New Professional Development Series Program Added

NCLA Intellectual Freedom Committee
Dr. Seuss: Cut Him Loose?
Wednesday, May 19 at 2:00 pm.
60 minutes
Join the Intellectual Freedom Committee for a program during our May Professional Development series hosted by NCLA, SCLA and CLASC. A panel of librarians will discuss the issues involving intellectual freedom, collection development and programming which arose from recent controversy related to Dr. Seuss’ (Theodore Geisel) and other materials.


DASL: Genealogy and Local History research, reference, and instruction at the New York Public Library

The Division of Academic and Special Libraries (DASL) in conjunction with the Long Island Library Resources Council (LILRC) presents:
Philip Sutton, NYPL Librarian and Professor

Presentation: Genealogy and Local History research, reference, and instruction at the New York Public Library
When: March 26, 2021 at 2:00 p.m.
Format: Virtual via Zoom

Please register early for this excellent and free presentation.

SCLA Game Night – This Thursday @ 7:00 pm

Just a reminder that our SCLA game night is this Thursday, October 22nd at 7:00 pm.  Please join us for an hour of fun!  We will be playing Jackbox games, which if you have not yet played, is a great time – lots of laughs.  If you can join us, and we hope you can, please fill out the registration form and you will receive a link to join on Thursday.

Andrea Malchiodi
Youth Services/Family Engagement Coordinator
Lindenhurst Memorial Library
1 Lee Avenue Lindenhurst, NY 11757
631-957-7755 ext. 131

November YASD Meeting

Please join us for our next YASD meeting, Thursday, November 19 at 10:00 am with the Long Island Library Pride Alliance: Rainbow Resources: Books & Information Sources for Teens.
CEUs will be awarded for those who attend.
RSVP to to receive the Zoom information.
We hope you will join us!

Angela Breslin 
Teen Coordinator
Direct Line: 631-227-3866
Fax: 631-567-5137

Serving LGBTQ Youth in Libraries, 11/4 at 10 am

NCLA’s Young Adult Services Division (YASD) and the Long Island Library Pride Alliance (LILPA) are excited to announce that we will be holding a virtual workshop called “Serving LGBTQ Youth in Libraries” on Wednesday, 11/4 at 10:00 am. CEUs will be awarded to those who attend.
The virtual presentation will provide an overview of the LGBTQ community, various identities, and how to best work with them in an inclusive way.
Please register at
If you will be unable to attend the live session, please register so that we can email you a link to the recording after the program.
Lisa Zuena, Young Adult Librarian

Massapequa Public Library
President, NCLA Young Adult Services Division
516-799-0770 (ext. 1 or ext. 5305 voicemail)

Intro to Canva


Thursday, September 17, 2:00-3:30PM, Online
Learn the basics of Canva.

Canva is a graphic design tool website. It uses a drag-and-drop format and provides access to over a million photographs, graphics, and fonts.
It is used by non-designers and professionals.

Registration link:

For SCLA members only. Please let us know in advance if you will need an accommodation that will make this event accessible to you.

SCLS • • 631-286-1600


Legislative Breakfast: Suffolk County Assembly Members/Suffolk County Senators

The Long Island Library Resource Council (LILRC) is holding the following two legislative meetings:

Legislative Breakfast – Suffolk County Assembly Members
September 24, 2020
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Location:  Zoom Meeting

Legislative Breakfast – Suffolk County Senators
September 25, 2020
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Location:  Zoom Meeting

This year’s legislative breakfast will be held online.  Register for links.  Please make time and join us that day to thank the legislature for their support.

There will be changes to how and what Advocacy Day looks like next year.  No longer will there be a big one day event where NYLA asks membership to send up buses of people.  As the NYLA Leg Committee figures out what our future advocacy efforts look like I will report back to the executive committee.


Computer Cleanup & Security from SSD

The SCLA Support Staff Division is hosting an online training program : Computer Cleanup & Security conducted by Sharper Training Solutions on May 27th from 1 – 2:30 pm.
Please contact Teri Hatred at to register.
Please see attached flyer for more details.
Teri Hatred
Human Resources Officer
Suffolk Cooperative Library System
631-286-1600 x 1314