CATS Annual Meeting – Wednesday, December 9, 2015, 9:30 a.m.

Please join us . . .

Location: SCLS Auditorium
Refreshments provided
Guest Speaker: Brian Pichman of the Evolve Project

Join Brian Pichman of the Evolve Project on an adventure of laughs, thrills, and an opportunity to experiment and build with some of the latest and greatest gadgets in the market place.  This workshop will guide you through the whys and hows of building environments that allow creativity through the use of innovative technology. At the end of this session, you will be building circuits, programming robots, and more, during this jam packed information and hands on session.  There will be something for everyone at this event and will leave you with new ideas that you can implement the very next day in your library.

About Brian Pichman:
Brian Pichman is the Director of Strategic Innovation at the Evolve Project. He speaks a lot about innovative technology as a presenter and loves collaborating with both libraries and companies. He is dedicated to bring libraries into the future using cost effective measures and strategies. Brian’s passion for libraries stems from when he worked in public library since he was 16 years old; and moved from Page to Circulation to Director of IT before re-designing the entire children’s library by partnering with innovative tech start-ups which sparked one of the first ever virtual tour of a public library done by Google.  From here, he launched his career into collaborating with start-ups and helping them grow by partnering them with libraries.

Brian also has a Masters in Informational Security and loves to share best practices on everything IT related, as well as on building effective teams, exploring funding alternatives, designing new spaces, and improving marketing and outreach.

About Evolve Project:
The Evolve Project is a collaborative platform that works with libraries across the country. The Evolve Project believes that libraries should be creating stories rather than just providing them.

They help libraries create maker spaces and fablabs along with the coaching and guidance to take their environments to the next level. Libraries are community anchors which should be positioned to provide the resources and connections to allow patrons to build innovative works, discover new things, and collaborate with others.

By partnering with start-ups that have interactive and engaging technologies and integrating those products into library environments; everyone can start building towards a better tomorrow within their communities.

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