SCLA Bylaws Vote – through May 2, 2015

Please vote!

Suffolk County Library Association is updating all association and division by-laws to coincide with our merger as a regional chapter of the New York Library Association.Voting to approve bylaw changes is open NOW through May 2, 2015. Bylaws require a majority membership vote for approval.

A complete list of all bylaws changes is available here:

To vote, click on the “Vote” button.

The next screen will ask for your log-in and password. Your SCLA account information will allow you to login to NYLA’s page. (If needed, you can request your password from the NYLA office.)

Enter your information, then click “Log On”
Click on “Voting – Polls / Elections” from the left-hand menu.
The next screen will display a list of the ballots that you are currently eligible to participate in.
Vote on each eligible ballot separately.
Complete the voting process and click “Submit”.

Your vote is anonymous.  You will only be able to submit your ballot once.

For security purposes, it is recommended that you “log out” of your browser window when you have completed your visit to the NYLA-SCLA website.

If you are unsure of your membership status, please contact Membership Chair Lauren Bernat (

Please contact SCLA President Laura Panter with any bylaws questions or concerns (

Stephen-CATS-award-April 2015

At the April 2015 TIF meeting, Stephen Ingram was presented with a plaque for his years of service on the CATS board.  Congratulations Stephen!

Technology Information Forum Meeting – Thursday, April 2, 2015

Our next Technology Information Forum meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 2, 2015.

The meeting will take place at the South Country Library. The discussion will be on “The Proper Dissemination of Information.”  We aim to discuss the following:

How does information (good and bad) spread across to your staff?
  Outline of proper procedures
  Creation of an IF / THEN procedure manual
Identifying “panic” triggers for staff (discuss how to avoid them).  Have you ever spoken or heard the words “No one ever told me?”


Identifying disconnects in departments: Learning gap? Don’t want to know? Don’t need to know? Don’t care? “That’s not my job, It’s yours!” Sound familiar?
 Acceptable time frame for the spread of the information
Who does what / when? Choosing the right staff member to respond
Special projects – When do staff members need to know? How best to fold them in to what’s going on?
Creating an environment for “buy in” from staff members
We will have the opportunity to discuss these items and many more.




What: April 2015 – Technology Information Forum Meeting
Where: The South Country Library
When: Thursday, April 2, 2015
Time: 9:30 am coffee 10:00 am meeting
Host: Dominic Iadicicco / Chris DeCristofaro / Bob Johnson


CANCELLED – TIF Meeting – March 5, 2015 – South Country Library

Due to the recent weather forecasts and impending storm on Thursday,  it has become necessary to cancel the March TIF Meeting. Our next meeting will be on April 2, 2015.
The next Technology Information Forum meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 5, 2015. The meeting will take place at the South Country Library. The discussion will be on “The Proper Dissemination of Information.” We aim to discuss the following:
How does information (good and bad) spread across your staff?
  Outline of proper procedures
  Creation of an IF / THEN procedure manual
  Identifying “panic” triggers for staff (discuss how to avoid them). Have you ever spoken or heard the words “No one ever told me?”
  Identifying disconnects in departments – Learning gap? Don’t want to know? Don’t need to know? Don’t care? “That’s not my job, It’s yours!” Sound familiar?
  Acceptable time frame for the spread of the information
  Who does what / when? Choosing the right staff member to respond
  Special projects – When do staff members need to know? How best to fold them in to what’s going on?
  Creating an environment for “buy in” from staff members
We will have the opportunity to discuss these items and many more.
What: March 2015 – Technology Information Forum Meeting
Where: The South Country Library
When: Thursday, March 5, 2015
Time: 9:30 am coffee 10:00 am meeting
Host: Dominic Iadicicco / Chris DeCristofaro / Bob Johnson


Hope to see you all there!!!

TIF Meeting – Thursday, February 5, 2015 – Sachem Public Library

The February Technology Information Forum meeting is scheduled for this Thursday at the Sachem Public Library. Chris DeCrisofaro will be our host and will open up with a lively presentation entitled “Makerspace: It’s more than just a 3D Printer”
Why a makerspace? What is the need for this? Is now the right time? How would a library go about starting this initiative? What would the steps be to logistically roll out a makerspace and see it through to completion? We will have insight into the answers behind these questions and so much more at our next meeting.
Please join us for what promises to be a very lively discussion among your peers and professionals.
What: February 2015 – Technology Information Forum Meeting
Where: The Sachem Public Library
When: Thursday, February 5, 2015
Time: 9:30 am coffee 10:00 am meeting
Host: Chris DeCristofaro


TIF Meeting – January 8, 2015 – Quogue Library

The first Technology Information Forum meeting of 2015 is scheduled forThursday, January 8,  at the Quogue Library. Typically, the January agenda deals with serving our staff. How do we train ourselves and strive to keep staff in the know when everything coming in the door is changing every six months? Technology can play such a crucial role in the gathering and motion of staff communication. In some instances, technology can be a barrier. In many other ways it can be a blessing. There will also be a few announcements and a discussion of our plans for the year.
What: January 2015 Technology Information Forum Meeting
Where: The Quogue Library
When: Thursday, January 8, 2015
Time: 9:30 am coffee 10:00 am meeting
Host: Russell Weisenbacher


Hope to see you all there!!!

Some sources for Get into the Cloud presentation

Below are a series of sources that some of us used for the Get into the Cloud presentation on 12-16-14.

CATS Annual Meeting – December 16, 2014

CATS Annual Meeting

CATS Cloud Computing Flyer

Cloud 2

CATS Annual Meeting Presents:   Get into the Cloud

Many patrons are already using cloud services and many would benefit
from their use.

Libraries need to  embrace the Cloud and leverage the adoption of
cloud services to prepare for a Cloud based digital lifestyle.

Join this panel as they discuss the reasons for adopting Cloud
services, the current and future trends of the field and practical
collaborative applications for using the cloud in libraries such as
Microsoft Office 365.

Discussion with Food and Refreshments to follow.


James Matias, Technology Manager at Middle Country Public
Library,Stephen Ingram Digital Services Librarian Northport-East
Public Library, Dominic Iadicicco Network Systems Administrator at
South Country Library

Date: Tuesday, December 16th
Location: SCLS Auditorium
Time: 9:30 Coffee
10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Meeting
11 a.m. Food and Refreshments
All Are Welcome

TIF Annual Holiday Meeting – December 4, 2014 –
Connetquot Public Library

What: Technology Information Forum Annual Holiday Meeting
When: Thursday, December 4, 2014
Where: Connetquot Public Library
Time: 10 am Meeting – 11am Lunch


Please join us and bring a friend that may be interested in attending as well. We are looking to see faces that we haven’t seen in quite some time and enjoy having new folks attend as well. The tech forum is open to everyone and we encourage all of you to attend.


We also encourage you folks to bring a dish with you as well. Many of you are fantastic cooks and it shows each year! We will provide the main course and salads. We are looking for dessert, snacks, dips, chips and finger foods. Janet Kowal was nice enough to create a form in which you can submit what you will be bringing to the meeting. If you are a visitor, don’t worry about the food, just enjoy the time with your colleagues.
Link to food form:


We will also have our “secret techie”. Please bring a wrapped gift to participate. The limit is $15 this year. Bring one and get one in return. This has always been a big hit and is a fun way to get a surprise gift!


Once again, please think about attending and bring someone you think may be interested in our group. Collectively, we have made great strides in the technology and information arena. Please continue to help us grow!


Happy Holidays!

NYLA presentation: IT vs Librarians 11-8-14

Thank you for attending the NYLA presentation: IT vs Librarians

Presented by Bob Johnson, Manager of Information and Technology at the Emma S. Clark Library, Ellen Druda, Internet Services Librarian at the Half Hollow Hills Community Library, and Stephen Ingram, Digital Services Librarian at the Northport-East Northport Public Library

NYLA 2014 Conference Saturday, November 8
Program Slot #7
9:30 AM – 10:45 AM

There is a longstanding belief that IT staff and Librarians are two departments separated by a different language. The vast changes in access to high speed internet, the proliferation of smartphones and tablets, and the variety of formats in which digital content are consumed is changing how these departments can best serve their communities patrons. IT services and Library services will have to collaborate to adapt the traditional library system to serve the rapidly advancing technological needs of our patrons.

Click on images for PDFs of the programs.

NYLA 2014


IT vs Librarians library conference