Author Archives: CATS
October TIF Meeting – Quogue Library – 10/1/15
Directions: http://
Agenda: Hosting a Lan Party!
What equipment do you need? How long should it last? Do you provide internet access? Dave Jones and Walter Pesce will answer these questions and go over the pros and cons of offering technology-based programs along with the knowledge of their 10+ years of hosting them.
Guest speakers: Dave Jones & Walter Pesce of the Westhampton Free Library
September 2015 – Technology Information Forum Meeting
Directions: http://www.
2015 Board Elections – Ballot Open
Click here to login and vote for the following, vote opportunity ends July 15, 2015:
SCLA Board
CATS Board
RASD Board
CATS – No Summer Meetings
There will be no CATS meetings for the months of July and August. The next meeting will be Wednesday, September 9th.
Enjoy your summer!
TIF Meeting – Thursday, June 4, 2015 – Northport Library
Directions: http://www.nenpl.
May 2015 TIF Meeting Cancelled
The May TIF meeting has been cancelled. The next TIF meeting will be on Thursday June 4 at the Northport Public Library.
SCLA Bylaws Vote – through May 2, 2015
Please vote!
Suffolk County Library Association is updating all association and division by-laws to coincide with our merger as a regional chapter of the New York Library Association.Voting to approve bylaw changes is open NOW through May 2, 2015. Bylaws require a majority membership vote for approval.
A complete list of all bylaws changes is available here:
To vote, click on the “Vote” button.
The next screen will ask for your log-in and password. Your SCLA account information will allow you to login to NYLA’s page. (If needed, you can request your password from the NYLA office.)
Enter your information, then click “Log On”
Click on “Voting – Polls / Elections” from the left-hand menu.
The next screen will display a list of the ballots that you are currently eligible to participate in.
Vote on each eligible ballot separately.
Complete the voting process and click “Submit”.
Your vote is anonymous. You will only be able to submit your ballot once.
For security purposes, it is recommended that you “log out” of your browser window when you have completed your visit to the NYLA-SCLA website.
If you are unsure of your membership status, please contact Membership Chair Lauren Bernat (
Please contact SCLA President Laura Panter with any bylaws questions or concerns (