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Suffolk County Library Association (SCLA) Minutes
Friday, January 19, 2024
Suffolk Cooperative Library System, Bellport, NY
In attendance:
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 10:04am by Anthony Giansante. Seconded by Robert Johnson and Charlotte Buckleman.
Motion to approve the December 2023 meeting minutes by Robert Johnson with no corrections. Seconded by Colleen Navins and Wonda Miller.
Presidents Report: Colleen Navins reported:
The Homelessness in Libraries program on Thursday, February 29th is almost full. The Board agreed to increase the registration from 30 attendees to 50.
Stephan Ingram can give another tutorial on how to create events. This will ensure that the proper procedure is being followed.
Colleen thanked the board members for their ideas about Advocacy Day giveaways. Tote bags will be made that will have some SCLA swag along with snacks that will be given out on the day bus.
There will be a mixer sponsored by SCLA, PLDA, and CLASC on Thursday, March 28th from 6:00-9:00pm at James Joyce in Patchogue.
Motion to approve funds not to exceed $4000. Seconded by Bob Johnson, Vicky Urbelis, Patricia Cruz.
Treasurer’s Report: Wonda Miller reported:
January annual disbursement of $500.00 to divisions.
I’ve had a couple of inquiries recently about refunds from events. I think we should consider developing a Refund policy/or procedure to maintain consistency across divisions, and situations. I’d like to do a little research to see what is done at other organizations and create a draft policy.
NOTE: Decided no refunds unless there is an extenuating circumstance, approved by the Division President, Division treasurer, SCLA President and SCLA Treasurer combined – reflected on a Disbursement form.
Recommend hiring Al Coster of Baldessari and Coster LLP accounting firm for doing our 2023 taxes and providing an end of year financial statement.
Pricing and level options are:
Tax filing form 990-ez $450.00 to $800.00 depending on how much he needs to work in our excel files.
A compiled financial statement would be $900.00 – show an overview of annual financial activity and standing. This is what he does for NCLA.
I’d like to make a motion to hire Al Coster to complete our taxes year, I’d recommend adding the compiled financial statement for this year.
Motion to approve $1500 tax audit/financial statement. Seconded by Bob Johnson and Morgan Tamburro.
Financial Reporting:
SCLA began with a starting balance on December 1st of $100,274.81.
December income was $1449.63 which includes membership dues and event fees, an uptick in membership with the renewals coming out for January.
December expenses were $4622.17, including reimbursements to divisions.
The closing balance for December was $97,417.88.
With a total of $491.52 in pending disbursement checks.
Overview of the year:
Chart below shows total income and expenses, with an annual profit of $20,189.92. Please note that October is the first month that LILC funds were included in the reported bank balance so there is an increase of about $500.00 to the end of the October balance that is not from regular income and expense reporting.
2023 Annual Review | |||
Income | Expense | Closing Balance | |
January | $6,021.12 | $3,425.52 | $79,323.45 |
February | $2,738.00 | $304.21 | $81,757.24 |
March | $1,790.00 | $354.88 | $83,192.36 |
April | $5,869.00 | $566.21 | $88,495.15 |
May | $1,728.00 | $3,841.25 | $86,381.90 |
June | $3,889.00 | $1,706.17 | $88,564.73 |
July | $984.00 | $63.52 | $89,485.21 |
August | $326.00 | $6,333.71 | $83,477.50 |
September | $1,204.00 | $8.66 | $84,672.84 |
October** | $20,202.10 | $6,443.20 | $98,931.85 |
November | $2,451.61 | $793.04 | $100,275.42 |
December | $1,449.63 | $4,622.17 | $97,417.88 |
Totals | $48,652.46 | $28,462.54 |
**Shows inclusion of LILC funds
Major income sources: $17,817.00 membership, $14,750.11 LILC, $16,085.35 from other sources (events).
Division Reports-
DASL: Bruce Seger reported: No report.
RASD: Patricia Cruz reported:
Met on January 2nd. January 9th PR and marketing and CATS- managing library website program. January 10th- outreach held a program on human trafficking. LILC program has been approved.
CATS: Robert Johnson reported: Five CATS sponsored programs have been approved for the Long Island Library Conference.
SSD: Katherine Regina reported: No report.
YASD: Ashley Sabatino reported: YASD had their first meeting in early January. They are having a joined Nassau and Suffolk meeting on Friday, February 9th on Zoom. Fran Romer will be on April 11th. More details about Fran Romer will be sent out shortly.
Committee Reports-
Annual Dinner: Michele Cayea reported: No report.
Archives: Bruce Seger reported: No report.
Civil Service: Erin Kanelos reported: No report.
Community Service: Michele McCauley reported: I would like to introduce myself. I am new to the committee and very excited to be a part of a great team. I’ll be partaking in different charity events in the Fall and in the Spring, plus the Toys for Tots. It’s a pleasure to be here and I look forward to working with everyone. If anyone ever has any ideas or thoughts that they would like to share with me on Community Service ideas I would be happy to hear them!
Continuing Education: Vicky Urbelis and Charlotte Buckleman reported: If anyone has a program that offers continuing education, please remember to send the roster to the membership email. Everyone should be keeping track of their individual continuing education.
ELSA: Katherine Regina reported: No report.
Intellectual Freedom: Bruce Seger reported: No report.
LDA Award: Noel Reich reported: The google form and brochure from last year are being updated and the call for nominations will be posted by the end of the month!
Legislative: Samantha Alberts reported:
Registration for the February 7 Advocacy Day bus is going well. We still have some space, so if you are considering going up on the bus that day, please register soon.
Advocacy Day 101 sessions are scheduled on Jan 30 and Feb 1 for all staff attending Advocacy Day please visit the SCLS calendar to register.
Gov. Hochul’s budget book has been released, and it includes an increase in Library Operating Aid to $102.1M, the same level of Construction Aid as last year, and $3M for NOVELNY. This is a great starting point for our advocacy efforts.
Long Island Library Conference: Brian Adams reported: Planning is moving along and attendee registration is open. As of today, 12 out of 68 vendor tables have been sold. There were 34 program entries and 24 were selected.
LILPA: Noel Reich reported: LILPA held its 4th Mock Stonewall Awards on January 11th with 18 participants. Pageboy by Elliot Page, Grandad’s Pride by Harry Woodgate and Dear Mothman by Robin Gow were the winning titles with Ellie Engle Saves Herself by Leah Johnson and The Luis Ortega Survival Guide by Sonora Reyes earning the honors spots. A full book list can be found on our website! The LILPA website has several new additions including a Queer Resources page and the LILPA Virtual Reference Desk. We have also put out the ‘save the date’ for Pride 2024- LILPA will be marching in the Long Island Pride on June 9th from 12-5 at Huntington Village, all are welcome.
Long Range Planning/Marketing: Colleen Navins reported: Colleen is updating the membership brochure and asked Stephen Ingram if information on the website can be updated. Colleen is still working on the mentorship collaboration with PLDA.
Membership: Vicky Urbelis reported. There are 402 active members to date.
Networking: Morgan Tamburro reported. Morgan is working on networking ideas for the Long Island Library Conference. She has an idea for a fall event which involved partnering with PLDA for the first annual kickball tournament. Morgan will reach out to the Town of Brookhaven to see about using a baseball field. She would like for it to be a potential fundraising event.
Nominating: Anthony Giansante reported: If anyone knows someone who is interested in running for a position, please let Anthony know. It’s never too early to begin to generate interest.
Scholarship: Brian Schwartz reported: No report.
Student Outreach: Colleen Navins reported: No report.
Website: Stephen Ingram reported:
Basic website/facebook maintenance and posting of events.
Facebook insights: 1.1k followers
Google Analytics Behavior overview using GA4 reporting
December 1222 page views
Updated SCLA, CATS, RASD, CARE Committee wordpress sites to latest security updates.
Monitor and approve listserv posts
Updated listserv members
Created Wild Apricot Events
CLASC: Kim Zettwoch reported: No report.
LILRC: Sally Stieglitz reported: I would like to take a moment to highlight LILRC’s member services, in case everyone is not familiar with them. LILRC offers a wide array of services including archival services, digitization services, traveling exhibits, grants for digitization, technology assistance, and innovation projects, repository services, member discounts, Ask A Lawyer and Ask an Archivist, , repository services, and resource sharing. For more information, please visit the LILRC website, and select Membership and then Member Services.
NCLA: Syntychia Kendrick-Samuel reported: 2024 will be a milestone year for NCLA, it is our 90th Anniversary as an Association. It is our hope that our colleagues in Suffolk County will be on hand to celebrate with us as the year progresses. The majority of our Executive Board meetings will be on Zoom. The meeting dates and Registration links can be found on the calendar on our website.
We encourage you all to stop by at our future meetings.
PLDA: Shauna Scholl reported: The mentorship program is underway and we’re hoping to get a good turnout for Advocacy Day.
SCLS: Kevin Verbesey reported: No report.
NYLA: Lisa Kropp reported: No report.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:17am by Anthony Giansante. Seconded by Robert Johnson, Patricia Cruz, and Morgan Tamburro.
Suffolk County L
iy Association (SCLA) Minutes
Friday, February 16, 2024
In attendance: Colleen Navins, Stephen Ingram, Wonda Miller, Anthony Giansante, Robert Johnson, Ashley Sabatino, Carisse Mitchell, Sally Stieglitz, Victoria Urbelis, Kate Regina, Bruce Seger, Carole Lingg, Aisha Khanfri (LILRC Intern), Michael Bartolomeo, Steve Alcalde,
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 10:04am by Anthony Giansante. Seconded by Carisse Mitchell and Bob Johnson.
Motion to approve the January 2024 meeting minutes by with/with no corrections. Seconded by Carisse Mitchell and Anthony Giansante
Presidents Report: Colleen Navins reported:
SCLA Advocacy Day bus was a success. We had 45 people on the bus and everyone enjoyed their swag bags. Thank you to all who helped make this possible.
We have officially booked James Joyce and put down the $500 deposit for Thursday, March 28. Spread the word!
Currently the SSD Board has stepped down. We will begin sending emails to the Listserv looking for a President and Vice-President. It’s something we can promote at events, or ask Directors/ Department Heads to encourage their staff to participate in. “We will train you” is always a good promotional tool, since a lot of times people are nervous to take on a role. But if there’s no one to step up – it’s just no report going forward.
We received our Tax Exempt Certificate. Please reach out to Wonda and myself if you need this for any event.
When featuring events in Wild Apricot and sending the form to Stephen please list the address for SCLS. We had an issue where a BOCES employee did not know what SCLS meant or the address of the building.
Begin discussing purchasing promotional materials and giveaways for the LILC. We will be ordering from Davenport Marketing. Also think about creating a schedule for staffing your division table.
Treasurer’s Report: Wonda Miller reported:
January Finances:
SCLA began with a combined starting balance of all our accounts on January 1st of 97,422.88.
January income was $6483.63 which reflects quite a bit of activity in membership renewals and some final payments trickling in for YASD & RASD annual luncheons.
January expenses were $4,561.69, including the bus fee for legislative day, bank fees, and the deposit for the Spring Mixer.
The closing balance for January was $99,344.82.
With a total of $1,112.66 in pending disbursement checks for event reimbursements and Advocacy day.
Information & Updates:
Reminder: all presidents and treasurers of Divisions have access to spreadsheets that I update with monthly banking information. Please let me know if you need the links. Don’t forget that we have Reimbursement forms and Programmer contracts on the SCLA website under resources. These are required to be filled out for any funds to be distributed. If you do the program contract, we don’t need the reimbursement form.
Venmo account and virtual payment options – After 9 months of going back and forth with Venmo, Rebecca Goldstein, our former treasurer, was able to get the cash-out from the LILC transactions. It is possible to set up a business venmo account, I advise against it because Venmo tends to be difficult to deal with for organizations like ours, as they lock the account to one person and one phone account which isn’t optimal for an organization that will have changing officers.
WildApricot, has a good option for taking credit card payments on our website. This can be easily accessible on any device if we are remote locations.
I’d like to motion to approve that we use Wildapricot for remote payments. Motion seconded by Bob Johnson, Anthony Giansente, Carisse Mitchell. Motion Approved.
I spoke to Al Coster and officially hired him to do our taxes this year, with a limit of $1500.00. In our conversation about best practices for a growing organization like ours, he recommended maintaining central accounting as the parent organization for consistency and fraud prevention, and establishing that Divisions will not open any financial accounts or payment systems on their own. The divisions are not separate 501c3 organizations, they are all part of SCLA as one organization responsible to the IRS and State and must comply with the NYS nonprofit revitalisation act. Since we have newly received our 501c3 paperwork from the State, the State Comptroller may have us on their radar. We also discussed tracking income, such as donations and raffle income. Everything we take in needs a paper trail, so we ideally will only take payments through Wildapricot, and or check. It can get dicey with cash.
I’d like to make a motion that we move to cashless operations and only accept checks or remote payment through Wildapricot at our events, including raffles. Seconded Anthony Giansante, Carisse Mitchell, Bob Johnson. Motion Passed.
Division Reports-
DASL: Bruce Seger reported: The annual luncheon will be held on February 28th.
RASD: Patricia Cruz reported: Working on staffing RASD table & giveaways for the conference. Our Programs person, Amber Gagliardi reports that for the Long Island Library Conference 2 more workshops were accepted: “Serving New Americans in Your Library” and “Starting a Seed Library.”
Some upcoming committee meetings – Outreach Committee – March 11th — more information to come. The Health Concerns Committee will meet on March 14th at 2:30 pm at SCLS to discuss a topic for the annual fall workshop and Topic Guide, they will send out an invite for newcomers through listserv.
The Long Island Reads committee reports that plans for the April 21st event are proceeding appropriately. The coordinated order books should be getting sent out soon, and the Reader’s Guide should be coming out soon as well.
Lastly, we are looking for people interested in becoming committee chairs for the Outreach Committee and New Adults Committee. The current chairs for these positions are looking to step down – so if anyone happens to know anyone interested in joining the committee & being trained on what each committee does, please have them email me (pcruz@pmlib.org)
CATS: Robert Johnson reported: East End Technology Coalition meeting was a huge success. 30 people showed up to the Rogers Memorial Library. Nick Tanzi led a wonderful discussion on The Possibilities and Peril of AI in Libraries. CATS Board meeting was held on 2/1 at SCLS. We discussed the ongoing need for a donation program for our division and of course future programming ideas. James Hutter will be presenting at the next EETC meeting on March 5th @ 10 am in the SCLS auditorium. The topic of discussion will focus around preparing and training staff for change, introducing new technologies and deploying tech for public and staff use. Our Technology Information Forum (TIF) committee met
SSD: No report.
YASD: Ashley Sabatino reported: We held our joint Nassau/Suffolk YASD meeting on Zoom on February 9th, Summer Boismier from Brooklyn Public Library spoke about their teen intellectual freedom council. We had about 40 participants.
Registration for the Fran Romer Workshop is open! It will take place on April 11th at the Carnegie Building in Patchogue. Our theme is romance and author Kat Cho will be joining us.
We worked with Derek at SCLS to arrange a craft for Authors Unlimited in April.
Committee Reports-
Annual Dinner: Michele Cayea reported: No report
Archives: Bruce Seger reported: Ongoing project with digitizing fragile materials old photos etc.
Civil Service: Erin Kanelos reported: No report
Community Service: Michele McCauley reported: I have been working on setting up a community event for the upcoming months. Agape Meals for Kids will be taking place for the SCLA Sponsored program on Thursday, 2/29 (Homelessness and Libraries) along with at the Spring Mixer in Patchogue on Thursday, 3/28. All of the information on the organization and food lists were included in the promotional materials.
Agape Meals for Kids is a fundraiser and collects non-perishable food donations throughout the week. Their volunteers meet to pack backpacks with enough food to feed each child with meals, snacks, milk, and juice for the weekend. Then, they deliver these backpacks to schools where they are distributed at the end of the school day.
If you anyone has any further questions please let me know!
Continuing Education: Vicky Urbelis and Charlotte Buckleman reported: Template in google sheets for downloading registration information from Wild Apricot. Receiving continuing education credits, in a variety of formats. Takes about an hour per person to update their credits. Request to add a 3rd co-chair to help with CE credits, hold until find out more information regarding requirements of record keeping.
ELSA: Katherine Regina reported: If anyone is interested or knows anyone interested in joining the committee please email me at elsacommittee@gmail.com. We need at least one more person.
Intellectual Freedom: Bruce Seger reported: Working on a couple of potential events. Will have more updates next month.
LDA Award: Noel Reich reported: I am waiting on my Nassau cohort to send the finalized call for nominations, but I am expecting to send out an email next week with the nomination form. Like last year it will be via a google form!
Legislative: Samantha Alberts reported: no report. Advocacy Day was a huge hit! PLDA sponsored all the snacks.
Long Island Library Conference: Brian Adams reported:
LILPA: Noel Reich reported:
- LILPA will be holding a virtual program on March 21st from 10-11am, Pride & Programming, register with this link. This workshop will include a discussion of Pride month programs, resources for programming, and a review of LILPA’s Queer Programming Database. All are welcome!
- Our next book club date is tentatively scheduled for 4/18
- We rolled out four different committee options to membership, and will be posting more on our website shortly
- LILPA will be marching in LI Pride on June 9th, all are welcome and interested people should fill out this form!
Long Range Planning/Marketing: Carisse Mitchell reported: in the process of researching ideas for marketing materials/ giveaways for the Long Island Library Conference with Davenport Marketing.
Membership: Vicky Urbelis reported. 386 active members, 38 renewal overdue, 7 lapsed, 10 new, 62 pending renewal. Use membership email.
Networking: Morgan Tamburro reported. No report
Nominating: Anthony Giansante reported: No nominations yet, are helping SSD with their board.
Scholarship: Brian Schwartz reported: No report
Student Outreach: Colleen Navins reported:
Website: Stephen Ingram reported: Everything is running fine, update hosted sites weekly. Update new members on list-serv. Discrepancy between numbers on list-serv and members.
Basic website/facebook maintenance and posting of events.
Facebook insights: 1.1k followers
Google Analytics Behavior overview using GA4 reporting
January 1270 page views
Updated SCLA, CATS, RASD, CARE Committee wordpress sites to latest security updates.
Monitor and approve listserv posts
Updated listserv members
Created and monitored Wild Apricot Events
CLASC: Kim Zettwoch reported: No report
LILRC: Sally Stieglitz reported:
LILRC’s Annual Membership meeting will be held on June 18, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM, at
Farmingdale State College, Campus Center Ballroom. The keynote speaker is Patrick Sweeney. Registration is open.
LILRC’s Spring Conference is STEAM Heat: Libraries Bringing Arts to Teaching and Learning, co-sponsored by SCLA DASL and NCLA ASLD. The program is open to all in the profession and features three dynamic presenters:
-Keynote: Nicholas A. Brown-Cáceres, Assistant Chief, Music Division, Library of Congress
-Musicians/Filmmakers: Galileo’s Daughters
Screening of Perpetual Motion, Talk Back, Musical Performance
-Presenter: Joanne V. Loewy DA, LCAT, MT-BC, Director, The Louis Armstrong Center for Music & Medicine, Mount Sinai Health System
PLDA: Shauna Scholl reported: The PLDA golf outing is scheduled for September 30, 2024. PLDA would love to have many SCLA members there!
SCLS: Kevin Verbesey reported: No report
NYLA: Lisa Kropp reported: No report
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:29am by Anthony Giansante. Seconded by Bruce Seger and Carisse Mitchell.
Suffolk County Library Association (SCLA) Minutes
Friday, March 16, 2024
In attendance: Samantha Alberts, Steve Alcalde, Charlotte Buckleman, Rachel Cecchini, Patricia Cruz, Nicole Parisi Eberle, Anthony Giansante, Stephen Ingram, Bob Johnson, Erin Kanelos, Carole Lingg, Wonda Miller, Colleen Navins, Katherine Regina, Ashley Sabatino, Sally Stieglitz, Morgan Tamburro, Vicky Urbelis
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 10:03am by Anthony Giansante. Seconded by Bob Johnson and Patricia Cruz.
Motion to approve the February 2024 meeting minutes by Colleen Navins with no corrections. Seconded by Kate Regina and Anthony Giansante.
Presidents Report: Colleen Navins reported:
Homelessness and Libraries took place on Thursday, February 29 with a great turn out at SCLS. 42 librarians joined The Long Island Coalition for the Homeless and we got great feedback from the presentation. We collected food for Agape for Kids and will continue to collect at our Spring Mix and Mingle.
We will be granting access to the Administration side for Division Secretaries in Wild Apricot. Please let your secretaries know and invite them to our in person meeting in April. Stephen will be doing another hands on Wild Apricot presentation and will walk through how to access Registration lists. This will help divisions retrieve their attendance lists on an as needed basis. We want to make sure our SCLA Board has access to what they need in order to be timely and successful.
Registration is going well for the Spring Mix and Mingle. We have added another 10 seats to fill. I will be working with Stephen to have an email sent to registrants to let them know we are now cashless and they are able to ‘purchase’ raffle tickets ahead of time and show us the email. We will also continue to collect for Agape Kids.
- Divisions please let me know if you are putting together a raffle basket.
- We will be splitting all raffle revenue equally like we did for the Annual Dinner.
I will be sending out a schedule for the SCLA table at the LILC. Divisions should also start creating a schedule and asking their boards to take shifts manning the tables and raffles.
One of my goals for this year is to have an event sponsored by SCLA every month (excluding the summer, unless it’s a networking event).
- I have reached out to a Ph.D. student from Syracuse University about hosting a Webinar. Leah Dudak has spent her career researching: Critical Librarianship, Social Justice, DEIA and Libraries, Public Libraries, Trauma in Libraries, LIS Education, Design Thinking, Disability Justice, and Information Seeking Behavior. I am hoping to plan something for April for our members and possibly co-sponsor with NCLA.
Treasurer’s Report: Wonda Miller reported:
February Finances:
SCLA began with a combined starting balance of all our accounts on February 1st of 99,344.82.
February income was $4811.41 which reflects quite a bit of activity in membership.
February expenses were $1284.43.
The closing balance for February was $99,376.19.
No pending disbursement of checks for February.
Income |
Expense |
Net |
Closing Balance |
January 2024 |
$6,483.63 |
$4561.69 |
$1,921.94 |
$99,344.82 |
February 2024 |
$4,811.41 |
$1,284.43 |
$3,526.98 |
$102,871.80 |
Information & Updates:
Reminder: all presidents and treasurers of Divisions have access to spreadsheets that I update with monthly banking information. Please let me know if you need the links. Don’t forget that we have Reimbursement forms and Programmer contracts on the SCLA website under resources. These are required to be filled out for any funds to be distributed. If you do the program contract, we don’t need the reimbursement form.
We have QR code on our website for Wild Apricot remote payments to help facilitate cashless transactions.
Division Reports-
DASL: Bruce Seger reported:
RASD: Patricia Cruz reported:
- The Long Island Reads committee is ramping up for the April 21st event at Plainview-Old Bethpage Library. Tickets will be available beginning April 1 for both in-person and virtual attendance. The Reader’s Guide is available at: https://longislandreads.wordpress.com/2024/03/04/reader-book-discussion-guide-2/.
- If your library is planning any Long Island Reads related programming, please use this form to let us know what you’ve got planned: https://forms.gle/GyxEUwjv4FHkHssT8.
- A change to the name of a committee from “Public Relations and Marketing Committee” to “Library Marketing Committee.” was approved by the board.
- Reader’s Advisory committee’s next meeting is Thursday, April 25 at SCLS. Topic: Folklore & Mythology.
- We started brainstorming on LILC giveaways and raffle basket.
- Thank you to Stephen Ingram for helping us out with some housekeeping items on the RASD website this month.
- Our next meeting is in person at SCLS in the Blue Room on April 2nd at 10am.
CATS: Robert Johnson reported: The Executive Board met and discussed at length ways to support the large number of programs that we are hosting throughout the year. In order to continue and indeed increase the level of programming that our division brings to the table, we look to pursue innovative ways to raise funds.
To support our colleagues from the SSD division, the board would like to extend an offer of assistance in any capacity that we can. We share many members and look forward to the success of the SSD division.
East End Technology Coalition (EETC) – A very well attended meeting of the East End Technology Coalition (EETC) was held on March 5th at the SCLS auditorium. Co-Chair of the NCLA Computers & Technology Committee and Assistant Director of the Port Washington Public Library, James Hutter, presented tips for helping library staff embrace new technologies. A number of ideas were presented by Mr. Hutter on how to prepare staff for change, train staff on new technologies, and deploy technology for the benefit of the public and staff members. Steven Alcalde and Anthony Giansante continue to do a superb job of growing this committee.
Technology Information Forum (TIF): A very successful meeting of the Technology Information Forum group was held via Zoom on March 14th. Among the topics discussed were poster printers, DTG printing in makerspaces, the use of personal devices to assist patrons, virus protection, and library-owned devices policies. Chris DeCristofaro and Alison Mirabella continue to do a wonderful job in supporting this committee.
Technical Services Roundtable: We are working on a meeting for the spring. Debbie Antolini and Roseann Mammina continue to support this group in new and innovative ways.
SSD: No report. Possible suggestion: What can SCLA do for SSD now? Library/ SCLS tours, computer classes (hire programmer) Library of Things roundtable. Lower membership rate?
YASD: Ashley Sabatino reported:
Fran Romer- April 11th. 30 people signed up as of today. Registration is still open.
Board meeting 3/14- Author’s Unlimited on April 13th. LILC prep, BEST Award submissions are open. Applications due by 4/4.
Planning for program in May. “The Teens Are Alright” program for non-teen services staff.
Committee Reports-
Annual Dinner: Michele Cayea reported: No report.
Archives: Bruce Seger reported: No report.
Civil Service: Erin Kanelos reported: The various Librarian I lists have been taken down, and should be replaced with the new lists soon.
Continuing Education: Vicky Urbelis and Charlotte Buckleman reported: The new Google Sheet is working! Please continue to use the SCLA email for membership inquiries.
Community Service: Michele McCauley reported: No report.
ELSA: Katherine Regina reported: We welcome Carolyn Brooks from Smithtown Library-Commack to our committee. Posters shall be going out next month, updated brochures will be available on the website and nomination season will begin.
Intellectual Freedom: Bruce Seger reported: No report.
LDA Award: Noel Reich reported: We are now accepting nominations for the 2024 LDA Award. Nominating packets can be submitted via Google Form, or emailed in a single PDF to ldalibraryaward@gmail.com. Please submit all nomination materials by March 22nd.
Legislative: Samantha Alberts reported: Thank you to the SCLA executive board for all the support for this year’s Advocacy Day. We had 49 library advocates make the trip on the SCLA-sponsored bus this year. The bus captains, Sophia LoCascio from the Sustainable Library’s Initiative, Miranda Brown from SCLS, and Nola Thacker from Westhampton Free Library did a great job in ensuring that the bus made it to the capitol in record time and everyone made it home safely. The cost of running a bus has increased, but we did not spend any money on hospitality this year. PLDA graciously provided the funds for hospitality.
Our Advocacy efforts are not done, the Assembly and Senate have released the one-house budget proposal. NYLA is now asking that we reach out to the governor for the final budget proposal. The proposals this year have been historic in that they have not asked for cuts in library aid and in the first proposal in nine years that has not proposed increases in both library and construction aid.
Please take action and let the governor know you support libraries:
The right to read bill is being presented to the legislature along with two pieces of civil service legislation. One would credit people with provisional time for promotions and the other updates civil service exams at least once every five years. The legislature is also looking at increasing the per-pupil allocation for school librarians. It is unclear if they would move it to $11/pupil due to the impact on local budgets.
Save the date for these Advocacy opportunities:
Spring on the Hill Advocacy – April 23, 2024.
PLDA Golf Fundraiser – September 30, 2024.
Library Advocacy Day 2025 – Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2025.
Long Island Library Conference: Brian Adams reported:
- As of today we have 30 tables sold and 140 attendees registered. We expect (and pray) for an increase in both as the date grows nearer. Thank you to Vicky and Charlotte for sending the SCLA Membership roster. This will be a great help in verifying members for their discounts. You will be shocked with the amount of non-members of SCLA there are.
- Remember members get a 15 dollar discount, and we are billing those who forgot they weren’t members the additional amount.
- We may want to consider a larger amount for next year…to encourage membership, especially for libraries that pay for their staff to attend.
- Our next meeting is April 9th at the Marriott – for a walk through and food tasting. It is one of our most important meetings of the year. Please encourage your colleagues to attend and as always, thank you for your support.
LILPA: Noel Reich reported:
- LILPA is excited to host Pride & Programming on March 21st at 10am, registration is still open for those who are interested.
- We will be starting 4 committees over the next several months to expand our book club, conduct a subject heading audit, organize social events and connect with queer librarians around NY State. If people are interested they can sign up here.
- The LILPA website has several resources for library staff including local and national queer resources, book lists, LGBTQIA+ Programming Database, a virtual reference desk and more! We also opened up a Book Review form for people who want to submit a queer book review to be featured on our blog. Check us out! https://scla.net/lilpa/
Long Range Planning/Marketing: Carisse Mitchell reported:
I would like to put a vote to order the following swag/ marketing materials for the LILC through Davenport Marketing. They would all be imprinted with the SCLA Logo
VG49082 – Silicone Apple Finder key tag: http://davenportmarketinginc.com/ProductDetails/?productId=555179127&imageId=303958239&tab=Tile&referrerPage=ProductResults&refPgId=523328703&referrerModule=PRDREB
250 pieces – White imprint
$2.00 each – $62.50 set-up charge
Total: $562.50
35000 – NonWoven lunch cooler: http://davenportmarketinginc.com/ProductDetails/?productId=553106412&imageId=311236539&tab=Tile&referrerPage=ProductResults&refPgId=523328703&referrerModule=PRDREB
250 pieces – white imprint
$2.99 each – $50 set-up charge
Total: $797.50
Requesting approval for: $1360
Additionally – I think we should consider purchasing Apple airtags to raffle off to go with part of the swag for our table at the LILC:
4 for $78.99
Colleen Navins made a motion to approve funds not exceeding $1500. Motion approved by Kate Regina and Morgan Tamburro.
Membership: Vicky Urbelis reported: There are 420 active members to date.
Networking: Morgan Tamburro reported: Morgan is working on getting donations for raffle baskets for SCLA events. She is continuing to work on the kickball tournament in the fall.
Newsletter: Carole Lingg reported: Please make sure to submit your April newsletter content by Wednesday, March 20th.
Nominating: Anthony Giansante reported: Elections are in June so please start to get your nomination slates in order as soon as you can. Please check your division’s website and verify that the list of officers is current. We will be hosting another Professional Development Series in September. It will be the same format as last year. Division presidents should start to think of programming ideas.
Scholarship: Brian Schwartz reported: No report.
Student Outreach: Colleen Navins reported: Colleen is continuing to reach out to her school contacts.
Website: Stephen Ingram reported:
Basic website/facebook maintenance and posting of events.
Facebook insights: 1083 followers
February webpage views for the month of 973
Updated SCLA, CATS, RASD, CARE Committee wordpress sites to latest security updates.
Monitor and approve listserv posts
Updated listserv members
Created and monitored Wild Apricot Events
Created donation page for SCLA
Created QR code for donation page
Placed QR code on SCLA homepage
3-7-24 Meeting with SCLA President/Vice President/ Membership chairs to discuss CEU tracking through SCLA.
Desire to update contact information on Website Domain to forward to SCLA.
CLASC: Kim Zettwoch reported: No report.
LILRC: Sally Stieglitz reported:
Please join LILRC for our upcoming Annual Membership Meeting, Tuesday, June 18, 9:00am – 1:00pm at Farmingdale State College, Campus Center Ballroom. The keynote speaker is Patrick Sweeney, Political Director at EveryLibrary who will be talking about advocacy techniques and approaches to book ban efforts.
With NCLA ASLD and SCLA DASL, we are pleased to offer STEAM Heat: Libraries Bringing Arts to Teaching and Learning, Wednesday May 1, 9:00am-4:00pm, at the Half Hollow Hills Community Library (Dix Hills).
Keynote: Performing Arts Collections and Engagement: 100 Years of Building Community at the Nation’s Library
Nicholas A. Brown-Cáceres, Assistant Chief, Music Division, Library of Congress
Musicians/Filmmakers: Galileo’s Daughters
Screening of Perpetual Motion, Talk Back, Musical Performance
Music Therapy as Integrative Medicine
Joanne V. Loewy DA, LCAT, MT-BC, Director, The Louis Armstrong Center for Music & Medicine, Mount Sinai Health System
PLDA: Shauna Scholl reported: No report.
SCLS: Kevin Verbesey reported: No report.
NYLA: Lisa Kropp reported: No report.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:50am by Anthony Giansante. Seconded by Charlotte Buckleman and Wonda Miller.
Suffolk County Library Association (SCLA) Minutes
Friday, April 12, 2024
Suffolk Cooperative Library System, Bellport, New York
In attendance: Samantha Alberts, Steven Alcalde, Charlotte Buckleman, Rachel Cecchini, Emma Cesario, Patricia Cruz, Anthony Giansante, Stephen Ingram, Bob Johnson, Erin Kanelos, Carole Lingg, Rachel Lupinacci, Colleen Navins, Katherine Regina, Ashley Sabatino, Bruce Seger, Sally Stieglitz
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 10:05am by Anthony Giansante. Seconded by Ashley Sabatino and Patricia Cruz.
Announcements: Stephen Ingram did a presentation for the board and division secretaries about Wild Apricot. He went over how to view past attended programs, how to use the program registration form on the SCLA website, how events are created, etc. If members are looking for event information/attendance information, please email the division secretaries and Stephen.
Motion to approve the March 2024 meeting minutes by Colleen Navins with no corrections. Seconded by Bruce Seger and Anthony Giansante.
Presidents Report: Colleen Navins reported:
- Spring Mix and Mingle took place on Thursday, March 28 with over 60 professionals in attendance. Everyone had a great time and we broke Wild Apricot with raffle purchases! We donated over 70 food items for Agape Meals for Kids.
- Registration is underway for our webinar with Leah Dudak – Every Book Their Reader. We have about 15 registered so far. I will continue to share that across ListServs.
- Please make sure you have table coverage, raffles and giveaways for the LILC. We increased our Wild Apricot limit for this event.
Treasurer’s Report: Wonda Miller reported:
March Finances:
SCLA began with a combined starting balance of all our accounts on March 1st of $102,871.80.
March income was $5058.65 which reflects quite a bit of activity in membership and event registration.
March expenses were $177.62 (program reimbursement and bank fees).
The closing balance for March was $107,752.83.
No pending disbursement of checks for this month.
Income |
Expense |
Net |
Closing Balance |
January 2024 |
$6,483.63 |
$4561.69 |
$1,921.94 |
$99,344.82 |
February 2024 |
$4,811.41 |
$1,284.43 |
$3,526.98 |
$102,871.80 |
March 2024 |
$5,058.65 |
$177.62 |
$4,881.03 |
$107,752.83 |
Information & Updates:
Al Coster has started to work on our taxes and financial report.
- Recommend adding 2 policies- conflict of interest and whistleblower policy. This would begin for the 2025 term.
- Motion to approve these policies- Patricia and Bruce second motion.
Stephen Ingram has paid for the SCLA Zoom account for the year, it was $159.90. I’d like to recommend that we reimburse him for it.
Motion approved unanimously.
Spring Mixer overview is that we sold about $770.00 in tickets, and about $435.00 in raffles. The final tallies are showing up in April bank statements.
Wild apricot has a daily transaction limit. If any divisions plan to host a raffle, please give me a few weeks notice so I can increase the limit for the day of the event.
Division Reports-
DASL: Bruce Seger reported: The academic invitational is on May 1st at Half Hollow Hills Library. “STEAM Heat” Libraries Bringing Arts to Teaching and Learning. Please encourage your colleagues to attend.
RASD: Patricia Cruz reported:
- RASD board met at SCLS on April 2nd. Our next meeting is June 4th virtually @ 10am.
- I took the opportunity to review several procedures- how to have programs/meetings set-up on WildApricot, reporting continuing education, getting reimbursed for program expenses, process for payment for programmers, requesting a tax exempt certificate, cashless payments.
- Upcoming meetings/events:
- Long Island Reads registration went live on April 1st; there are 2 links for registering (in person or virtual) – the event will be held at Plainview-Old Bethpage Library on Sunday, April 21, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM.
- Reader’s Advisory – Thursday, April 25 at 10am @ SCLS. Topic: Folklore & Mythology
- Career & Business – Tuesday, June 4 at 2:30pm at Middle Country Library in Centereach.
- MOSAIC Annual Breakfast is scheduled for June 20th
- Ordered giveaway for conference & our member-at-large is putting together a raffle basket.
- After reviewing the cashless procedure questions/concerns came up during our meeting.
CATS: Robert Johnson reported: The division members would like to extend our collective thanks to the SCLA and PLDA Boards for a fun filled and entertaining evening at the James Joyce mixer event on March 28th. Our generous board members, Stephen Burg, Anthony Giansante, Steven Alcalde and myself, donated two amazing baskets for the division’s raffle. A meeting of the CATS Board was held at SCLS on April 4th. The board discussed new fundraising opportunities and programming in addition to business as usual. Stephen Ingram was kind enough to demonstrate the Wild Apricot system to the board. Consequently, the board unanimously adopted Wild Apricot as the preferred method for signing up for programs and managing members. The board also discussed Wild Apricot’s new cashless system, specifically its use at the Long Island Library Conference.
CATS Committee Reports:
East End Technology Coalition (EETC): The East End Technology Coalition Committee, chaired by our extraordinary board members, Anthony Giansante and Steven Alcalde, continues to offer amazing program opportunities for the division. The next engaging program, Connecting Communities: The Role of Libraries in Public WiFi Access, will be held over Zoom on May 7th @ 10 am. With a little under a month to go, this program has already generated well over one hundred (100) attendee signups.
Technology Information Forum (TIF): The Technology Information Forum committee, chaired by our incredibly dedicated board members, Alison Mirabella and Chris DeCristofaro, continues to do very well each month with over 25 attendees participating during the last Zoom meeting on March 14th. Topics of discussion included poster printers, virus protection, library owned device policies, staff using personal devices to assist patrons and makerspace printing formats. Due to several inquiries, the division is discussing the option of holding in person meetings a few times per year for this committee.
Technical Services Roundtable: The Technical Services Roundtable Committee, chaired by our amazingly devoted board members, Debbie Antolini and Roseanne Mammina, offers an open forum discussion meeting a few times a year and brings in big attendance numbers.These meetings allow anyone involved with technical services duties to come together and share techniques, strategies, and procedures related to ordering, processing, cataloging, and securing library materials. The next meeting of this committee will be on April 29th @ 10 am in the SCLS auditorium. Please encourage your colleagues to attend this well rounded roundtable meeting. They will surely not be disappointed.
CATS Upcoming Long Island Library Conference Programs:
Title: Teaching Tech
Title: Women and Tech AMA (Cosponsored with CLASC)
Title: Meet the Challenge – Organize, Advocate, and Overcome.
Title: Tech, Trends and Teens at the Public Library… Oh My!
Title: Maximizing Your Seed Library’s Potential
SSD: Stephen Ingram reported:
SSD Library of Things Tour: Sayville Public Library
Wednesday, April 10, 2024, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM @ Sayville Library 88 Greene Ave, Sayville, NY 11782
Morgan Tamburro, Head of Patron Services of the Sayville Library, with assistance from Tory Young, Patron Services Technical Coordinator, demonstrated their Library of Things Collection. Twenty-three attendees examined the physical collection, which was followed by a presentation and Q&A session.
Slides have been sent to all registrants and an attendance list has been sent to the membership email.
- There has been interest in tutorials about using Canva- SI will set it up
- Library tours- specifically state that attendees will have a chance to speak to tech services, etc.
- Graphic designer workshop?
*Please continue to ask your colleagues if they are interested in being on the SSD Board.
YASD: Ashley Sabatino reported: There were 33 attendees at the Fran Romer workshop. It was a very successful event. Using Wild Apricot for the raffle went very smoothly. We are planning all of our details for the Long Island Library Conference. On May 23rd, we’re hosting a program on Zoom called, “The Teens Are Alright.” Registration is currently open.
Committee Reports-
Annual Dinner: Michele Cayea reported: No report.
Archives: Bruce Seger reported: Working on digitizing photos and the Flickr account.
Civil Service: Erin Kanelos reported: Information sheet for Librarian 2 is in progress. Erin discussed a possible program for those taking the upper level exams; how to prepare your info, what SCLA can provide, etc.
Continuing Education: Vicky Urbelis and Charlotte Buckleman reported: Keep sending credits to Charlotte and Vicky at the membership email.
Community Service: Michele McCauley reported: No report.
ELSA: Katherine Regina reported: No report.
Intellectual Freedom: Bruce Seger reported: Bill Burns presentation is in the works. More information about that will be shared soon.
LDA Award: Noel Reich reported: The LDA Award Committee has selected a winner! We will present the award at the LILC conference. We will be putting feelers out soon for those who may be interested in taking over this chair, a full description and timeline will be shared.
Legislative: Samantha Alberts reported:
Save the date for these Advocacy opportunities:
Spring on the Hill Advocacy – April 23, 2024.
PLDA Golf Fundraiser – September 30, 2024.
Library Advocacy Day 2025 – Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2025.
Long Island Library Conference: Brian Adams reported: No report.
LILPA: Noel Reich reported: LILPA held a virtual program, “Pride & Programming” on March 21st with 32 attendees. We discussed how to plan for Pride Month programs, and navigate any pushback from patrons, staff, or admin. LILPA’s new book club committee will be hosting a virtual meeting on April 18th to discuss Mimosa by Archie Bongiovanni, all are welcome! The LILPA Board is excited to present at the LILC, and created a June program with LILRC regarding support for trans patrons and youth in light of the discriminatory athletic ban in Nassau County.
Long Range Planning/Marketing: Carisse Mitchell reported: All swag and promotional materials have been ordered and will be at the conference.
Membership: Vicky Urbelis reported: 426 active members to date. Membership numbers should be sent to the membership email.
Networking: Morgan Tamburro reported: No report.
Newsletter: Carole Lingg reported: Thanks for the submissions. Please try to keep submissions under 1 page.
Nominating: Anthony Giansante reported: Anthony reached out to divisions to get election slates ready. The deadline is May 31st. Please make sure all candidates submit a professional biography and photo.
Scholarship: Brian Schwartz reported: No report.
Student Outreach: Colleen Navins reported: Colleen attended LIU. LIU is going completely virtual with their MLS program now. This is following the path that several library schools are taking now. Colleen is looking to reach out to schools who are offering virtual programs.
Website: Stephen Ingram reported:
March Webpage views for the month: 803
Facebook insights: 1084 followers
Updated SCLA, CATS, RASD, CARE Committee wordpress sites to latest security updates.
Monitor and approve listserv posts
Updated listserv members
Created and monitored Wild Apricot Events
CLASC: Kim Zettwoch reported: No report.
LILRC: Sally Stieglitz reported:
LILRC has two outstanding in-person programs coming up that should not be missed.
LILRC, NCLA ASLD, and SCLA DASL invite you to join us for a full day in person conference for all types of librarians. Called STEAM Heat: Libraries Bringing Arts to Teaching and Learning, the event will be on Wednesday May 1, 9:00am-4:00pm , Half Hollow Hills Community Library (Dix Hills), which is conveniently located for both counties. Registration is only $30 and includes continental breakfast, lunch, and snack.
The program is:
Keynote: Performing Arts Collections and Engagement: 100 Years of Building Community at the Nation’s Library
Nicholas A. Brown-Cáceres, Assistant Chief, Music Division, Library of Congress
Musicians/Filmmakers: Galileo’s Daughters
Screening of Perpetual Motion, Talk Back, Musical Performance
Music Therapy as Integrative Medicine
Joanne V. Loewy DA, LCAT, MT-BC, Director, The Louis Armstrong Center for Music & Medicine, Mount Sinai Health System
We also have our upcoming LILRC Annual Membership Meeting 2024, June 18, 2024
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM at Farmingdale State College, Campus Center Ballroom. The keynote is Patrick Sweeney, Political Director, EveryLibrary, who will be talking about advocacy techniques and approaches to book ban efforts. We will also hear from our 2024 Digitization & Innovation Grant Recipients about their inspiring work. The Meeting is free and includes breakfast.
PLDA: Shauna Scholl reported: No report.
SCLS: Kevin Verbesey reported: No report.
NYLA: Lisa Kropp reported: NYLA has started a limited edition bonfire campaign to raise money to support NYLA’s programs and services – plus the focus is celebrating the freedom to read! Orders need to be placed by April 28, and items will be received by May 16th. You can view and order merchandise here: https://www.bonfire.com/new-york-library-association160/?utm_source=mailgun&utm_medium=Initial%20template&utm_campaign=order_made_for_owner
Spring on the Hill is April 23, and will have some powerful professional development around advocacy and media training, including sessions led by ALA Office of Intellectual Freedom Staff, and Librarian of the Year, Director of the Virginia Library Association, Lisa Varga. Please email director@nyla.org to see if there are still spots available. The full-day event is $160.
Old Business: None.
New Business: Secretaries have access to Wild Apricot. If anyone needs a Wild Apricot refresher, please reach out to Colleen and Stephen.
Stephen Ingram discussed a program idea for a roundtable with authors. It would be in September and would be in collaboration with the Society of Children’s Books Writers and Illustrators. More information will be shared.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:27am by Anthony Giansante. Seconded by Colleen Navins and Charlotte Buckleman.
Suffolk County Library Association (SCLA) Minutes
Friday, June 21, 2024
In attendance: Anthony Giansante, Bruce Seger, Carisse Mitchell, Bob Johnson, Noel Riech, Ashley Sabatino, Sally Stieglitz, Brian Adams, Kate Regina,
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 10:07am by C. Mitchell. Seconded by Wonda Miller.
Motion to approve the April 2024 meeting minutes by Colleen Navins with/ without corrections. Seconded by
Presidents Report: Colleen Navins reported:
- We had an overwhelmingly successful Long Island Library Conference. The division tables were bustling and our raffle totals were great. Very happy that Wild Apricot heldstrong for us.
- Elections are running until 11:59pm tonight. Please remind your divisions that they MUST be SCLA members in order to hold positions on boards. I will have to deny people until they become members. I will be checking everything on Monday.
- Secretaries of your divisions should be the only people accessing Wild Apricot and it should be for attendance purposes only. I will have to revisit and revoke access if people are abusing what we have allowed.
- Anthony is preparing the Professional Development Series – Let Anthony explain and go over everything.
- We are continuing with our Library Tours throughout the rest of the year. Still on the hunt for SSD Board Members. Please spread the word!
Treasurer’s Report: Wonda Miller reported:
April & May Finances:
SCLA began with a combined starting balance of all our accounts on April 1st of $107,752.83 and May 1st of $106,530.10.
April income was $3,095.63 and May income was $2,583.65 which reflects quite a bit of activity in membership and event registration. Including $860 from LILC raffles.
April expenses were $4,318.36 (Mixer, Fran Romer) and May expenses were $5,414.05 (LILC Swag, Accountant, DASL luncheon, programmers).
The closing balance for May was $103,699.70.
$1,664.85 in pending checks at the end of May.
Income |
Expense |
Net |
Closing Balance |
January 2024 |
$6,483.63 |
$4561.69 |
$1,921.94 |
$99,344.82 |
February 2024 |
$4,811.41 |
$1,284.43 |
$3,526.98 |
$102,871.80 |
March 2024 |
$5,058.65 |
$177.62 |
$4,881.03 |
$107,752.83 |
April |
$3,095.63 |
$4,318.36 |
-$1,222.73 |
$106,530.10 |
May |
$2,583.65 |
$5,414.05 |
-$2,830.40 |
$103,699.70 |
Information & Updates:
Al Coster completed our taxes and financial report. The financial report will be a good baseline for us to compare future years to.
Division Reports-
DASL: Bruce Seger reported:
- LILC – Human Library was a very captivating presentation. Great turn out.
- Many raffle tickets were received.
RASD: Patricia Cruz reported:
The RASD board met virtually on June 4th. Some things that were discussed during meeting:
- LI Reads event at the end of April had about 300 attendees (virtually & in person)
- Local History Committee is working on their performer showcase for September
- Professional Development Series – Our Programs person is looking into programs to offer. So far we have a speaker on how to improve your LinkedIn profile for Thursday, Sep. 26.
- Our next meeting will be on August 6th virtually at 10am
CATS: Robert Johnson reported: The CATS Board met on June 6th @ 10 am in the blue room at SCLS. The Long Island Library Conference was amazing for the division. We had over 140 people attend our amazing programs and received over 850 raffle tickets for our overflowing baskets. A great big thank you to Brian Adams and the LILC committee for setting up such a wonderfully successful event.
CATS: The Accidental Web Manager
June 11 2024
2:15 PM to 4 PM
Suffolk Cooperative Library System
627 Sunrise Hwy., Bellport, NY 11713
25 people attended and the program was moderated by Stephen Ingram. This free form discussion was an opportunity for web managers to share their procedures for running their websites, discuss other website deployments, talk about the summer reading club and their libraries, and ask specific questions which the group helped answer.
Expect to repeat this event, and call it a roundtable. Looking for presenters to talk about WordPress.
Attendance list sent to membership.
SSD Proposals
Sharper Training Solutions
Introduction to Canva
Late July
30 to 40 participants
Free for SCLA members
Cost App $170
Need approval by the board for funding. Bob/Carisse? moved to spend no more than $100 from SSD, seconded by Wonda, unanimously approved.
Circulation Round table
In person/SCLS
Open to all
Sample discussion points:
The Long Overdue process and libraries placing Manual Charges on their patron records for long overdue items belonging to other libraries.
What libraries are keeping patron applications, for those who are not how do they process new patrons. Anyone use their own library app to create patron records?
What libraries have merged Circ & Tech, and for those who have how are they managing workflow. Have they gone to preprocessed items from vendors.
General SSD meeting
General meeting for people involved in SSD to help grow a new board.
SCLA board will be present to help answer questions.
Use SSD poll to guide presentation.
YASD: Ashley Sabatino reported:
YASD sponsored the Managing a Teen Leaders Club at the Long Island Library Conference on May 9th. Our Vice President, Rachel Lupinacci, presented the Suffolk County B.E.S.T Award to Aiden Motz. We also had a table at the conference with swag, raffles, and information about upcoming events and how to get involved.
On Thursday, May 23rd we held a virtual program called Teens are Alright: Providing Staff with Skills to Engage Teen Patrons with Support and Respect. Katelyn Hara-Moss from Central Islip Public Library and Heather Massa from East Rockaway Public Library provided attendees with strategies they have used to train non-Teen staff how to engage with teen patrons. We had about 40 attendees.
Our board met on Thursday, June 13th. We are planning a YASD/SSD program for the Professional Development Series about collaborating with support staff to provide programs and services to teens.
Committee Reports-
Annual Dinner: Michele Cayea reported: No report
Archives: Bruce Seger reported: Will reach out to Stephen to identify people in older photos.
Civil Service: Erin Kanelos reported: No report
Continuing Education: Vicky Urbelis and Charlotte Buckleman reported: Please keep spreading the word that CEUs need to be sent to the sclamembershipli@gmail.com email.
Community Service: Michele McCauley reported: I have been working on finding organizations for the Fall that are in need. Some ideas at this point are: Little Flower in Wading River, Toys for Tots, Long Island Harvest, and Save-A-Pet. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know!
ELSA: Katherine Regina reported: With less than a month and a half to go, the committee looks forward to reading about any outstanding library workers you have around. So far we have not received any. Please get your nominations in by July 31st by either sending to elsacommittee@gmail.com or through system to Kate Regina, ELSA chair, c/o Wyandanch Library..
Intellectual Freedom: Bruce Seger reported: William Burns lecture in Fall and AI theme lecture in the Fall
LDA Award: Noel Reich reported:
- Liz Hughes (she/her), a Teen Librarian at John Jermain has agreed to take over the LDA Award Chair for Suffolk. The 2025 LDA Award process will start in December/January.
Legislative: Samantha Alberts reported:
The New York State budget was completed earlier in April. General State Aid for libraries is up $4,225,000 (4.24%) from this year to a total of $103,852,000. That is the highest single general aid amount for libraries in NYS history. Construction Aid for public libraries is up $10,000,000 (29.4%) from this year, for a total of $44,000,000. That means about $2,770,000 for Suffolk County. Also included was $3,000,000 for the Novel databases, which will extend the life of that program, at least through June 30, 2025. This means public library and school library patrons will continue to have access to resources like Opposing ViewPoints and Encyclopedia Britannica.
The new budget included changes in the law. For library staff in the NYS Retirement System (NYSLRS), Tier 6 retirement calculations were adjusted. Staff can learn more here: https://www.osc.ny.gov/retirement/2024-laws.
Save the following dates:
PLDA Golf Fundraiser – September 30, 2024.
Library Advocacy Day 2025 – Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2025.
Long Island Library Conference: Brian Adams reported:
The committee and its treasurer are working very hard getting the last few individuals to pay up.
There were a number of libraries who did not have their stuff together and had to pay us after their May board meetings. We hope to encourage these libraries to be much better prepared next year so that we can avoid those late payments.
As of now we are expecting a profit. Out of these funds we usually hold back 5,000 dollars to use as the deposit for the Marriott for next year’s conference.
We are also looking into purchasing some supplies that we would like to own, namely 15 easels.
Our next meeting is next Tuesday June 25th. This is considered the follow-up to the conference meeting.
We chose our committee assignments at this meeting, especially the conference Chair. It is Nassau’s turn to assume the Chair.
Next year Suffolk (SCLA) may want to assume the fiduciary control of the 2025 Conference.
There is a lot to explain about how this works, mainly a separate account with check writing abilities, and the tax-exempt certificate supplied to the Marriott.
At this meeting we also choose our meeting dates, possible themes for the conference and the rate structure for vendors and attendees.
More on all of this as it develops.
LILPA: Noel Reich reported:
- LILPA marched in the 2024 LI Pride on June 9th. We had a group of nearly 50 people to represent public libraries on Long Island. We gave away over 300 books to parade attendees and got a lot of love for libraries!
- LILPA also held a program for LILRC on June 13th, Sports Belong to Everyone, and are thrilled to announce that we will be presenting at the NYLA conference in Syracuse this fall. We will be expanding upon our ‘Banned Librarians’ program that we presented at LILC. All presentation slides and book lists will be posted on our website and are accessible to anyone.
- We are also rolling out a lot of book lists on our website over the summer, so stay tuned!
Long Range Planning/Marketing: Carisse Mitchell reported:
Did everyone like the swag/ marketing materials for the conference? A: yes!
Should I look into any swag or marketing materials for the annual dinner? A: YES!
I will look into suggestions for more swag – I will submit ideas at the next meeting.
Membership: Vicky Urbelis reported: 425 active members and 33 pending to date.
Networking: Morgan Tamburro reported:
Newsletter: Carole Lingg reported:
Nominating: Anthony Giansante reported:
Scholarship: Liz Hughes reported: I met with Brian Schwartz on June 10 to go over all of the Scholarship chair responsibilities as he has been promoted at Pat-Med and can no longer serve as chair for the Preparing New Librarians and Continuing Education awards. As of this afternoon, an email is going out to the SCLA listserv, and then the same flyers are scheduled to be emailed out to all of the surrounding schools/listservs for their students. Over the summer, a committee will be formed to go over all of the applicants. What’s changed this year is that each scholarship has its own form to be filled out, the forms are now hosted on Google, rather than on Office, and the same goes with the reference survey once applicants have submitted their application. Both scholarships have a deadline of Sept. 1 so more information will be provided at that month’s meeting. Sorry I was unable to attend today, I am currently covering storytime haha
Below is a copy of the flyers being distributed/link to the Google Doc for this year’s applicants:
Student Outreach: Colleen Navins reported:
Website: Stephen Ingram reported:
Basic website/facebook maintenance and posting of events.
Facebook insights: 1087 followers
March webpage views for the month of 804
April webpage views for the month of 844
May webpage views for the month of 901
Updated SCLA, CATS, RASD, CARE Committee wordpress sites to latest security updates.
Monitor and approve listserv posts
Updated listserv members
Created and monitored Wild Apricot Events
Created donation page for SCLA
Created Poll for SSD
Created voting poll for SCLA
Recent wordpress updates broke some plugins and took some SCLA sites down. This was fixed.
CLASC: Kim Zettwoch reported:
CLASC members recently voted on and passed updates to our Bylaws regarding our election process and a change in title and duties of our Vice President position. The updates to the Bylaws will be available on our website under the Bylaws section.
Registration for our Children’s Literature Conference on October 17th is now open. It’s being held at a new venue, The Courtyard Marriott in Ronkonkoma. We are offering discount membership pricing to any members of SCLA and NCLA, even if one is not a member of CLASC.
LILRC: Sally Stieglitz reported:
LILRC has had a jam-packed June full of events, including its Annual Membership Meeting with Keynote Patrick Sweeney. Summer events will be posted in a few weeks as we transition to a new event management system. Save the dates for LILRC’s fall conferences:
Friday, October 18, 8:00am , Annual Conference on Libraries and The Future: The Future of Reading
The Heritage Club – at – Bethpage
Monday. October 21, 9:00am, Annual Long Island Archives Conference
SUNY Old Westbury
PLDA: Shauna Scholl reported: No report.
SCLS: Kevin Verbesey reported:
NYLA: Lisa Kropp reported:
Old Business:
New Business:
The meeting was adjourned at 11:08am by C. Mitchell. Seconded by Bob Johnson
Suffolk County Library Association (SCLA) Minutes
Friday, September 20, 2024
Suffolk Cooperative Library System, Bellport, New York
In attendance: Colleen Navins, Anthony G., Carisse M. Morgan T., Wonda M, Vicky, Brian Adams, Erin K. Michelle C., Ashley S., Stephen Ingram, Carole L, Vicky U., Bruce S., Steve A.
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 10:05 am by. Anthony G. Seconded by Wonda M.
Motion to approve the June 2024 meeting minutes by Colleen Navins with/ without corrections. Seconded by Vicky.
Presidents Report: Colleen Navins reported:
We are a week into our Professional Development Series. We have seen overwhelming attendance this week and are excited to see our final numbers after next Friday.
- We are looking to move forward with this series next year and completely run it on our own. How do we feel about this? We had a large number of NCLA participants but do not feel that the NCLA Board holds their own in this series.
We had a nice turn out for the Library Tour of South Huntington and we will continue with the tours in the Fall. Unfortunately we will be postponing the Smithtown Tour for October.
We are wrapping up the first year of our Mentorship Program with CLASC and PLDA. We have heard such amazing feedback and are looking to have another Mixer in November. We sent out a survey and all participants would be interested in another evening of mingling. Many mentees are already asking if we can run this partnership again next year.
Treasurer’s Report: Wonda Miller reported:
June, July & August Finances:
SCLA began with a combined starting balance of all our accounts on June 1st of $103,699.70.
The combined income from June, July & August was $2,842.93 the majority of which was membership with a small amount from event registration.
The combined expenses from June, July & August were $3,473.33 for program reimbursements from SCLA & Divisions as well as a deposit for the annual Dinner meeting.
The closing balance for August was $103,069.30 with $416.56 in pending checks.
Income |
Expense |
Net |
Closing Balance |
January 2024 |
$6,483.63 |
$4561.69 |
$1,921.94 |
$99,344.82 |
February 2024 |
$4,811.41 |
$1,284.43 |
$3,526.98 |
$102,871.80 |
March 2024 |
$5,058.65 |
$177.62 |
$4,881.03 |
$107,752.83 |
April 2024 |
$3,095.63 |
$4,318.36 |
-$1,222.73 |
$106,530.10 |
May 2024 |
$2,583.65 |
$5,414.05 |
-$2,830.40 |
$103,699.70 |
June 2024 |
$1,356.63 |
$2,031.43 |
-$674.80 |
$103,024.90 |
July 2024 |
$713.65 |
$530.21 |
$183.44 |
$103,208.34 |
August 2024 |
$772.65 |
$911.69 |
-$139.04 |
$103,069.30 |
- Wild Apricot 2 year Membership renewal in December: $4,896 for a 2-year plan
- Cheapest plan covering up to 2,000 members
- Brian Adams asked if Wild Apricot gives a discount to non-profit/ libraries
Division Reports-
DASL: Bruce Seger reported:
DASL is planning their Spring Invitational later this month.
RASD: Patricia Cruz reported:
CATS: Robert Johnson reported: I am pleased to provide an update on our recent activities within the CATS division.
We recently co-hosted an “Introduction to Canva” program in collaboration with the SSD division, facilitated by Sharper Training Solutions. A special thanks to Stephen Ingram for organizing this successful event for both divisions.
I am also happy to announce the appointment of two new members to our board: Cindy Ilardi from the Westhampton Library and Tory Young from the Sayville Library. They will be working alongside Roseanne to manage the Technical Services Roundtable committee.
Additionally, the Technology Information Forum committee successfully co-hosted a joint meeting with NCLA and CATS via Zoom, which attracted approximately 26 attendees.
The East End Technology Coalition is in the process of organizing a meeting in collaboration with the Technical Services Roundtable, scheduled for November. This initiative aims to foster engagement and bring renewed attention to the members of both groups.
Stay tuned for further details regarding the date and agenda.
Lastly, we are in the process of preparing a giveaway basket for the upcoming SCLA annual meeting and are excited to assist with an SSD giveaway as well.
Thank you for your continued support and involvement.
Sharper Training Solutions on behalf of SSD and CATS, present this program:
An Introduction to Canva Date: Wednesday, August 14th
Members: Free
Guests: $5
44 attendees. Showed a profit
Upcoming Circulation Roundtable October 9
(44 people signed up as of 9/20)
YASD: Ashley Sabatino reported:
Held Professional Development Series: A panel of different teen librarians talking about different programs they held.
November programming – with YASD and SCLA about community service opportunities
Planning December luncheon at Half Hollow Hills
Looking for Teen Librarians to be nominated for the teen awards
Committee Reports-
Annual Dinner: Michele Cayea reported:
Annual Dinner is Thursday October 24 at the West Sayville Country Club
They continue to honor our past prices
Increased price for attendees slightly
Toys for Tots donation drive
Asking every division to put together a raffle basket
Replacing the DJ with a professional Magician
Please encourage staff to come – this is also our October Meeting
Archives: Bruce Seger reported:
Civil Service: Erin Kanelos reported:
Charlotte Buckleman and Erin Kanelos are looking to schedule the Preparing For Your Training & Experience Exam presentation late fall.
- Librarian II – OC/P (Filing Deadline: 9/25, Exam Date: 11/2)
- Network & Systems Specialist I – OC/P (Filing Deadline/Exam Date: 10/23)
Continuing Education: Vicky Urbelis and Charlotte Buckleman reported: Just a reminder CEUs should be sent to sclamembershipli@gmail.com and be filled out in our new template. If you need the template or have any other questions don’t hesitate to reach out!
*we have been getting a lot of requests for CEUs
Community Service: Michele McCauley reported: I have been working on ideas for the Fall. Some things of interest are Toys For Tots and/or a drive for Veterans.
ELSA: Katherine Regina reported: After a very tough deliberation that included the rare tie-breaker, the 2024 ELSA Award winner has been chosen and their library notified. We will be surprising them next week and presenting them and the runners up with the award at the annual dinner.
Intellectual Freedom: Bruce Seger reported: Spoke to Bill Burns and shooting for the end of October for a meeting.
LDA Award: Noel Reich reported: Liz Hughes will be taking over for the LDA Award. More information will be shared once we get a little closer to the Winter!
Legislative: Samantha Alberts reported:
PLDA has been hosting mini-legislative breakfasts these last couple of weeks. They have hosted 14, and the overwhelming response has been positive. The PLDA Golf Fundraiser will be Sept 30th, and there is still space for the dinner. If you are interested in attending, you can reach out to Kelly Harris or Mike Firestone.
NYLA is working on the legislative agenda for the upcoming budget negotiations. More talking points and information will be available on the NYLA website.
The money requests for FY 2026 are:
- General Aid – $176.81M
- Construction Aid – $175M
- NOVEL New York – $3M
- School Materials Aid – $18-20 per pupil
Today, I am attending the Eastend Libraries thank-you breakfast for Assemblyman Fred Thiele, who will be retiring from the NYS Assembly. During his 30 years in the Assembly, he was a library champion not just for the East End but for all the New York State libraries. His support will be missed.
Long Island Library Conference: Brian Adams reported:
Thursday May 8, 2025
2025 speaker: Tracie D. Hall
NCLA will handle finances for the 2025 year
Increased non-member attendee pricing by $25 in an effort to encourage association memberships
Theme – celebration of libraries
LILPA: Noel Reich reported: LILPA had a great summer reworking the website to include a Books & More page with multiple queer book lists. We just had a great program in the SCLA Professional Development series, “Show the Rainbow” on September 18th. All slides and resources will be posted to our website by the end of today. We have also launched the LILPA Discord Server to create a space for anyone looking for a LGBTQIA+ professional library community, all are welcome!
Long Range Planning/ Marketing: Carisse Mitchell reported:
I picked out a few new SCLA Swag items to be given out at the Annual Dinner and/or any other upcoming meetings:
- Mug
- Ornament
- Coaster
- Straw Cover (for our Stanley drinkers!)
Carisse Favorites:
- Campfire SCLA Mugs (so cozy!): Quantity: 250 = Total: $1500 (ish)
- Round SCLA Ornament: Quantity: 250 = $450
Davenport Marketing said we should be ok with the dates to have items completed for the dinner.
Requesting the Board vote for approval to move forward with ordering.
Morgan suggested enamel pins – carisse will look into
Tablecloth and banner needs to be replaced – carisse will look into
Vicky suggested keychain – carisse will look into
Bruce suggested camera cover – carisse will look into
Board suggests:
Hand sanitizer
Make sure we use the SCLA account since we now have our own tax exempt
Board approved motion for budget of up to $3,000 to replace banner, table cloth and order swag items
Membership: Vicky Urbelis reported: 466 active members and 7 pending to date.
Networking: Morgan Tamburro reported:
Thursday, September 26 from 6-9 Networking Event at Sayville Falls & Beer Garden
Please encourage staff members to come – please help spread the word
We reserved 2 gazebos in the garden area for SCLA
Attendees have to mention that they’re part of SCLA event and will receive a discounted price on mini golf
Morgan will bring party games from Sayville public library
Spoke to LI Kick about organizing a kickball event and outdoor activity. Trying to plan for the Spring closer to the LILC. The company recommended a Corn Hole tournament.
Working on a survey to send to members with Networking event ideas to gauge interest
Newsletter: Carole Lingg reported:
Please send all newsletter submissions by Wednesday, September 25
Spoke about adding a section to the newsletter about What’s Going On – memorials, life achievements, etc.
Nominating: Anthony Giansante reported:
No update
Scholarship: Liz Hughes reported: The choosing of this year’s scholarship winner is well underway. We had 15 MLS students apply for the Preparing New Librarians Award and 1 applicant, who unfortunately didn’t qualify for it, fill out the Continuing Education Award. As of right now, a scholarship committee of 8 library professionals, including myself, are going over the applicants and deciding who will be this year’s recipient. This year’s applicants were asked to write a personal statement, of no more than 300 words, describing their career, interests, goals, and commitment to the library profession. In addition, each applicant had 3 references who were asked to write in 300 words, or less, why do they think the applicant is deserving of an SCLA scholarship. This year’s committee was sent all of these submissions with all identifying information on the applicant, aka their name/library affiliations/etc, redacted to ensure equal and fair voting amongst the committee. Committee members have until Sept. 30 to cast their vote for their favorite applicant and from there a Zoom meeting will be scheduled if a clear winner has not been picked and the committee members need to go through the applications more thoroughly to discuss this year’s winner. I also created a rubric for this year’s committee to help them score each applicant and streamline the voting process. I’ve received feedback from 3 members this year saying that it was really helpful so this was a positive addition to this year’s scholarship process. If anyone is curious to see it/know more about the candidates, please email me at liz@johnjermain.org and I am happy to provide more information. This year’s winner will be notified by October 14 and they will be announced at annual dinner.
Student Outreach: Colleen Navins reported: I have shared our PD Series information as well as our Networking Night flier with St. John’s, Queens and Post.
Website: Stephen Ingram reported:nono
Basic website/facebook maintenance and posting of events.
Facebook insights: 1091 followers
July page views for the month of 601
August webpage views for the month of 777
Updated SCLA, CATS, RASD, CARE Committee wordpress sites to latest security updates.
Monitor and approve listserv posts
Created and monitored Wild Apricot Events
Helped with Professional Development Series
Hosted SSD Introduction to Canva
Preparing for SSD Circulation Roundtable
CLASC: Kim Zettwoch Manise reported: CLASC and SCLS will be hosting our Children’s Literature Conference on October 17, 2024 at the Courtyard Marriott in Ronkonkoma. Our guest authors will be Todd Strasser and Doug Salati.
LILRC: Sally Stieglitz reported: LILRC’s fall conferences are next month. Please join us for these in person events!
The 33rd Annual Conference on Libraries and The Future: The Future of Reading will be held on Friday, October 18, from 8:00am to 3:00pm at Heritage Club at Bethpage. The 29th Annual Archives Conference: Connecting to Communities is being held on Monday, October 21, 9:00am – 4:00pm at SUNY Old Westbury. Both conferences promise to be memorable events and opportunities for networking with the Long Island library community. Registration for the conferences and for all LILRC events is at lilrc.org/events.
PLDA: Shauna Scholl reported: The PLDA golf outing is on Monday, September 30th. They are light on dinner-only tickets and if anyone is planning to golf and has not already registered, please contact Mike Firestone directly, they are close to maxing out on golfers.
SCLS: Kevin Verbesey reported:
NYLA: Lisa Kropp reported: Registration for the NYLA Conference in Syracuse (November 6-9) closes on October 11, so make sure you are registered! The cost for onsite registration rises substantially, so make sure you register by the deadline. There is a special election running from September 17 – October 1 for a one year term as the Councilor-at-Large (School Libraries). Evan DeNaro, from Deer Park School District, is running for the seat. All NYLA members are eligible to vote by logging into their account. Information on all three candidates can be found here: https://www.nyla.org/2024-nyla-special-election
Old Business: no report
New Business: LILRC Budget Requests for 2025
-$500.00 per event
-Receive journal ads and signage
-SCLA would have an exhibit table
Motion approved to give LILRC $1500 for Annual Conference, Archives Conference and NYLA but clarifying if this is for 2024 or 2025
The meeting was adjourned at 11:50 am by Anthony G. Seconded by Carisse M.
Suffolk County Library Association Minutes
Thursday, October 24, 2024
SCLA Annual Dinner- West Sayville Country Club
1.Welcome: Michele Cayea
- Call to Order & Approval of Minutes: Anthony Giansante– meeting called to order at 6:39pm.
- President’s Report: Colleen Navins
- Treasurer’s Report: Wonda Miller/ Rachel Cecchini–
September Finances:
SCLA began with a combined starting balance of all our accounts on September 1st of $103,069.30.
The income from September was $1,994.63 from the annual dinner meeting, membership and event registration.
The expenses from September were $365.38 for program reimbursements from SCLA & Divisions as well as a deposit for the annual Dinner meeting.
The closing balance for September was $104,698.55 with $1217.02 in pending checks.
Income |
Expense |
Net |
Closing Balance |
January 2024 |
$6,483.63 |
$4561.69 |
$1,921.94 |
$99,344.82 |
February 2024 |
$4,811.41 |
$1,284.43 |
$3,526.98 |
$102,871.80 |
March 2024 |
$5,058.65 |
$177.62 |
$4,881.03 |
$107,752.83 |
April 2024 |
$3,095.63 |
$4,318.36 |
-$1,222.73 |
$106,530.10 |
May 2024 |
$2,583.65 |
$5,414.05 |
-$2,830.40 |
$103,699.70 |
June 2024 |
$1,356.63 |
$2,031.43 |
-$674.80 |
$103,024.90 |
July 2024 |
$713.65 |
$530.21 |
$183.44 |
$103,208.34 |
August 2024 |
$772.65 |
$911.69 |
-$139.04 |
$103,069.30 |
September 2024 |
$1994.63 |
$365.38 |
$1629.25 |
$104,698.55 |
- 2025 Incoming Executive Board Members: Anthony Giansante
- Announcements of the Divisions: Anthony Giansante
CATS: Bob Johnson
DASL: Bruce Seger
RASD: Patricia Cruz
SSD: Anthony Giansante
YASD: Ashley Sabatino
- Suffolk Library Marketing Award: James Garvey
Honorable Mention: West Islip Public Library
3rd Place: Lindenhurst Memorial Library
2nd Place: Longwood Public Library
1st Place: Mattituck Laurel Library
- Excellence in Library Service Award: Kate Regina
Honorable Mentions: Lillian Chaloupka, Northport-East Northport and Denise Ledesma, North Babylon
Runner-up: Rubin Cortes, Bay Shore-Brightwaters
1st Place: Jose Rodrigo-Hernandez, Huntington Library Station Branch
- SCLA Scholarship Award: Liz Hughes- Recipient Gena Mizzi, Huntington Public Library
- Long Island Library Conference: Brian Adams
- Adjournment: Anthony Giansante – meeting adjourned at 7:22pm. Seconded by Carisse Mitchell.
- Dinner
Suffolk County Library Association (SCLA) Minutes
Friday, November 15, 2024
In attendance:
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 10:07 am by Anthony Giansante. Motion approved by Wonda Miller and Bob Johnson.
Motion to approve the October 2024 meeting minutes by Anthony Giansante without corrections. Motion approved by Bob Johnson and Wonda Miller.
Presidents Report: Colleen Navins reported:
We had a successful Annual Dinner on Thursday, October 24! Thank you to everyone who helped make the night fabulous.
Division Presidents – Please plan to have a program on the calendar for January 2025. It can be a meet the board program, a free speaker or an open forum. We want members to know that we have plans ready for 2025.
Please plan on attending our Fall Mixer on Tuesday, November 19th @ Napper Tandy’s!
Treasurer’s Report: Wonda Miller reported:
October Finances:
SCLA began with a combined starting balance of all our accounts on October 1st of $104,698.55. The income from October was $4,062.65 from the annual dinner meeting, membership and event registration. The expenses from October were $7,155.34 primarily for the annual Dinner meeting and scholarship awards. The closing balance for October was $101,605.86 with $690.00 in pending checks.
The Annual dinner expenses were $5,407.20 and we brought in $3,690.00, several payments are still pending and not included in this total. The raffle baskets brought in $465.00 and proceeds were split between the divisions that provided baskets.
Income |
Expense |
Net |
Closing Balance |
January 2024 |
$6,483.63 |
$4561.69 |
$1,921.94 |
$99,344.82 |
February 2024 |
$4,811.41 |
$1,284.43 |
$3,526.98 |
$102,871.80 |
March 2024 |
$5,058.65 |
$177.62 |
$4,881.03 |
$107,752.83 |
April 2024 |
$3,095.63 |
$4,318.36 |
-$1,222.73 |
$106,530.10 |
May 2024 |
$2,583.65 |
$5,414.05 |
-$2,830.40 |
$103,699.70 |
June 2024 |
$1,356.63 |
$2,031.43 |
-$674.80 |
$103,024.90 |
July 2024 |
$713.65 |
$530.21 |
$183.44 |
$103,208.34 |
August 2024 |
$772.65 |
$911.69 |
-$139.04 |
$103,069.30 |
September 2024 |
$1994.63 |
$365.38 |
$1629.25 |
$104,698.55 |
October 2024 |
$4062.65 |
$7,155.34 |
-$3092.69 |
$101,605.86 |
Division Reports-
DASL: Bruce Seger reported: No report.
RASD: Patricia Cruz reported:
RASD met on November 5th, we welcomed new board members, incoming VP/President Elect, Jackie Narkiewicz & Treasurer, Tova Harris. We are also in the process of program submissions for the Long Island Library Conference & possible collaboration with NCLA’s RASD.
Our Annual Luncheon on December 3rd 2-4pm at the new Medford Branch of the Patchogue-Medford Library, we’ll have lunch catering by Chipotle & will be joined by a speaker from Paws of War. Registration here: https://scla34.wildapricot.org/event-5925545?CalendarViewType=1&SelectedDate=12/12/2024
We’re likely going to have a raffle during the luncheon, we have registration set up for 40 people, will WildApricot be ok to run a raffle with that number? Not sure what the limit is on transactions. Thanks!
CATS: Robert Johnson reported: The SCLA annual meeting was great and well attended by CATS members. We had three baskets to offer for raffle. Ticket counts were: Basket #1 328, basket #2, 142, and the SSD donated basket received 111 tickets. The CATS annual meeting will be held on December, 12th @ 10 am. Our speaker will be: Scott C. Jarzombek
President, Connecticut Library Association
Secretary, Fairfield County Library Directors Group
Treasurer, Urban Librarians Unite
General topic of discussion: The Challenge of Digital Literacy and Professional Orthodoxy in Library Innovation
SSD: Stephen Ingram reported:
The Support Staff Division Website has been moved. The new url is https://scla.net/ssd/.
All content from the old website has been moved to the new website. It is still a work in progress.
An email was sent to SCLA members and program attendees on November 6th posting the vacant board positions and directing them to contact Anthony Giansante if they were interested in a position.
The next SSD program will be January 14th on Zoom. A virtual library gallery meetup will be held regarding the use of library gallery spaces and securing exhibitors, among other topics.
YASD: Ashley Sabatino reported:
YASD is collaborating with SCLS-YS for Outside of the Box Community Service on Tuesday, November 19th from 10 am-12 pm at SCLS. Our annual luncheon will take place on Tuesday, December 10th from 12-3 pm at the Half Hollow Hills Community Library. Kristen Gudsnuk, author of Making Friends and Henchgirl, will join us to discuss how graphic novels benefit struggling and avid readers alike! Registration is open! We will announce the winners of the Teen Librarian Awards at the luncheon. The nomination form will remain open through the end of November.
Committee Reports-
Annual Dinner: Michele Cayea reported: No report.
Archives: Bruce Seger reported: No report.
Civil Service: Erin Kanelos reported:
No report (no upcoming tests).
Continuing Education: Vicky Urbelis and Charlotte Buckleman reported: Continue to send CEUs to sclamembershipli@gmail.com
Community Service: Michele McCauley reported: No report.
ELSA: Katherine Regina reported: No report.
Intellectual Freedom: Bruce Seger reported: No report.
LDA Award: Noel Reich reported: No report.
Legislative: Samantha Alberts reported:
Advocacy Day 2025 will be February 5, 2025. I have requested a quote for a 55-seat bus. The cost for 2024 was $3837. I would like to motion to spend $4500 for the bus and hospitality for the full-day trip to Albany with the caveat that the quote for 2025 is similar.
Motion approved by voting members.
Long Island Library Conference: Brian Adams reported: No report. Kate Regina reminded everyone that the deadline for submitting LILC programs is December 14th.
LILPA: Noel Reich reported: No report.
Long Range Planning/ Marketing: Carisse Mitchell reported: No report.
Membership: Vicky Urbelis reported: 481 active members. Vicky created an FAQ sheet that will be shared with the board and will be sent out to members soon.
Networking: Morgan Tamburro reported: No report.
Newsletter: Carole Lingg reported: No report.
Nominating: Anthony Giansante reported:
No update
Motion to appoint Nicole Mally as President of SSD. Motion approved.
Scholarship: Liz Hughes reported: No report.
Student Outreach: Colleen Navins reported: No report.
Website: Stephen Ingram reported:
Basic website/facebook maintenance and posting of events.
Facebook insights: 1095 followers
September page views for the month of 1211
October webpage views for the month of 848
Updated SCLA, CATS, RASD, CARE, LILPA, SSD wordpress sites to latest security updates.
Monitor and approve listserv posts
Created and monitored Wild Apricot Events
CLASC: Kim Zettwoch Manise reported: No report.
LILRC: Sally Stieglitz reported: No report.
PLDA: Shauna Scholl reported: No report.
SCLS: Kevin Verbesey reported: No report.
NYLA: Lisa Kropp reported: No report.
Old Business: We are still in the process of filling SSD board positions.
New Business: Anthony Giansante made a motion to approve funds ($4896.00) to renew contract with Wild Apricot for two years. Motion approved.
Stephen Ingram mentioned that Wild Apricot would be better utilized to promote large ticket events; i.e. LILC, SCLA Annual Dinner, etc. Should we be using the list-serv for other programs or should we be using Wild Apricot? Should we create a marketing policy when it comes to promoting SCLA programs and events? It was suggested that SCLA meet with division marketing committees to brainstorm marketing strategy ideas.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:52 am by Anthony Giansante. Seconded by Wonda Miller and Bob Johnson.
Suffolk County Library Association (SCLA) Minutes
Friday, December 20, 2024
Suffolk Cooperative Library System, Bellport, NY
In attendance: Samantha Alberts, Steve Alcalde, Jessica Brown, Charlotte Buckleman, Rachel Cecchini, Patricia Cruz, Anthony Giansante, Erin Kanelos, Nicole Malley, Wonda Miller, Colleen Navins, Ashley Sabatino, Sally Stieglitz, Morgan Tamburro, Vicky Urbelis, Stephen Ingram
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 10:07am by Anthony Giansante. Motion approved by Patricia Cruz and Steve Alcalde.
Motion to approve the November 2024 meeting minutes by Colleen Navins without corrections. Motion approved by Wonda Miller and Vicky Urbelis.
Presidents Report: Colleen Navins reported:
For 2025 please make sure your Board Members are SCLA members.
In January we will have Stephen give an overview of Wild Apricot for our new Division Presidents and Secretaries.
Each Division President will be responsible for creating CEU certificates and award them to program participants.
We need to update our SCLA contact list and brochure information with the incoming Board.
Treasurer’s Report: Wonda Miller reported:
November Finances:
SCLA began with a combined starting balance of all our accounts on November 1st of $101,605.86.
The income from November was $7,713.76, including LILC proceeds, membership and event registration.
The expenses from November were $2,164.05 primarily for the fall mix and mingle event.
The closing balance for November was $107,155.57 with $4,789.34 in pending checks with the largest outlay of $3835.52 for the Davenport Marketing promotional items.
Motion to approve the rehire of Al Coster to do our taxes for 2025. Motion approved by Charlotte Buckleman and Vicky Urbelis.
Income |
Expense |
Net |
Closing Balance |
January 2024 |
$6,483.63 |
$4561.69 |
$1,921.94 |
$99,344.82 |
February 2024 |
$4,811.41 |
$1,284.43 |
$3,526.98 |
$102,871.80 |
March 2024 |
$5,058.65 |
$177.62 |
$4,881.03 |
$107,752.83 |
April 2024 |
$3,095.63 |
$4,318.36 |
-$1,222.73 |
$106,530.10 |
May 2024 |
$2,583.65 |
$5,414.05 |
-$2,830.40 |
$103,699.70 |
June 2024 |
$1,356.63 |
$2,031.43 |
-$674.80 |
$103,024.90 |
July 2024 |
$713.65 |
$530.21 |
$183.44 |
$103,208.34 |
August 2024 |
$772.65 |
$911.69 |
-$139.04 |
$103,069.30 |
September 2024 |
$1994.63 |
$365.38 |
$1629.25 |
$104,698.55 |
October 2024 |
$4062.65 |
$7,155.34 |
-$3092.69 |
$101,605.86 |
November 2024 |
$7,713.76 |
$2,164.05 |
$5,549.71 |
$107,155.57 |
Division Reports-
DASL: Bruce Seger reported: The Invitational is tentatively scheduled for April 24th at Nassau Community College. Our theme is A.I. and we have some wonderful speakers set to present.
RASD: Patricia Cruz reported: Annual luncheon was earlier in the month. 24 people attended. The Reader’s Advisory Committee will be having a meeting in January at SCLS.
CATS: Robert Johnson/ Steve Alcalde reported:
SSD: Stephen Ingram reported: There is a circulation gallery event occurring in January. More information about that will be out soon. The SSD page on the SCLA website is up and running.
YASD: Ashley Sabatino reported: Annual luncheon on December 10th- 24 people attended. Working on sponsoring programs for the Long Island Library Conference.
Committee Reports-
Annual Dinner: Michele Cayea reported: No report.
Archives: Bruce Seger reported: I had a productive conversation with Stephen Ingram on Wednesday. We discussed other places to put the archives in the future, but for now, they are housed in the 1939 gmail account. Stephen can elaborate if he so chooses.
For the record, Stephen has been such a great help to me whether it is with the archives or posting an event or just overall advice and suggestions. Thank you, Stephen.
Civil Service: Erin Kanelos reported: no new upcoming tests for library job titles. Some discussions are being had about Social Workers in libraries, but nothing has been officially decided.
Continuing Education: Vicky Urbelis and Charlotte Buckleman reported: Keep sending CEU information to the membership email. Please include all fields that are in the spreadsheet in the email.
Community Service: Michele McCauley reported: No report.
ELSA: Katherine Regina reported: No report.
Intellectual Freedom: Bruce Seger reported: A presentation on January 8, 2025, will take place via Zoom. It will be co-presented by the Intellectual Freedom Committee and LILRC. The presentation is entitled : Where is the Line? Freedom of Expression and Transgressive Speech:
This presentation will explore the limits of freedom of expression by looking at the works of several “transgressive” artists. Does their work have socially redeeming value or are these artists purposely prurient, shocking, and socially subversive? Who gets to decide whether these artists are given a platform or are cancelled?
This presentation will delve into the complex and often controversial realm of freedom of expression by examining the works of various transgressive artists. Due to the nature of the subject matter, the program will include discussions of media that some participants may find provocative, disturbing, or offensive. The views and opinions expressed during this program are meant to be educational and not necessarily those of the speaker and do not reflect the views of the hosting organization. It will be presented by William Burns is a professor of English at Suffolk County Community College. His research interests include transgressive art, alternative cultural movements, and post-modernism.
LDA Award: Noel Reich reported: No report.
Legislative: Samantha Alberts reported:
Long Island Library Conference: Brian Adams reported: Long Island Library Conference – Thursday, May 8th, 2025
Both Vendor and Attendee Registration are open.
As of today we have had a nice number of registrants in both categories.
After the First of the year we will have a massive publicity campaign to increase registration.
We are still eagerly expecting further program submissions,
if you have not yet done so…please submit a program. Remember you can hire speakers/authors to present.
Programming decisions will be done at the February 4th meeting.
Any questions, please contact me or visit the Conference website at www.libconference.org.
LILPA: Noel Reich reported:
- LILPA’s NYLA presentation was well-attended and well-received. As a follow-up, we’ve been asked to present for the Mid-Hudson Library System on how to support LGBTQIA+ families. We are currently discussing dates and fees.
- The 2024 Mock Stonewall list and registration are out and will be on Thursday, January 30th at 11am.
- Noel Reich and Alex Giresi are continuing to work on the NYS Trustee Training opportunity as discussed with Kevin Verbesey in 2024.
- Sadly and wonderfully, Noel Reich is moving to Oregon as of 12/20/24. Alex Giresi will stay on as one of the Suffolk Co-Chairs for 2025, and Katie Brand, Head of YA from the Smithtown Public Library, will be the new Suffolk Co-Chair for 2025.
Long Range Planning/ Marketing: Carisse Mitchell reported:
All SCLA marketing swag came in and is stored at West Babylon.
- Mugs, lapel pins, key chains
- Pens (these were left at the October dinner – can someone please send me these in the bins)
In the New Year I will have an itemized inventory of all materials. (Stephen can we find a place in the gmail docs or somewhere to keep this?) As we collect more marketing materials in the future they can be added to this list. Any division can email me a request to send them materials through the system bins for upcoming programs. (cmitchell@wbpl.us)
I will be out of the Library until the new year. Thank you all for being an amazing SCLA Board to work with. Happy Holidays to you and your families!
Membership: Vicky Urbelis reported: 486 active members
Networking: Morgan Tamburro reported: Selecting date for next event in the winter. Will follow up with definitive details once the venue approves the date. Also working on an event that coincides with the LILC.
Newsletter: Carole Lingg reported: No report.
Nominating: Anthony Giansante reported: Welcome to all new board members!
Scholarship: Liz Hughes reported: No report.
Student Outreach: Colleen Navins reported: If anyone is interested in taking over this board position, please let Colleen know.
Website: Stephen Ingram reported:
Basic website/facebook maintenance and posting of events.
Facebook insights: 1098 followers
November page views for the month of 671
Updated SCLA, CATS, RASD, CARE Committee wordpress sites to latest security updates.
Monitor and approve listserv posts
Created and monitored Wild Apricot Events
Listserv 548 members
CLASC: Kim Zettwoch Manise reported: No report.
LILRC: Sally Stieglitz reported: LILRC has a new Traveling Exhibit, entitled Becoming the United States: Colonial America to Reconstruction. LILRC members can request to borrow any of our traveling exhibits for a one month period on our website.
On January, 8, 1:00pm on Zoom, LILRC and SCLA Intellectual Freedom Committee are co-presenting a program entitled Where is the Line? Freedom of Expression and Transgressive Speech. Registration is open.
On Wednesday, January 22, 10am-11:30, at the Farmingdale Public Library LILRC has NYLA Meet the President. This is an opportunity to meet with AnnaLee Dragon, Max Prime, and Tim Spindler to talk about anything related to NYLA and ask questions about advocacy.
PLDA: Shauna Scholl reported: No report.
SCLS: Kevin Verbesey reported: No report.
NYLA: Lisa Kropp reported: No report.
Old Business:
New Business: New policies for 2025. Al Coster has advised us to create and adopt a Whistleblower Policy and Conflict of Interest Policy in accordance with the NYS Non-Profit Revitalization Act of 2013.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:36 by Anthony Giansante. Seconded by Charlotte Buckleman and Colleen Navins.