CATS Annual Meeting Presents: Get into the Cloud
Many patrons are already using cloud services and many would benefit
from their use.
Libraries need to embrace the Cloud and leverage the adoption of
cloud services to prepare for a Cloud based digital lifestyle.
Join this panel as they discuss the reasons for adopting Cloud
services, the current and future trends of the field and practical
collaborative applications for using the cloud in libraries such as
Microsoft Office 365.
Discussion with Food and Refreshments to follow.
James Matias, Technology Manager at Middle Country Public
Library,Stephen Ingram Digital Services Librarian Northport-East
Public Library, Dominic Iadicicco Network Systems Administrator at
South Country Library
Date: Tuesday, December 16th
Location: SCLS Auditorium
Time: 9:30 Coffee
10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Meeting
11 a.m. Food and Refreshments
All Are Welcome