CATS Technology Information Forum – Patron Education Meeting – February 6, 2014 – Quogue Library

Hi Folks,
It’s time for our February 2014 TIF Meeting. We will be continuing our discussion on staff and patron education from the January Meeting. This will include a presentation from our friends at the Longwood Public Library, Chris DeCristofaro and Melanie Cardone. Chris and Melanie will be discussing the successful evolution of the iphone / ipad classes they host for their patrons. From inception to a full blown series of classes, the success and feedback have been tremendous.
Join us as we learn about the benefits, challenges and best practices of successfully training the public. Handouts will be made available to guide you in building your own course of programs for your patrons.
Details are as follows:
What: February 2014 Technology Information Forum Meeting
When: February 6, 2014
Where: Quogue Library
Time: 9:30am coffee 10am Meeting
Host: Russ Weisenbacher
Special note (Directions and Parking):
The Quogue Library is located at 90 Quogue Street, Quogue, NY. When searching by name, some GPS devices will send you to the Quogue School. Please use the library’s physical address instead. (Thanks Russ!)
Detailed directions:
Sunrise Hwy (Rte 27) east to Exit 65 South.
Take County Route 104 all the way until it ends in a “T” with County Route 80 (Montauk Hwy).
Make a RIGHT onto County Route 80 (Montauk Hwy).
At the big bend in the road, make a LEFT onto Quogue Street.
Go about 1/2 mile, the library is on the right.  You can park on either side of the road.
Enter through front door, and head to the back room (Shinnecock Room).
Hope to see you all there!
Bob Johnson
Manager of Information and Technology Services
Emma S. Clark Memorial Library
120 Main Street
Setauket, NY 11733

CATS Program: IT vs Librarians

Cats-ITvsLibrarianThe Computer and Technical Services division of SCLA/NYLA will present

IT vs Librarians

At the Brentwood Public Library
December 10th 2013

10 am to 12 pm

Coffee and refreshments will be served at 9:30 am

All are welcome

There is a longstanding belief that IT staff and Librarians are two departments separated by a different language. Join us for the CATS annual meeting to help determine where these two departments are heading, and if they can head there together.

Presenters Elled Druda (Internet Service Librarian), Bob Johnson (Manager of Information and Technology Services) and Stephen Ingram (Computer Librarian) will lead a presentation and panel discussion.



CATS Board 2014

Executive Board 2014

James Matias

VP/President Elect
Xibe Solis

Eileen DeSimone

Kelly Harris

Past President
Stephen Ingram

Members at Large (8)

Bob Johnson

Dominic Iadicco

Tom Cohn

Lisa Bitran

Mary O’Grady

Paul Zukowski

Danielle Zubiller

Min Liu


(RDA): Changes for Users and Catalogers.


Cats RDA 2013 FLYER


No registration required

Wednesday, November 13th
SCLS Auditorium
627 N. Sunrise Highway, Bellport, NY
10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
(Coffee and refreshments served at 9:30)

Resource Description and Access (RDA): Changes for Users and Catalogers. A presentation by Natalia Tomlin.

Resource Description and Access (RDA) launched in 2010 as the successor to Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, Revised, Second Edition (AACR2). The rules of this new cataloging code, as enumerated in the online utility RDA Toolkit, have led to the current period of transition for the cataloging community. RDA represents a shift in cataloging practice aimed to support the digital environment and to improve the user experience by heightening the discoverability of materials and collections. Join Natalia Tomlin, Technical Services Librarian at B. Davis Schwartz Memorial Library at LIU Post, for a morning of learning about RDA principles, vocabulary, new content in bibliographic records and resulting changes in OPAC display.  This presentation will be of interest to working catalogers and other Technical Services personnel, as well as Reference Librarians and everyone else who is curious about the changes they see in OPAC records.


No registration required




October TIF Meeting on Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Housekeeping (approve minutes)
Mobile Millennium Demonstration
Louis DeRobertis will also be demonstrating the new monitoring system and interface through SCLS.
Google Nexus Devices (Round table discussion)
     What are you doing with them and how
Patron Computers – The next generation
     Touch interface?
     Gesture control? Leap Motion?
Group Question and Answer


A demonstration of Mobile Millennium, running Millennium from portable devices and


CATS Long Island Library Conference 2013

Congratulations to Margaret Hennings of the Huntington Public Library who was the winner of our Kindle Fire HD raffle.

kindle fire winner

Thanks to all of you who attended the Long Island Library Conference and visited the CATS table. Special congratulations to the Long Island Library Conference Committee for another successful year.

Links to the slides from two of our presentations are below:

Promises and Perils of Mobile Communication

Bob Johnson

Stephen Ingram
Mobile LILC presentation 2013

Future-proof Your Library Through Collaboration: Where Reference Meets Technology

Ellen Druda

Bob Johnson

Stephen Ingram
Future proof 2013

Look for more upcoming CATS programs.

Stephen Ingram
President CATS