Category Archives: Uncategorized

SCLA Bylaws Vote – through May 2, 2015

Please vote!

Suffolk County Library Association is updating all association and division by-laws to coincide with our merger as a regional chapter of the New York Library Association.Voting to approve bylaw changes is open NOW through May 2, 2015. Bylaws require a majority membership vote for approval.

A complete list of all bylaws changes is available here:

To vote, click on the “Vote” button.

The next screen will ask for your log-in and password. Your SCLA account information will allow you to login to NYLA’s page. (If needed, you can request your password from the NYLA office.)

Enter your information, then click “Log On”
Click on “Voting – Polls / Elections” from the left-hand menu.
The next screen will display a list of the ballots that you are currently eligible to participate in.
Vote on each eligible ballot separately.
Complete the voting process and click “Submit”.

Your vote is anonymous.  You will only be able to submit your ballot once.

For security purposes, it is recommended that you “log out” of your browser window when you have completed your visit to the NYLA-SCLA website.

If you are unsure of your membership status, please contact Membership Chair Lauren Bernat (

Please contact SCLA President Laura Panter with any bylaws questions or concerns (

Stephen-CATS-award-April 2015

At the April 2015 TIF meeting, Stephen Ingram was presented with a plaque for his years of service on the CATS board.  Congratulations Stephen!

TIF Meeting – Thursday, February 5, 2015 – Sachem Public Library

The February Technology Information Forum meeting is scheduled for this Thursday at the Sachem Public Library. Chris DeCrisofaro will be our host and will open up with a lively presentation entitled “Makerspace: It’s more than just a 3D Printer”
Why a makerspace? What is the need for this? Is now the right time? How would a library go about starting this initiative? What would the steps be to logistically roll out a makerspace and see it through to completion? We will have insight into the answers behind these questions and so much more at our next meeting.
Please join us for what promises to be a very lively discussion among your peers and professionals.
What: February 2015 – Technology Information Forum Meeting
Where: The Sachem Public Library
When: Thursday, February 5, 2015
Time: 9:30 am coffee 10:00 am meeting
Host: Chris DeCristofaro


Long Island Library Conference Followup

Raffle Photo winner


Congratulations to Erin Schaarschmidt from the Port Jefferson Free Library for winning our iPad mini at the Long Island Library Conference.

We are also posting presentations from the conference for those who missed our programs.





LILC_2014 Bob Johnson

lilc2014 Ellen Druda

IT vs Librarians Stephen Ingram

LILC2014 PPT Ted Gutmann

RDA PRINCIPLES Natalia Tomlin,

Chromebox OPAC Settings

chrome box

ChromeBox OPAC Instructions

Guide to setting up a Google Chromebox as an OPAC courtesy of Melanie Hedgespeth of the Salinas Public Library, as presented by Eric Cohen of JJML at the TIF meeting on 4/3/2014.

Melanie’s document contains a long list of Blacklist exceptions because she allows patrons to use the Chromebox for other library-related purposes in addition to accessing the catalog. Also her list has exeptions for her catalog, not the PALS catalog. If you would like to set up a your Chromebox as a more traditional (and limited) OPAC with access to the PALS catalog, use the following for your Blacklist extensions:

Of course, this list may be modifies to suit your needs.

 Address questions to Eric at or Melanie at

CATS Board 2014

Executive Board 2014

James Matias

VP/President Elect
Xibe Solis

Eileen DeSimone

Kelly Harris

Past President
Stephen Ingram

Members at Large (8)

Bob Johnson

Dominic Iadicco

Tom Cohn

Lisa Bitran

Mary O’Grady

Paul Zukowski

Danielle Zubiller

Min Liu


(RDA): Changes for Users and Catalogers.


Cats RDA 2013 FLYER


No registration required

Wednesday, November 13th
SCLS Auditorium
627 N. Sunrise Highway, Bellport, NY
10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
(Coffee and refreshments served at 9:30)

Resource Description and Access (RDA): Changes for Users and Catalogers. A presentation by Natalia Tomlin.

Resource Description and Access (RDA) launched in 2010 as the successor to Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, Revised, Second Edition (AACR2). The rules of this new cataloging code, as enumerated in the online utility RDA Toolkit, have led to the current period of transition for the cataloging community. RDA represents a shift in cataloging practice aimed to support the digital environment and to improve the user experience by heightening the discoverability of materials and collections. Join Natalia Tomlin, Technical Services Librarian at B. Davis Schwartz Memorial Library at LIU Post, for a morning of learning about RDA principles, vocabulary, new content in bibliographic records and resulting changes in OPAC display.  This presentation will be of interest to working catalogers and other Technical Services personnel, as well as Reference Librarians and everyone else who is curious about the changes they see in OPAC records.


No registration required




October TIF Meeting on Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Housekeeping (approve minutes)
Mobile Millennium Demonstration
Louis DeRobertis will also be demonstrating the new monitoring system and interface through SCLS.
Google Nexus Devices (Round table discussion)
     What are you doing with them and how
Patron Computers – The next generation
     Touch interface?
     Gesture control? Leap Motion?
Group Question and Answer


A demonstration of Mobile Millennium, running Millennium from portable devices and