The Long Island Library Conference Committee is excited to announce that registration for the 2023 Long Island Library Conference will open on January 2, 2023, and close on May 4, 2023. The conference will be held in person on Thursday, May 11, 2023 at the Melville Marriott. This year, registrations will be processed through Eventbrite.
Register Here
Please review these updated registration policies and procedures:
Attendee: $75
Student: $45
Day Of: $125
Student: $45
Day Of: $125
Attendee and Student payments must be made by May 4. Those who do not pay by May 4 will not be registered. Anyone who wishes to register after May 4 can do so the day of the conference and will be charged the Day-Of rate of $125. Day-Of payments must be made by credit card.
Group Registration
Registering multiple attendees at once is possible. NYLA, SCLA, and NCLA credentials are not necessary.
Payment Options
Cash, check, credit, PayPal, Google Pay, and invoice payments can be made.
Payment is non-refundable, but registrations can be transferred to someone else.
Questions? Email lilcregister@gmail.com and visit https://libconference.org for more information.
See you in May!