watson-Phillips

CALL TO ORDER:   The meeting was called to order at 10:02am by Alex Blend. Seconded by Angela Breslin & Anthony Giansante.

Motion to approve February 2022 meeting minutes by Angela Breslin. Seconded by Anthony Giansante.



  • Meeting – with AnnaLee Dragon, new NYLA Executive Director to discuss separation from NYLA.
  • Listserv – Alex has reached out to NCLA about how they run their listserv, it would be a good time to clarify rules as to what/who can post to it.
  • Membership – Angela will talk about the Google form she has created.
  • Voting – We need to figure out how to run voting for elections as we previously used NYLA.
  • Zoom – Has been renewed by Stephen for the year.
  • Professional Development Series – Reached out to LI Conference committee to see if they can take over the series but they declined. Division presidents, please start thinking about what programs can be offered.

TREASURER’S REPORT: The closing balance as of December 2021 was $77,837.40 – I haven’t received any further updated financial information. I have been working with each of the division treasurers to get an accurate amount of what each division has. If you are sending anything to NYLA, PLEASE let me know!


DASL:  Bruce Seger reported.

Had a speaker this past week, John Kenrick, Musical Theater History Expert. The Annual Luncheon will be on April 7th, 1pm @ the Library Cafe in Farmingdale, working on getting a speaker for it.

RASD:  The Health Concerns Committee held a planning meeting for the year. The topic to focus on for a presentation and new topic guide is substance abuse with a focus on vaping. The Media Committee will be hosting a workshop on Discord, the VoIP platform, on March 31st. This is also the date that our newsletter Ramblings will be released. There are several co-chair positions open including PR & Marketing, New Adults, and potentially more. Please have those interested reach out to me directly sal@portjefflibrary.org. I am focusing on the use of the RASD website and have already begun discussions with committee chairs. I would like to discuss the SCLA calendar. This is a great idea but not yet a practice by any Division or committees.

CATS:  CATS will be hosting a Technology Petting Zoo on May 3rd at 10am. If you would like to have to showcase the tech side of your collection, click here.

Also, CATS Member at Large, James Hanson resigned. CATS is in the process of appointing a replacement for the remainder of his term.

SSD:  Roni Rauch reported.

Possibly having a workshop on Seed Library Program in April.

YASD:  Erika Irish reported.

Fran Romer Book Talk is on March 31st, guest speaker Eric Smith, registration deadline is March 24th. The joint Nassau-Suffolk BEST award will be given out on April 24th, there’s still time to nominate a teen that has made a significant contribution to library services.


ANNUAL DINNER: Michele Cayea reported.

Happy that restrictions have been mostly lifted. Still early to book a venue but have fun ideas to implement this year.

ARCHIVES: Bruce Seger reported.

Continuing to digitize. Working on having an intern to help out.

Thanks to Sam for coordinating Advocacy day.

CIVIL SERVICE: Brian Schwartz reported.

I have reached out to someone from Civil Service about hosting a workshop about basic civil service questions and did not hear back (this was in January).  I have sent a second email as of yesterday, 3/17.  Will report more when I get some results.

COMMUNITY SERVICE:  Angela Breslin reported.

-Would like to combine a networking event with community service.

-Looking into local walks that SCLA can participate in as a group, for the summer.

CONTINUING EDUCATION: Teri Hatred reported via email.

Status quo – have had several requests for reports. Please send all attendance sheets as soon as possible after your program so that the reports are as current as possible.  Thanks!

ELSA:  No report.


INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM:  Biran Schwartz reported. https://auburnpub.com/news/local/education/auburn-school-board-votes-to-keep-challenged-book-in-high-school-library/article_5a696b44-cf29-53ba-aea7-0baa5b02b08a.html


Here are two articles that I found to be interesting: one about a banned book that actually got voted to be kept, and the other about disinformation in the Russian/Ukrainian conflict.

LDA AWARD: Paula Bornstein reported via email.

March 31st is the closing date for receipt of LDA Award applicants’ information packets. The NCLA LDA committee chairs tell me that they have heard of individuals  interested in sponsoring candidates, but have yet to receive any packets.

LEGISLATIVE:  Samantha Alberts reported.

Colleagues thanks to everyone’s efforts the library community is in a strong position as we move to the end of the state budget cycle. (April 1st)  The governor, the Assembly and the Senate have each released their budget proposals.

Governor proposed budget

  • $96.1M in general Aid (up from $94.1 this year)
  • $14M in construction (down from $34M this year)
  • $150k distribution of Love Your Library funding

Assembly’s proposed budget

  • $106.1M Library Aid
  • $34M Library Construction
  • $1.25M Diversity Equity Inclusion Library Funds
  • Love Your Library: $150K
  • Digital Inclusion: Appropriation of $15M + Reapprop of $15M

The Senate’s proposed budget

  • $123M Library Aid
  • $45M Construction Aid
  • $1.2M DEI Library Efforts

Both the Assembly and Senate  proposals are better for libraries.  As we move closer to April 1st please be on the lookout for “calls to action”  from NYLA, as we may need to step up advocacy to ensure the “better” proposals are included in the budget.


 LILPA:  Derek Ivie reported.

Registration for the Long Island Library Pride Alliance’s upcoming meeting “LGBTQIA+ Youth Advocacy with Jodie Patterson” is still open. It is taking place in-person at SCLS on Thursday, April 14th at 2PM. The board will be meeting this coming Monday, March 21st to discuss upcoming committee endeavors. They will be finalizing their next book club pick and scheduling a date in June to host a speaker from Stony Brook Southampton Hospital who will talk about LGBTQ+ health. Both these upcoming meetings will be held on Zoom.


MEMBERSHIP:  Angela Breslin reported.

Created a Google Form to send to the membership emails I have on file. This form allows members to choose who they want their emails sent to (Division wise) and allows us to start forming our own database, when we start our new paid membership next year.

Is it okay to send it out now?

NEWSLETTER: Lauren Strong reported via email.

If you have not submitted your blurbs for the April newsletter, please send them to me by Tuesday, March 22.

NOMINATING: Alex Blend reported.

Keep a lookout on nominations, looking into what system to use for voting.


STUDENT OUTREACH: Carisse Mitchell reported on behalf of Colleen Navins.

Colleen has an idea for an SCLA Mentorship program for guidance for new library students on things like resumes. Could be a great opportunity to connect with new librarians.

WEB PAGE:  Stephen Ingram reported.

  • Continue to update SCLA.net, calendar and Facebook page with SCLA program information.
  • Renewed Zoom membership.
  • Continue to update SCLA WordPress and Division pages to latest versions of software.
  • Facebook insights: 927 followers
  • Google Analytics Behavior overview (page views):
  • February  699 views


CLASC: Erin Kanelos reported.

  • Our March book discussion of Too Bright to See was well received. We had FReadom present on their work protesting the banning of books.
  • Our Spring Annual Dinner featuring author Beth Ferry will be held on 4/6 @ the Stonebridge Country Club. More/registration Information here.
  • The May Celine Lieffrig New Book Seminar will be held 5/25 at the Islip Library – author Terri Libenson will join us to discuss her book, Remarkably Ruby. More information here.
  • Elections are almost finished. New officers will be installed at our Spring Annual Dinner. Information regarding the new president will be shared with the SCLA board in April.
  • Save the date for our Fall Youth Literature Conference – it will be held on October 13, 2022, with authors Rita Williams-Garcia and Bob Shea. Thank you to Derek and Darla for all your help!

LILRC: No report.

 NCLA: Kaysha Watson-Phillips reported.

Looking forward to working together and supporting each other through transitions and professional development series.

PLDA: No report.

SCLS: No report.

NYLA:  Ally Mercado reported. There was a NYLA Council meeting on Thursday, March 17. It was AnnaLee Dragon’s first council meeting as Executive Director of NYLA. Nominations for 2023 NYLA elected positions were voted on. AnnaLee Dragon gave an update on progress she is making while settling into her new role.


Angela Breslin: See above in Membership.

Michele Cayea: See above in Annual Dinner.

Thomas Vitale: No report.

Liz Hughes: Working on creating a survey to gauge people’s comfort levels for gatherings or what they’d like to attend. Hoping to get it out the second week of April.



The meeting was adjourned at 10:49am by Alex Blend. Seconded by Anthony Giansante.

SCLA Minutes
Friday, April 15, 2022 -Virtual Meeting

IN ATTENDANCE: Samantha Alberts, Alex Blend, Rachel Cecchini, Patricia Cruz, Anthony Giansante, Rebecca Goldstein, Teri Hatred, Erika Irish, Erin Kanelos, Carisse Mitchell, Kate Regina, Ally Mercado, Brian Schwartz, Lauren Scottaline, Sally Stieglitz

CALL TO ORDER:   The meeting was called to order at 10:02 am by Alex Blend. Seconded by Anthony Giansante.


Motion to approve March 2021 meeting minutes by Carisse Mitchell. Seconded by Anthony Giansante.


  • Next meeting May 20th
  • Committee met with AnnaLee Dragon- aiming for separation from NYLA by July 1st, 2022
  • The Handbook of Committee charges was emailed by Carisse to everyone – Carisse & Alex reviewed it and made changes; positions involving NYLA (Liaison & Curator) are still to be discussed as well as who will manage the new listserv
  • Vendor Fair- Roger at SCLS asked us to put together a vendor fair since we haven’t had any in-person opportunities in 2 years; Carisse, Rebecca & Ally spoke with Roger. It’ll be an opportunity for people to network & get professional photos. It will take place from 10am-3pm, offering breakfast & lunch. Possibly have a community service opportunity for a donation drive.
  • Professional Development Series- will be taking place in the fall, the hope is to make it ongoing every year & it would clash with future Long Island Library Conference if it’s done in May.
  • Listserv Options – Alex has been researching and has found a couple of options, Google Groups (free, easy, downside that adding members with certain emails sometimes does not work) and WP Mailing Group Premium (through website). It was brought up to possibly use Slack or Discord.

Vote approved to update the payment amount for YASD program to $500.

TREASURER’S REPORT: The SCLA Board is working with AnnaLee Dragon, new Executive Director of NYLA, to determine how much money SCLA and our divisions have with NYLA. Please send me any reimbursement / disbursement requests you may have going forward.


DASL:  No report.


  • Changes to the website including:
    • Highlighting our newsletter with a menu to match that of SCLA’s website
    • A cleanup of resources to reflect only newer items on our homepage
    • A new webpage to showcase the two awards available to adult services librarians who participate in marketing or outreach campaigns (https://scla.net/rasd/awards/)
  • Inclusion of all events and committee meetings on the SCLA calendar moving forward
  • We have several open committee positions so if you know of anyone please encourage them to reach out to Sal for details: sal@portjefflibrary.org 631-473-0022
    • Media Co-chair
    • PR & Marketing Chair and Co-chair

Upcoming Programs:

  • RASD NAC & MOSAIC Present: Ways that Libraries Can Serve Au Pairs

Tuesday, April 19, 10 am

  • LI Reads Presents: LI Reads Event

In-person and livestreamed on Crowdcast on Sunday, May 1, 2pm

Registration is now open honoring The Living and the Lost by Ellen Feldman. Tickets are free. Register here.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022 – 2:30 – 4:00 pm


CATS is still in the process of appointing a replacement member at large; an appointment is expected in May. CATS also postponed the Technology Petting Zoo to the Fall.

SSD:  The Support Staff Division will be hosting an Earth Day program featuring gardening and seed libraries. It will on Friday, April 25th on Zoom in place of our monthly meeting from 2-3:30 pm.  Some of your favorite library staff from member libraries will be speaking about programs already in place at various libraries throughout Suffolk County to share the benefits and lessons learned of the seed libraries in our communities. We hope SSD members and non-members alike will join us. Each attendee will receive a special box with seeds, and surprises after the program through system to thank you for supporting us and these ideas.

SCLA SSD Seed Program | Suffolk Cooperative Library System (suffolklibrarysystem.org)

YASD:  Upcoming program Joint Meeting of Nassau & Suffolk YASD on 4/21 @ 2pm featuring Julie Buxbaum author of Year on Fire.



ARCHIVES: No report.

CIVIL SERVICE: Brian Schwartz reported: No updates.


Here are three local walks, I’d like to register SCLA for one of them:

  1. Relay for Life on 6/11/22, 5:00 pm at Smithtown HS
  2. Making Strides against Breast Cancer at Jones Beach on 10/16/22, 7:00 am
  3. Moving Day: Walk for Parkinson’s on 10/8/22, 10:00 am at Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Park in Oyster Bay

CONTINUING EDUCATION: Status quo.  Please send in attendance sheets asap so reports are as current as possible.  Thank you in advance for your continued cooperation.

ELSA:  Brochure and posters have been updated and are being sent out and updated on website.


INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM:  Here are two articles, one about book banning being at an all time high in 2021: https://www.opb.org/article/2022/04/04/efforts-to-ban-books-jumped-an-unprecedented-four-fold-in-2021-ala-report-says/

And an article on disinformation:


LDA AWARD: I picked up the information packets submitted for four nominees, from Maryanne Linehan, NCLA LDA Award co-chair. I distributed them to the three committee members for SCLA. They will return their ballots to Maryanne by April 29th. The LDA Award will be presented virtually to one of these individuals on May 12th at 2:30 pm.


No report at this time.


LILPA:  The Long Island Library Pride Alliance Board met on Monday, March 21st. The group discussed upcoming offerings and future endeavors. At the end of March they released the first issue of their bi-monthly newsletter, LILPop. Every other month LILPA will release a new issue of LILPop that will look at what’s prominent on the LGBTQIA+ landscape, share news about up-and-coming queer projects in pop culture, and let folx know what LILPA programs are coming up. The LILPA Book Club meeting, that will be taking place online, is scheduled for Wednesday, May 18th at 2PM. In June, LILPA will be welcoming Dr. Eric Bella from Stony Brook Southampton Hospital’s Edie Windsor Healthcare Center to present a workshop called “Addressing the Healthcare Needs of the LGBTQ+ Community”. This will be taking place on Zoom at 11AM.

LONG RANGE PLANNING/MARKETING: Steve Alcalde Will update in upcoming meetings.


119 people have used our Google Form for SCLA membership.

I have shared the Google Sheet with all the Division Heads.

I presently still have access to the NYLA database of SCLA/Division membership.  Not accurate or up-to-date.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to me: abreslin@connetquotlibrary.org

NEWSLETTER: Thank you to all of those that have contributed to the April newsletter. The next newsletter will be going out at the beginning of July. I’ll be in touch for blurbs in the beginning of June.

NOMINATING: Positions open: VP, Secretary & 2 Member-at-Large. Looking into software costs to hold elections (possibly Election Buddy, Wild Apricot)

SCHOLARSHIP:  Carisse Mitchell reported: Emma will be resigning, position is open.

STUDENT OUTREACH: Looking to expand the Student Outreach Committee once we separate from NYLA and get our footing. I would love to create a Mentorship program with the Library Schools with librarians throughout Suffolk County.  I will be available to speak about this at our next meeting and will reach out to Carisse with more details.

WEB PAGE:  No report.



  • Our spring dinner went great – we had author Beth Ferry join us, and she gave a wonderful presentation. Thank you for all who attended – it was so nice to see everyone in person again!
  • Our new officers were sworn in – Congratulations to Lauren Scottaline of East Islip who will be our new president, and Diane Darcy of Islip who is our new recording secretary.
  • We will be hosting a book discussion on Wednesday, May 25th at Islip Library on the book Remarkably Ruby. Author Terri Libenson will join us via zoom. See flyer here.
  • Save the date for the Youth Literature Conference on October 13th in Hauppauge. We will be joined by authors Rita Williams-Garcia and Bob Shea.


LILRC 2022 Annual Membership Meeting will be on June 14, 9am-1pm . We will be offering both an in-person and zoom (view only) option. The in-person event will be held at Brentwood Public Library, boxed breakfast will be provided.  Keynote: Pandit Dasa is a Mindful Leadership Expert, author and motivational speaker.

 The Regional Scan Center is available for members to convert materials to digital files. Please contact Mona Boyd (mboyd@lilrc.org) for any questions or  Complete the form to request an appointment to use the center.

Upcoming Events: Highlights

She Persisted! With Authors Christine Day and Kelly Starling Lyons

April 21, 2pm

Reducing Stress, Improving Mental Health

April 22,1pm

Wildlife Programs for Underserved Communities (Children’s Services)

May 9, 11am

Astrobiology for the Incarcerated: Bringing Transformational Science into Prisons

May 10, 2pm

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion in Planning and in Practice: 8th Annual Herbert Biblo Academic Libraries Conference– co presented with NCLA ASLD and SCLA DASL

May 12, 1pm

Processing a Donated Collection at Huntington Public Library

May 25, 9:30-3:30 in person

Registration for all events at lilrc.org/events

NCLA: No report.

PLDA: No report.


A van was purchased with a grant for digital literacy trainings

Check out upcoming online trainings.

  • Affordable Connectivity Program- info on stipend for internet connectivity

Vote approved to use the remainder of SCLA Annual Dinner money temporarily for division expenses.


Ally Mercado reported. NYLA Council held a special meeting yesterday to discuss recommendations from the Balanced Budget Task Force. Some recommendations include decreasing in person meetings (particularly Council) to reduce reimbursement for travel expenses, restructuring membership rates, and finding new sources of income beyond membership and conference. Additionally, NYLA is looking into separating out funds from their units that bring in large revenues from their individual conferences such as SSL and YSS. Kelly Harris, NYLA Treasurer, reported these recommendations to NYLA Council.


Angela Breslin: See above in Membership.

Michele Cayea: See above in Annual Dinner.

Thomas Vitale: No report.

Liz Hughes: No report.



The meeting was adjourned at 11:06am by Alex Blend. Seconded by Ally Mercado and Anthony Giansante.

SCLA Minutes
Friday, May 20, 2022 -Virtual Meeting

IN ATTENDANCE: Alex Blend, Michele Cayea, Patricia Cruz, Sal Filosa, Anthony Giansante, Rebecca Goldstein, Teri Hatred, Liz Hughes, Stephen Ingram, Erika Irish, Ally Mercado, Kate Regina, Lauren Scottaline, Bruce Seger, Sally Stieglitz, Lauren Strong, Thomas Vitale

CALL TO ORDER:   The meeting was called to order at 10:05am by Patricia Cruz. Seconded by Anthony Giansante.


Motion to approve April 2022 meeting minutes by Alex Blend. Seconded by Sal Filosa.


  • Carisse is working on making updates to The Handbook of Committee charges and will send the edited version out for approval and a vote when there is a complete version.
  • SCLA’s bylaws will also need to be reworked and edited to remove NYLA from them.
  • Alex emailed all Division Presidents to submit their election slates no later than Thursday, 5/26/22. The Executive Board will also need to decide and vote on which service should be used going forward for the SCLA Election this year and for future elections. Different options have been presented at past meetings: Wild Apricot, Google Forms, Election Buddy, etc. Feedback/comments were solicited and are always welcome but no input from Board Members was given.
  • Thank you to everyone that participated in the vendor fair! We had a great turn out and donated a bunch of items to Angels of Long Island. More importantly – it was amazing to see everyone together again. I think we garnered a lot of interest in SCLA.

 TREASURER’S REPORT: Please continue sending reimbursement and disbursement requests to me so that they can be processed by SCLS. If you have sent a request in the past few weeks, it will be paid out by SCLS on June 1 after their board meeting.


DASL:  Bruce Seger reported.

Great day at the Vendor Fair. Working on invitational event with LILRC & ASLD having speakers on equity, diversity and inclusion. Also working on slates, setting up meeting and working on an event.

RASD:  Sal Filosa reported.

  • The Career & Business Reference Services Committee held a virtual Financial Professionals Panel on Tuesday, May 17.
  • The Career & Business Reference Services and Health Concerns Committees are finalizing their programs that will be held in September as part of the Professional Development Series.
  • RASD will be merging the Media and Electronic Committees. We are in the early stages of combining the mission statements and will then canvas for a co-chair to serve with Nicole Rambo who is currently the chair of the Media Committee.
  • The LI Reads event was Sunday, May 1, for the first time back in person at Plainview Library. The event was a success, with about 50 people in person, and another 89 watching on livestream. If anyone has any suggestions of a possible book please email: maraz@westhamptonlibrary.org.
  • MOSAIC is working on a program about the history of Juneteenth and how libraries can celebrate it. The committee has reached out to Dr. Key (https://nysmuseums.org/Georgette-Grier-Key), who helped to get Juneteenth federally recognized as a holiday, as a guest speaker to reflect on the day’s importance and how libraries can reflect, run programs, create reading lists centered around the holiday. Date is TBA.
  • Kelly, RASD’s VP and membership chair, has great ideas about reaching out to those who selected RASD as their division of choice to see which committees they are interested in.
  • The Reader’s Advisory Committee met for the first time in person since before Covid.
  • The PR & Marketing Committee seems to have 2 co-chairs who are being trained by Jo-Ann and Joan who will step down in October. You can expect more robust programming and changes from this committee in the coming year. One request that I have of them is to serve as a resource to market committees and the division to our Suffolk County colleagues. If you have any questions or are looking for ideas, I would encourage you to reach out to me and I can connect you with the incoming chairperson.
  • RASD still has not received interested participants for the VP/President Elect position. Please spread the word and feel free to share my email if they would like more information: sal@portjefflibrary.org.

CATS: Anthony Giansante reported.

CATS held their first in-person meeting in more than 2 years with great success. They discussed retrying the Technology Petting Zoo in the Fall, date is TBD. CATS and CLASC are planning a joint program for the Fall, details to be announced soon. CATS appointed Danielle Bliss from Longwood Public Library to member at large for the remainder of the year.

SSD:  Kate Regina reported.

The Seed Library program went well. The slate will be put together later today at meeting

YASD:  Erika Irish reported.

Election slate was put together. Kyle Fichtner has been reappointed to position. Working on a program with CLASC.


ANNUAL DINNER: Michele Cayea reported.

The Annual Dinner has been booked for Thursday, October 20th at West Sayville Country Club. The dinner will be a plated event, the venue is honoring previous year’s price. Will need to deposit $500 for the venue and looking to book the DJ and will need to place a deposit for that as well.

ARCHIVES: Bruce Seger reported.

Got two more boxes of materials to digitize.


COMMUNITY SERVICE: Angela Breslin reported via email.

The votes are in, SCLA will be participating in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk at Jones Beach on October 16, 2022 @ 7:00 am.  I will register us and send out a link to everyone for fundraising purposes.  Can we order T-Shirts?

-At the SCLA Vendor Fair we collected a lot of diapers that went to Angels of Long Island in Patchogue.  They have recently been on the news for giving away all the baby formula they had to anyone who needed it. Thank you to Roger at SCLS for delivering them to the charity.

CONTINUING EDUCATION: Teri Hatred reported.

Status quo

ELSA:  Kate Regina reported.

On track, waiting on nominations.


LDA AWARD:  Paula Bornstein reported via email.

The Zoom presentation of the 2022 LDA Library Award was held on Thursday, May 19th. The recipient of the award is Victor Caputo, Director of the Bryant Library in Roslyn. Dr. Art Friedman of Nassau Community College Library gave the introductory speech detailing Mr. Caputo’s career and contributions to the library world and his community, followed by Mr. Caputo’s expressions of gratitude. Arrangements for this year’s presentation were made by Maryanne Linehan and Catherine Barretta of NCLA. The meeting was recorded by James Hutter of Port Washington Library; I will have to find out if it will be accessible to interested individuals.

LEGISLATIVE:  No report.


LILPA:  Derek Ivie reported via email.

The Long Island Library Alliance Board met on Monday, May 16th. They spoke about upcoming workshops and the newest issue of their newsletter LILPop. On Wednesday, May 18th they held a meeting of the LILPA Book Club and discussed Ellen Hart’s Jane Lawless Mystery, The Old Deep and Dark. Seven people were in attendance. They were sent a biography of the author and a list of readalikes with book summaries. On June 7th they are holding “Addressing the Health Care Needs for the LGBTQ+ Community” on Zoom. Registration is still open. Also in June, LILPA has been invited to speak on a panel at the Planting Fields “Planting Pride” event taking place on the 11th.


MEMBERSHIP:  Angela Breslin reported via email.

The 2023 SCLA Membership fees were voted on and approved.

Students, Retirees, Trustees, & Friends: $15

Basic Membership, based on salary:

Up to $20,000 – $20

$20,001 – $40,000  – $35

$40,001 – $60,000 – $45

$60,001 and over – $55

Divisions: First one Free, additional divisions can be added for $3 each

DASL – Academic and Special Libraries

RASD – Reference and Adult Services Division

SSD – Support Staff Division

CATS – Computer and Technology Division

YASD – Young Adult Services Division

Optional Donations:

SCLA Scholarship Fund

  • Membership will start from the day/ month that the person registers.
    • Ex: May 2023 membership will expire May 2024

We are continuing our year of free membership and will reinstate membership dues as of December 2022.

NEWSLETTER: Lauren Strong reported.

Please look out for an email next week in regards to submitting blurbs for the July newsletter.

NOMINATING: Alex Blend reported.

Election slates are due by Thursday, May 26th. As mentioned in the President’s report: The Executive Board will also need to decide and vote on which service should be used going forward for the SCLA Election this year and for future elections. Different options have been presented at past meetings: Wild Apricot (used by NCLA), Google Forms, Election Buddy (used by CLASC), etc.

SCHOLARSHIP:  Brian Schwartz reported via email.

I am meeting with Emma next week to talk about my future responsibilities for the scholarship committee. I will have a report next meeting–Brian


WEB PAGE:  Stephen Ingram reported.

Continue to update SCLA.net, calendar and Facebook page with SCLA program information.
Continue to update SCLA WordPress and Division pages to latest versions of software.
Facebook insights: 942 followers
Google Analytics Behavior overview (page views):
March  583 views
April need to update to new google analytics


CLASC:  Lauren Scottaline reported. The May newsletter was published and sent to members on May 4, 2022. The Celine Lieffrig New Book Forum will be held next on May 25 at the Islip Public Library. Author Teri Libenson will zoom into the meeting to discuss her books, including her latest “Remarkably Ruby” which was published on May 3, 2022.

The local affordable things family packets will be available around Memorial Day; the details from this are meant to be shared with patrons.

The Board is looking to make some workshops available via hybrid format to allow members access as an additional benefit of membership. This will be announced formally once we have a concise way of providing this service.

The Board was told about the proposed September 22 workshop with CATs at our May 5 meeting, and we look forward to working with them. Vice President of Programming Lauren Tellerman has been speaking with a YASD Board Member about a possible joint workshop for both sets of members.

Our Fall Literature Conference is scheduled for Thursday, October 13 and will feature a workshop on Therapy Dogs International, presented by two humans and one canine ambassador from the organization.

LILRC: Sally Stieglitz reported.

LILRC participated in the SCLS/SCLA vendor fair to raise awareness of its traveling exhibits, book and author events, and digitization center.  Upcoming programs of note  include:

3 Pride Month Programs:

  • LGBT Cultural Awareness Training 102, June 3, 1pm-3pm
  • A Conversation with Kacen Callender, Award Winning Author June 8, 2pm-3pm
  • Dismantling Gender June 30, 10:30am-12pm

LILRC Annual Membership Meeting June 14 (hybrid), 8:30am-1pm

Reference Services in a Post-Roe World, June 16, 11am-12:30pm (will not be recorded)

NCLA: No report.

DA: No report.

SCLS:  No report.

NYLA:  Ally Mercado reported.

NYLA’s professional development and advocacy event Spring on the Hill in Albany took place earlier this week. The events were well attended.


Angela Breslin: See above in Membership.

Michele Cayea: See above in Annual Dinner.

Thomas Vitale: At the executive meeting for the NYLA conference it was discussed if SCLA will still be able to sponsor programs. It was decided that SCLA will have affiliate status at NYLA and will still allow SCLA to sponsor programs. We have a Seed Library program to be led by Amber Gagliardi.

Liz Hughes: Working on Wine Down Wednesday event for June (sending out survey) and outdoor field day possibly at Belmont.



The meeting was adjourned at 10:56am by Patricia Cruz. Seconded by Alex Blend.

SCLA Minutes
Friday, June 17, 2022 -Virtual Meeting

IN ATTENDANCE: Brian Adams, Alex Blend, Angela Breslin, Patricia Cruz, Sal Filosa, Anthony Giansante, Rebecca Goldstein, Teri Hatred, Liz Hughes, Stephen Ingram, Carisse Mitchell, Colleen Navins, Kate Regina, Lauren Scottaline.

CALL TO ORDER:   The meeting was called to order at 10:04am by Carisse Mitchell. Seconded by Angela Breslin.


Motion to approve May 2022 meeting minutes by Patricia Cruz. Seconded by Sal Filosa.


  • Emailed the handbook with changes– working on the new one from an outdated version
  • We will be skipping July & August meetings and meet again in September
  • Possibly create a Google Doc for summer if anything comes up during the summer

TREASURER’S REPORT: SCLS continues to be wonderful in helping us take care of disbursement and reimbursement requests. Please keep in mind that SCLS is approving our requests to be paid at their monthly board meetings. We have about reached the end of the money we had on the books with SCLS remaining from last year’s annual dinner – Kevin and SCLS have agreed to support our reimbursements and disbursement requests until we are in possession of our funds from NYLA.

As we expect to have our money from NYLA in the coming weeks, I have an email in with TD bank about starting an account with them.


DASL:  No report.

RASD:  Sal Filosa reported:

  • We are in the process of revising our constitution and plan to have it ready for a vote soon after SCLA’s adoption of the amended constitution
  • The Career & Business Reference Services Committee held a virtual Financial Professionals Panel on Tuesday, May 17. The next meeting is Tuesday, September 20 at 2:30pm and will be held virtually via Zoom. Bill Carlson from Reference Solutions will be talking about the Data Axle database and how librarians can use it to provide our patrons with the end results they need.
  • The Health Concerns Committee had our first in-person meeting at the Sayville Library on May 16th, and had a modest turn-out. The Committee  is in the process of planning our program for the Professional Development series to be held in September. Our topic will be “Navigating Consumer Health Information” and will be presented by Jessica Koos, MLS, MSEd, AHIP of Stony Brook University’s Health Sciences Library, with a tentative date of  September 29th at 2:30pm.
  • The Local History Committee is planning an in-person event for the programmers showcase for September. This is tentatively scheduled for the 15th. Caren is meeting with local history librarians to get an idea of what they would like from the committee.
  • MOSAIC’s Annual Breakfast is happening right now! Juneteeth: A Celebration of History, Culture, and Progress, featuring Guest Speaker: Dr. Georgette Grier-Key.

Dr. Georgette Grier-Key is the Executive Director and Chief Curator of Eastville Community Historical Society of Sag Harbor. Her board service to the field includes posts such as: President of the Long Island Historical Societies, NAACP Brookhaven Town Branch, Preservation League of NYS Board of Trustees, active on the Excellence in Historic Preservation Awards and Seven to Save, juries and chairs the Technical Services Committee. She is the Vice President of the board of the Museum Association of New York.

  • The New Adult Committee held a meeting with a representative from the National Student Debt Forgiveness Center to discuss student loan forgiveness options and how libraries can better serve patrons navigating the complex system of student loans and PSLF options. The conversation was recorded and published as our latest podcast episode. You can listen to the conversation by searching “New Adult Committee” on your favorite podcast app or visiting redcircle.com/shows/nac
  • The next meeting of the Outreach Committee will be held on Monday, Aug 8, 2022 @ 10am. There will be a guest speaker, Long Island author Emily Ladau (Demystifying Disability), who will come to speak with us about her book, her work as a rights activist and how we can best serve members of our communities with disabilities. The event will be hosted virtually via Zoom and open to all who wish to attend. Details are on the RASD homepage.
  • James Garvey has agreed to take over as Committee Chair of the PR & Marketing Committee. Joan and Jo-Ann are committed to see the 2022 SLMA Award through until it is presented (assuming we have entrees). Then James can move ahead on his own. There is another librarian, Christine, who has joined the committee and may or may not be taking on a leadership role in this committee as well.
  • Kelly, RASD VP and Membership Chair, sent out a membership survey to current RASD members with a google form of our own asking for members to specify committees in which they are interested in either joining or receiving correspondence as well as specifying if they would be interested in learning more about a board position. Of the 143 members that we currently have, we had 50 people complete the RASD membership survey in just 3 days.

CATS: Anthony Giansante reported:

Working on updating constitution should be finalized by September. There will be no meetings in July & August. There will be a joint panel with CATS & CLASC on September 22 to discuss women in tech.

SSD:  Kate Regina reported:

Working on expanding meetings to members.

YASD:  Nothing new to report.


ANNUAL DINNER: Michele Cayea reported via email.

A save the date was sent to Lauren for the newsletter.

The date for the annual dinner will be Thursday, October 21 from 6 to 10 PM at the West Sayville country club once again.

I spoke with Rebecca and I think it is appropriate to leave the price the same as 60 for members and 70 for nonmembers. What do you think?  Response: one general price since we’re not charging membership this year.

I am working with Rebecca to get a 500 deposit check for the venue. I will also need a deposit check for the DJ.

Do we know when our funds will be available from NYLA? Response: not yet

We need to discuss where registration will happen so I can have a link and a QR code made for advertisement. Will it be on our SCLA page? Will the system be handling that for us again? Response: Carisse will email Michele about this

Thanks so much for all the work you are all putting into SCLA year you’re making some wonderful changes and I am looking forward to an amazing time celebrating at the dinner

ARCHIVES: No report



 I have registered SCLA for the Jones Beach Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on Sunday, October 16, 2022 at 7:00 am.  As soon as the link is emailed to me I will forward it to all Board members if they would like to fundraise and share it with family and friends.  It should be soon.

Can I get an estimate from Custom Ink for SCLA Pink t-shirts?

CONTINUING EDUCATION: Teri Hatred reported:

Status quo.

ELSA:  Kate Regina reported:

No nominations yet, posting to listserv.

INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM:  Brian would like to be taken off this committee

LDA AWARD: Work for this year’s LDA Award is complete. Planning for the 2023 award begins in December of this year. SCLA will be responsible for managing recruitment and selection of the 2023 recipient, with NCLA assisting. I would like to step down from the chair position after that, and would appreciate it if the Board could recruit someone to work with me in 2023 as a co-chair and to learn the ropes, taking over in 2024. NCLA has worked successfully  with two LDA co-chairs for the past few years. I think this would work well for us, providing a fresh outlook for the committee.


On June 4, 2022 the legislative session ended for NYS. Legislators are back in their district (and some may be campaigning). The final budget passed the Legislature and includes the following:

  • Library Aid $99.6M – Less than the Legislators’ ask but up from the 94.1M proposed in the Governor’s original budget.
  • Library Construction $34M – Same as this year, but also an increase from the 14M in the Governor’s proposed budget.
  • Digital Inclusion $10M – Not as much as proposed by the Assembly but the funds were not in the Governor’s proposed budget. We do not yet know how these funds will be spent or who will be eligible for them.

NYLA is aware of the importance of issues revolving around Civil Service and Intellectual Freedom.  NYLA will be meeting with the Association of Counties to discuss Civil Service reform.  Additionally, NYLA is aware of many of the issues with library staff trauma from book challenges and Intellectual Freedom issues.  They will be working on creating information for Legislators to better understand what Intellectual Freedom means. They are considering creating letter templates that may be used in reaching out to local legislators.

I would like to make membership aware of an SCLS resource. Suffolk Public Library staff may visit the SCLS Gateway to find a resource list on challenged items here: bit.ly/sclschallengetoolkit

LI LIBRARY CONFERENCE:  Brian Adams reported:

Planning for May 2023.

LILPA:  Derek Ivie reported via email:

The Long Island Library Pride Alliance shared the second edition of their bi-monthly newsletter LILPop at the end of May. This issue covered upcoming LGBTQ titles, Pride events around Long Island, and a list of Pride programming libraries could run for Pride month. On Tuesday, June 7th LILPA held Addressing the Healthcare Needs for the LGBTQ+ Population with Dr. Eric Lella from Stony Brook’s Edie Windsor Healthcare Center located in Hampton Bays. Twelve library staff members attended the online program. On Saturday, June 11th Derek represented LILPA on a panel at Planting Fields first ever Planting Pride festival. The panel, called Creating Queer Community and Resource Building, focused on organizations on Long Island that are working to create opportunitiesto educate allies as well as create community for LGBTQIA+ people in Nassau and Suffolk counties


MEMBERSHIP:  Angela Breslin reported:

I sent out an email on the new SCLA Listserv with the membership Google Form at the beginning of the month. We have up to 272 replies.

I also emailed every Division head an invitation to view the Google Sheet so that they can include everyone who has responded to the Google Form wanting to be included in their respective Divisions emails/events etc.

Google Form Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSful8yKL0ap8kwX6MvmeGcEhq7eA3a82-H2wQcRw_maAsihkA/viewform?usp=sf_link

NEWSLETTER: All blurbs for the July 2022 edition of the newsletter were due Wednesday, June 15. If you have not submitted a blurb for your division/committee please do so by Tuesday, June 21. The newsletter will be sent out on Friday, July 1.

NOMINATING: Alex Blend reported:

Thanks everyone for the slates.

Vote for Election Buddy to be used at $89 for up to 1000 voters. Approved.

SCHOLARSHIP: We’ve received 5 scholarship applications so far.

STUDENT OUTREACH: Colleen Navins reported:

Working on a mentorship brochure to have ready for Library students by the fall.  We had our first mentor interest meeting and about 15 Suffolk Librarians are interested in being mentors for the local library students.  Also updating our SCLA membership brochure to be ready for the fall.

WEB PAGE:  Stephen Ingram reported:
May  2022

WEB PAGE: Updated WordPress/Google analytics to Googles new GA4 statistics.

Basic website maintenance and posting.

Facebook insights: 946 followers

Google Analytics Behavior overview (page views):

May 678 views


CLASC:  The 2022 Fall Literature Conference is scheduled for Thursday, October 13 from 8:30am – 3:30pm. The theme is “Stories for All Ages” and the conference is co-sponsored by the Suffolk Cooperative Library System’s Youth Services Department. It provides the opportunity for librarians, teachers, and professionals working with children and young adults to remain current in the field of children ’s literature and to focus on children ’s and young adult books through outstanding speakers and peer driven book discussions. The keynote speakers will be Rita Garcia-Williams and Bob Shea. There will also be a workshop on Therapy Dogs International, presented by two humans and one canine ambassador from the organization. Early-Bird registration is now open and ends September 8, visit http://clascincorg.blogspot.com/ to view the conference brochure and register.

LILRC: LILRC’s 31st Annual Conference on Libraries and The Future: Reaching for Leadership will be held, in person, on October 7 at the Heritage Club at Bethpage.

Registration is open: https://lilrc.org/event-4820447

The conference will be opened by James Neal.  He is University Librarian Emeritus at Columbia University. Jim served as the Vice President for Information Services and University Librarian at Columbia University during 2001-2014. Previously, he served as the Dean of University Libraries at Indiana University and Johns Hopkins University.  He was also the 2017-18 President of the American Library Association.  Jim will start the conference by talking about the nature of leadership and how it is defined.

The second speaker is David Weinberger.  He holds a PhD from the University of Toronto and is a senior fellow and researcher at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University.  He also has a column in KMWorld.  David will be speaking about the role of information and information access for leaders.

Our third speaker is Dr. Lambert Shell.  He is the director of the Roosevelt Public Library on Long Island where he led the turn around of this library.  He also is a recognized leader in the Black Caucus of the American Library Association.  Lambert will be speaking on creating an environment and encouraging leadership for people of color.

The final speaker is Marianne Lamonaca. She is the director of the Humanities Edge at Florida International University and a leader in the field of non-profit arts management and curatorial affairs. She served as Associate Gallery Director and Chief Curator at Bard Graduate Center, NYC; Associate Director for Curatorial Affairs and Education at The Wolfsonian-FIU; and Assistant Curator of Decorative Arts at the Brooklyn Museum.  She will be talking about encouraging young professionals to take leadership positions.

NCLA: No report.

PLDA:   No report.

SCLS:  No report.

NYLA:  Ally Mercado reported via email.

NYLA Council met yesterday Thursday, June 16 at 3:15pm via Zoom. Council voted to approve our separation of funds and to cut SCLA a check for the amount of $97,842.50.

We discussed that this is a positive decision and will help both of our organizations run more efficiently. We all agreed that this was a pilot program that ultimately just did not work. We plan to collaborate on future initiatives and events.

NYLA Council also discussed the need for a statewide stance on intellectual freedom and banned books. NYLA plans to be a resource for librarians, particularly school librarians, who are facing pressure to censor materials.


Angela Breslin: See above in Membership.

Michele Cayea: See above in Annual Dinner.

Thomas Vitale: No report.

Liz Hughes: June 22 is Wine Down Wednesday.


NEW BUSINESS:  Our nonprofit status registration.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:50am by Alex Blend. Seconded by Carisse Mitchell.

SCLA Minutes
Friday, September 16, 2022 -Virtual Meeting


IN ATTENDANCE: Michele Cayea, Patricia Cruz, Sal Filosa, Anthony Giansante, Rebecca Goldstein, Teri Hatred, Liz Hughes, Stephen Ingram, Carisse Mitchell, Kate Regina, Lauren Scottaline, Bruce Seger, Sally Stieglitz, Lauren Strong

CALL TO ORDER:   The meeting was called to order at 10:03am by Carisse Mitchell. Seconded by Patricia Cruz.


Motion to approve June 2022 meeting minutes by Patricia Cruz. Seconded by Sal Filosa.


Vote on:

  • New logo for website and marketing materials: Motion approved.
  • SCLS/ Legislative Committee is requesting we vote on a motion for money for the Legislative Breakfast on 9/23. ($900). Motion approved.
  • LILRC is requesting if SCLA can support the Long Island reception at NYLA this year? We have not held one since prior to the pandemic so this is the first year it returns. Previously, SCLA had supported it with $500. Motion approved.
  • Constitution and By-Laws – Work in Progress
  • Handbook of Committee Charges 2022 – work in progress

TREASURER’S REPORT: As of July 1, SCLA has our own bank account with Suffolk Federal Credit Unit. We opened both a checking and a savings account. Rebecca is working on getting board members added to the bank account. Unit Treasurers were emailed updated financial information as of September 1. SCLA decided to absorb the cost of any differences between NYLA’s and SCLA’s records in favor of the divisions. The balance for SCLA is approximately $77,000.

Other things Rebecca is working on:

  • Updating the reimbursement / disbursement request form for one unique to SCLA – if you need an immediate reimbursement / disbursement, please email Rebecca with the usual information
  • Acquiring a new Tax Exempt Form
  • Creating a shared space for banking documents that can be viewed by all units and officers
  • Following up on reimbursement / disbursement requests that have not been filled between SCLS and NYLA

Thank you for bearing with me!


DASL:  (Bruce Seger) Future events with LILRC are in the works.

RASD:  (Sal Filosa)

  • We are in the process of revising our constitution and plan to have it ready for a vote soon after SCLA’s adoption of the amended constitution.
  • Please sign up for RASD’s professional development courses. We have 2.
  • We are finalizing a speaker for our Annual Luncheon, which will be held on Tuesday, December 6th at the new Bayport Blue Point Library.
  • The Local History Programmers Showcase was yesterday.
  • The Outreach Committee hosted it’s August meeting on Monday Aug 8. The committee had guest speaker Emily Ladau (local author and disability rights activist).
  • Entries will begin to be collected for the Annual Suffolk Library Excellence in Outreach Award. Entries will be accepted through Oct 15, 2022. Details will be emailed to the listserv and the awards webpage will be updated soon: net/rasd/awards
  • The deadline to apply for the Suffolk Libraries Marketing Award was yesterday. Winners will be announced at the SCLA dinner.
  • The Readers’ Advisory Committee’s next meeting is Thursday, September 29 at 10 am at SCLS. It’ll be a hybrid meeting so those who can’t make it in person can join online. The topic is award nominees that didn’t win.

CATS: (Anthony Giansante) Over the summer, CATS hosted a program titled: Technology Programming on a Budget and had over 65 registrants.

In September, CATS and CLASC are hosting a panel discussion at Sachem Library, Women and Technology in Libraries. This event highlights women who work in the STEAM, STEM, Digital Services, and Technical Services sector of the library industry. CEUs will be awarded and refreshments will be served. Presently, there are over 50 registrants.   Click here to register.

On October 5th, CATS is welcoming NASA astrophysicist, Dr. Kimberly Arcand in a program titled: Coding the Cosmos with NASA’s Universe of Learning. This program will go over ways to use the data NASA collects on the universe to engage with teens and children and teach them about space. This event will be over Zoom. Presently, there are over 20 registrants.  Click here to register.  

SSD: (Kate Regina) Things are in the works , there is a meeting later today. Working on having a follow up to the Seed Library program on how to save seeds. Discussion of the Safety Conference is in progress as well as an East Meets West program with Nassau possibly in March.

YASD:  (Erika Irish) Nothing new to report.


ANNUAL DINNER: (Michele Cayea) We used Eventbrite for Annual Dinner registration, libraries can also send in checks to pay for dinner. So far we have 8 people registered, please promote at your libraries. The DJ & Venue are good to go, and will work with Angela to set up the Toys for Tots collection at the dinner. Asking Divisions to please create a basket for the annual dinner for raffles.

ARCHIVES: (Bruce Seger) Got a new scanner and have been able to scan a lot of photos. Will be speaking to Stephen in October to see how it can be used on website.

CIVIL SERVICE: (Brian Schwartz) No report.


Here is the link for the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on October 16, 2022 @ Jones Beach for fundraising.  I am working on t-shirts, please let me know if you plan on participating, and what size shirt you would like: abreslin@connetquotlibrary.org


CONTINUING EDUCATION: (Teri Hatred) Have not received any attendance in a while.  Please forward all attendance to sclshr@suffolknet.org to keep the database current. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

ELSA: (Kate Regina) Announced the winner recently, everything is pretty much status quo. Need tax exempt form from Rebecca.

LDA AWARD: (Paula Bornstein)  Planning for the 2023 award begins in December of this year. SCLA will be responsible for managing recruitment and selection of the 2023 recipient, with NCLA assisting. SCLA will be responsible for printing costs of about 2,000 brochures in January, 2023, as is the usual practice for alternating years.

LEGISLATIVE: (Samantha Alberts) The Suffolk Legislative Breakfast will be held Sept. 23 at 8 Am at the Smithtown Library.  If you would like to attend you can register here:  https://lilrc.org/event-4929994?CalendarViewType=1&SelectedDate=9/15/2022

For the Breakfast I would like to put a motion on the floor for $900. Motion approved.

LI LIBRARY CONFERENCE: (Brian Adams)  The Conference is on and planning is underway.

The date is Thursday. May 11th 2023 at the Melville Marriott.

We still have the list or Association and Divisions who requested tables, but we need their updated contact person information. Please email LILCAssoc@gmail.com

We still have the list of programs already submitted and those persons will be contacted to see if they are still interested in having their program, if it is still current, or if they would like to re-submit a new program. After these programs are verified we will be asking for new program submissions.

Below are found our most important and pressing  questions and concerns:

  • We need SCLA’s tax exempt form as soon as possible to give to the Marriott.
  • Has SCLA decided on what platform to use for program registration?
  • Will SCLA have a credit/debit card to pay the Marriott bill?

LILPA:  (Derek Ivie) The Long Island Library Pride Alliance sent out the third volume of their bi-monthly newsletter, LILPop on August 3rd. If anyone would like to be added to the LILPA mailing list they can email lilpa.nys@gmail.com. The Board met on Friday, September 2nd to plan upcoming events. The flyer for the next installment of the LILPA Book Club was sent out on September 15th. At this meeting they will discuss Nina LaCour’s Yerba Buena. It will be held on October 19th. The group is also finalizing the list for their Mock Stonewall discussion workshop that is scheduled to take place on December 8th. They are hoping to have the titles finalized and shared in the coming weeks.


MEMBERSHIP: (Angela Breslin) Carisse reported that we’ll need to talk in the November meeting about starting to charge for membership.

NEWSLETTER: (Lauren Strong) All blurbs for the October 2022 newsletter are due Wednesday, September 21.

NOMINATING: No report.

SCHOLARSHIP: (Brian Schwartz) I am on vacation during this meeting but wanted to report that I have received about 5 or 6 applications (less than I had thought) but that is still a good number.  The deadline to receive them is September 15th.   When I return from vacation, I will send out the information to my committee who will vote on the winner of the scholarship. I have not gotten any of continuing education scholarship applications as of 9/1/2022.

STUDENT OUTREACH: (Colleen Navins)

On Thursday, September 1 the Student Outreach Committee spoke at Long Island University’s Palmer School Orientation.  We had three representatives from SCLA discuss the benefits of joining organizations as a student, our newly formed Mentor Program and tips and tricks on networking and job searching.  We shared flyers and a brochure with the incoming Library School students and look forward to continuing our partnership with the Palmer School.

WEB PAGE: (Stephen Ingram)

Basic website/facebook maintenance and posting.
Facebook insights: 969 followers
Google Analytics Behavior overview using GA4 reporting
June: Pageviews 678/ user-engagement 261/session_start 175/first-visit 141
July: Pageviews 1.2k/ user-engagement 561/session_start 300/first-visit 209
August: Pageviews 1.4k/ user-engagement 558/session_start 348/first-visit 259


CLASC:  (Lauren Scottaline) We had 9 attendees for Understanding Trauma, which was held on Monday, September 12 via Zoom. This was part of the SCLA-NCLA-CLASC virtual professional development series. Anyone who missed this very informative presentation may contact CLASC Vice President of Programming Lauren Tellerman to review the presentation recording.

Registration looks wonderful for the CLASC and CATS round table on “Women and Technology in Libraries Panel.” This event is planned for the Sachem Public Library on Thursday, September 22 from 6:30-8:30pm. There will be food served at 6:30pm with the chance for professional mingling; the presentation is to begin at 7pm and there will be time for questions beginning at 8pm.

Vice President of Literature Conference Kim Zettwoch is finalizing all of the details of our 2022 Fall Literature Conference. The event will be held on Thursday, October 13 at the Radisson Hotel Long Island. The theme is Stories for All Ages and our keynote speakers will be Rita Williams-Garcia and Bob Shea! Registration is still open – I can verify that the food, discussions and conference bags will be wonderful! I hope to see many of you in attendance.

Our Vice President of Programming Lauren Tellerman is working with YASD on a Tween-orientated Maker Faire that will occur in conjunction with our annual meeting. The date and location are November 9 at the Middle Country Public Library (in Centereach), with more details to come soon.

LILRC: (Sally Stieglitz)

LILRC has two conferences and one program that are meeting in person this fall.

The 31st Annual Conference on Libraries and The Future: Reaching for Leadership will be held on October 7, at The Heritage Club at Bethpage. Speakers include James Neal, University Librarian Emeritus at Columbia University; David Weinberger, senior fellow and researcher at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University;  Dr. Lambert Shell, director of the Roosevelt Public Library; and Marianne Lamonaca, director of the Humanities Edge at Florida International University.

The 27th Annual Long Island Archives Conference will be held on October 17, at The Esquire at The Nassau Bar Association in Mineola. This year’s topic is Crime and Punishment and will feature presenters from across Long Island.

BLINGO and Books!: Bilingual Services to Youth will meet at SCLS on Thursday, September 29, 10:00am. This program is jointly sponsored by LILRC and SCLS.

LILRC Grants to Members:

LILRC Technology Assistance Grants application deadline is October 1, 2022. Information is on the LILRC Member Services page, under Grants

NCLA: No report.

PLDA: No report.

SCLS:  No report.

NYLA: No report.


Angela Breslin: See above in Membership.

Michele Cayea: See above in Annual Dinner.

Thomas Vitale: No report.

Liz Hughes: Planning on 2 events for the end of the year. Possibly having a new member night for anyone who joined in the last three years to meet other members.


NEW BUSINESS:  Discussion of listserv etiquette.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:58am by Carisse Mitchell. Seconded by Patricia Cruz.


SCLA Minutes
Friday, November 18, 2022 -Virtual Meeting

CALL TO ORDER:   The meeting was called to order at 10:04 by  Carisse Mitchell. Seconded by Alex Blend.

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  December Meeting will be held in person December 16 at 10:00 at SCLS.

Motion to approve September 2022 meeting minutes by Carisse Mitchell. Seconded by Anthony Giansante.


  • Motion to approve Wild Apricot for January 1, 2023
  • 2 year pre-paid at $3876 for 2,000 Contacts – Professional Account

TREASURER’S REPORT: The current balance of the SCLA bank account is $79,911.54. SCLa’s portion is $60,371.35. Rebecca is working on creating financial statements for each of the divisions. Until Wild Apricot is up and running, we have an Eventbrite account set up for program registrations – please reach out to Rebecca if you need the information.


DASL:  No report


  • The Career & Business Reference Services Committee held a meeting on November 15th featuring a presenter from the Suffolk County Department of Human Resources, Personnel and Civil Service about the benefits of working for the county and about the civil service process
  • The Emerging Tech Committee is still trying to work things out in terms of being in contact with CATS and SCLS. The first meeting was recently held to start the discussion. There will be more discussion with moving forward into next year.
  • The Health Concerns Committee held its annual breakfast featuring speaker Patricia Ferrandino of Family Service League who presented on the topic “Substance Abuse and Suffolk County”
  • The 2023 LI Reads selection has been confirmed. The book is A Speck in the Sea: A Story of Survival and Rescue. Join the author on April 23, 2023 at 2pm. Details to follow.
  • O.S.A.I.C. held a meeting in November.
  • The PR & Marketing Committee has welcomed two new co-chairpersons, Jim Garvey of Northport-East Northport Public Library and Christine Lyons of Sachem Public Library. We thank Jo-Ann and Joan for their hard work and dedication throughout the years on this committee, to RASD, and SCLA.
  • RASD’s Annual Luncheon will be held in person at the Bayport-Blue Point Public Library and catered by Mademoiselle Café on Tuesday, December 6th. $15


CATS: CATS, CLASC and YASD hosted a very successful Tween Maker Faire at Middle Country Public Library. We are leaning towards making this an annual event.

CATS will be having their annual meeting at Sachem Public Library at 10am on December 7th. The speaker will be James Hutter and he will talk about technology and leadership in libraries. All are welcome. To sign up, click here.

SSD:  No report

YASD:  No report



ARCHIVES: No report



SCLA participated in the Making Strides for Breast Cancer Walk at Jones Beach on 10/16/22.  It was a beautiful morning, with about 25 participants.  We raised $1,776.33 in total.

The Toys for Tots drive from the SCLA Annual Dinner was a great success.  I was NOT able to donate it to the Marine Toys for Tots because they changed their collection procedures and the only place on LI to donate was in Garden City.  Being in Suffolk County, I did donate them to Angels of Long Island in Patchogue for their Christmas Toy Drive and they will go to deserving children across the Island.  They were extremely appreciative.

CONTINUING EDUCATION: All attendance is up to date.  Please send all attendance sheets as soon as possible after your event.

I am retiring on December 30, 2022, so we’ll need a new committee chair.  I will transfer the database and instructions for its use to a thumb drive by the December meeting in order to send it to the Board or the person taking on the committee chair.

It’s been a pleasure serving in my varied roles of SCLA all these years, and I wish SCLA much success as it goes forward in the future!

ELSA:  No report

LDA AWARD: Promotion of the 2023 LDA Library Award competition begins in January. This year, I will be retiring as the committee chairperson, but since SCLA is responsible for running the  competition in 2023, I will remain to instruct and assist the new LDA committee chair in her responsibilities during the first half of the year. The new chair is Noel Reich, an adult reference librarian from Lindenhurst Memorial Library. I am certain Noel will do an excellent job.  


Motion approved: I would like to make a motion to pay the LILRC invoice for $900 for the Legislative Breakfast.

Thank you to the executive board for approving the money for the Advocacy day bus.

I would like to make a motion for a deposit check of $200 for Northfork Bus Company

Please save the date. February 28, 2023  for library advocacy day. SCLA will be sponsoring a bus to go up to Albany. More details will be forthcoming and shared on the SCLA listserv.


The Conference is being held in person on Thursday, May 11th, 20223 at the Melville Marriott.Planning for the conference is well underway.  Vendor registration opened up on November 2nd. Attendee registration will begin January 1, 2023. Eventbrite will be used for attendee registration. We need all the Divisions and their committees to make final any program submissions they are considering.  Program choices and slots are being made at the January 24th meeting. The deadline is December 31st , but please do not wait til the last minute.

Please remember that your Divisions have funds available should you decide to hire a paid speaker.


The Long Island Library Pride Alliance held a meeting of the LILPA Book Club on Wednesday, October 19 at 2PM. Twelve library staff members attended the meeting. That same day, the LILPA Board met to discuss upcoming events including the Mock Stonewall Award Workshop that is scheduled to take place on Thursday, December 8th at 10AM. Eight titles have been chosen to be discussed on the day: two picture books, two middle grade titles, two young adult novels, and two adult titles. LILPA has also been discussing running a workshop for the Long Island chapter of the Society for Children’s Writers and Illustrators. Many thanks to Stephen Ingram who is a part of the group and thought of LILPA for this opportunity. The LILPA Board will be presenting on the evolution of LGBTQIA+ representation in literature for youth. They are looking at dates in 2023.


MEMBERSHIP:  Angela Breslin:

Welcome to Charlotte Buckleman, 2023 Membership Co-Chair.

Do we have a flier to send out to all the libraries yet regarding membership/fee schedule for 2023?  I can make one if we don’t.  If possible, I would like to have that emailed and broadcasted on the Listserv by December 1.

NEWSLETTER: The January edition of the SCLA newsletter is fast approaching. Please have all blurbs to me by Wednesday, December 7.

NOMINATING: Division presidents please remember to  invite your incoming Presidents to attend the December meeting which will be held in person (tentatively, waiting on room approval) which will be held on Friday, December 16th at 10:00 am at SCLS. Breakfast will be served.

SCHOLARSHIP:   We awarded our Librarian’s scholarship to Angela Perrone and our Continuing Ed to Debbie Bacon.  Thank you so much to my committee for selecting the two deserving winners! I look forward to doing this again next year. I have plans to revamp the system and make it all online instead of people having to use the mail system to send letters of recommendations.

STUDENT OUTREACH: Looking to resend mentorship brochures in early December to reach students for a January signup.  I will reach out to membership to help update our SCLA membership brochure to also send that along in December for new registration in 2023.

WEB PAGE:  Basic website/facebook maintenance and posting of events.

Facebook insights: 998 followers
Google Analytics Behavior overview using GA4 reporting
September: page_view 2K
October: page_view1.7K
Updated SCLA, CATS, RASD, CARE Committee wordpress sites to latest security updates.
Monitor and approve listserv posts


CLASC:  Thank you to all who attended our joint Maker Faire on November 9! This preceded our Annual Membership Meeting, which was also held at the Middle Country Public Library. In the meantime, we are finalizing our LILC program proposal and prepping for our Annual Dinner in April 2023.

LILRC:  Thanks to everyone who attended the Long Island Reception at NYLA; it was great to see everyone in person! Some upcoming program highlights:

Why Am I Taller?: What Happens to an Astronaut’s Body in Space
December 08, 2022, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM @ Zoom
Meet NASA astronaut Dr. Dave Williams who will discuss his latest book. LILRC members who attend are eligible for door prizes (copies of the book).

Employee Handbook and Labor Law updates
December 09, 2022, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM @ Zoom

Building Cookbook Collections: Global Jewish Flavors at the New York Public Library
January 09, 2023, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM @ Zoom Meeting

Ask An Archivist: Archival Appraisal For Beginners
January 10, 2023, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM @ Zoom

Registration for all programs is on our website under Events

Please note the following grant deadline. Information on how to apply is available on our website under Member Services 

LILRC DIGITIZATION GRANT Deadline: Jan. 13, 2023

This grant is available to member libraries to digitize materials in their collection.  Priority is given to cooperative projects that document Long Island history.

The purpose of this grant is to encourage libraries to engage in innovative and cooperative projects that can showcase a new idea using technology in new and innovative ways.

NCLA: No report

PLDA:   No report

SCLS:  No report

NYLA:  No report


Angela Breslin: See above in Membership.

Michele Cayea: See above in Annual Dinner.

Thomas Vitale: No report

Liz Hughes: No report