Category Archives: Annual Meeting

Tech on a Budget webinar

Here is the pre-recorded version of the canceled Program Tech on a Budget webinar! We hope that libraries will be able to make use of these valuable resources. And a big thank you to our presenter, Michael Bartolomeo, for putting this together! Click here to watch the webinar: (If you would like to download the PowerPoint, click here:

Program Tech on a Budget Cancelled

A Statement From SCLA

In this difficult time, the Suffolk County Library (SCLA) stands firmly with the Black community, as well as the American Library Association (ALA) and countless other professional library associations, in denouncing the senseless loss of Mr. George Floyd and all forms of racism, discrimination, and oppression.

Our commitment to intellectual freedom and charge of providing full access to knowledge to all members of our communities regardless of race, color, religion, age, ability, gender identity, or sexual orientation is sacrosanct. But there is still much work to be done in the way of forging an all-inclusive society that is not only just non-racist, but staunchly anti-racist.

We must provide the tools for library staff to advocate to the best of our abilities. We must affect change and foster environments where all members of our communities feel accepted, safe, and welcomed. As public service information professionals, we have an ongoing responsibility to educate ourselves on how to better understand, represent, and ally ourselves with our diverse colleagues and communities, for that diversity is amongst our greatest strengths. The members of SCLA stand in solidarity, committed to doing our part to make this possible.

Signed,   The Suffolk County Library Association Executive Board 


Thank you to everyone who attended the 2019 CATS/TIF Annual Meeting! A special thank you to Chad Mairn, librarian, professor and manager of the Innovation Lab at St. Petersburg College who spoke to us about the future of libraries in the modern world. Chad stressed the importance of grant writing, thinking outside the box when it comes to programming and even demonstrated emerging AR technology like the Magic Leap headset for us. It was a great program!

Please check back to stay up-to-date with our upcoming 2020 programs.

A Big Thank You

Thank you to everyone who attended and participated in our first ever CATS/TIF Technology Petting Zoo event at SCLS! We hope you enjoyed the program and learned something new for yourself and your library! The program was a success with over 40 attendees and 10 libraries exhibiting their technology and services. We hope to expand upon this program next year!
Check out some great photos from the event here