Monthly Archives: October 2013

(RDA): Changes for Users and Catalogers.


Cats RDA 2013 FLYER


No registration required

Wednesday, November 13th
SCLS Auditorium
627 N. Sunrise Highway, Bellport, NY
10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
(Coffee and refreshments served at 9:30)

Resource Description and Access (RDA): Changes for Users and Catalogers. A presentation by Natalia Tomlin.

Resource Description and Access (RDA) launched in 2010 as the successor to Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, Revised, Second Edition (AACR2). The rules of this new cataloging code, as enumerated in the online utility RDA Toolkit, have led to the current period of transition for the cataloging community. RDA represents a shift in cataloging practice aimed to support the digital environment and to improve the user experience by heightening the discoverability of materials and collections. Join Natalia Tomlin, Technical Services Librarian at B. Davis Schwartz Memorial Library at LIU Post, for a morning of learning about RDA principles, vocabulary, new content in bibliographic records and resulting changes in OPAC display.  This presentation will be of interest to working catalogers and other Technical Services personnel, as well as Reference Librarians and everyone else who is curious about the changes they see in OPAC records.


No registration required




October TIF Meeting on Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Housekeeping (approve minutes)
Mobile Millennium Demonstration
Louis DeRobertis will also be demonstrating the new monitoring system and interface through SCLS.
Google Nexus Devices (Round table discussion)
     What are you doing with them and how
Patron Computers – The next generation
     Touch interface?
     Gesture control? Leap Motion?
Group Question and Answer


A demonstration of Mobile Millennium, running Millennium from portable devices and